April 1, 2015 “Then when you call, the LORD will answer. `Yes, I am

April 1, 2015
“Then when you call, the LORD will answer. ‘Yes, I am here,’ he will quickly reply.” (Isaiah 58:9, NLT)
 Robin Brown reports a strong recovery from recent hip
 Pray for the following people who are undergoing cancer
replacement surgery. Continue praying for her strength and
treatments: Dom Cardamone, Jody Lovig, Marylee Ritchey,
freedom of movement without pain. Ron and Robin are
George Veth and Michael Wojnarski.
grateful for the prayers of their Black Rock family. (2)
 Pray for Emily, Jeff Allen’s daughter, as she recovers from
Jacqueline Delibero is recovering from influenza. Pray for
surgery to repair injuries related to a field hockey accident.
her healing and strength. Pray also for the resolution of a
Ask God to grant a complete recovery along with peace for
prolonged financial issue along with a favorable outcome
Jeff and other family members. (2)
from water damage issues in her apartment. (3)
 Pray for the Avery family as Ron battles cancer and is receiving
Barbara Dorchinsky recently underwent hip replacement
homecare. Especially pray for Judie, his wife, and daughter,
surgery. Pray for rapid recovery and a successful result. (3)
Dana, as she travels weekly from Pennsylvania to assist with
John (Skip) Gray has encountered a turnaround of the pain
her father’s care on weekends. (2)
in his leg above the knee. Pray for lasting relief along with  John Blaze is home after recent hospitalization for kidney issues
a full recovery. The Grays are thankful for the prayers of
and other concerns. Pray for a full recovery and an awareness
their Black Rock family. (2)
of God’s presence during this challenging time. (3)
Jean Holland was recently hospitalized for complications  Pray for God’s comfort over the parents and family of Phylicia
related to influenza. Pray for her healing and strength as
Ignatowski, a 14-year-old who has passed after battling cancer.
she returns home. (2)
 Pray for 5-year-old Jessica who is battling cancer. (1)
Carol Kuhl has been hospitalized with breathing concerns
 Mike Meier’s mother may have a possible return of cancer.
related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Pray for
Pray for favorable results from further tests this week. (1)
open airways and an accelerated recovery. (1)
 Craig Mitchell’s mother, Kathie, is in the ICU. Pray for her
Pray for Martha Ironside as she nears the end of her life on
healing, recovery and strength. (1)
this earth. Especially pray that Martha and her family will
 Betty Sudvoy’s mother, Eleanor, is in serious condition after a
continually sense God’s presence. (2)
stroke. Pray for her recovery. Pray also for Betty as she takes
Sharon Lemke is recovering from rotator cuff surgery. Pray
care of her mother. (1)
for pain relief, accelerated healing and a good outcome. (3)
 Pray for Bill (Nancie O’Sullivan’s brother) who has elected
Evie Magee continues to deal with a severely fractured
not to pursue surgery after other treatments for esophageal
ankle. Pray for complete healing along with patience for
cancer. Pray for clarity and peace about this decision along
Evie and Bill during her recuperation. (1)
with the discipline to maintain his current regimen. Also pray
Betty Turner recently underwent oral surgery. Pray for relief
for the Stoller family as they grieve Sharon’s passing. (4)
from pain and side effects along with rapid healing. (4)
 Pray for six-year-old Tyler whose health is deteriorating as he
Cindy Weiss is in rehabilitation following an accident that
struggles with rare forms of autism and epilepsy. Pray also
resulted in third degree burns. Continue to pray for rapid
for his family members who need hope, strength and trust in
healing with no infection. Also pray for Charles and the
God as they care for him. (2)
family as they care for Cindy. Finally, pray for daughter
Kimberly as she battles pancreatic cancer. (1)
Julio Velez’s wife, Katherine, is facing medical issues. Pray Ray Goodrow – Primrose Personal Care Home, 3 Pershing Lane,
for God’s healing and strength. (1)
Sicklerville, New Jersey 08081
Michael Wojnarski has been diagnosed with cancer. Pray
for effective treatment and healing. Pray also for Michael’s HOMEBOUND:
encouragement and strength. Finally, pray for Ousavady,
Blaze, Bette – 125 Arbor Street, Apartment 10, Stratford 06614
his wife, and their children as they support their loved one
during this challenging season. (4)
Pray for the following individuals seeking employment:
Lieutenant Corporal Michael T. Rak – Post Office Box 454224,
Ned Bassick, Rachel Bassick, Deb Belt, Micheline Burns,
San Diego, California 92145
John DeBlock, Carol Koenig, Tom Larsen, Barbara Lucas,
Chris Palazini, Janet Peck and Karen Sutton.
Please note: It is the responsibility of the person submitting a prayer request to contact the church office with updates.
Black Rock staff reserves the right to edit or delete submissions. Requests will be included on this sheet for 2-4 weeks.
Pray that Black Rock attendees and members will continue
inviting family, friends, neighbors or co-workers who need
to know that God loves them and has an awesome plan for
their lives. Pray also that many will come to Jesus during
the Easter season.
Isaias and Judith Catorce – Pray that the Lord will make effective
over 36 church planting and evangelistic teams established by
Isaias and his team. Also pray for safety over those working in the
midst of ever present terrorist threats.
Pray that many at Black Rock will connect in meaningful
relationships and grow spiritually. Expressly pray as we
focus on identifying and equipping key volunteer leaders
and teams that are so critical to the growth of our church.
Pray for our Care Shepherds as they serve those who are ill,
isolated or otherwise in need within the Black Rock Church
family. Pray also for clear direction as the Care Leadership
Team (Deacons/Deaconesses) considers initiatives to better
serve our church and the greater community. Finally, pray for
those who are attending Grieving with Hope, a 13-week
grief management seminar.
Continue praying for our Kids Ministry staff and volunteers
as they share God’s love with children through service and
teaching. Also pray for the effective utilization of our new
facility, along with the staffing and programming details
involved in caring well for each child.
Porter Mead – Preschool Area
Pray for our Student Ministry staff and volunteers as they
seek to model Christ’s character in their lives to our youth
and influence students to form lifelong commitments to the
Savior. Pray also for spiritual transformation in the growing
number of students coming to Black Rock each week. Ask
God to guard hearts and minds as students encounter issues
that challenge their faith. Finally, pray for spiritual awakening
among educators and students in area middle and high schools.
Continue praying for our Worship Ministry teams as they
seek to glorify God through music and message each week.
Expressly pray for the effective use of our Worship Center
as a tool to creatively communicate the Gospel to our church
family and guests. Also pray for the members of our technical
team as they oversee the media and sound areas that are so
essential to our message. Finally, pray as preparations are
underway for Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Ask God to
empower the message and the music so that the lives of our
guests are changed.
Mike and Ellen Conserva – Pray for Mike's full recovery from
recent knee surgery. Pray also for Ellen and the family as they
remain in Thailand while Mike is receiving stateside medical
treatment. Finally, pray that they will find adequate sponsors for
the children in their Home of the Peaceful Heart ministry.
Paulo and Iveli Diniz – Pray that God will continue to restrain
the influence of government members who seek to shield Indians
from western influences and that governmental regulations will
not hinder the ministry. Also pray that God will call forth young
Brazilian missionaries as it is unlikely that foreign missionaries
will be granted access.
ECHO – Pray that the Lord will use ECHO, in very tangible ways,
to provide for the 1.5 billion worldwide small-scale farmers who
do not have enough food to eat. Pray also that God will give ECHO
leaders and staff discernment to identify the resources and services
that will most impact hungry farm families.
Far East Broadcasting – Pray for FEBC broadcasts aired daily
in Pakistan and Ukraine. Believers in Pakistan face persecution
and terrorism, while Ukraine struggles to maintain control of its
borders. Pray that new believers, from diverse faith backgrounds,
will have the courage to follow Christ in spite of pressure from
family and friends to remain true to their heritage.
The Fold – Pray that families and teens served at The Fold will
encounter and know God's healing, hope and love. Also ask God
to grant perseverance and strength to the Executive Director,
Jay Briesh, and his family as they deal with their daughter’s
ongoing health crisis.
Aaron and Esra M.
Four new couples recently
joined Aaron and Esra in an
endeavor to reach business
and community leaders and
young professionals. Their
vision involves the creation
of a for-profit business that
will accelerate the spiritual
movement building efforts
of their sending organization and make them peers with others in
the business community. Pray:
 That their children will develop a deep knowledge of and
love for Jesus at an early age.
 That the Lord will provide necessary resources to construct
a business plan for the new venture.
 That God will enable them to develop the needed skills and
strategies to connect with and reach business people.
Black Rock Congregational Church, 203.255.3401 – 3685 Black Rock Turnpike, Fairfield, CT 06825