W OOD C HIPS April 2014 Volume 23, Issue 4 Sawdust & Woodchips Woodworking Association www.sawdustwoodchips.org T THIS MONTH’S EVENT! he next monthly meeting of the Sawdust & Woodchips Woodworking Association (SWWA) will be April 3rd starting at 6:30pm. Our special topic for the evening will be learning about the designing program called SketchUp. Maybe you’ve heard mention of someone designing their project with ‘CAD software’. When you look, you find out that CAD software is expensive and hard to use. Well, SketchUp is a CAD-type software tool that woodworkers can use. A free version is available – it’s called SketchUp M ake . So, come to the April meeting to learn more about this 3D modeling program from members Jason W rench and Justin P atrick . To help with your understanding, take some time before the meeting to download the free version. See the box below right for details. Our April meeting will also include a lot of “usuals”. We will have our usual Show & Tell session, our usual short business meeting, our usual 50/50 raffle, our usual tool raffle, and our usual snacks! We will also welcome back most of our members who spend 1 or 2 months in the south. But, we will add an unusual - a drawing for $50! What’s that? It is the drawing for the $50 award for your completed SWWA survey! We’ve only received about 50 completed surveys – just about 30% of those sent out. I know more of you have opinions! Please bring them to the meeting but if you aren’t planning on attending, go ahead and send your completed survey to the address on the form. We want to hear from you. We hope you will join us at the meeting. See you on April 3rd! Remember … Snacks are always welcome! SCROLLING INTEREST GROUP MEETING M embers and guests of the Scrolling Interest Group will gather again on W ednesday, April 16 th at 6:30pm . The meeting will be held in the Community Room at Station 1 of the Belgium Cold Springs Fire Department at 7920 River Rd, Baldwinsville. (Directions on the website) Our meeting topic will be CUTTING SOLID SURFACE MATERIAL. Attendees will be given a piece of material and blades from which they are expected to create a piece to be shown at the May 21st meeting. Don’t forget to bring your projects for the Show & Tell session. While this meeting focuses on the use of scroll saws to create woodworking projects, many techniques that cross disciplines are discussed at these less formal meetings. All members of SWWA are welcome to attend and participate in the meetings. Monthly Meeting Information Thursday, April 3, 2014 GETTING TO KNOW SKETCHUP with Jason Wrench & Justin Patrick Rem inder: Meeting starts at 6:30 PM and will be held at the Canton W oods Senior Center in Baldwinsville. Directions are on the back page and on the website. Download Sk etchUp M ak e Get ready for the April meeting by taking time to download SketchUp Make to your computer (laptop, tablet, etc.). If you have a portable unit, bring it with you to the meeting! Here is the link. http://www.sketchup.com/products/sketchupmake Also … There are tutorials and other resources for woodworkers at Sketchup for Woodworkers http://sketchupforwoodworkers.com/ Don’t Forget the NWA Showcase is March 29 & 30 at the City Center in Saratoga Springs! It’s the closest big woodworking show to Syracuse and well worth the trip! WoodChips – April 2014 Page 2 M PRESIDENT’S CORNER eteorological winter is over but we seem to be still having mini-snow showers. I just hope the warm up scheduled for next week continues! While we wait for the snow to melt, we all find other things to do inside or maybe go on few road trips! Road trip!?! We headed to Rochester last Saturday to attend the turning demonstration by Bob Rosand. That was fun plus we stopped at 1 of 3 bead stores in Rochester on the way home. This week we are both looking forward to the annual Show case organized by the Northeastern Woodworker’s Association in Saratoga Springs. If you’ve never attended, you really should consider going. The $10 admission fee gives you access to a big room filled with vendors and their products, the exhibition hall with a great collection of woodworking projects, and 16 seminars per day. You’ll see lots of your friends there also as several of us are there for the weekend. If you come, be sure to stop by the RJR Studios booth where Charlie and I will be helping out. Last year we counted about 55 people from Syracuse who attended the show. I met with several of my physicians this past week. Each is delighted with my health status. I still have a restriction on lifting over 20lbs but they say I am a miracle considering the huge tumor that invaded my body in 2011. Yeah! I feel good which is even better. Thank you to everyone who worried, prayed, and expressed concern. I think it is now on to the next challenge. What’s going on in the shop? I am working on a few projects as demo pieces for this weekend and planning some wedding gifts for my nephew. Charlie is turning and designing a six-pack carrier for my nephew to use as gifts for his groomsmen. At all meetings … don’t forget to turn those phones to vibrate and keep side conversations down to a whisper! Well it’s time to close but … Keep on creating! Barbara T RAFFLE RESULTS he winner of the March 50/50 raffle of $89 was B ob Norton. Oneida Air donated a Dust Deputy DYI for the raffle and it was won by Dave Stow e . The Kobalt 7¼ inch compound miter saw was won by Charles Franz , one of our new members. Congratulations everyone! A MEMBERSHIP BADGES ll members are encouraged to wear their badges where everyone can see them so they are easily identified by others at the meeting. New members should stop on the way into the meeting to pick-up their badges from our treasurer, Stan W iley . Stan indicates he has badges for Vern Borrow m an, Jack Butler, Ed Davis, Charles Dellow , Cookie Dote, Lee Eckl, Charles & Debra Frantz, Dan Hayes, K en K im ber, Greg K ubinyak, K en Landon, Ed Lints, R on Long, Dave M anley , and Doug M eredith . S NEW MEMBERS & VISITORS tan reports that renewals are continuing to filter into his mailbox. Currently, 42 of our 2013 members did not complete their 2014 renewal so with 19 new members, we have just 147 members at this time. We hope the rest of our non-renewed 2013 members will rejoin in 2014. Our membership continues to grow with 5 people joining the club during March: Edw ard Davis of Rome, Cookie Dote of Clayville, Alan K olts of Baldwinsville, Dave M anley of Mexico, and Jonas Rodriguez of Preble. Welcome to our group! We are glad you joined us! We had 3 registered visitors who did not join but that we hope will all join our group. Those visitors were Ron Jackson of Phoenix, R ichard K ellogg of Syracuse, and Douglas M eredith of West Monroe. If you know of folks who should be members, bring them to a meeting and/or let Barbara know so a newsletter can be sent! S MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION WWA’s membership runs the calendar year. Half year memberships are available in July. Membership renewals and new memberships are received year round. Checks should be made payable to SWWA. All memberships must have the enclosed form completed and the liability statement signed [the form is also at www.sawdustwoodchips.org, and available at all meetings]. We understand that in many cases nothing changes, each year we like to verify that the membership database contains accurate information. Also, we must have a signed liability statement completed each year to financially protect the SWWA membership and everyone involved with the SWWA. So, it is not enough just to send a check, we need the completed and signed form as well. Renewals and checks can be sent to our treasurer Stan as follows: SWWA, ℅ Stan Wiley, 4122 Abbey Road, Syracuse, NY 13215. Do not send cash. OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS – 2014 President: Barbara Raymond-LaPrease Vice President: Charlie LaPrease Secretary: Tony Baleno Treasurer: Stan Wiley Special Events: Bob Casey Board Member: Greg Bogardo Board Member: Rod Castle Board Member: Mic Jenkins Board Member: Bruce Meissner Board Member: John Meloling Board Member: Bob Norton Board Member: Peter Oster Board Member: Roland Pearson Board Member: David Peckham Board Member: Don Vanderveer 638-1217 638-1217 492-2795 492-3197 263-9228 451-6573 638-2659 635-7661 699-3671 638-1153 451-1178 685-1542 488-3643 682-2774 635-6409 WoodChips – April 2014 Page 3 OUR MARCH MEETING O ur March meeting focused on dust collection. Before heading south for a month of biking, Tony Baleno engaged Dan K napp from Oneida Air Systems to give attendees a great session. Dan started by emphasizing the importance of dust collection to our health, the safety of our shop, our time in the shop, and the long-term health of our equipment. He then focused on the best methods to obtain effective dust collection, discussed each type of dust collection, outlined issues with dust filters, explained how to calculate the CFMs needed for your shop, and finished with connecting dust collection to tools. A great selection of questions were asked at the end of the session, if not as Dan talked about an issue. Dan handled each with great skill. Thanks Dan for a great session and for the donation of a DYI Dust Deputy for our raffle! Before Dan took to the stage, we held our usual Show & Tell session with another great collection of projects! Bruce M eissner started us out talking about the cherry and ash 3 legged Bruce stool which he constructed recently. He also showed an ash workbench helper Meissner that works with a vise on his workbench to hold wood so it can be worked. Bruce found the helper design in Woodworker’s Journal. Unique items that stretch conventions are the specialty of Jim Y onk ers . This month Jim brought back the driftwood fish he showed in September. Unhappy with what he showed previously, he modified it to create a better piece by adding grass for the fish to swim between. Jim steamed the tips of each piece of grass which were created in the pasta maker. Charles About 30 years ago, Charles Trabold attended a canoeing Trabold seminar where he learned to make canoe paddles. Tonight he showed 3 different paddles – 1 bent and two traditional. Functional and beautiful! A cherry and walnut ukulele was shown by Jerry Higby . Jerry Jim noted it was easier and cheaper than making the mandolin he Yonkers showed at last year’s Challenge. He also said the hardware cost less than $10 vs. the $70 for the mandolin hardware. W ilbur Chatterton continues to work on toys for our annual donation at Christmas. Using scrap walnut, maple, and ash, Wilbur created two Jerry Higby tractors and a prototype cart. Chad Daw son talked about his maple 3-legged stool. Chad took up woodworking after retiring and always wanted to make a chair. He is starting out by making a stool and expects to graduate to the chair in time. For this stool he spent many hours investigating the best ways to build a sturdy stool finding that the best was to use a Wilbur Chatterton recessed mortise when attaching the legs to the seat. More details on this stool can be found in the March newsletter of the CNY Woodturners. Chad Dawson (continued on page 5) WoodChips – April 2014 Page 4 SWWA SCROLLING INTEREST GROUP Meeting Night: Third Wednesday of the Month at 6:30 pm Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 16th at the Belgium Cold Springs Station 1 Topic: Cutting Solid Surface Materials & Challenge for May! Also: Show & Tell & Woodworking Questions Answered A small group of folks attended the March meeting of SWWA’s Scrolling Interest Group. We reviewed baskets cut by a few members and then viewed and discussed a series of videos available on the internet: using an ink-jet printer to produce graphics; resurfacing a rusty saw; making a non-slip sanding pad; finishing fretwork. Four attendees showed baskets based on last month’s meeting. In the Show & Tell portion of the meeting, B ob Henry showed a walnut and maple oval box he scrolled a few years ago. The inside is flocked and he added felt feet and a brass knob. The pattern for Bob’s box was issued by Creative Woodworks & Crafts many years ago. I don’t believe it is still available. Andy LoConte showed the bowl he scrolled from Steve Good’s free pattern. As a new scroller, he is still learning how to stay on the lines. He also started a discussion on gluing layers when there is limited glue area. M ike W hite showed three baskets, two of the same stacked style where multiple progressively smaller baskets can be made from the layers and shown below right. The third basket requires a weaving process to assemble the outside of the basket. Patterns for both types of baskets can be obtained at Scroller Ltd.; BKSSB12 is the pattern set for the basket with staves while B264 has the pattern for the first basket. B arbara Raym ond-LaP rease showed a trinket box she is working on as well as another of a Steve Good basket pattern. The next meeting of the Scrolling Interest Group is Wednesday, April 16th at the Belgium Cold Springs Station 1 Community Room, 7920 River Road, Baldwinsville. We will be discussing CUTTING SOLID SURFACE MATERIALS like Corian®. Barbara & Charlie obtained some scrap solid surface material that will be distributed along with blades to cut it. Attendees will be asked to take the material and cut something with it – maybe a trivet or a set of coaster or whatever. The projects will be discussed at the May meeting. We will also discuss your Show & Tell projects as well as any woodworking issues you are having. See you in May! Bob Henry Andy LoConte Mike White NEW PRODUCT Bob Henry told attendees about Gork’s GoodFilla Water Based Wood & Grain Filler. Made in the USA, he states that he has used the product and loves it. It is available in 10 colors: white, rosewood, white oak, ebony, mahogany/ Brazilian cherry, red oak, tint base/natural, cherry/alder, maple/ash/pine, and walnut. The product can be colored to create custom colors and will accept any finish. Bob noted that there is a local distributor in Rochester and will have information about him along with product information cards at the April regular meeting. The website is www.goodfilla.com. WoodChips – April 2014 Page 5 Our March Meeting, continued … Bernd Krause Our second musical instrument of the evening was shown by B ernd K rause . This unique, 6 string, Thunder V dulcimer, is made from walnut that was hit by lightning in 1993. The wood dictated the shape of the dulcimer. A utilitarian tool case for Packard turning tools was shown by Greg Greg K ubinyak . Made from pine and paneling, the case makes Kubinyak it easy to store and even transport your tools. Greg made similar ones by other tool manufacturers. A twelve foot, 24 pound, red cedar, mahogany, rosewood, and cherry strip canoe was presented by Lynn M iller . Lynn used strips he obtained from Charles Trabold . As the photo shows, Charles was delighted to see the finished canoe. Lynne noted that he has used it after finishing it with spar varnish. The paddle is spruce. Our last Show & Tell item for the evening was a cherry side table designed and constructed by R on Frey . Ron used mortise and tenon construction for this table which will house a computer. He finished the table with 6 coats of wipe-on polyurethane. Great Show & Tell session! Thanks to everyone who brought in items! Ron Frey Lynn Miller with Charles Trabold MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2014 April 3 – Getting to Know Sketch-Up with Jason & Justin August 7 – Super Show & Tell May 1 – Annual Auction & Swap Meet September 4 – Making a Mallet with Charlie & Rod June 5 – The Wonders of Spalting with Chad October 2 – Cutting Mortise & Tenon with Bruce & Tony July 10 – Annual Jig Night November 6 – 9th Annual Woodworker’s Challenge August 2 – Annual Family Picnic [new date!!] December 4 – Annual Holiday Party WoodChips – April 2014 Page 6 SHOP TIME: HANDY DRILL PRESS JIG W hether you need to drill some angled holes or are just updating your drill press with a new top, this jig is a good option to consider incorporating. Of course, you can build it to just clamp to your drill press metal table. What’s great about this jig is that the index bar can be easily adjusted to obtain many different angles. Mark the base on each side to identify where the bar is clamped to produce the angles you use most. UPCOMING EVENT: STEVE SHERMAN RETURNS FOR FULL DAY DEMONSTRATION D o you remember the June 2nd SWWA meeting when Steve Sherman demonstrated turning small items with the Nano Tools? Well, he is returning on Saturday, April 26th as the guest of the Central New York Woodturners to give a full day demonstration at the 8 Acres Event Center in Baldwinsville. As you remember, Steve is the inventor of the famed Nano Tools, a hollowing and detailing system that allow you to create nano to small sized artwork and delicate detailing on vessels and finials. Steve is an accomplished turner who relocated out of New York City to the Hudson Valley to follow his passion, wood art. Steve’s work has been featured in Woodturning Design and in several galleries. Steve will focus his demonstration on the Nano Tool system but also discuss sharpening techniques and explore finishing techniques. Steve will also discuss his philosophy regarding ‘warming up’ before turning. In the workshop on Sunday, attendees will go through warm-up exercises before completing various projects like a goblet, hollow-form ornament, vessels, finials, earring, or pendants. The Saturday demonstration will begin at 9am with an expected end around 4pm. The cost for Saturday’s demo will be $35. Steve will also provide instruction for 8 people in a workshop on Sunday at a cost of $85 per person. Reservations can be made by emailing Mark Baumes, CNY Woodturners treasurer, at [email protected], or calling Mark at (315) 652-6187. Directions to the 8 Acres Event Center can be obtained by emailing [email protected] or by requesting when reserving a spot in either event. WoodChips – April 2014 Page 7 SHOP TIME: TRICKS FOR PERFECT CROSSCUTS A clean crosscut is guaranteed with a great setup and using the tips and techniques displayed in the drawing at right. The first tip is to add an auxiliary fence to your miter gauge and a zero-clearance insert to your table saw. Both of these additions help provide solid support for clean, accurate cuts. Then add a simple L-shaped stop that can be clamped to your fence. With this stop, you can cut multiple pieces the same length. UPCOMING EVENT: FOX CHAPEL PUBLISHING’S OPEN HOUSE F ox Chapel Publishing will be hosting an Open House and Woodworking Show on May 9th and 10th at the Rough and Tumble Engineers Historical Association in Lancaster County, PA. There is a cost to attend this event depending upon how many days you attend and if you want to attend classes. It is expected that there will booths from some vendors in addition to an opportunity to purchase books and tour the facility. Hot from the Fox Chapel forum and as of newsletter writing time, the presenters include [S=Scrolling; C=Carving; T=Turning; G=General Interest]: [S] Carole Rothman — Bowl Basics & Beyond [S] Judy Peterson — Puzzle Design for People Who Can't Draw; Cutting Picture Puzzles [S] Shawn Ferguson — Intro to Jigsaw Puzzles; Advanced Jigsaw Puzzles [S] Rolf Beuttenmuller — Advanced Scrolling [S] Ray Seymore — (Seyco) Scroll Saw Maintenance [S] Janette Square — Basic Intarsia; Intarsia Shaping [S] John Nelson — Getting Started Scrolling; Adding Color to Scrolling Projects [C] Tom Hindes — Whittling [C] Stephan Forrin & Wayne Hill — Totem Poles [C] Leah Goddard — Realistic Animals [C] Everett Ellenwood — Intro to Wood Carving; Sharpening [C] Stephan Forrin — Carving Masks [C] Leah Goddard — Painting [C] Pete Ortel — Caricatures [C] Dylan Goodson — Relief Carving; Realistic Carving [C] Lori Corbett — Bird Anatomy [C] Wayne Barton — Chip Carving [C] Jim & Jody Sebring — Tramp Art [C] Jim Feather — Caricature CarvinG [T] Barry Gross — Pen Turning [G] Bob Duncan — Forum Member Meet/Greet [G] Bob Duncan & Mindy Kinsey — Publishing an Article/Magazine Roundtable [G] Judy Peterson — Starting an Art Show Business [G] Rolf Beuttenmuller — General Woodworking [G] Lori Corbett — Color Theory The website for the show - http://wood-show.com/ has links to lodging in the area as well as to the registration page. Buy your tickets early for discounts. The map right gives you an idea where the event site is east of Lancaster. From Syracuse, the drive is about 4½ hours. WoodChips – April 2014 Page 8 On The Road with Bob Casey – Another Weekend Event! I t was Friday, March 7th and for the 19th year I was hoping all day that nothing would go wrong. And, for the 19th year my wish came true! About 3:30pm the phone rang. John W ilson and Eric P intar had arrived at the Super 8 Motel in Pulaski safely. I grabbed my things and headed off to meet them. I decided to stay at the motel for the weekend to save the mileage and sleep time. In about a half hour, I met them and we headed over to Lakeshore Hardwoods, the location for the Shaker Box & Plane classes John and Eric would be teaching. Brian Leary again allowed us to use his workshop area to hold the classes. We got the truck unloaded; got things set up, and got the water heating up within a short time. By 5:30, the class attendees began to roll in and we got started about 6. As is customary, the beginner and advanced classes are run simultaneously. John started the evening with a little history of Shaker boxes and then showed everybody the first steps in the making of a box, a reminder for the advanced and a lesson for the beginners. He then set them free to begin working on their boxes. Everyone got to work and worked until about 10:15pm. We called it a night, planning to meet again Saturday morning about 8:30am to resume the class. After a short night, John, Eric and a few of the students who stayed at the hotel went to a local diner and had breakfast at about 7, and then headed to the shop for another day of making boxes. The class continued in the same way John always teaches, step-by-step to insure everyone understands how, with special help as needed for the advanced students who were making a variety of boxes rather than the standard set of 5. Lunch was sandwiches from a local deli based on each person’s request. Some people ate right thru and probably had a little sawdust along with the mustard on their roll. Now there is dedication. The beginner class had 9 while 6 were in the advanced class having attended a class previously. The group made some nice oval boxes, carriers and trays. John presented each attendee with certificates of achievement and folks headed home with their treasures. I want to thank David W heat for the donut holes and his wife, Randy, for the homemade cookies. Once the room was reset for the Sunday adventure of making hand planes, John, Eric, Bill Shea , Brian, and I headed to an adventure that Brian set up with M ary Lou of the Pulaski Historical Society. She gave us a history lesson on the Tollner Box Factory which was in existence in Pulaski from 1875 until about 1934. A few of us purchased the book on the history of the Tollners and their box industry. It was a great visit and I learned something. Thank you to Brian for setting this up with Mary Lou, who really loves her village. After the Historical Society, we had a nice dinner, sat and chatted for a bit, and headed to the Super 8 for another short night. It was the night to set your clock ahead for Daylight savings time so we lost an hour! After breakfast Sunday, we headed to Brian’s for the plane making class. John had 5 students, 3 who were there before and 2 new ones to discover the craft of wooden plane making, I was very happy to see everybody be attentive as John discussed the planes. Everyone got to work and the planes started to go together piece by piece, including working and tempering the tool steel. Everyone made a useful woodworking tool that should last a long time. Thanks today go to one of our fellow students, M itch W ilson , for offering to get pizza and soda for the group, Thanks Mitch. Brian ordered it and it was delivered about noon. After everybody completed their planes, received their diploma, and headed home, we got John's truck loaded and Brian’s tables and chairs put away. John and Eric headed back to Charlotte, Michigan and I headed home. Thank you goes out to Brad Davis who helped clean up and get the truck loaded. Before leaving about 5:15pm, John confirmed the dates for 2015 – the weekend of March 6th at Lakeshore Hardwoods. It will our 20th year so mark your calendar to plan on attending one or both of the classes! Brian wants to make an Adz and John said we shall see. Thanks for another great year! WoodChips – April 2014 Page 9 COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD FOR SALE: Books: The Encyclopedia of Shaker Furniture by Rieman & Burks $80. The Book of Shaker Furniture by Kassay $35. The Complete Book of Shaker Furniture by Rieman & Burks $25. Contact NOW AVAILABLE: Sanding & New Finishing Mops. Barbara has several traditional sanding mop kits and refills in different grits. She also has the new 2”, 4”, and 6” finishing mops. Contact Barbara Raymond-LaPrease at 638-1217 or via email at [email protected]. Jim Porter at [email protected] or From Bob Norton for Rebuilding Batteries: 315-853-1231. I nterstate Batteries is located at 393 North Collingwood FOR SALE: Honduras Mahogany 10-12” long, 1-3” thick, 10-12” wide. Contact Albert Bayus at 252-0859. FOR SALE: Rakuda flexible-shaft reciprocating power carver powered by Baldor 1/2HP, 3450 RPM, TEFC motor with custom base. Five gouge bits included. Purchased ca.1993 and used a total of one day at most. LIKE NEW. Did not suit my applications and in storage since. $225 firm (approx. same as current discount price for motor alone!). Contact Barry Gordon at 638-4749 9AM-7PM. Ave, Syracuse, NY 13206. Phone is 315-437-9075. North Collingwood is off New Court, two streets west of North Midler. Lakeshore Hardwoods – Specializing in KILN DRIED hardwood for Cabinet Makers, Furniture Makers, Woodworkers, and Hobbyists. Many thicknesses and lengths available including thin stock and turning squares. Visit www.lakeshorehardwoods.com for more information. Call Brian Leary at 315-298-6407 for the M ain Store , 30 minutes north, just south of Pulaski at 266 Manwaring FOR SALE: DEWALT Model DW788 TYPE 1 Scroll Road. Open Mon-Thurs 8am-5pm, Fri 8am-4pm, & Sat 9amSaw 20 INCH with extra blades. $250.00. Contact Bill 2pm. Brian has two Satellite Stores : The first at 191 Brown at [email protected] or (315) 289-2909. West Main St (Route 96) in Victor, NY [585-869-5118]. FOR SALE: White Oak – about 200 board feet, dried Open Tues-Fri 9am-5pm & Sat 9am-3pm. The second is in 18 years. 10”-20” wide and all about 10 feet long. Contact Syracuse at CAB FAB’s facility at 124 Burnet Ave. [315-701John Anderson (315) 408-6030 or [email protected]. 4383]. Open Mon-Fri 8:30am-5:30pm. FOR SALE: Woodmaster Drum Sander. Variable speed, reversible drum sander requires one 230v, 30amp, and one 115 volt 15amp circuit. Included – specially designed dust collector, feed roller stand, 3 full & several partial rolls of sanding material, amp meter panel to monitor working load, automatic delay start for dust collector, operator’s manual, VHS tape. $2300. Contact Bill Noroski at 457-1839. FOR SALE: 2000-2500 Board Feet of planed and dried cherry of varying lengths and widths - some boards are 16/4, 12/4, 8/4 but most are 4/4 – some are 16” wide. NOW SELLI NG I N SM ALLER LOTS . Wood in Manlius and owner is moving. Contact Frank Winters at (315)692-2055 or [email protected]. FOR SALE: 25 Pieces of Cedar, 6-14” wide x 5/4 x 48-56” long. Some knots. Air dried for 3-4 years. $250 Contact Steven Cobb at Black Creek Inc, 4 Kingdom Road, Fulton – 315-598-1866. FOR SALE: Delta 10” Contractor Saw $450. Dewalt 788 Scroll Saw. Used twice; $300 or best offer. Older Craftsman 4” Jointer $50. Contact Bill Kaminska at 2430247 or [email protected]. FOR SALE: Hegner Model Scroll Saw with stand, excellent condition with low usage. Asking $900 or best offer. Contact Ed Kashmer at 315-668-9896. FOR SALE: Grizzly Model G1182 6” Jointer with mobile base, 1hp 110v/220v 13amp, 3 blade cutter head, 2 sets of sharp blades, 4” dust port. $300. Contact Kevin Rawlings at 638-1415. The Sharpening Shed, Inc. at 8904 Shellman Drive, Cicero (699-2513). Don Kelly, who runs the shop, gives 10% senior discount and guarantees his work. Club Deal – Woodline – 10% discount off advertised prices for all products. Call 800-472-6950 to order and identify yourself as an SWWA member. Check www.woodline.com for product info. Club Deal – Klingspor – 10% discount off all nonpowered merchandise in catalog. Call 800-228-0000 and identify yourself as an SWWA member. Check www.woodworkingshop.com for product info. Looking for Toy Plans – Try Toymakingplans.com, they have many different types of plans. GENERAL NOTICES M eetings — Meetings are great with everyone helping to either setup or tear down the room. Keep up the hard work since it makes for a better experience for everyone! Barbara gets there around 5pm. Snacks — The club provides coffee and purchased snacks for meetings with Charlie Wright coordinating this task. Your homemade goodies are always welcome and have been WONDERFUL in the past few months! For those of you who have generously brought food during the past year, we thank you. Thanks again and as always, we welcome your help! Sawdust & Woodchips Woodworking Association c/o Mrs. Barbara Raymond-LaPrease, President [email protected] 3409 Patchett Road Baldwinsville, NY 13027 TO: WHEN: NEXT MEETING Thursday, April 3, 2014 Meeting Starts at 6:30pm Come Visit with Colleagues at 6pm WHERE: Canton Woods Senior Center WHAT: GETTING TO KNOW SKETCHUP 76 Canton Street Baldwinsville, NY 13027 with Jason Wrench & Justin Patrick DON’T FORGET: YOUR PROJECTS FOR SHOW & TELL Directions from Syracuse & Suburbs to Canton Woods: Take 690 West to Thruway, at which time 690 West becomes 690 North. Go two exits north past Thruway-Exit 1 to the exit named Route 31 – Baldwinsville & Jordan. This exit drops you onto Downer Street (Route 31). Make right onto Downer Street. About one mile east on Downer Street is Canton Street. [There is a sign for the Museum & Canton Woods at the corner.] Make right onto Canton Street. Travel about ¼ of a mile. Canton Woods Senior Center will be on the right just past a stand of trees. See you there!
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