Ink Factory,Dewas A Unitof SecurityPrinting& Minting CorDorationof lndiaLimited (WhollyOwnedby Govt.oflndia) A.B,Road,BehindChamudaTekri Dewas.455001, MadhyaPradesh,INDIA CIN:U22213DL2006GOI144763 NotTransferable SecurityClassification: TENDERDOCUMENT FORPURCHASE LITHOTACK FLUORESCENT OF:PlGl\4ENT BLUEPANTONE 801'C. renderNumber: 6000005912d1N1f{801 34e4lFBLUE/1 5,Dated: ThisTenderDocumenlContains_Pages. TenderDocumentis sold to: TheBidder, ( 104573 ) INDIA Details ofContact person in SPMCILregarding this tender: Name: S.SUGUMAR, Designation: Dy. IVlanage(Technical Ope Address: BNPD(BankNote Press,Dewas) lndia Regd.Ofiice:-Jawahaf VyaparBhawan,Janpalh,New Delhi-110001 T01.1 TenderNumber:6000005932 Sectionl: Notice InvitingTender(NlT) 6000005932 5 /tNK10013494|FBLUE|1 29.04.2015 (Date) (SPNTCIL's TenderSl No.) qualified qoods tenderers for supplv of followinq S()aledtendersare invitedtrom elioibleand & services: Remarks Sch BriefDescription Quantity EarnestMoney (withunit) (ln Rs.) o, of Goods/services No. Fluo.BluePantone 100.000 3400.00 tN FoRM oF REFER SECTIONVI 3 Lithotack DD/FDR/BANKER#SCHQ II v LtsT of FAVOR OF THE GENERATREQUIREI\,4ENT 3 MANAGER, B.N.P.,DEWAS TECHNICAL 0.00 SPECIFICATION. fypeofTender(TwoBid/PQB/EOURC/Developmenu ]NE-BID -IMITED ndiqenization/ Disposalof Scrap/Securityltemetc.) :rom to durinqofficehours. )ates of sale oftender documents: )laceof saleoftenderdocuments !OT APPLICABLE 19.05.201514:30:00 )losinqdate and time for receiptoftenders )lace of receiptoftenderc }ANKNOTEPRESS,DEWAS 29.05.20'1515:00:00 Time and dateof ooeninooftende6 )lace of openinqof tenders }ANKNOTEPRESS,DEWAS S.SUGUMAR. {ominated Person/Designation to ReceiveBulkyTenders )v. Manaqe(TechnicalODe Clause 2'1.21.1 of GIT) 1 B01-C RMPGOOOO2O KG 2. Interested tenderersmay obtainfurtherinformation aboutthis requirement from the sboveofficesellingthe Theymayalsovisittiurwebsitementioned aboveforfurlherdetails. documents. fee of Rs ....N.A..(amount).per 3. Tenderdocuments maybe purchased on paymentof non-refundable set in the payee cheque/certified cheque, drawnon a scheduled in formofaccount demanddraft/cashier#s @mmercialbank at N.A (nameof the place). India,in favourof SPV|C|L..N.A.(name of unit),payable posvspeedpostto thedomestic willbemailedby registered tenderers andby 4. lf requested, thetenderdocLrments persetwillbe Rs..N.A.... post for whichextraexpenditure fordomestic international air-fiailto theforcigntenderers, postagecostin the non+efundable lee andRs..N.A... for international air-mail. Thetendereris to addthe applicable in Pata3 +ov(i. mentioned fromthe website: \ N.A.and 5. Tenderermayalsodownload the tenderdocuments document, alongwiththttrequirednon-refundable fee as mentioned in submitits tenderby utilizing the downloaded Para3 above. 6, Tenderers shallensurethattheirtenders,dutysealedand signed,completein all respectsas per instructions aredroppedin thetenderboxlocatedat theaddressgivenbelowon or before conl6iiieijin theTenderDocuments, me time indicatedin the Para 1 above,failingwhichthe tenderswill be Aeatedas lateand rejected. of the above mentioneddates beingdeclaredas a holiday/closedday for the purchase dayatthe appointed rs willbe sold/received/ openedonthenextworking time. arenottransferable, firmshouldbe validfor 90 Daysfiom lhe dale ol openingof lenderdocument. VyaparBhawan,Janpath,New Delhi-l10001 Regd.Office:-Jawahar Seco1.1 TenderNumber:6000005932 (GlT)pleasereferto ourwebsite: 10.Fordetailsregarding GeneralInstruction lo Tende.erc httpJ/ (GCC)pleaserefer1oourwebsite: of Contract 11.Fordetailsregarding GeneralConditions httpJ/ 12.Thebidderhaveto submitthe quoialionstricilyas perourtenderenquiryspecification andtermsandconditions only. 13.Nore:Section Vlll,lX,Xll,Xlll,XlV.XV,)(VIllarenotapplicable. and is not an openinvitation to quotein the 14. "Thisnoticeis beingpublished only as an abundantprecaution Tende..Participation onlyand is limiiedto the selectedSPIICIL'SRegistered Bidders in thistenderis by invitation (as per listenclosed). for the item,whohavebeensentthisTenderby Posucourier Unsolicited offersare liableto be igaored-" '15.Themateriatcode iiMPG00oo20 is our internalcodemadefor BankNotePress,Dewasspecificpurposeand havenorelevance ForitemdetailsDlease refersectionVl & Vll, in cofiunonmaaket. 16. Rightof Acceptance :- The Generallvlanager, BankNotePress,Dewasreservesthe rightto relectanyor all For and BankNote GeneralManager Email: [email protected] ^ Fax107272255111 |(agnun€ndan Sivarcop u1"t1i] gFrG EtiiStI rtial.J Officer ldaterials 3ifti@:$ (srdtatt ) Eant NotePress,De!,vas Ir,1t:.) {-oi-}egiEfi${.iair] (q r i Regd.OfflceiJawaharVyaparBhawan,Janpath,New Delhi-110001 Sec01.2 TenderNumber:6000005932 ichedule 3reitDescriptionofgoods and services(Related \ccounting {o. Jnit ipecificationsetc.arein Section.vll) 00010 RMPG000020LithotackFluo.Elue Pantone801-C luantity \mountof Earnest 100.000 3400.00 tN FoRr! OF DDiFDR/BANKER#S CHQ IN FAVOR Of THE GENERAI MANAGER, B.N-P, DEWAS 0.00 f. FORTerms:BankNotePressDewas(M.P.) productname,B.No.c.wt.,N.M.T.wt. 2. Packing: Packing shouldbe in 20 Kg IVSdrums/Plasticdrums,indicating protection etc,Thesuppliershallanangefor adequate andpackingofthe storesso as to avoidanylossor damage packing. foranylosso. damageduringtransitdueto defective duringtransit.Thesupplierwould alsobe responsible in SectionVll (Technical 3. Thetechnical requirement of the itemis mentioned Specification) and haveio submita Specification mentioned in SectionVll. testcertiiicate for confirmation to ourTechnical 4. Thefirmhaveto submitl\,4aterial SafetyDataSheetofthe iiem. 5. Reouired Termsol DeliveN:FORBankNotePaessDewasStores, 6. Replacement : lf thematerial is rejected foranyreasonthesupplierhaveto replacethe matedalat firmsowncosl andriskfiomourpressandagainsupplythematerial as perourreqLrircment. 7. Required Delivery Sched!le: Within01 monthsfromthedateof purchase order. willbemadewithin30 daysafterreceipt,inspection 8. Payment Term:100%payment andacceptance of malerial al BankNotePressDewasStoresthroughRTGSonly.So thefirmsafe requested to submitRTGSdetailsalongwith thequotalion. shouldbe in safeandsecuredmanner 9. Prefeffed modeof Transporiation: As desiredbythebiddefwhich 10.Destination 455001 i BanliNotePress,Dewas(l\,4.P.) Ph.No.0727226A468 | 268253 Fa\ No.07272255111 E-mail:[email protected], [email protected] 11.Thebiddermusthaveto submitthefollowing alongwithlhehquotaiion: Addressof Firm,PhoneNumber,l/obileNumber,FaxNumber, a. Nameofthe Firm,Nameofthe Proprietof, E-mail b. RTGSOetailsconsisting of Nameof theBank,AccountNumbef,IFSCCode& IVICRCode. Tax/ SetuiceTax/ ExciseRegistration No.(Enclose a copyof certiiicate c. Local/CentralSales as applicable). TaxP.A.N. No.(Enclose d. Income a copy). (Enclose Registration a copyof cerlificate as applicable). e. Details C / DGS&D/[.4S[rE 12. i E[rD of Rs.3,400=00 must be submiltedalong with the tender in form of from any scheduledcommercialbankin India, in favoorof#The GeneralManager, I;, ayableatDewas,Failingwhichthe offerwill be ignored.Thefim who are registered VyaparAhawan,Janpath,New Delhi-110001 Regd.OfficeaJawahar Sec05.1 TenderNumber:6000005932 under NSIC,DGS&D,Micro& Small Enterprises(MSE) for Manufacturing / Selling/ Tradingof similaritem may be exemptedfrom submittinglhe EMD on producingvalidcerlificate.The certiiicateshouldclearlyindicatesthe Stores Detailssimilarto Bank Note Press requiremeniand the validityof the certificate(Validupto _) otherwise,Ceriificatewill not be consideredforexemptionof EMD. '13.Validity: Priceofferedby-lhefi.m shouldbe validfor minimum90 days. '14.SecurityDeposit: It the value of the purchaseorderwill exceedRs.1,5O,OOO| then the flrm on whom purchase orderwill be placedwill haveto submii 10%of the total cost of the purchaseorderagainstsecuritydepositin form of DD/ FDR/ Banker'scheque drawn on any scheduledcommercialbank in India only in lhe favour of "The General Manager,BNP Dewas"payableai Dewaswithin21 Daysfrom the dateof order.The SecurityDepositshouldremain validfor a periodof 60 days beyondlhe date of completionof all contractualobligalions. Noie:Tenderer#sattentionis drawnto GIT clause 17 and GIT sub-clause10.1 '1.The tendereris to providethe requheddetails,information,confirmations, etc accordingly,failingwhichit#stender is liablelo be ignored.Followingdetailsmay also be provided.(Mandatory) NameofFirm: i Nameof the Proprieior/Owner/Director: iii Completeaddressofthe finn : iv Contactof fkm : PhoneNo. MobileNo. FAX No. E-mailNo. J Local/ CentralSalesTax / ServiceTax/ ExciseRegistrationNo. (Copyof cerlificateenclosed.If applicable) vi IncomeTax P.A.N.No.(Copyenclosed): vii FortransactionthroughRTGS/NEFTI 1.Nameof Bank 2. AccountNo 3. MICRNo Regd.OfficeiJawaharVyaparBhawan,Janpalh,NewOelhr110001 Sec05.2 TenderNumber:6000005932 copies. PleaseenclosePhotostat viii Detailsof ITCC/ NSIC/ DGS&DRegistration. proof. documentary fi.mis MSMERegistered ifyes,pleaseenclosethecopyof relevant Whetherthe proofshouldbesubmitted regarding the l\,4SE#s ownedby SC/STEntrepreneurs. Relevant documentary Name& Signature Date: Sealofthe Firm& Address e.9 Regd.OfiiceiJawaharVyaparBhawan,Janpaih,New Delhi-110001 TenderNumber:6000005932 SebtionVll: TechnicalSpecifications jn suitableresinsystemin a pasteforn. i. Form : Flushed ii. Shade,Strength, Opacity, iransparency, Cnemical Resistance, Lightfastness& clow underUV light: lt should be as perslandard materialkept withus within1 5% of thestandard sample.(Colourstrengthmorethan5% is atso acceptable.). iii.Compatibility:Compatible_wiihDryjngoil,Alkyd/Phenolictypevarnishsystems. iv.Particle size/Fineness of g.indon Hegmann cauge: 5 to 7.5microns. v. Flow: Shouldbefreeflowingwhenmixedwithp:stetypeUP & O/S inks. vi.Application :lt willbe usedfor makinghighqualityprintinginks. (t Regd.Office:-Jawahar VyapafBhawan,Janpalh,New Delhi-l10001 Sec06.1 Xl: PRICESCHEDULE SECTION [To be submittedalongwiththe tender] To, TheGeneralManager, BankNote Press, (A unit of SecurityPrinting andMinting Corporationoflndia Limited) De$as(M.P.) - INDIA Sub : PriceBid lbr ?rocurement of PigmentLithotackFluorescent BluePantone801-C. Ref : Your tenderenquiryNo. 6000005932[NKJ100l3494lFBLUE/ls Dated29.04.2015. Dear Sir, sl. No. Description 2 l. Basic Pdce (Rs.) Quantiry Per Unit Ercise Dury@ Y" ^ttd {Rs.) P€r Unit Fretght, Iisurance, other PerUnit charges ifany (Rs.) Tar@o/o and (Rs.) 6 3 Total rate per unrt (FOR BNP, Dewas)Es.) Total Price (FOR BNP Dewas) (Rs) (4.f5+6f7) (8x3) 7 Lithotack Fluo, Blue 100Kgs Pantone 80l-C RMPG()(]()02O Date: Name& Signature Sealofthe Firm Address: Note: i) ii) iii) iv) il{ m Priceshouldquotedexactlyas per the format givenabove. Pricebidswith conditiorl/counterconditionsarcliable for rejection. Firm hasto quotethe price within 2 decimalplace.Pricequote beyond2 decimalplaceis ignored. Thebasicratesshallbequotedon thebasisofchargespaidto individualperson. ftwahar Vycphr Bhaw.n,Janpath,NewDclhi - I10001 T01.1 TenderNumber:6000005932 -The SectionXVll: Letterof authorityfor attend Gen6ieffranger, Inkfactory,Dewas. LITHOTACK Subject:Authorization for attendingbid openingon 29.05.2015in the Tenderof PIG[,'IENT FLUORESCENT BLUEPANTONE 801-C,. Followingpe€ons are herebyauthorizedto attendthe bid openingforthe tendermentionedaboveon behalfof in orderof preferencegivenbelow. _(Bidde4 Order oI Preference Name Specimen Siqnatures Alternate reoresentative Signaturesof bidderor Officerauthorizedio sign the bid Documentson behalfof the bidder. Note: 1. Ivlaximum of tworepresenialives willbe permrtledto atlendbrdopenrng.In caseswhereit is reslrictedlo one, firstpreference willbe allowed.Alternate representative will be pemitted when regularrepresenta$ves a.e not able to attend. 2. Permission as prescribed forentryto thehallwherebidsareopenedmaybe refusedin case aLrthorization aboveis notaecovercd. NewDelhi-1 10001 Regd.offiae:-JawaharVyapar Bhawan, Janpath, LISTOFPROBABLESUPPLIERS FOR PIGMENTS M/s JupiterDyesPvt.Ltd. 218,Vasupujya Est.LaxmiNagarNewLinkRoa4 (\41 Goregaon Mumbai- 400104(Maharashtra) M/s TurakhiaChemicals 10, Park Road,RaikumarMill Chouraha lndore (Madhya Pradesh) Email:tcnolST@yahoo,com M/s K-Techondia]Pfi. Ltd. TB,Bata Compound, E.E.Highwa,Khopat, Thane(WJ- 400 601 (Maharashtra) Eniail: [email protected] M/s Vipul DyeChemLtd. 102,AndheriDesai Road,Andheri{rvl, Mumbai - 400 053 (Maharashtra) Email : [email protected] M/s Highland0rganicPiFnents 2S,Kembore IndusffialEstate68/3-4, MillRoad,AishBagh P.0.Box.No.17331, 0pp.L.B.S. MargBhandup, lvlumbai- 400 098 (Maharashtra) M/s Amrut Industries 9/A, PutlibaiBhavan, ZaverRoad,Mulund fwestJ, Mumbai - 400 080 (Maharashtra) M/s J.J.Associates Shopno.36,Vishal Tower, IndiraCompletNearNavlakha BusStand, Navlakha chouraha, Indore- 4252001(M.P.) Email:[email protected] M/s KrimaSil P!t. Ltd. 3613,GIDC Estate, BehindTelephone Exchange, Anldeshwar-393002(Guiarat) M /c (rni.w Fnrarnri.6c BT-2AlBT-3A,CroundFloor, Saubhagya CHSLtd. JeevanVikas KendraMarg, OffSaharRoadKoldongri,Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 069 (Maharashtra) Email : [email protected] M/s EshaanEnterprises, 4/6,lll Floor,L.M.ComplexFreeganj, Uiiain (Madhya Pradesh) Email:[email protected] M/s Hind Chemicals ShopNo.36,Indira Compler VishalTower NearNavlakhaBusStand NavlakhaSquare Indore - 452 001 (Madhya Pradesh) M/s Pigment&Allieds 61, PanvelIndustrialCo-opEstateLtd. PANVEL- 410 206 Distt. Raigad (Maharashtra) Email:[email protected] M/s ShreeRamDyeChem C1/B-7007,G.l.D.C.lnds.Estate Ankeleshwar - 393 002 (Guiarat) M/s SohanDyeChemPvt.Ltd. W-126,MIDC,PhaseII, Dombivlt(E) - 421204 Dist. Thane. {Maharashtra) Email:[email protected] M/s oswal Udyog C - 21 1- 213, MoryaHouse OffNew LinkRoad,Andheri (vr/l Mumbai - 400053 (Maharashtra) Email: [email protected] M/s DevarsonsIndustriesPvt.Ltd., 441,G.l.D.C., Odhav, Ahmedabad - 382415 (Guiarat) Email: general@deva$ M/s MahavirTradingCompany 1, DevabhaiLalabhaiEstateThakkarbapaNagat Ahmedabad - 382350 (Guiarat) Email I [email protected] M/s MeghmaniOrganicsLimite4 PlotNo.1B4(Phasell), G.l.D.C. Industrial Estate,Vatva Ahmedabad-382,t4s (cuiarat) Email : [email protected] M/s Metawares 0ndia)Pvt.Lfd. 511,AmbaTower, CommunilyCenter, D.C.Chowh Sec.9,Rohini, NewDelhi-11008s Email r [email protected] M/s PhthaloColours& Chemicals(lndia] Ltd. "NanavatiMahalaya"6th Floor 18, Homi ModyStreetFoft, Mumbai-400001 (Maharashtra) Email : [email protected] M/s Heubach ColourP!t. Ltd. 2nd Floor,LandmarkBuilding RaceCourseCircle,GotriRoad Baroda-390007 (Guiarat) Email:[email protected] M/s VoxcoPigments& ChemicalsPvt.Ltd. 505, KanePlaza,Mind Space OffLink Roa4 MaladWest ,. Mumbai- 400064 (Maharashtra) Email: [email protected] : M/s DipenIndusbies, Plot No.1706/10,GIDCIndu$trialEstatq Ankleshwar - 393 002 (Guiarat) E-mail: dipenindustries@gm?il.aom, [email protected] i!': i i ''' M/s VardhmanChemicalt Plotno.C - 1/58, PhaseII GIDCEstate,Vatva Ahmedabad- 382 445 (Gujarat) E-mail : [email protected] M/s B. N. Mehra& Company 455, DLFTower,15 ShivajiMarg New Delhi - 110 015 E-mail :[email protected] i I
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