Walk 2 – Torver – Tranearth

This is one of a series of walks based on the
X12 bus route. For other leaflets in this
series, at www.golakes.co.uk/travel/on-foot
select Walks from the X12 bus and specify
Borderless and Two-sided printing before
you print them. For the bus timetable go to
Bus Walks
Let the bus take the strain!
Coniston - Ulverston area
The bus will stop anywhere provided it is
safe to do so.
This walk can be followed using the
Ordnance Survey Landranger 96 (Barrow-inFurness & South Lakeland) map at 1:50,000
scale. At 1:25,000 scale, you will need the
Ordnance Survey Explorer OL6 (The English
Lakes South-western Area).
While the content of this walking guide is
believed to be accurate, no responsibility is
accepted for any errors or omissions. We’d
be grateful if you could send any corrections
or suggestions to:
[email protected]
Produced by volunteers from Coniston in
support of our much appreciated bus
service. Supported by Coniston 14 Road
Race www.coniston14.com
Illustrations by Fiona Reeves
[email protected]
The country between Coniston and
Ulverston provides some fine varied walks.
They are ideal if you want a not-toochallenging walk, with great views, outside
the high fells. Using the bus allows you to
enjoy linear (A to B) walks. There are
currently 8 leaflets describing walks of
around 6 km (4 miles).
Walk 2: Torver – Tranearth – Coniston
(6 km / 3½ miles)
This 2 hour, 6 km (3½ mile) walk involves
150m of ascent, mainly on a good track.
From Banishead quarry it crosses open,
common land, where there are numerous
tracks. For simplicity (and good views) the
route follows a stone wall for this section.
Walking boots recommended.
Start at the T-junction in Torver (SD
284942). Take the footpath, signposted ‘Ash
Gill’, to the right of the Wilson’s Arms. At
the path junction after 350m there is a
footpath which goes straight ahead through
a small gate. Ignore this and turn right on
the lower path which winds between dry
stone walls to another path junction. Take
the left fork to a lane leading from the
house ‘High Torver Park’. Turn right along
the lane to join the public bridleway signed
to Walna Scar (SD 283946).
Once past the houses and through the
gate, continue on a stony track climbing
steadily uphill with views of Coniston Old
Man. The track passes the climbing club hut
at Tranearth and continues to a set of sheep
pens (about 40 minutes from the start, now
at SD 280958). Go through the small gate on
the right and cross Torver Beck by the
bridge. You are now alongside the slate tips
of the disused Banishead quarry with a
footpath sign in front of you .
Walk 2
Torver – Tranearth –
Turn right and walk down the path in the
direction of Little Arrow for 150m. After
crossing a footbridge, take a small, ill-defined
path on the left which rises to follow the
wall. A grassy path climbs steeply close to
the wall. Follow this but, at a small stream
about 100m from the wall T-junction ahead,
veer left on a small path passing a broken
rock outcrop on your right. You will soon see
the same wall above you on your right-hand
side. Your path drops to a small stone dam
and then continues along a little ridge with
the same stone wall close-by still on your
right. There are fine views across Coniston
Water and Grizedale Forest. The path drops
down to a sheepfold (about 1¼ hrs from
start, now at SD 291964).
this go through the gate on the left.
Continue on the bridleway, through two
more gates with the beck still on your left.
After the gate is a lane with houses on
your left. Below the first house, cross the
bridge and follow the path along the edge
of a garden and into a field. The welldefined path drops steeply to the old
Coniston- Foxfield railway line. Turn left
and follow the line to its end, continuing
onto Station Road and turning right
where it meets the Walna Scar road. This
brings you down into Coniston village.
Turn left then right for the bus shelter,
which is beyond St Andrew’s Church and
near the Tourist Information Centre
(about 1¾ hrs from start).
Turn left at the sheepfold, keeping the
wall on your right until you come to a gate
and ladder stile. Cross the stile and follow
the bridleway down through the field and
across the beck at the bottom corner.
Continue on, ignoring a path which crosses a
small footbridge on your left. Just beyond
St Andrew’s Church