Tuesday Rooms st March Room 1—SU Room 2—SU Room 6—SU Room 8—SU Samuel Alexander Building— Main Lecture Theatre The Recurrent nature of financial L L crises and speculative booms—Devrim Yilmaz An Economy for planet Citizen’s Crash Course and people delivered by in Steady State Manchester Economics 1 Times 9am —9:30 Registration 9:30—10:50 Catholicism & Markets—Clifford Longley & Philip Booth DB 10:50—11:20 W Samuel Alexander Building 2 W Tea & Coffee Break Paul Mason— L Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future 11:20—12:30 12:30—1:30 Lunch 1:30—3:00 How Does Religion Guide our The Influence of Economic Choices? Lobbying with John Roundtable with Christensen D D Kelvin Ravenscroft Citizen’s Crash Course Kicking Away the in Ladder: Development Economics 2 Economics with HaW Joon Chang L 3:00—3:30 Tea & Coffee Break 3:30—5 Economic Jargon Busting with Claire Jones W 7—10 Practical Curriculum Change with Steve Keen, Will Davies of Goldsmith’s University and Sara Gorgoni of W Greenwich University An introduction to Buddhist Economics with Colin Ash W Conversations Across Borders: Conversations about Welfare and Happiness with Julie Richardson & John O'Neill D Conversations Across Borders: The political nature of economics with Ha-Joon Chang & Pat D Devine World Premier of Boom Bust Boom and Q&A with the filmmakers—at Z-Arts Theatre, Hulme Key: L = Lecture D = Discussion DB = Debate W = Workshop Wednesday st April Rooms Room 1—SU Room 2—SU Room 6—SU Room 8—SU Samuel Alexander Samuel Alexander Building - Main Building—A116 Lecture Theatre Times 9—9:30 Registration Citizen’s Crash Course in Economics 3 Alternative Policy Responses to the crisis —Devrim Yilmaz 9:30—10:50 Conversations Across Borders: Complex Systems with Alan Kirman & Tim Crabtree W L D 10:50—11:20 Tea & Coffee Break 11:20—12:30 Young People and Austerity with People & Planet Shifts and Shocks with Martin Wolf L W 12:30—1:30 Lunch 1:30—3:00 The Economics of Climate Change—with NUS, People and Planet and Tim Crabtree Banking 101 with Positive Money D 3:00—3:30 Tea & Coffee Break 3:30—5 The Economics of A Roundtable on Housing—with E15 Mums, Dan Women and Chandler and Toby Lloyd Austerity with Jill Rubery D W Citizen’s Crash Course in Economics D Key: L = Lecture D = Discussion DB = Debate W = Workshop W Going Beyond the Oversimplication of Human Interactions— L Alan Kirman Conversations Across Borders: Money and Debt with Steve Keen & Srinivas D Raghavendra Can We Afford to Care for Our Elderly? With William Laing and Paula DB Hyde Conversations Across Borders: The Euro Crisis and Reform with Gary Dimsky & Stephen D Davies Thursday nd April Rooms Room 1—SU Room 2—SU Room 6—SU Room 8—SU The Economics Behind Election W Policies with Nick Turnbull and Georgina Incredible Edible— practical gift economics & how to do it yourself W Times 9—9:30 Samuel Alexander Building - Main Lecture Theatre Samuel Alexander Building—A116 Registration 9:30—10:50 Feminist Economics with Bina Agarwal D 10:50—11:20 Tea & Coffee Break 11:20—12:30 Competition and the Crisis with Victoria Chick D An introduction to Islamic Moral Economy with Mehmet Asutay The Economics of EU Integration with Devrim Yilmaz and Julie Ward MEP D D 12:30—1:30 Lunch 1:30—3:00 Low Pay and Working Poverty with Matthew Whittaker, Geoff Tily (TUC), Heather Wakefield (Unison) and Alan Manning D 3:00—3:30 Tea & Coffee Break 3:30—5 Reindustrialisation with David Bailey and Karel Williams D A Roundtable on Co-operative business with Unicorn Grocery and D Three Bees The Economics Behind Election Policies with Nick Turnbull and Georgina Waylen Arguing for Pluralism— Jamie Morgan of the Association of W Heterodox Economists Spoken Word Workshop with Young Identity W W 5—5:30 Closing Speeches: Samuel Alexander Building—Main Lecture Theatre Key: L = Lecture D = Discussion DB = Debate W = Workshop The European Debt Crisis with Vicky Pryce and James Meadway D Universities: Business, Public Service or Both? with Andrew McGettigan, Harriet Pugh and Luke Georghiou DB Conversations Across Borders: Feminist economics and inequality, a north south conversation D with Naila Kabeer & Diane Perrons Conversations Across Borders: Conversations about Pluralism in Economics with Ioana D Negru and Robert Skidelsky
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