March 16, 2015 Dear Potential TIP Intern: The Boston Center for Independent Living is excited to announce our fifth annual summer Transition Internship Program (TIP). TIP is a great opportunity for youth with disabilities, ages 16-22, to gain valuable work experience, and we hope that you are interested in joining us this summer! How does TIP work? TIP hires and matches each intern with partner sites where they work for the summer. Our partner sites are looking for interns who are energetic, committed to coming to work, eager to make a positive contribution to their organization, and ready and willing to learn. Interns can work for their site between twelve to twenty hours per week and will also be expected to attend weekly employment skill building workshops at BCIL. Interns are paid $10/hour by BCIL, and placements will last between seven to ten weeks (this is dependent upon the date of summer release for public schools); TIP expects to begin placing students in early July and the program will run through the end of August. This is a real world work experience, and we expect that interns will commit to completing the entire program. If you plan on going to camp or on a family vacation over the summer, this may not be the best summer for you to apply to be a TIP intern. We suggest you discuss this with your parent(s) or guardian(s) before you apply. If you have any questions, you can also feel free to contact Sarah Kaplan, at 617-338-6665 ext. 225 or [email protected]. More information and the application are available on our website at How do I become a TIP intern? • Complete and submit the application attached, and return it to our office by Friday, May 1st, 2015 at 5 pm-- incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. Return address information is located at the end of the TIP summer 2015 application. • After the application deadline has passed, we will begin contacting applicants via email to set up first round interviews in our office. • If you are finalist for the TIP program after this first interview, we will make placement suggestions and connect you with our partner organizations so you can arrange final interviews. • Each internship site will make the final hiring decisions as to which intern they want to work with for the summer. We hope that you are interested in being part of BCIL’s Transition Internship Program and we look forward to receiving your application! Good luck! Transition Internship Program (TIP) Application Summer 2015 Please complete and submit the application by Friday, May 1st, 2015 Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Personal Information Name: ______________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________State: ___________ Zip: _________________ Phone Number: ___________________*Email address: ________________________ *Please Note: All communication by TIP staff will be completed via e-mail, so please be sure to check e-mail frequently. Name of Your High School: ________________________________________ Current Grade Level: ____________________________________ High School Graduation Date: ____________________________ Are/were you on an IEP in high school? [ ] Yes [ ] No Do you work with a MRC or an MCB counselor? [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, provide the counselor’s name, agency, and phone number: _______________________________________ [ ] MRC [ ] MCB Please note: Due to funder requirements, we have a limited number of spaces for interns not connected with MRC/MCB. How did you hear about TIP? ________________________________________________________ Have you applied to TIP before: [ ] Yes [ ] No If yes, are you a former TIP intern? [ ] Yes [ ] No Transition Internship Program (TIP) Application Summer 2015 Please complete and submit the application by Friday, May 1st, 2015 Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Internship Availability (We will do our best to accommodate) [ ] Monday ___to ___ [ ] Tuesday____ to ___ [ ] Wednesday___ to ___ [ ] Thursday____ to _____ [ ] Friday_____ to _____ What is your racial background? (Optional): [ ] African American [ ] Asian/Pacific Islander [ ] Caucasian [ ] Latino/Hispanic [ ] Middle Eastern [ ] Native American [ ] Other (please specify)______________ Work / Volunteer Experience History (most recent first; you may add a separate sheet if necessary) Please include your resume if you have one. Employer_____________________________ Dates employed: from _____to_______ Address________________________________________________________________ City________________________State__________________Zip______________ Position Title ______________________________ [ ] Paid [ ] Unpaid Duties_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Supervisor Name______________________ Telephone_____________________ Are you currently employed here: [ ] Yes [ ] No Reason for Leaving__________________________________ May we contact them? [ ] Yes [ ] No Transition Internship Program (TIP) Application Summer 2015 Please complete and submit the application by Friday, May 1st, 2015 Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Employer________________________ Dates employed: from _________ to________ Address________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________State________Zip______________ Position Title ______________________________ [ ] Paid [ ] Unpaid Duties_________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Supervisor Name__________________________ Telephone__________________________ Are you currently employed here: [ ] Yes [ ] No Reason for Leaving____________________________________ May we contact them? [ ] Yes [ ] No Transition Internship Program (TIP) Application Summer 2015 Please complete and submit the application by Friday, May 1st, 2015 Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Please describe your current involvement with your school and your community. Please list any special interests, skills, and/or training you could bring to your internship. Please describe what you hope to gain from this internship experience. Why do you think we should pick you to be a TIP intern? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Transition Internship Program (TIP) Application Summer 2015 Please complete and submit the application by Friday, May 1st, 2015 Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Please provide names and phone numbers for three references: (do not list relatives or friends) 1.)____________________________________________________________________ 2.)____________________________________________________________________ 3.)___________________________________________________________________ (Signature) (VR Counselor’s Signature, if applicable) Return To: Sarah Kaplan Transition Internship Coordinator Boston Center for Independent Living, Inc. 60 Temple Place, 5th Floor Boston, MA 02111-1324 617 338-6665 Ext: 225 (voice) 617 338-6662 (tty) 617 338-6661 (fax) [email protected] (e-mail) (web site) (Date) (Date)
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