Cefeírating more tñøn 60 yørs of service to tfr.e greater ßrigñtonflreø BBOT Academic Scholarship Application Complete application and mailsupporting materials to: Oak Square YMGA 615 Washington Street Brighton, MA 02135 email : [email protected] The Brighton Board of Trade offers to Allston or Brighton residents academic scholarships annually up to S1,000t Applicants must meet the following Requirements: ! Be a current Allston or Brighton resident, minimum one year. n Be enrolled at an accredited educational institution of higher learning (college or vocational school). The Scholarship will be awarded based on academic excellence, volunteer projects in the community, leadership skills and need. Applications received after May L5 of any year will not be considered for the current scholarship awards. Applications are subject to verification if selected as recipient. * Up to $500 per semesfer for a maximum of two (2) semesters per award For inquiries, please contact Scholarship Committee at e-ma il : ado n ah ue@vmcaboston. orq Telephone : 6 1 7-7 87 -8668 BBOT SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORM Personal lnformation Full Name: Lasf First M.t. Address: Sfreef Address City Sfafe ZIP Code Email Telephone DOB (Optional) Years living in Allston/Brighton Name of School in which you have enrolled School Sfreef Address City Student l.D. Number: Sfafe ZIP Code Enrollment Start Date: How do you plan to meet your educational expenses? Do you expect to receive any scholarship (s) from other organizations? Yes [] No [] lf yes, how much? List Sources: Scholarship Essav Please foruvard your completed application with a 300 word essay about yourself, school and career choice, a description of volunteer and community service work, and explain why you should be considered as a recipient of this scholarship, including in your essay. Official Transcripts You are requested to have your high school transcript and any posú'secondary transcripts forwarded to the Scholarship Committee. Ihese must be received before your application can be reviewed by the Committee. I certify that all the information reported on this application is true and complete. Signatu re: Date:
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