Brighton SLSC eNews: 1st, 8th, 15th April 2015 Contact: [email protected] to donate articles Editor: Noelene Slaven STRONG CLUB - SAFE BEACH - SERIOUS FUN - SINCE 1952! We are the Lovely, Lovely Brighton Check out what information is available on Website: Please Note: Detailed News & Information about Surf Sports is provided this week in a separate ‘Sports News’ publication; and Detailed News & Information about Nippers is covered in the separate ‘Nipper News’ publication. eNEWS ARTICLES : Due by 7pm TUESDAYS each week email to: [email protected] eNews is kept as concise as possible, so info/news provided may need to prioritised relevant to the week – Editor will decide. Also, as eNews file size capacity is very limited inclusion of photographs is also limited, so generally the eNews is text. eNews Circulation: CLUBBIES BAR ROSTER Where we all share the load! Club Bistro Bookings No: (Closed for next 3 weeks) Ph: 0400 028 091 LAST WEEK: FRIDAY 3RD APRIL: Apologies for there being no eNews circulated last week (internet access issues unfortunately). This edition will therefore cover the 3 weeks from 1st to 15th April (next edition will not be until 22nd April – after Aussies). If you are a Facebook user, please use the Club’s Facebook group pages to gain and share important information in the meantime…………. Noelene Slaven, Editor. Administration : Creating a Business Plan for 2015-2016 Repeat > From the President….Warwick Archer…. “In February your Board of Management (BOM) committee held the first of a number of planning meetings to consider medium and long term strategic issues relevant to the Club. The first meeting discussed Fee Structures, Opportunities for Club House utilisation, and creating a Business Plan for the 2015-2016 season and beyond. Topics for future consideration include a Member Incentive Scheme (sometimes called a “Good Member Program”), Club Administration, Gym Building Project, and future Coaching directions. The Board does not intend to consider these in isolation but will encourage member participation through working groups and making submissions. At this time we are calling for expressions of interest from members to help develop a ‘Business Plan for the 2015-2016 season and beyond’. A draft template has been created as a framework. Members wishing to be involved in this process and would like a copy of the draft plan should email me at [email protected] or call 0417 977 841.” Well done again to Our Seniors on Days 2 & 3 at Sth. Port Beach Senior State Titles: Thanks to All Clubbie Volunteers….. To enable our seniors to compete in State Titles at South Port, we were reliant on a great number of clubbies to take on specific jobs. In this eNews we acknowledge those with key jobs that contributed to the success of our Senior States Days 2 & 3 weekend: Our Club had a quota of 8 Officials on Saturday and Sunday. Huge thanks to all of these clubbies for fulfilling this duty. Our OFFICIALS both days were: Richard Crowe, Ingrid Cobiac, Vince Cobiac, Bill Donaldson. Our Officials for either of the two days were: John Slaven, Stephen Collaton, David Chappill, Neil Edwards, Jeff Brice, Ray Wright, Kevin Marks. Without these and other dedicated officials at the season of carnivals, our competitors would not have the privilege of competing and ultimately competing for a chance to win medals at States! We also acknowledge all those involved in packing and towing trailers, coaches, team managers, administration, supporters, mascots: all that were actively involved in our 3 days of Senior States in support of all of our competitors. What is Happening …….. Friday Bistro CLOSED…. for 3 weeks from Friday 3rd April to 17th April incl. Bar will be Open though from 5-8pm approx. for Clubbie Sippers ! If you wish to DINE at the Bistro from 24th April, you must make a booking on: 0400 028 091 to be assured of being fitted in. Great menu incl. kid’s meals & friendly service. State Competition Fees…. 2015 State Titles: Now been & done ! For Senior Competitors, your Fees MUST HAVE BEEN PAID BY NOW. If not, Immediately Go to ‘What is Happening’…..continued to page 2………….. CLUB AND BISTRO CLOSED. SATURDAY 4th APRIL: SUNDAY 5th APRIL: CLUB CLOSED. EASTER MONDAY 6th APRIL: Monday Sippers: 5pm to Close TUESDAY 7th APRIL: ASRL Meeting: 7.30pm to Close T H I S W E E K ( NO BISTRO ): FRIDAY 10th APRIL Sippers: IRB TEAM: 5pm to 7pm: Duty Manager: Libby Thomas Bar Staff: Naomi Thomas 7pm to Close Duty Manager: Amee Allison Bar Staff: Julie Thomas, Simon Thomas. SATURDAY 11th APRIL: CLUB CLOSED. SUNDAY 12th APRIL: Sunday Sippers: 5pm to 8pm: Duty Manager: VACANCY Bar Staff: Sharon Hall, Peter Hall. N E X T W E E K ( NO BISTRO ): FRIDAY 17th APRIL Sippers: SENIORS: 5pm to 7pm: Duty Manager: Dave Burgess Bar Staff: Alex Jagla 7pm to Close: Duty Manager: Greg McCloud Bar Staff: Bridget Fuller, Malcolm Pattinson. SATURDAY 18th APRIL: CLUB CLOSED. SUNDAY 19th APRIL: Sunday Sippers: 5pm to 8pm: Duty Manager & Bar Staff: VACANCIES Up & Coming Dates 11 – 19 April: Aussies 2015 - North Kirra Beach, Gold Coast Queensland Sat. 18 April: Breakwater to Breakwater Swim, Nth Haven SLSC. Fri. 24 April: Anzac Vigil at The Cove Sat. 25 April: Dawn Service at Arch of Remembrance, Jetty Rd, Brighton. Sunday 26 April Afternoon: Annual JUNIOR Presentation Day at the Club. Wed 29 April: NEXT BOM Meeting Sun 19 April & Sun 26 April: 1st IRB Crew Training Sessions Sun 3 May, Sun 17 May, Sat 6 June, Sun 21 June: 4 x IRB Carnivals. Wed 10th June: NEXT NOMAD Brekky. Sat 20th June: Sculptures Quiz Night. 27 & 28 June: States POOL Comp. Sat 25th July: ANNUAL CLUB PRESENTATION DINNER Sun 16th August: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM). BSLSC eNews 1st, 8th, 15th April 2015 : page 2 AUSSIES AUSSIES AUSSIES 2015 Good luck to all our clubbies competing at North Kirra, Gold Coast this coming week. 2015 marks the 100th Anniversary of Aussies. Thanks to each member for representing our club proudly under the RED CAP and thanks to all the drivers, coaches, our water cover members, officials and other supporters for joining the team from Brighton 5048. Thanks very much to the Board of Management (BOM) for the Club support provided to the team. Clubbies at home can keep up to date with live results as they happen via and check out their Facebook page. The competition commences with the Youth Championships on 11th & 12th, then Masters, finishing with Seniors. Brighton has 3 March Past teams on the arena next Sunday 19 th April that will sure to be a fantastic show of bright red ! Good luck to all, just do your very best and leave nothing in the tank to ponder after ‘your race is run’ ! Thanks and recognition to our quota of IRB Water Cover clubbies: Bruce Hosking, Will McNamara, Chris Parsons and Kim. Thanks also to our wonderful and generous Drivers, Tom Schouten, Bob Parsons, Vince Cobiac for getting the boards, skis, reels, flags, tents etc to Queensland by road. Thanks to everyone that helped to load and secure the craft on the trailers. Acknowledgement to David Earl for transporting some of our gear in the SLSSA truck – very much appreciated ! SHELTER ON THE BEACH AT NORTH KIRRA…….. A reminder of Clubbie Martin’s message that although our Club has taken two 3m x 3m tents which (based on numbers) will most likely be set up in the u17 Female area and the Open / 19 Male area. Those not in those age groups will need to seek out shade with other SA clubs. This arrangement has the backing of most SA clubs and has worked well in the past. Aussies Facebook Communication… For those travelling to Aussies, there is a Club Facebook Group page set up in order to communicate easily with each other. Go to @Brighton Aussies 2015 Touring Group to join. Use this to share news, activities, meetings, social get togethers, sharing meals etc. (But remember, that not all members are facebook users so check the membership so you know who is or is not receiving information). Aussies Competition Fees… 11th to 19th April 2015 at North Kirra, Gold Coast Queensland Members are advised that the Club is funding competitors’ entry fees for Aussies 2015. If you have already paid, you will be reimbursed. Any questions, please refer to Club Treasurer, Vince Cobiac. Administration / Facility / Operational Matters Bar Volunteers for the next 2 weeks : VACANCIES If your name is on the Bar Roster, please show up & on time for your Shift OR find a replacement and let Burgo know please so we know the bar is covered! The Bar opening times and rosters for the next two weeks are listed on page 1. There are a number of VACANCIES as shown in RED that can be filled by going to the online bar roster (see below). Many thanks to all those that have already filled spots. FRIDAY NIGHT BAR STAFF receive a BISTRO MEAL at NO COST. (when the Bistro is on). If you can help out, to access the Bar Roster, it is ONLINE: go to and click on Club Sections and then on Bar Roster. Check the vacant spots, type your name and simply press ENTER to save your updates. Annual Report 2014-2015 : CONTRIBUTIONS To those that provide reports on the season, a reminder to start preparing your report of the season and get to me ASAP. All members of BOM are required to do a report, as well as all others in any key position (Chair of Meetings, Coaches, Coordinators, Leaders, Sectional Captains etc). Please send your report ASAP in (.doc) format please to Noelene Slaven via email: [email protected] Life Membership : NOMINATIONS Any member can nominate another for consideration for life membership. Details of the criteria and process are documented in the Club Constitution and By-Laws documents – available on the club website at After ratification by BOM and the Life Member Committee, nominations are voted on at the Annual General Meeting each year (this year is 16th August 2015), so if you wish to nominate some-one, you will need to get the nomination to BOM ASAP via the Club Secretary to [email protected] Use of Clubrooms…. for Anything….. You Must Book to Use the Club ! A reminder that if you need / want to use the clubrooms for ANY REASON : Meetings, Training, Social Activities, Any Activity, YOU MUST MAKE A BOOKING with Clubhouse Manager, Julie Thomann, phone 0418 835 564 or email to: [email protected] Security of Club…. Is Everyone’s Responsibility ! Many instances have occured of the boat-shed entry door and roller doors being left open with no-one around. Please close doors to secure the club at all times. Even if someone is in gym or upstairs, the doors must be locked outside of normal training / opening times. If you find doors open & no-one around, please close and latch (anyone with authority to be on premises, will have a fob to access). Your FOB is not to be lent to anyone ! Please know fob access records can be checked through the security system. Continued to page 3……… BSLSC eNews 1st, 8th, 15th April 2015 : page 3 Competition (Surf Sports) Information Senior State Titles Days 2 & 3… Held 28th & 29th March at South Port…. Brighton finished in 3rd Place (417 points) and 4th Place (551 points) Overall for the Season. Congratulations to West Beach SLSC for taking out the Seniors Overall State Championships with 1,016 points. Well done to all in our Club for either competing, assisting or both over the 3 days of Senior States. Please refer to the Club’s Surf Sports News (by Richard Crowe) for more details of States, but in this eNews, despite a number of medals of various colour being won and lots of top 6 placings and finalists, we will just acknowledge here all of our newest Senior State Champions / Gold Medallists (20 Gold / State Titles). Your names will be added to the Club’s competition honour boards. Congratulations and Thanks to: INDIVIDUALS (11 Gold Medals): OPEN Mens Surf Race: PATRICK Cobiac OPEN Mens Belt Race: PATRICK Cobiac OPEN Womens Board Race: DIANNE Wallace-Ward OPEN Womens Beach Sprint: HAYLEY Openshaw OPEN Womens Beach Flags: HAYLEY Openshaw u19 Mens Board Race: JOSHUA Allison u19 Womens Beach Sprint: KATE Monks u17 Mens Tube Race: JACK Martin u17 Ironman: JACK Martin u15 Mens Flags: PATRICK Fordham u15 Mens Sprint: PATRICK Fordham TEAMS (10 Gold Medals): Open Mens Swim Team: Michael Baker, Tom Martin, Jack Martin, Patrick Cobiac. u19 Mens Ski Relay: Joshua Allison, Ben Smith, Sean Lohse. u19 Mens Taplin Relay: Joshua Allison, Ben Smith Sean Lohse. u17 Mens Taplin Relay: Jonathon Edwards, Jack Martin, Alex Scapens. u17 Mens Board Relay: Sam Belshaw, Jack Martin, Alex Scapens. U17 Mens Board Rescue: Jack Martin, Sam Belshaw. u17 Mens Swim Team: Will Battersby, Connor Melville, Jack Martin, Alex Scapens. u17 Womens Ski Relay: Danica Brice, Michelle Strudwick, Sophie Jones. 5 Person Mens R & R: Paul Openshaw, Paul Vale, John Ward, Mark Staite, Gary Schapel. 6 Person Mixed R & R: Paul Openshaw, Paul Vale, John Ward, Mark Staite, Gary Schapel, plus one! We also acknowledge the Club’s Head Coach, Michael Baker and all other Coaches, Mentors, Team Managers and Assistants that as a team all contributed to our competitors’ success at States 2015. IRB Competition Begins Very Soon…….. Now that the Summer States competition and Patrolling has concluded for 2014-15, the 2015-16 season commences with the IRB competitors take to the water in a series of Carnivals and then State Titles. Competition covers all eligible age groups including Masters, in Male and Female and Mixed categories. Brighton is the current SA CHAMPION IRB Club. All proficient IRB Drivers and Crew are welcome to join this fantastic group of clubbies and be part of the fun and action. Team Criteria: proficiency and fitness, sense of adventure and fun, must have warm wet suit, beanie and blanket (red & white of course), be a team player, love speed, exhilaration, cold water, the squeak of rubber, warm fire on the beach, enjoy hot soup and crusty bread, high fives, hugging wet bodies, laughing and cheering ! Sound like you ?, then join in or at very least join the team of the beach and give your support ! We take this opportunity to acknowledge NAOMI Thomas as this Season’s IRB Captain; and all the IRB Drivers and Crew members that patrolled at Brighton and Carnivals over the season; the IRB Trainers and the Drivers for towing the ducks to various beaches for training and carnivals; and the all those that maintained the IRBs, Motors and equipment. Great job all of you ! Competition Diary Dates: The first competition carnival is on Sunday 3rd May. Carnival # 2: Sunday 17th May. Carnival # 3: Saturday 6th June. Carnival # 4: Sunday 21st June. IRB States: Sunday 5th July. Locations to be advised. Craft scrutineering is 25th June. After States, the IRB Aussies Titles are at Mooloolaba SLSC in Queensland. Continued to page 4………… BSLSC eNews 1st, 8th, 15th April 2015 : page 4 EASTER Long Weekend – The Last Patrols for the 2014/2015 Season Huge Thanks to our Vice Captain, Life Saving Services, Ingrid Cobiac for once again managing our patrolling business. Thanks to those patrol members from the following teams who fulfilled their patrol duties over Easter: Good Friday 3rd April : Patrol Team 5 Patrol Captain: WILL McNamara Vice-Captain: Daniel Coote; Patrol: Lee Winchester, Sophie Jones, Michelle Strudwick, Danica Brice, Les Buckley, Ted Clark, Peter Coote, Robyn Falster, Cameron Heath, Jennifer Heath, Lucy Mayo, Tim McNamara, Billy Todd, Max Winchester, Isaac Gordon, Samuel Hancock, Logan Kelly, Cameron Lindsay. Easter Saturday 4th April : Patrol Team 3 Patrol Captain: ALEX Cobiac Vice-Captain: Lauren Chappill Patrol: Troy Esdale, ALICIA Schutz, Ashleigh Chappill, Victoria Battersby, Tom Constable, Allan Cordner, Adam Harry, Ella Harry, Shannon Hinchey, Kate Monks, Madeline Nicholson, Toby Orchard, Sophie Waltham, Scott Wendelborn, Harry Baker, John Larmer, Andrew Monks, Thomas Strudwick. Easter Sunday 5th April : Patrol Team 8 Patrol Captain: TOM Rolton Vice-Captain: PATRICK Cobiac. Patrol: ALISTAIR Baird, NICK Orchard, ETHAN Rump, WILL Battersby, MATTHEW Browne, ANDREW Browne, SARAH Browne, TIMOTHY Cummings, KAREN Davies, CAROLYN Jones, ALISTAIR Fleming, CHRIS Hilliard, JACK Martin, THOMAS Martin, CHARLEY Newton, TIMOTHY Pearman, IZAAK Treadwell, LUCINDA Anleu, MADELIENE Powell, MAX Wittwer-Smith, CHRISTOPHER Doyle, KELLY Gohl, MADELAINE Jones, MELISSA Stewart. Easter Monday 6th April : Patrol Team 7 Patrol Captain: CHRIS Parsons Vice-Captain: AMEE Allison. Patrol: DAVID Lucas, NED Carthy, CLAUDE Crowe, WAYNE Carruthers, JUDY Carruthers, GRAHAM Cummings, JULIE Cummings, PETER Hall, SHARON Hall, CURTIS Hall, WILL Jack, KENDELL McCloud, KATRINA Meehan, PETER Mitchel, HAYLEY Openshaw, CHRIS Pearman, T-JAY Rump, KALLIE Rump, BRIDGET Slaven, IAN Young, ETHAN Brice, SAM Chalmers, PATRICK Dewhirst, TOM Mayo. 7 New Life Savers (Bronze Medallions)…. from Greg McCloud and Billy Jackson: Congratulations to our 7 newest BRONZE MEDALLION members. Well done to JAIDA Bouhamdan, EMILY Ovenden, JACKIE Fisher, GUY Fisher, MATTHEW Hope, ETHAN Brice, and CHRISTOPHER Doyle. THANKS go to GREG McCloud, DAVE Lucas and BILLY Jackson for training this group and organizing the assessment before end of season (on Monday 30th March) and special thanks to KYLIE Ellison for the First Aid Training EXCELLENT ! From Greg: “A top squad to train – made it easy for me!” From Jeff Brice: “Well done and huge thanks to Greg Dave Billy and everyone else who helped them get their bronze.” From Robyn Brice: “A very big thank you to Greg McCloud for all the time and effort you have put into the newest bronze squad it is very much appreciated. Thank you also to Billy and Dave who came down to assist, all the hours you put into helping our kids gain their awards is very generous.” IRB Drivers Silver Medallions Achieved…. from Chief Instructor, David Lucas: Congratulations to LAUREN Chappill, WILL McNamara, KEVIN Whelan and CHRIS Wilson who passed their Silver Medallion IRB Drivers bright and early on 4th April 2015. Thanks also to LEE Winchester for his services as our (almost) newest IRB Training Officer. Other Life Saving Services Business New IRB Crew Training Course…. from Chief Instructor, David Lucas: Starting Sunday 19th April at 2pm. Training sessions ideally to be held on Sunday 26th April, Saturday 2nd May, Sunday 10th May, and assessment Saturday 16th May (working around competition dates). If you want to join the reigning State Championship IRB Race Team this season you need to be a part of this course, and then complete additional competition training. Places strictly limited. You must have a proficient Bronze Medallion and be able to attend *all* training sessions. Please respond to myself to secure a position in the course either on facebook @David Lucas or email to [email protected] * Note: if you will be at Aussies for the first course on 19 th April but want to do this training, speak with David direct. Repeat > IRB Coaches Award… Expressions of Interest Sought… from David Lucas On 4th March David Lucas put the following request on Facebook: “would there be anyone interested in doing their IRB Coaches award for competition training? Nothing set for this but something we need to have a look at. Several clubs looking to possibly put a group through for the upcoming race season, we just want an idea on possible numbers” INTERESTED? Please contact David by emailing to: [email protected] or a FB private message. Continued to page 5………… BSLSC eNews 1st, 8th, 15th April 2015 : page 5 Other Events – Coming Up Support the Breakwater to Breakwater Swim…… SUNDAY 18 TH APRIL North Haven Surf Lifesaving Club will host the 17th Annual Breakwater to Breakwater Swim on the 18th April. The event will build on a positive year for the club in which they almost doubled their junior competitors. Like all clubs they are always looking for new members but this is positive sign for the club in the future. The atmosphere around the club is really positive with many members attending Friday night meals and creating a family friendly atmosphere. After the resounding success of the junior carnival they hosted earlier in the season North Haven are aiming to improve the event from last year. They are aiming to increase participants in the 1.2km swim from 50 competitors from 2014 to 70 in 2015. The event will be followed by a BBQ at the Club and presentations for the successful swimmers. The Club is developing somewhat of an expertise at hosting family friendly events with quite a few successful ones this year. Including a movie night, a bottle and can drive and some nipper trainings at Largs Bay for the first time in a few seasons already this year. They also have the Queen Mary departure night coming up as well as the Breakwater to Breakwater. Although they do not compete at senior level they still have plenty going on down at North Haven and Breakwater to Breakwater is a great example of that. Check it out for yourself and support the Club by competing or attending the event. Register on the day from 8.00 am for a 9:30am start. Repeat > Brighton SLSC Rowers off to Gallipoli Very Soon…… Members of the well-known and competitive ‘Redbacks’ Masters surf boat crew of Steve Bell, Chris Hilliard, Tom Murdoch, Graham Cummings and Warwick Archer will be travelling to Turkey to participate in the 100th anniversary of the 25th April 1915 ANZAC Gallipoli landings. Brighton will partner with Coolum SLSC of Qld. While the crew have funded themselves to well over $7,000.00, RSL Care SA has provided sponsorship for apparel and the Club has also provided some support. RSL Care SA is a new sponsor and provides aged retirement accommodation and aged care homes for veterans and their families. Repeat > Anzac Day Vigil at the Cove…… FRIDAY 24TH APRIL 2015 Once again Brighton SLSC’s Youth members will participate in the Anzac Day Vigil; and this year to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli landing and pay tribute to the Anzacs at this once-in-a-lifetime event overlooking the sea at Hallett Cove. The youth vigil hosted by the City of Marion, will be held at a new memorial at Hallett Cove foreshore followed by a dawn service hosted by the Hallett Cove Lions Club. Amee Allison will once again fulfil the leadership role of organise our youth’s participation. Thank YOU Amee! Thanks also to Daisy Crowe for featuring on the event poster as the SLS youth representative. See the flier which is posted around the Club. Trailblazer By The Sea…… Much more than just a run!...... Sunday 3rd May 2015 Trailblazer By The Sea is South Australia's freshest Individual, Team or Family challenge for you to raise much needed donations to help the good work in the community by Surf Lifesaving SA and The Rotary Club of Adelaide. Be inspired! It's a rewarding event that will change lives, maybe even yours! See more information on the website link where you can register to join in. The Rotary Club of Adelaide and Surf Life Saving South Australia have joined together to conduct this exciting new fundraising event on the SA calendar. Two organisations that share values, take a professional approach to what we do and have a long history of achieving positive outcomes in the community. These two iconic brands in SA have joined forces to conduct…Trailblazer By The Sea. *100% of All donations raised will be shared equally by Surf Lifesaving in SA and the Rotary Club of Adelaide. Your donations will help support SLSSA’s work in the community to save lives and build healthier and safer communities and the RCA’s charitable initiatives in health, education, youth, homeless, older Australians and so much more. Clubbies can get FIT, TONED & STRONG with MM Fitness – Melinda McAinsh Life Member and Instructor, Mel McAinsh conducts Cross Training for Clubbies - Boxing every Tuesday night at 5:30pm behind the Club . You will get an awesome full body workout with an emphasis on technique, technique, technique. $15 per session. Watch for the posts on the Club Members facebook page @Brighton SLSC Members Group or preferably go to Mel’s own facebook page @MM Fitness - Mel McAinsh for more details or phone Mel on 0400 690 030. Totally recommended ! ************************************************************************************** THE END
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