Expanded Table of Contents

Summon The Magic
Expanded Table of Contents
Summon The Magic ranges across the following topics:
• The Mental Skills of Professional, Olympic and Collegiate
• Enabling Yourself To Play "In the Zone"
• Proper Preparation, Quality Practice, and Self-Assessment
• Programming Yourself for Success
• Developing a Relaxed Mental Intensity and Mental Discipline
• The Composition and Building Blocks for Confidence
• Harnessing Your Dreams: Turning Your Vision Into Reality
• Action, Belief and the As If principle
• Five Misconceptions about Mental Skills Training
• The Central Role Breathing Plays in Your Performance
• The Three Ways in Which We All Learn
• How To Harness Your Natural Bodily Intelligence
• Finding The Right Balance between Excitement and Anxiety
• Relaxation Techniques for instant, short-term and long-term
• How To Build Support for You & Your Goals among Those
Around You
• How To Handle Criticism Effectively; and How To Sidestep
• The Four Dimensions of Motivation
• The Four Types of Attention (and how attention benefits you
in athletics and life)
• How To Develop Your Observational, Awareness and
Focusing Skills
• How To Develop Goals That Will Work Effectively for You
• How To Overcome The 4 Barriers to Commitment
• How To Use Visualization, Mental Imagery and Mental
• Charting Your Own Performance Curve
• How To Relax in Competitive High Pressure Situations
• How To Improve Your Self-Composure and Situational
• Control of Distractions, Mental Toughness Rehearsal and
Mastery Rehearsal
• How To Avoid Choking and Become a Clutch Performer
• Flaws, Mistakes, Errors, Slumps and Plateaus
• Rituals, Routines, Superstitions, Self-Talk, Cues and Trigger
• Negative Thoughts vs. Quality Thoughts
• Over 50 mental practice techniques and exercises, including
Brain Gym & ITP
• How To Appreciate Failure
• Muscles, Flow and Energy
• Using Bench Time to your best advantage
• About Faith, Trust, Spirit and Will
• The Role of the Coach, and How To Get the Most from Your
• Self-Coaching
• The Power of Immediacy, Immersion and Intensity
• How To Keep Yourself Motivated
• Music's Impact in Sports: Rhythm, Timing, Mindset,
Movement, Multitasking
• Mindfulness and Meditation (the keys to advanced success in
any field?)
• Situational Awareness, the Psychology of Strategy, and the
• How To Recover from Disaster and Injury
• About Teamwork and Leadership
Table of Contents
"The Master Craftsman"
A Mind Map
Ten Tools for Optimal Performance
Tab A Introduction and Overview: On Possibilities and Practice
Tab B The Brain and The Body
Tab C Mental Training and Toughness Training
Tab D The Body and the Brain
Tab E Where Are You Going? How Are You Getting There?
Tab F What's Inside You?: On Belief, Desire, Passion and Intent
Tab G The Link Between Arts and Athletics: Using All Your
Common Senses
Tab H When Things Aren't Going Your Way
Tab I Moving Towards Magic
Tab J The Spirit of the Game
Tab K Food for Thinking..., and Doing and Being
Tab L On Mentors, Coaches and Warriors
Tab M Teams and Teamwork
Tab N Leadership
Tab 0 Dynamic Situational Awareness & The Psychology of
Tab P The Art of Possibility
Tab Q Inner Game Coaching Techniques
Tab R The Ultimate Athlete
Tab S Towards Extraordinary Capabilities
Mind Map
Mind Mints
Tab A Introduction & Overview: Possibilities & Practice
A-1 What is Magic? What does "Summon" mean?
A-3 What are the limitations?
A-4 Using Your Brain (?) to be a Better Athlete?
A-4 In the Zone: 4 Characteristics
A-5 Hints about the Possibilities
A-8 The Embryonic Journey
A-8 How and Where We Can Put Our Brains to Work for Us in
Athletics; At the Beginning;
A-9 Awareness is a Quantum Event
A-10 The Five Levels of Sport
A-12 Five Basic Ways to Improve Sports Performance
A-8 Looking for Your Big Payday?; Have a Quality Experience; Making
Your Dreams Come True; The Benefits of Participation in Athletics
A-14 From Locker Room to Board Room; The Living Presence Within
A-16 Five Misconceptions about Mental Training for Athletes
On Play
A-18 On The Simple Power of Pen and Paper
A-19 The Hand Speaks to the Brain
A-20 An Amazing Athletic Feat; Playfulness is the Father of Invention
A-22 In Lane Two, The Cheetah....;
A-23 Determine Your Athletic Success Profile
A-24 The Nature of Games: The Experience of Excellence
Expressing Itself
A-25 When We are Good at the Things We Like
A-26 thru A-31 Twenty-Two Tips for Making The Most Out of
Practice; Focus, Intensity and Presence
A-32 The Warm-Up A-34 Grooves; Self-Talk
A-36 What is Real and What is Imagined?; Tools of the
A-38 You Can Visualize Success
A-40 Make Something Real Through Action
A-42 Create Your Own Engine of Success
A-44 Action and the "As If' Principle
A-46 Navigating Your Journey; A State of Psychic Balance
A-48 thru A-60 On Learning, Attention, Intelligence
A-61 Imaginative Play, Passion, Skill Acquisition, Understanding
and Realization
A-62 Enrolling in the Greatest University on Earth
A-64 Attention: The Content and Quality of Our Life
A-66 The Power of the Experience of Understanding
A-69 Sport's Exploration of Human Limits
The Impact of Music on Mind, Body and Spirit [Intensity,
Immersion and Immediacy; Optimal Experience
A-73 Disappearance of Self in Action; The Zone: States of
Absorption and Flow
A-75 What Does All This Touchy-Feely Stuff Have to do with
A-77 Three Questions to ask yourself Before Practice
A-78 Develop Your Own Unique Scoring System; Proper
Technique and Shortcuts
A-79 The Five Cornerstones of Movement
A-81 Handling Criticism and Feedback Effectively; The Meaning
of Competition
A-83 Re-Creation; Creating Flow Through Challenge; Our
Capacity to See & Hear
A-85 Success equals....
What Made Tiger Woods So Great? [And…]
A-89 Your Ideal Performance State; Preparation; One at a Time;
Break Your Game Down Into Increments
A-89 Optimal Readiness; Long-Term Preparation
A-90 On Your Quest; Inspiration, Spontaneity, Joy, Intensity and
A-92 Wynton Marsalis on Excellence; Wrestling the Gorilla
A-93 The Manifestation Formula
A-94 Perseverance; The Task at Hand
A-95 Find Yourself a Spotter; Identifications (How You See
Yourself) and Belief
A-96 Competitive Greatness; Find the Key; Life Force and
Energy; Ki
A-98 Three Tools; Ripening; Revelation
Tab B The Brain and The Body
B-1 Why Should You Learn More About the Brain? ]B-2
Encoding Yourself
B-2 thru B-5 The Brain B-6 Thinking is a Bodily Function
B-7 When You Step on a Nail (Neurotransmitters and The
Synaptic Gap)
B-8 Novelty & Learning
B-9 Neurons That Fire Together Get Wired Together
B-9 The Neuronal Basis for Learning; Sprouting New Dendrites
B-10 When You Meet Someone New; When You Think of a Truck;
An Image in the Mind…
B-11 Your Brain at Work B-12 When You Learn to Drive; When
You Order a Pizza B-13 The Most Complex Object in the Universe
B-14 The Three Main Parts of a Brain
B-14 The Fundamental Nature of Learning B-15 Exercise and
Intelligence B-15ff Neurodevelopment: Functions and Profiles
B-18 The Role of the Inner Ear in Learning & Athletic Movement
B-19 Hearing & Learning B-20 Touch & …; Vision & …
B-21 The Eyes in Motion; The Importance of Sensory Learning
B-22 Body, Mind & Emotions B-23 Music & the Body in Learning
B-24 Changing your Patterns of Thinking Changes the Brain's
B-24 The Heart is Chemically Linked to Emotions
B-25 The Brain in Your Heart; That Feeling in Your Gut
B-26 Thinking With the Body
B-27 Your mind is like a VCR; Your Brain is like a Hologram
B-28 Imagination; Inner Awareness; Proprioceptors
B-29 thru B-30 Bodily Intelligence; Body as Pharmacy; An
Illimitable Whirlwind
B-31 To Think is to Practice Cellular Chemistry
B-32 Important Choices: Disaster or Adventure?
B-33 Your Body is the Physical Picture of What You Are Thinking
B-34 The Amygdala and Your Choice to Become Exceptional
B-35 Programming Yourself for Opportunity & Positive Outcomes
B-35 Information from Within the Body
B-36 Emotion and Memory; Athletic Performance Reflects
Thoughts and Feelings
B-37 The Art of Juggling: Mind versus Body
B-37 thru B-39 Making a Quantum Leap in Your Mind; The
Purpose of Emotion
B-40 The Three Types of Attention Control; Overriding Your
Adrenalin Reactions
B-41 The Power of Music in Our Lives
B-42 The Brain's Two Hemispheres
B-43 Are You a Righty or a Lefty?
B-44 Powerful Pictures in the Mind
B-44 To Feel Happy and To Fight Cancer are the Same Thing
B-45 Humor & the Brain/Body; Mind/Body Unity: Trust Your Gut
B-46 Entrainment; The Brain as a Transmitter/Receiver
B-47 thru B-49 Brain Wave Patterns
B-50 Meditation and the Seat of Intention in Your Brain (and Its
Value in Athletics and Life)
B-53 A Revolution in Thought
B-53 Generating Impulses of Energy and Information
B-54 Choices B-54 Thoughts are Gatherings of Energy and
Information in the Void
B-55 Sleep; Water and the Mind/Body
B-56 Maintaining the Right Buzz; The Teen-aged Brain
B-57 Thought, Memory, Intention and Attention
B-58 We Are Metabolized Experience
B-59 Enchantment; Peak Experiences
B-60 Entropy & Your Brain: Break On Through to the Other Side
B-61 Meditation and "No-Mind"; Receiving Your Commission; The
State of Being a Witness
B-62 When We Become Software; Learning to Live in the Body:
Three Different Stages
B-62 Your 10-Watt Bulb
Tab C Mental Training and Toughness Training
C-1 Self-Assessment
C-2 thru C-25 Mental Training and What It Can Accomplish: An
C-2 What Mental Attributes Will Help You Perform Well?
C-2 Is Mental Training Another Phrase for Self-Confidence?
C-3 How Often Should You Practice Mental Training?
C-3 and C-4 Goals and Motivational Techniques
C-4 Associative and Disassociative Thinking
C-4 The Four Types of Attention
C-5 Anxiety versus Arousal
C-5 and C-6 Relaxation and Relaxation Techniques
C-6 thru C-8 Breathing, Focusing, Previewing and Activating
C-9 Using Rituals
C-9 and C-10 Visualization
C-10 and C-11 Focus & Shifting Focus; A Baseball Example
Progressive Relaxation
Seven Keys To Successful Visualization
Holding a Focus
Relaxation in a Game Setting:
Body Awareness Scan C-15 Attention: The Key to Quality
Tiny Signals; How Observation Paid Off for Pedro Martinez
Self-Awareness is Like a Traffic Light
Mobilizing an Ideal Performance State
Performer Skills
Post-Competition Feedback
Using Mental Skills Outside the Arena of Competition
Personal Feedback Sheet
thru C-27 Mindlessness, Mindfulness and Mindful Learning
C-27 thru C-45 Loehr’s Toughness Training
C-27 The Real Markers of Toughness in Sports
C-28 and C-29 Get Tougher: C-30 Make Waves
C-29 Over-Training and Maintenance Training
C-30 Symptoms of Over-Training and Under-Training, Trained
C-31 Natural Rhythms of Stress and Recovery
C-32 Stabilize Your Cycles
C-35 Recovery/Stress Cycles in General
C-37 Emotions and Feelings
C-39 & C-40 Tackling Your Weaknesses; Discomfort & Pain
during Training
C-40 thru C-42 Mental and Emotional Pain; Unmet Needs
C-37 The Highest Level of Self-Awareness
C-38 Mental Toughness
C-44 Strategies for Learning Tough Thinking
C-46 Just for Today
C-47 thru C-52 Planning Your Ups & Downs: Periods, Peaks
& Recovery
C-53 Sample Stress/Recovery Cycle Training Log
C-54 Nowhere Else....
C-45 Loehr's Competitive Adjective Profile
C-56 The Two Primary Energy States; On Awakening in the
C-57 Strategic Pauses: Learning How To Take a Break
C-58 The Secret to Better Performance
Tab D The Body and The Brain
D-1 About Balance and Moving From Center; Centering
D-2 Getting Centered; Find Your Hara!
D-3 Dynamic Momentum; Balancing Aggressiveness and Control
D-3 Mind to Body, Body to Mind, or Both?; Harmonious Balance
and Movement
D-4 and D-5 On Breathing For Relaxation, Power and Control
D-3 and D-4 On Being Centered
D-5 On Getting Going: Feeling Your Intuitive Go!
D-5 Entering and Blending
D-6 Don't Discriminate In the Midst of Action; Act Decisively
Without Reserve!
D-6 Taking Risks versus Taking Gambles
D-7 Pattern Recognition; Expanding Your Mental Filing Cabinet
D-8 Categorization: At the Heart of Mental Activity; Movement
and the Brain
D-9 Pattern Recognition in Sports
D-10 The Hand
D-11 Proprioceptors; The Foot; A Quiet Upper Body and Still
D-12 Movement and Vision
D-13 Muscles are Smart Too!
D-13 and D-14 The Gamma System: How Emotions and
Muscles Connect
D-15 Movement and the Learning Mind: Kinesthetic Intelligence
D-16 Body Awareness
D-17 Get Out of Your Invisible Box; Movement Analysis
D-17 The Benefits of Spontaneous Dance; The 21-Day Cycle
D-18 The Mind at Play
D-20 The Training Effect; Dignity Abandoned
D-21 Motor Units; Patience; Extra Physical Work vs. a Correct
Mental Approach
D-22 thru D-24 Quality Practice and Slow-Motion Practice
D-22 The Routine of Fitness and Skill Development; Mixed
D-24 The Perfect Training Environment; The Right Place to Train
D-25 Practice: On Ritual, Inertia, Tools, Energy and Mastery
D-27 Signal-to-Noise Ratios; Brisby & The Four Dimensions of
D-28 Charting Your Own Performance Curve; Grace
D-29 The Mental Locker and The Blue Line; One Mindset of
Great Performers
D-30 Self-Talk and Motor Movement
D-31 Feel and Do Cues
D-32 Performance Cues; The Paradox of Forgetting Technique
D-33 Placebos and Nocebos; Where is the Music?
D-34 Ten Essential Principles of Self-Improvement
D-35 Guidelines for Training, Imagery, Competition and Focusing
Tab E Where Are You Going? How Are You Getting There?
E-1 Here Be Dragons; Staring Out The Window
E-1 Intense and Sustained Concentration
E-2 So How Do You Make a Kid Blossom?
E-2 Fascination, Concentration, Discipline and Passion
E-3 Making Exceptions for Exceptional Individuals
E-4 Discovering Vocation
E-5 Don't Doubt Your Desire...
E-5 Follow Your Passions and Interests: Become An Expert at
E-5 To Find Your Calling
E-6 Answer These Questions...!
E-6 You Have the Capacity for Anything
E-7 Exploring Your Interests;
E-7 The Golden Opportunity
E-8 Destiny; It's All Invented
E-8 Your Personally Relevant Entry Point: What You Are Attracted
E-9 If You Knew...; Finding Your Guide
E-1O Three Factors for Excellence in Any Field
E-1O An Approach to Positive Action
E-11 The Manifestation Formula
E-12 and E-13 Illusions, Fantasies, Visions and Dreams
E-14 Take Control of Your Space/Time Continuum; Stop
Pretending; Get Clear
E-15 Kill Your Doubts; A Vision With a Task
E-16 Getting Your Brain Into the Game
E-17 Getting Off Your "Buts"
E-17 Self-Motivation and the Dance: Love What You Do
E-18 Finding Diamonds at Your Core
E-19 thru E-26 On Goals
E-20 Behavioral and Process Goals E-24 Suggested Goals for a
Baseball Pitcher
E-24 Guidance, Navigation and Control
E-24 Personal Goals
Feedback Aids to Awareness
On Videotaping
Clear Goals and Feedback
Sources of Feedback for Athletes
The Creative Tension of Competition
Continuous Incremental Improvement
Some Thoughts On Failure and Success
Coping With Adversity
A Visualization for Positive Results
An Exercise for Remembering Your Greater Self
Dealing With Setbacks; Staying on Track
There is No Failure, Only a Delay in Results
The Single Greatest Thing... (Branch Rickey)
thru E-37 How Can I Win if I Don't Come in First?
When You Perform Well... and When You Perform Badly
When You Meet Stiff Headwinds
Tab F What's Inside You?: On Belief, Desire, Passion &
F-1 Which “Self”?; Identifications and Beliefs
F-2 and F-3 Some Thoughts on Self-Concept
F-3 Positive Thoughts Always Overcome Negative Ones
F-4 and F-5 Negative Thoughts versus Quality Thoughts
F-5 Destructive Criticism and Self-Criticism
F-6 Increasing Your Body-Mind Awareness
F-7 Four Qualities of a Winner
F-8 I Am....; Everyone has Choices; On Mediocrity
F-9 Take Responsibility for Your Performance
F-9 The Power of Belief and Role Immersion
F-10 84 to Zip; One Problem with Positive Thinking
F-10 What You Believe You Will Achieve
F-10 How Do You Get Rid of Beliefs You've Come To See as
F-10 The Advantage of Desire
F-11 Two Key Emotions: Fear and Desire
F-11 The Creative Discontent of Everyday Experience
F-12 The Power of Action and Commitment
F-13 Some Thoughts on Commitment; You Are Not Your
F-14 Overcoming The Four Barriers to Commitment
F-15 thru F-17 Belief, Desires versus Beliefs, and Belief and
F-18 The Power and Value of Belief
F-19 Building a Confident Attitude
F-20 and F-21 Intention: Write Out Your Intent, Set Your Intent
F-21 Total Intention, and Intention Taken Too Far
F-22 thru F-25 Discipline
F-23 Dedication: Translating Desire Into Action
F-26 Faith & the Stockdale Paradox; Pray to Be Strong;
Understanding or Faith?
F-27 Unstoppable
F-27 Passion
F-27 Choice is Different from Desire
F-28 thru F-30 Effective Self-Talk and Affirmations
F-31 Programming Your Subconscious Mind; Scripting
F-32 Making That Sports Bottle Really Work For You
F-33 To Create An Instant, Positive State of Mind
F-33 It's The Way You Step on the Mat
F-33 Imposing Your Will
F-33 There is No Greater Pleasure Than...
F-34 Internal and External Resistance
F-35 Responsibility and The Seven R's of Responsibility
F-36 Climbers and Campers
F-36 Follow Your Goals, Not The Crowd
F-36 On Addiction
F-37 The Disciplined Expression of Self
F-37 Sport's Creative and Integrative Power
F-37 The Moment You Become An Athlete
F-38 How To Defeat Your Own Resistance
F-40 To Be Someone or To Do Something?; Being Shaken
Tab G The Arts and Athletics: Using All Your Common
G-1 Why Do You Play?: Uniquely Personal Rewards
G-1 The Spirit in the Details
G-2 Breakthrough Performance
G-2 Sports as an Art Form
G-2 thru G-5 The Gift of the Arts
G-6 Art is a Verb G-7 Yearning and Wonder
G-8 Awareness Exercises G-9 The Skills of the Everyday Artist
G-10 The PREP Tool G-10 WorldReading
G-10 Your Artistic Amateur at Work
G-10 The Mindset of the Energized Zero
G-11 Scanning Your World Intuitively
G-12 Awareness Skills
G-12 Increasing Awareness of Bodily Movement
G-14 Observational Exercises
G-15 Awareness: Journal Exercises
G-16 and G-17 Attention as Psychic Energy
G-18 A Nifty Little Trick
G-18 Awareness in Motion
G-19 Concentration, Awareness and Attention
G-20 The Four Levels of Concentration; Keeping Your Inner Eye
on the Ball
G-21 and G-22 Attentional Skills
G-23 The Three Stages of Attention in Athletics
G-24 Sustained and Focused Attention; Awareness of Self in
G-25 and G-26 Concentration Exercises
G-26 The Essence of Brain Power in Sports
G-27 The Touchy-Feelies in Sports, Music, Art and Life
G-27 thru G-30 Creative Concentration and Mastery Rehearsal
G-30 Is Imagery Rehearsal Proven and Effective?
G-31 thru G-34 Four Different Ways of Paying Attention
G-35 Unconscious Perception
G-36 and G-37 The Process of Sensory Experience
G-38 and G-39 Perception, and Altered Perception in Sports
G-38 > G-42 Proprioception, Visual Tracking, Motor Skill
G-43 Visual Tracking and Depth Perception Training for Baseball
G-44 Why You Should Smile at Your Opponent
G-44 The Attitude of the Dojo
G-45 thru G-48 Mindfulness and Mindful Walking
G-47 The Physiological Benefits of Meditation in Action
G-48 A Mindful Movement/Exercise
G-49 Focusing on Process
G-50 Be Present and Notice What Is
G-52 The Climactic Moment
G-52 Where Is The Music?
G-53 and G-54 Flow Power versus Muscle Power
G-54 thru G-56 Proprioception and Eurhythmics
G-56 and G-57 Rhythm
G-58 The Rhythms and Melodies of Your Body; Toning Up for
G-60 Sound has Power
G-60 Music in Pre-Game Rituals
G-59 and G-61 Improvisation
G-62 Music: The Magic Within Us
G-64 Kinesthetic Anticipation
G-64 and G-65 Listening and Hearing
G-64 Music and the Athletic Body
G-65 Tempo and Rhythm in Athletics
G-67 The Music of the Spheres
G-67 thru G-68 The Sweet Spot in Time
G-69 Pleasure, Music and the Body
G-70 Fine-tuning Rhythm and Consistency
G-70 Using Rhythm To Improve Athletic Technique
G-72 Entrainment and Resonance: How Sound Affects the Body
G-73 The Effect of Music on Mood
G-74 Brain Waves: Entraining States of Mind
G-76 It's Not Only Mozart
G-65 thru G-79 Bodily Feedback, Movement and Kinesthetic
G-80 Multitasking
G-81 Mental Imagery and also G-83 Mental Imagery
G-82 and G-83 Visualization, Mental Imagery and Mental
G-85 Raising Awareness
G-86 Are You Dancing Through Your Sport?
G-86 Relaxed Concentration
G-87 Watch Out for Times of Transition
G-88 Bringing It All Together as One
G-89 Synchronizing Body and Mind
G-90 Journal Writing G-90 Distilling Your Athletic Experience
G-91 Exercise for Reflection
Tab H When Things Aren't Going Your Way
H-1 The Moment of Truth
H-2 On Habits, Pleasure and Moderation; Changing Habits
H-3 Fear, and Five Techniques for Mastering Fear
H-4 Competitive Athletics Means Strong Emotions
H-5 Choking: Failing Under Pressure (and how to avoid it)
H-6 What is Choking? Optimal performance Under Pressure
H-7 Three Kinds of Confidence
H-7 thru H-10 The Composition of Confidence
H-11 thru H-12 Dealing with Injuries
H-13 thru H-14 Using The STOP Tool
H-15 Changing Your Mind
H-16 thru H-17 Recovery Skills
H-17 Grace under Pressure
H-18 thru H-19 Breathing Revisited
H-20 thru H-23 Advanced Elements for Improved Focus
H-24 Total Focus
H-25 and H-26 Mental Toughness Rehearsal
H-26 Clarifying Your Mission
H-27 Responding Correctly When Someone Hits Your Hot Button
H-28 Develop a "Quick Switch"
H-29 Choose Your Responses in Competition
H-29 Gaining Self-Control
H-30 > H-35 Composure: Control of Anxiety/Arousal for Best
H-34 Autogenic Training
H-35 Our Actions Are Shaped by Our Intentions
H-36 Situational Self-Control
H-37 Emotional Intelligence
H-38 Internal Dialogue
H-39 Mental Chatter
H-40 and H-41 Self 1 versus Self 2
H-41 and H-42 Doubt
H-43 Distraction Control
H-43 and H-44 Increasing Your Emotional Skills
H-44 Emotional Intelligence
H-45 Don't Try; The Ninety Percent Law
H-46 Over-Trying Leads to Under-Performing; Staying Within
H-47 and H-48 Taking a Little Off
H-48 The Warrior's Walk
H-48 Refined Indifference
H-49 An Indefinable Looseness
H-50 Give Up Control to Get It
H-51 Consistency
H-52 The Vital Difference between Bravado and Understanding
Tab I Moving Towards Magic
The Awareness Mode
and I-2 Association With the Easy
Expectations and The Quick Fix
Sporting Behavior: Pursuing Victory With Honor
Don't Forget The Game
Humility, Achievement and Recognition
Reacting to Significant Press Coverage
I-6 Post-Game Self-Assessment
I-7 thru I-9 Self-Assessment Using Performance Reflection
I-9 Playing Out of One's Mind
I-10 The Effective Use of Trigger Words
I-11 The Energy of Words; Creating Reality: Do What You Say
I-11 Sound and Silence: Chant and The Planes of Consciousness
I-12 and I-13 Mantras
I-14 and I-15 Primordial Language: The Transformational
Power of Sound
I-15 Chant, Mantra and Tone: The Transformational Power of
thru I-19 Optimal Arousal
Keeping On Going: Energizing Yourself
To Continue Moving Forward Despite Setbacks
The Human Factor of Momentum
Exceptional Energy and Eustress
Loss of self-consciousness
The Best Moments
I-22 and I-23 Defining Flow
I-23 Fundamentals of flow in brief
I-24 The Challenge-Skills Quadrant
I-25 Finding Your Challenge-Skills Balance
I-26 The Difference Between Flow and Peak Performance
I-27 thru I-29 Flow Fundamentals in Detail
I-30 thru I-32 The Autotelic Self and Autotelic Experience
I-33 Establishing Flow Outside of Sports
I-33 Participating in Reality: A Doorway to the Zone
I-34 The Three Main Challenges in Sport and Life
I-35 and I-36 On Pleasure and Enjoyment
I-36 The Elements of Enjoyment
I-37 Compensation & Adjustment: Being Comfortable With
Being Uncomfortable
I-38 thru I-45 On Errors, Mistakes, Flaws, Slumps, Plateaus,
Streaks, Routine, Ritual and Superstition: Who's In Control?
I-46 When You Are Stuck ...
I-45 thru I-46 Clutch Performance
I-48 To Which Tribe Do You Belong?
I-49 The Power To Create Reality; Dancing Onward and Upward
I-50 Can People Create Their Own Reality?
Tab J The Spirit of the Game
J-1 The Athletic Moment of Oneness; The Language of Action
and Being
J-1 Deep Play, and The Joy of Losing Yourself
J-2 Eternity Compressed in a Moment
J-2 The Spiritually Evocative Elements of Sport; Have a Ball
J-2 thru J-4 Sacred Playgrounds & Places; Revelations; The Self
is in the Place
J-5 Grace and Art; Being Nested, Being Vested
J-6 Mysticism, Awe, Celebration and Work;
J-7 Disappearing
J-9 Wilderness; Behind the Moments of High Drama
J-10 thru J-14 Metabolizing Your Experience; Empathy; Joy and
J-15 Expressing Qualities
J-16 Mastering the Moment
J-17 Satori and Sports; Meditating an Action; The Moment at
J-17 You Are Not Your Body
J-18 This Mysterious Juice
J-19 Now & Zen; A Vehicle for Epiphany; The Beauty We Love
J-20 The Four Stages on the Way to Mastery; The Body/Mind/
Soul Connection
J-21 and J-22 Energy
J-22 The Creative Pause
J-23 and J-24 Grounding, Centering and Blending
J-24 The Body as a Functional Living Whole
J-25 Three Exercises for Blending
J-26 Embodiment as Self-Expression;
The Brilliant Clarity of the Moment
J-27 and J-28 Attention in the Body
J-28 A Mind Like a Spark
J-29 The Still Point Between Worlds; 0.001% Matter
J-30 thru J-33 Meditation
J-31 The Simple Dignity of Being
J-34 Mushin; Prepare for Takeoff
J-34 Going Beyond: The Fourth State of Subjective Awareness
J-35 Zanshin, Ki and Ma-ai
J-36 thru J-41 The Zen Way of Baseball
J-42 Yoga; Just Dancing
J-43 There is a Place...; A Sense of Calm and Well-Being
J-44 and J-45 Balancing and Unifying Body/Mind/Spirit
J-46 Yugen
J-47 Peak Experiences: Sudden Revelations of a Deeper Reality
J-47 An Instrument in the Hands of the Unknown
J-47 thru J-50 Peak Experiences in Sport
J-50 The Sweet Spot in Time
J-51 A Spontaneous and Playful Spirit
J-52 Power; Instinctive Action and Surrender; The Cocoon of
J-53 Precognition; Extrasensory Perception
J-54 Being in the Present; Control
J-55 Spirituality; Mystery and Awe
J-56 Do We Have a Spirituality Center in the Brain?
J-57 Prayer, Music and Movement; Glimpsing the Soul
J-58 Seven Gateways to the Soul
J-59 Schools with Spirit
J-60 Childhood’s End
J-61 Remaining Empty, Open to A Greater Self
J-61 Extraordinary Feats
J-62 Ki
J-62 The Open Secret at the Heart of Sports
J-62 Detachment from Results
J-63 The White Moment
J-63 The Perennial Philosophy
J-65 Being Shaken by an Epiphany
J-67 The Pulsing Dynamic of the Place
J-68 The Spiritual Moment; Practice the Presence;
Panting, on Your Front Porch
J-69 Mastery
J-70 The Universe Will Know;
The Bridge; Between Unity and Oblivion
J-71 The Clue That Marks the Path
J-72 From Novice to Master; Uncompromising Work
J-73 On Prayer, Attention and Intention
J-74 The Formula for Creation is Simple
J-75 Playing in Tune With the House Odds
Tab K Food for Thinking..., and Doing and Being
The Performance Triangle; Self-Awareness
The Mind-Body Dialogue
The Clarity of the Desire
For It To Be All That It Can Be...;
Willfullness ultimately comes from within
K-5 Are You Rinsing Your Cottage Cheese? Are Your Relentless?
K-6 A Technique to Use in Competition
K-6 and K-7 Will Skills
K-8 Tools for Thinking
K-9 thru K-10 What is Intelligence?
K-11 and K-12 The Thirteen Thinking Tools
K-13 Modeling
K-13 and K-14 The Speed of Thought
K-14 The Limitations of Conscious Thinking
K-15 and K-16 The Problem with Being Hare-Brained
K-16 Waiting Is
K-17 and K-18 Yogi Berra was Right!
K-18 Yes, You Can Think Too Much
K-19 Patience and Receptivity
K-20 Action and Contemplation
K-20 and K-21 Inspiration
K-21 Got a Problem?
K-21 Four Ways to Contemplate a Problem
K-22 Decision-Making
K-22 Four Different Mental Modes or Phases
K-22 Take Time to be Wise
K-23 Making Decisions... Choosing a Path
K-24 Creative Reframing
K-24 Changing Perspectives: The Key to Preventing
Unproductive Anxiety
K-26 Asked Any Good Questions Lately?
K-27 thru K-31 Trust Skills, and How The ACT Triangle
Contributes to Focus
K-31 What's It All About? Alpha
K-32 The Great State of Alpha
K-32 Relaxation and Presence Equals Power
K-32 Burn Your Own CD
K-33 thru K-38 Attention Testing, Neural Feedback & Peak
Achievement Training
K-39 A Link to the Comprehensive Attention Battery of tests
K-40 The Power, Tools & Rules of Suggestion and AutoSuggestion
K-41 Some Key Points in the Process of Learning
K-42 By Allowing Ourselves to Be...
K-43 True Dancing
K-44 thru K-47 Inner Need, Change, Embodiment, The
Changing Moment and The School of Deeper Knowing
K-48 On The Way To Greater Potential
K-49 The Path to Self-Discovery
K-50 Inside Each Being is Locked a Larger Person
K-51 Feeding the Rat; Finally Making It as an Athlete
K-52 thru K-55 Meditation, Attention, Breathing and Athletics
K-52 Making Mind/Body Techniques Work for You
K-53 The Ten Paradoxes of Mind/Body Athletics
K-54 Pursuing the Moment of Grace
K-54 Surrender
Tab L On Mentors, Coaches and Warriors
L-1 Wooden on Winning
L-1 Looking for the Truth
L-1 The Most Important Coach
L-1 Self-Coaching: Is It Possible?
L-1 On Being a Warrior
L-2 and L-3 Becoming the CEO (the Greatest Influence on Your
Own Success)
L-4 Take Advantage of Other People's Experience
L-4 A Good Mentor...
L-4 Where is the Opportunity?
L-5 Asking for Help
L-6 Who Is Standing By Our Youth?
L-7 Don't Keep Knocking at Doors That Won't Open
L-7 and L-8 Gaining The Support and Cooperation of Others
L-9 The Main Ingredient in Coaching: Permission
L-9 The Role and Qualities of Coaches; Educating as Leading
L-10 The Role of the Coach
L-11 and L-12 Strategies for Gaining Cooperation of Others
L-12 Mentoring
L-13 Exercises to Help You Gain Support From Others
L-14 To See The Teacher Clearly, Look at the Students
L-14 A Blotchy Purple Drawing
L-14 Coaching at Its Heart
L-15 The Apprentice
L-15 The Superior and Gifted Teacher
L-16 As a Kid, I wanted to be an Athlete....
L-17 The New Frontier of Coaching
L-17 The Six Steps of Formal Coaching...
L-18 Coaching as Relationship and Communication
L-19 Giving Evaluative, Informative or Motivational Feedback to
L-19 A Good Coach Provides....
L-20 Assessment
L-20 Mixing It Up
L-21 Feedback Loops in Coaching
L-21 Functional, Task-Oriented Talk
L-22 Communications Skills for Coaches and Learners
L-23 The Four Responses Than Can Be Received After a
L-24 Criticism
L-24 Confronting
L-25 Coaching for Learner-Initiated Choice
L-26 Are There No Warriors Around Today?
L-27 The Sacred Path of the Warrior,
L-28 The New Warrior, and The Key to being a Warrior
L-29 The Purposes of Coaching
L-29 Bringing Your Best Self to the Team
L-29 Shaping Values and Forging Aggressive Cooperation
L-33 Perpetuating Winning By Investing in People
Tab M Teams and Teamwork
M-1 The Greatest Challenge; Being A Contribution
M-2 You Can Almost Hear the Click
M-2 Sample Educational Mission for an Athletic Team
M-3 Two Strategies; Team Building; Choice is Different from
M-4 Sample Purpose of an Athletic Team; Choose to Have Fun
M-4 A Sample Experiential Goal for an Athletic Team
M-5 Team Leadership; Trust in Teamwork
M-5 Small Gestures Can Make a Lasting Difference
M-6 Over-learning: The Means for High Performance
M-6 Mindfulness in Team Development
M-7 The Four Stages of Team Development
M-8 Team Chemistry
M-9 On Emotional Peaks and Valleys
M-10 Negativism; The Weakest Link; Three Kinds of Players
M-11 Helping Your Teammates Be Successful; Transformation
M-12 Trust and Building an Environment for Trust
M-13 and M-14 How a Team Learns to Win
M-15 Five Sets of Questions Focused on Peak Performance
M-15 There is a Link Between Spirit and Sport
M-15 The Power of the Human Voice in a Sporting Contest
M-15 Teamwork: A Peak Experience
M-16 and M-17 Team Dynamics, Cohesion, Bonding & Harmony
M-17 Praise; 99% Terrific; Positivism
M-18 The Carrot versus The Stick
M-19 Variables Influencing Team Cohesion; Communications &
M-20 Playing Together: The Incalculable Power of Friends
M-20 The Role of Humor in Personal Growth
M-21 What's All This "Touchy-Feely" Stuff Have to Do With
M-22 The RSVP cycle of team communications
M-23 Haragei (nonverbal communications)
M-23 and M-24 Cohesiveness and Communications
M-25 Team Exercises in Concentration and Movement
M-26 Team Flow; On Listening
M-27 & M-28 Developing a Shared Vision
M-29 Empowering Your Team
M-30 Position, Rank and Status: Barriers to Collaboration and
M-31 Team Exercises in Expressing Qualities
M-32 thru M-34 Team Learning
M-35 The Four Stages of Morale
M-36 Mind Reading in a Group Setting
M-37 Why Pursue Greatness?
M-37 Group Energy Body Exercise for Structure and Intent
M-38 Phase Transition and Positive Feedback Loops
M-39 Buildup to Breakthrough
M-40 The 100th Monkey; Achieving Critical Mass
M-41 Cooperation, Music & Team Development
M-41 Leadership in Building a Team Mind
M-42 thru M-44 Programming Robots: The distributed mind
M-44 On Loyalty and Integrity
M-45 through M-52 Teamwork: The Ultimate Advantage;
Avoiding the Five Dysfunctions of a Team
M-52 Group Harmony: The Difference Between Heaven and Hell
Tab N Leadership
N-1 Leadership in Athletics
N-2 Some Thoughts on Leadership
N-3 The Ten Commitments of Leadership
N-4 and N-5 An Approach to Building Winning Teams
N-5 Mobility and Alignment of Purpose
N-5 Making a Difference
N-6 and N-7 Moods are Contagious
N-8 A Passion for Excellence: The Leadership Difference
N-9 Lighting a Spark
N-9 Who Believed in You?
N-10 Moving Others in the Direction of Rewards
N-11 How Do You Motivate Others?
N-12 thru N-14 Effective Motivation
N-16 Leadership and Teambuilding
Fourteen Attributes for Developing Leaders
Leadership Skills
Coaching and Leadership
Six Dynamic Factors of Leadership in a Combative Setting
A Good Plan
thru N-24 Qualities of an Effective Leader
Us & Them
Leadership and Communications
Effective Leadership Communications
Three Components for Effective Communications
Enrollment and Team Development
Four Keys To Believability
Productive Conversations
Leaders Create the Foundation for Confidence
Leaders Foster Competent Attention Skills
The Management of Meaning
Permission versus Liberation
A Cognitive View of Leadership
The Roles of Effective "Coaches"
Granting Greatness
The Heart of Change
Why Greatness?
See also “A Four-Step Process for Building Alignment and
Connectivity” in the Appendix.
Tab 0 Situational Awareness and the Psychology of
0-1 Situation Awareness
0-4 Graphic of SA Model
0-9 Heath's FasT Diamond (six situation scrutiny elements)
0-13 Dynamic Situational Awareness in Four Dimensions
0-14 Creativity and Learning
0-16 Staying Oriented in a Chaotic or Rapidly-Changing
0-17 The OODA Loop Graphic
0-19 Using The OODA Loop in team training
0-22 Structuring practice to include OODA loops
0-24 Critical Factors for Success in Competitive Environments
0-25 The Psychology of Strategy in Combat and Athletics
0-29 Excerpts from Sun Tzu's “Art of War”
0-30 Excerpts from “Strategy” by Sir B.H. Liddell Hart
0-32 The Purpose of Strategy for Generals and Coaches
0-33 Training for Performance in Systems that Must Be HighlyReliable
0-34 Free-Play
0-35 Machine-Based Information versus The Intelligence of
0-37 Closed-Mindedness in Organizations
Tab P The Art of Possibility
P-1 Swept Away in the Pursuit
P-1 Grades versus a Learning Team Approach
P-1 Giving an "A"
P-4 "Being the Board" on which the game is played
P-6 Creating Frameworks for Possibility
P-8 The World of Measurement and The Universe of Possibility
P-10 Routines That Active Talent
P-11 The Dynamics of Decline, Death Spirals and Loops of Doom
P-12 The Nine Pathologies of Losing Streaks
P-13 A Classic Doom Loop
P-14 Finding New Resources to Invest In Your Team
P-15 Accountability
P-16 Choices, Choices, Choices…
P-17 Where Learning is Valued
P-18 On Study and Learning
P-19 On Entrainment, Desire, Love, Work and Art
Tab Q
Inner Game Coaching Techniques
Q-1 Military versus Sport Toughening Models
Q-2 Individually-Scripted Training for a Team Event:
West Point's Sandhurst Competition
Q-4 Learning from Inside Out
Q-5 The Hard-versus- Soft Approach to Coaching
Q-6 Does Coaching Require Expertise in the Subject?
Q-8 Awareness Instruction
Q-10 Coaching Through Questions
Q-15 Awareness, Choice & Trust: A Better Way to Change
Q-17 The QUEST tool (setting learning goals)
Q-20 thru Q-27 Coaching Tools & Coaching Conversations
Coaching as eavesdropping on learner's thinking
Transposing What is the learner thinking/feeling/
Coaching for mobility, awareness, choice and trust
Functions and Tools of an "inner game" coach
Q-27 Reflections on Doubt and Will
Tab R
The Ultimate Athlete*
R-1 & R-2
R-3 & R-4
The Perennial Philosophy and The Game of Games
The Dance
R-6 and R-7 Mythic Commitment, Human Potential and The
Ultimate Athlete
Tab S Towards Extraordinary Capabilities
S-1 We All Have the Ability to Have What We Intend to Have
S-4 On Human Capacities for the Extraordinary
S-5 Biofeedback Training and Imagery
S-6 Somatic Education; Examples of Extraordinary Experiences
S-7 Vitality, Somatic Awareness and Self-Regulation
S-8 Sports: An Ongoing Experiment in Extraordinary Capacities
S-10 Cultivating Metanormal Capacity
S-11 Cultivation and the Harvest
S-12 Sandy Koufax on Mental Telepathy in the `63 World Series
S-13 Research on Telepathic Communication
S-14 Improving Your Communications Skills
S-14 .. Like a Stone Cast in a Puddle…
S-15 Practice Tips for Developing Extraordinary Capacity
S-17 Sixteen Common Foundations for the Effective
of Personal Capacity and Capability
S-18 Guiding Principles in the Development of an Integral
Transformative Practice
S-19 Metanormal Embodiment
S-20 Gifted by the Cosmic Soup
S-21 Spirit Expressed and Made Active
S-21 The Global Mind