Available online at http://www.bretj.com INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CURRENT LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN: 2249- 1465 International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.5, Issue, 4, pp. 577-581, April, 2015 IDENTIFICATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE NORTH ATLANTIC BLOCKINGS Ghasem Azizi*, Hossain Mohammadi, Mostafa Karimi, Ali Akbar Shamsipour and Iman Rousta Faculty of Geography, Department of Climatology, University of Tehran, Tehran – Iran AR TIC L E I NF O Article History th Received 4 , December, 2014 Received in revised form 20th, February, 2015 Accepted 15th, April, 2015 Published online 28th, April, 2015 Key words: North Atlantic, Blocking, Frequency, Duration, Geographical Position. ABS TR AC T Atmospheric blocking is one of the most striking features of extratropical lowfrequency Variability. This paper identification North Atlantic Blockings (in the range 0 to 90 degrees North and Longitude 40°W to 70°E) according to the Barriopedro et al. method. Daily data 500 geopotential heights in the period 1948-2013 from network data NCEP / NCAR was extracted. After identifying North Atlantic Blockings, they were analyzed. 4299 days with blocking conditions identified that this days involve 506 periods of Blockings which was held from 5 to 33 days. The most blocking events occurred in April and May, and least at September and August were occurred. The years 1975, have most number and 1978, 1998 and 2009, least number of blocking periods. The longest periods of blocking happened on 1968, 1956 and 1953 years. Among geographic latitude, the latitudes of 55°N with 2408 days and, geographical longitudes 17.5°W to 2.5°E, with 1309 days with blocking conditions, have the maximum number of days with blocking events. © Copy Right, IJCLS, 2015, Academic Journals. All rights reserved. INTRODUCTION During the last several decades some studies have applied subjective blocking criteria based on surface and midtroposphere observations of typical blocking flow configurations. Atmospheric blocking potentially triggers various climate extremes over the extratropics, which can be extended toward the subtropical region. Climatologically,the westerly jet circulates around the extratropical region; this is called zonal-type circulation. Occasionally, the jet is split and its speed slows down such that the normal atmospheric flow appears to be “blocked” (Cheng et. al 2013). Typical blocking is composedof a barotropic high pressure center and a surface frontal zone (Treidl et al., 1981). While warmer air masses comprise its upstream portions, colder air masses constitute its downstream portions. Long periods of such a quasi-stationary state persistently maintain the meridional flow driving north–south air mass and energy exchange. This may trigger extreme climate events, such as heat waves, cold waves, drought, and flooding. Two opposite extremes may occur simultaneously at its different components. For example, wildfires in the Ural Mountains, heat waves in Russia, and severe flooding in Pakistan during summer 2010 were the consequences of a long duration of blocking in the vicinity of the Ural Mountains (Dole et al., 2011;Matsueda, 2011; Lau and Kim, 2012).Following the traditional Rex(1950a) criterion, a blocking event can be identified through a split-flow regime in the middle troposphere as a double jet detectable over more than 45° in longitude and persisting for more than 10 days. Sincethen, there have been modifications to the original Rex definition, demanding lower durations or extensions (Treidl et al. 1981;Azizi 1996; Azizi et al. 2009; Azizi et al. 2011; Azizi et al. 2011; KhoshAkhlagh et al. 2011, Rousta et al. 2014) as well as new restrictions in latitude location (White and Clark 1975) to exclude semi permanent subtropical anticyclones. Recently, numerous criteria have been proposed in order to identify objectively atmospheric blocked flows. Most of them were based on zonal flow indices computed from meridional height gradients at the middle troposphere (Lejenäs and Øakland 1983,here after LO83; Tibaldi and Molteni 1990, hereafter TM90;Tibaldi et al. 1997; Trigo et al. 2004, Azad 2006). Other methodologies detected blocking events as positive height anomalies at the midtroposheric flow persisting for several days (Charney et al. 1981; Dole and Gordon 1983) or from normalized indices based on daily height projections over mean blocking patterns (Liu 1994; Renwick and Wallace 1996). The most recent methodologies combine traditional subjective and objective criteria, as those used by Lupo and Smith (1995; hereafter LS95) or Wiedenmann et al. (2002; here after WI02), or use quantities derived from dynamical properties related to blocking patterns, such as the meridional potential temperature (θ) gradient on a potential vorticity(PV) surface representative of the tropopause (Pelly and Hoskins 2003), or negative anomalies of vertically integrated potential vorticity within the 500–150-hPalayer (Schwierz et al. 2004).As a result, several long-term studies focused on North *Corresponding author: Ghasem Azizi* Faculty of Geography, Department of Climatology, University of Tehran, Tehran – Iran This article extracted from the Iman Rousta’s PhD thesis International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.5, Issue, 4, pp. 577-581, April, 2015 Hemisphere blocking events have been previously published (Rex 1950a,b; LO83; Dole and Gordon1983; TM90; Tibaldi et al. 1994; LS95; WI02).However, some of them were confined to certain regions or limited to single seasons. Moreover, the behaviour of the North Hemisphere blocking has been traditionally described in terms of frequency, duration, and favoured occurrence regions, not considering other characteristics such as genesis location. On the other hand, there are not many studies addressing long-term blocking variability, especially at inter decadal scales (e.g., Chen and Yoon 2002). Some authors have reported that blocking occurrence may be affected by North Hemisphere largescale patterns such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (e.g., Shabbaret al. 2001).The relationship between blocking and theEl Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), however, has been widely discussed (Renwick and Wallace 1996;Watson and Colucci 2002; Mokhov and Tikhonova 2000; WI02).Nevertheless, this linkage has been derived for certain regions or single seasons and the ENSO-related variability, if any, has not been clearly established. This paper tries to identify North Atlantic Blocking systems as one of the most important phenomenon affecting weather in the northern hemisphere in the 1948-2013 period and frequency variations These systems will be studied. Fig 1 the Study Region Data and detection algorithm design The dataset used in this study was The 66-yr record (1948–2013) of mean daily 500-hPa height geo potential from the National Canters for Environmental Prediction– National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP– NCAR) gridded reanalysis, for the latitude 0 to 90 north degrees and longitude -40 to 70 degree in Northern Hemisphere which are described in more detail by Kalnay et al. (1996) and Kistler et al. (2001). These analyses are archived at NCAR and are available from the NCAR mass-store facilities in Boulder, Colorado. The 0000 and 1200 UTC NCEP– NCAR reanalysis used here for the calculations are the 500-hPa gridded (2.5 degree lat and 2.5 degree lon) heights available at 6-h interval. a-Blocking index Since blocking patterns are characterized by an appreciable mass difference between high and middle latitudes (Namias and Clapp 1951; Austin 1980; Treidl et al. 1981) and anomalous easterly winds, the blocking index used here is an adapted version of the TM90 index, which is based on the original criterion proposed by LO83, that recently updated by Barriopedro et al. (2006; hereafter BA06). According to the LO83 criterion, a blocking event can be identified when the averaged zonal index computed as the 500-hPa height difference between 40° and 60°N, is negative over 30° in longitude and during five or more days. However, TM90 noted that cut off lows displaced pole ward could also yield negative LO values. To exclude these, TM90 demanded an additional negative height gradient northward of 60°N. According to BA06 index, a blocking event was detected when at least five (12.5°) or more contiguous longitudes appeared as blocked during at least five days. Following this methodology, two 500-hPa height geo potential gradients (GHGN and GHGS) have been simultaneously computed for each longitude and for each day of study over the region of study in agreement with expression (1): = ( , = ( , ( , )− ) ( , ) ≥0 )− ( , − ( ( , ) / deg ≤ −10 )) > 0 Equation. (1) / = 80.0 ° +△ 0 = 60.0 ° +△ = 40.0 ° +△ △= −5.0 °, −2.5 °, 0 °, 2.5 °, 5.0 ° Where Z (λ, ϕ) is the 500-hPa height geopotential at latitude ϕ and longitude λ. GHGS is proportional to the zonal geo-strophic wind component and provides a measure of the zonal flow intensity for each longitude, while the GHGN gradient is imposed in order to exclude non-blocked flows. Thus, an arbitrary longitude is considered blocked when both GHGN and GHGS verify the condition expressed by Eq. (1) for at least one of the five values and simultaneously the ϕο height anomaly is positive. This requirement minimizes the problem of identifying cutoff lows as blocked flows. Also, the procedure incorporates better spatial resolution and more blocking opportunities by allowing five △ values. The temporal algorithm can be summarized in three steps 1. For each day shall be a minimum of 12.5 degrees in longitude. 2. The minimum period of three conditions, is 5 days. 3. The above two features must be maintained for the entire period of blocking, and discontinuity is not allowed to feature 1 and 2. Findings Recent research shows that in the 55-yr period of study, a total of 1514 blocking events were detected over the Northern Hemisphere, giving an annual average of about 27 events. As a consequence, about half of the number of days in any given year was blocked on average over any region of the Northern Hemisphere (BA06). Although fewer events were obtained by earlier studies (e.g., Treidl et al. 1981; LO83), this result is close to those reported in the later works, such as WI02, who, using NCEP–NCAR datasets, found an annual frequency of 25 events. In this paper and this study area, based on the criteria used (Equation 1 and the three conditions) also a total of 506 blocking events were detected over the study region, giving an annual average of about 7.7 events. As a consequence, about 65.2 numbers of days in any 578 | P a g e International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.5, Issue, 4, pp. 577-581, April, 2015 given year were blocked on average over any region of study area. General trend in the number of days per year and the number of periods of blocking per year shows a weak decreasing trend in all of the 66-yr period of study (Figure 3). 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 12.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 Fig 4 Annual average of blocking events duration, in the periods (1948-2013) Latitude 75 1 72.5 2 70 31 days with blocking 67.5 89 65 210 62.5 345 60 485 57.5 728 2408 55 Fig 5 Number of days, with blocking conditions divided north latitude, in the periods (1948-2013) 170 120 70 20 -40 -32.5 -25 -17.5 -10 -2.5 5 12.5 20 27.5 35 42.5 50 57.5 65 Days With Blocking 220 Longitude Fig 6 Number of days, with blocking conditions divided longitude, in the periods (1948-2013). FIG 2 Schematic of the automated blocking detection method and their analysis 15 10 5 1948 1952 1956 1960 1964 1968 1972 1976 1980 1984 1988 1992 1996 2000 2004 2008 2012 0 1948 1953 1958 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Fig 3 Number of days (right) and number of periods of blocking (left) in statistical periods (1948-2013). The year of 1975 with 13 periods of blocking, was the greatest and 1978, 1998 and 2009, each with 3 periods of blockingwas the least. Also the year of 1993with 11.6 days, has the greatest and 1964, with 5.9days, has the least of average of blocking durations (Table 1). The longest period of blocking in 1968, 1956 and 1953, respectively 33, 28 and 27 days have occurred. Overall, the average of blocking duration periods during 19482013 periods shows a weak increase (Figure 4). The results showed that during the study period (24106 days), 4299 Days with blocking events was detected. That these days include 506 of period which are included have continuity between 5 to 33 days.April and May each with 57 blocking period, have the largest number of events and September and August respectively with 23 and 24 blocking period events, had the lowest periods. Most days with blocking conditions was during April and February, respectively, with 508 and 502 days and minimum days with blocking conditionswas in September and August, respectively, with 148 and 172 days during the period (Table 2). Greater frequencies of blocking events werenear 10°E (BA06). But in the results of this paper,greater frequencies of blockings events were located in 17.5°W to 2.5°E.the latitude 55°N with 2408 blocking days (56% of all detected blocking days) had the highest number of days with blocking conditions.With increasing latitude number of days with blocking conditionsis decrease and in above 75°N latitude that have only one day blocking during a period of 66 years, there is no blocking event (Fig. 5).Therefor 55 to 75°N latitude is the center of the formation, development and eventual disappearance blocking phenomenon in the study area. That latitude 55°N plays a far more important role. 17.5°W to 2.5°E longitude with 1309 days with blocking conditions (30.5% of all blocking days detected) has the greatest number of blocking days and 35°W and 67.5°Elongitude respectively with 27 and 28 days with blocking Conditions, has minimum days (Figure 6). 579 | P a g e International Journal of Current Life Sciences - Vol.5, Issue, 4, pp. 577-581, April, 2015 Table 1 Number of days, periods and average of blocking events duration, in the periods (1948-2013). Year 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 Days with Blocking Periods 74 8 44 6 43 5 63 7 68 10 92 10 60 6 84 10 83 9 82 9 57 6 56 7 34 5 53 8 77 9 108 12 47 8 48 6 44 6 89 11 64 10 84 8 58 7 82 9 112 12 64 8 80 8 104 13 104 12 64 7 20 3 57 6 75 7 Mean Duration 9.3 7.3 8.6 9.0 6.8 9.2 9.4 8.7 9.2 9.1 8.5 8.0 6.8 6.6 8.6 9.0 5.9 8.0 7.3 8.1 8.5 7.3 9.0 8.4 10.6 6.9 10.0 8.0 8.5 9.5 6.7 9.5 10.7 Year 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Days with Blocking 47 43 45 86 71 53 67 49 64 30 98 86 87 26 64 101 69 21 52 70 39 42 71 33 73 74 91 75 30 105 58 61 44 Periods 5 6 6 11 8 5 7 7 9 4 9 8 8 4 8 11 9 3 7 8 4 6 8 5 8 9 11 11 3 10 7 8 5 Mean Duration 9.4 8.1 6.4 7.8 8.9 10.6 9.6 7.0 7.1 7.5 10.9 10.2 11.6 6.5 8.0 9.4 7.1 7.0 7.4 8.8 9.8 7.0 8.9 6.6 9.1 8.2 8.3 6.6 10.0 10.0 8.8 7.6 8.8 Table 2 Monthly number of days and periods of blocking events in the periods(1948-2013) Month Periods Days Jan 40 478 Feb 50 502 Mar 55 468 Apr 57 497 May 57 508 CONCLUSIONS Blocking events the atmospheric phenomenon is not too much repetition but has high life and has many effects on the climate of mid latitude and can lead to the creation of conditions, including droughts, floods, at extremely cold temperatures. This paper attempts to identify North Atlantic Blockings in period 1948-2013, according to the BA06 method. The results showed that during the study period, 4299 Days with blocking events was detected. That these days include 506 of period which are included have continuity between 5 to 33 days. Total of 506 blocking events were detected over the study region, giving an annual average of about 7.7 events. As a consequence, about 65.2 numbers of days in any given year were blocked on average over any region of study area. General trend in the number of days and periods per year shows a weak decreasing. April and May have the Maximum and September and August, had the Minimum blocking period events in period study. Most days with blocking conditions were during April and February, and minimum days with blocking conditions were in September and August. The latitude 55°N had the highest number of days with blocking conditions. 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