SPRING/SUMMER 2015 Brown County ESC Auditor of State Award INSIDE THIS ISSUE: BROWN COUNTY LEE TEACHER NOMINEES 2-3 COUNTY SCIENCE 4 FAIR COUNTY SPELLING BEE 5 On March 10, 2015, Auditor of State, Dave Yost announced that BCESC Treasurer Sally Frydryk had received “The Auditor of State Award”. In the past, Yost has been quoted as saying “Only about five percent of the public entities in Ohio get this award, so this is a relatively rare thing”. Treasurer Sally Frydryk stated the following, “Basically it means that you don’t have any findings for recoveries and if they have no recommendations that you do anything differently than you already do--you meet all the audit standards, use the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and you have to have a local Government Services report as well.” Mrs. Frydryk received a hard copy of the award in the mail on Wednesday, March 11, with a letter from Yost explaining the significance of the award and offering congratulations to the BCESC on their achievement. Congratulations to Mrs. Sally Frydryk for a job well done! BROWN COUNTY 6 CHALLENGE TRIP BCESC PD & TRAININGS 7 COUNTY ART FAIR 8 Follow us on Twitter The BCESC is excited to announce the speaker for our back to school Brown County In-Service on August 17, 2015. As a former kindergarten teacher and school Director of Technology, Steve Dembo is a pioneer in the field of educational social networking. He was among the first educators to realize the power of blogging, podcasting, Twitter and other Web 2.0 technologies in connecting educators and creating professional learning communities. He has been instrumental in the explosive growth of the Discovery Educator Network and its online presence. Dembo is the co-author of the book Untan- Like us on Facebook 2015 Brown County In-Service gling the Web: 20 Tools to Power Up Your Teaching. The National School Board Associa- tion named him one of 2010's "Twenty to Watch," a list honoring individuals finding innovative ways to use technology to increase classroom learning. In 2013 he began serving the Skokie/Morton Grove District 69 as a member of the School Board. Dembo is a course designer and adjunct professor for Wilkes University where he serves as class instructor for the Internet Tools for Teaching course within the Instructional Media degree program. Steve Dembo is also a dynamic speaker on the capabilities of social networking, the power of educational technologies, Web 2.0 tools, and the ability of digital content to empower teachers to improve student achievement. He has delivered keynote and featured presentations at dozens of conferences including ISTE, TCEA, FETC, MACUL, GaETC, METC, CUE, ICE, TEDxCorpus Christi, #140Edu, EduWeb and the Social Media Masters Summit. Dembo also participated in Nokia Open Labs as an expert on mobile phone integration in education. Brown County LEE Nominees The Eastern Brown LEE Award nominee is Sherry Torello. Mrs. Torello has been with the Eastern Brown School District since 1997 where she serves as their visual art instructor for grades K-5. While working with her students she describes her teaching approach as “actively engaging students, while educating them on proper artistic methodologies and technical aspects of the craft.” She strives to provide students with opportunities to reach their fullest potential through creative expression, cognitive strategies and a broad range of aesthetic, historical, cultural, analytical and production experiences. Mrs. Torello received her Bachelor of Science in Art Education from Miami University and her Master of Arts in Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment from Walden University. Sherry has committed herself to life-long learning she continues to take graduate classes from Ashland University, as well as graduate classes from Morningside College focusing in Assessment in Art Education and Creativity in Crisis. Her passion and joy for her work has impacted our district in so many ways – she inspires her peers, as well as her students. The Fayetteville-Perry LEE Award nominee is Kim Strunk. Kim has been working in the FayettevillePerry School District since 1984. She currently is teaching second grade but has also taught in our 4th and 6th grade classrooms. Kim graduated from Morehead State University in 1984 with her Bachelor of Arts with a certification in elementary education grades 1-8. She earned her Master of Science in Education in 1990 from The University of Dayton. Kim has played a vital role in our school district both in and out of the classroom. She has represented Fayetteville-Perry as an Exceptional Achievement Award Recipient for the Hopewell Special Education Resource Center. She has also served on several of our local committees. She is currently a member of both her building leadership team and the district leadership team. Her work on these committees helps drive the direction our district moves as they make decisions for our students and their futures. Kim has spent her life dedicated to the children of our school district and the youth in her community. She has continually strived to serve as their role model, their champion and their cheerleader. The Southern Hills Career and Technical Center LEE Award nominee is Susan McElroy. Ms. McElroy currently instructs general and honors English, as well as an American Government course at the Southern Hills Career and Technical Center. In 2008 Susan graduated with her Bachelor of Arts from Ohio Wesleyan University. She doubled majored in English and History and minored in Medieval Studies. While attending Ohio Wesleyan Susan was a member of the English Honorary Society, Sigma Tau Delta, The History Honorary Society, Phi Alpha Theta and earned the Dean’s Award. Mrs. Elroy works with our students both inside and outside the classroom. Currently she serves as an adviser for our Student Government Association, National Technical Honors Society and the Adviser for the Anthony Munoz Foundation. Not only has Susan immersed herself in her work in our building and with our students but she has also represented Southern Hills CTC outside the classroom. She has served as a presenter in 2013 and in 2014 at the High Schools that Work Best Practices Showcase highlighting Using Nonfiction Writing to increase literacy and Lexiles and determining growth in learning. The Georgetown Exempted Village LEE Award nominee is Jamie Loudon. Jamie has been with the Georgetown Exempted Village Schools since 2003 serving as their Agricultural Science Teacher at the High School. While serving Georgetown School District in this capacity he has worked with our 8th graders through an introductory course in Agriculture, as well as 9th graders in the area of agriculture, food and natural resources and our 10th through 12th graders in animal science, plant science and Agricultural Mechanics. Mr. Loudon graduated from The Ohio State University in 1999, Suma Cum Laude, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriscience Education with a minor in Production Agriculture. He then returned to The Ohio State University in 2000 to earn his Agribusiness Certification. Through all of these accomplishments Jamie has still found time to serve as the presenter of the Brown County Sale Committee, serve on the State Degree evaluation committee, serve as treasurer of the Georgetown Federation of Teachers and serve on the Jr. Fairboard Advisory committee. A few of Mr. Loudon accomplishments have included his ability to coach livestock judging teams, and horse judging teams. He has coached students in the area of job interviews, public speaking, food science, agronomy and wildlife teams. The Ripley-Union-Lewis-Huntington LEE Award nominee is Mary Sonner. Innovative, dedicated, enthusiastic, caring, willing to help others and attention to individual student needs are just a few of the words Mary’s coworkers use to describe her and her dedication to the teaching field. Mary has been working in the field of education for the past 16 years. She started working in the RULH School District in 1999 as a 1st grade teacher. In 2012 she moved from 1st grade to serve as the K-4 Technology Instructor as we began rolling our curriculum over to meet the ever demanding needs of the 21st century She started her journey in 1996 when she graduat- ed with an Associate of Arts degree from Southern State Community College. Three years later she graduated with her Bachelor of Science Degree from Shawnee State University. In 2012 she received her reading endorsement from the University of Cincinnati and in 2014 she completed her Master of Education in Literacy and Second Language Studies. The Western Brown LEE Award nominee is Krystal Haney. Mrs. Haney has been with the Western Brown School District since 1998 – serving as an elementary teacher in Kindergarten, 3rd grade, reading recovery and currently as a 1st grade teacher. Mrs. Haney graduated from Northern Kentucky University in 1998 with a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education. In 2004 she received her Masters of Science in Education in the areas of Reading and Literacy from Walden University. Over the past several year’s Krystal has taken an active leadership role within the Western Brown School district. She currently serves on her Building Leadership Team – identifying needs of her building and helping to create creative solutions to address those needs. She has also represented Western Brown through her co-facilitation of an iDiscovery Course through Miami University and as an assistant facilitator presenting SIRI – Summer Institute for Reading Intervention to both literacy and non-literacy teachers. This professional development was developed by the University of Akron in coordination with the Ohio Department of Education in an effort to provide on-going professional development to teachers in the area of reading intervention. While working full time and pursuing additional certifications Mary has received recognition for her outstanding work and accomplishments in the field of education. Mrs. Sonner has been the recipient of the Phi Delta Kappa Student Teaching Award, Who is Who Among American Teachers, Overall District Website Award, as well as a Martha Holden Jennings Scholar. 41st Annual Brown County Science Outstanding Project Winners (Left to right): Ashely Jakeway, Shelby Griffith, Jenna Griffith, Emerson Day, Emma Helbling, Caroline Day, Alexandra Arn & Gabriella Griffith Honorable Mention (Left to right): Ryan Craig, Rose Dean, Pierce Schadle, Lillyan Nochols, Luke Wilson & Caroline Ernst Farm Bureau Winners : Shelby Griffith & Kate Stratton Recycling Winners (left to right): Jenna Griffith, Emerson Day , Pierce Schadle & Aaliyah Bennett Brown County Soil & Water Winners: Rose Dean & Caroline Day 74th Annual Brown County Spelling Bee The 74th Annual Brown County Spelling Bee was held on March 26, 2015, at the BCESC. There were sixteen participants. BCESC Superintendent James Frazier handed out trophies and certificates. Heidi Greco, the pronouncer, gave each contestant the word and a definition of the word in a sentence. The first place winner was Allyson McHenry from Georgetown Jr./Sr. High, second place Robert Monroe from Russellville Elementary and third place was Aaron Teagarden from St. Michael School. James Frazier pictured awarding 1st place trophy to Allyson McHenry. Row 1: Robert Monroe, Allyson McHenry, Aaron Teegarden Row 2: Macey Fisher, Caitlin Jacobs, Nathan Kratzer, Lily Martin, David Cowdrey, Zachary King Row 3: Stephanie Crush, Wesley O'Hara, Dakota Fehring, Aaron Ellis, Jon Chesley, Robert Aubry, Tori Lewis On April 23, 2015 the Brown County Challenge program attend the production of The Lion King at the Aronoff Theatre in Cincinnati. The trip was sponsored by a grant from Duke Energy. Students from Western, Eastern and Ripley attended this event. Ms. Basford and Mrs. Call chaperoned the students. This was a great event for all! ~A big THANK YOU to Duke Energy~ BCESC Upcoming Professional Development and Training Dates Save the Date: DATE June 12, 2015 TOPIC TIME BCESC 13th Annual Leadership Retreat and Cookout; Keynote - Jim Mahoney, Battelle for Kids 8:30 AM Registration OTES Training: DATE TOPIC June 3, 4 and 5, 2015 Credential Training August 11, 12, and 13, 2015 Credential Training TIME AND LOCATION 8:30 AM -3:30 PM Clermont County ESC – register on STARS; Keyword OTES 8:30 AM-3:30 PM BCESC, register on Stars; Keyword OTES CURRENT MENTOR REFRESHER COURSE Register by emailing: [email protected] DATE TOPIC TIME AND LOCATION October 20, 2015 Mentor Refresher Course 8:30-3:30@ SOESC October 21, 2015 Mentor Refresher Course 8:30-3:30 @ BCESC October 22, 2015 Mentor Refresher Course 8:30-3:30 @ Hopewell ADVANCED MENTOR TRAININGS Register by emailing: [email protected] DATE TOPIC TIME AND LOCATION January 27, 2016 Adv. Mentor Training 8:30-3:30@BCESC February 4, 2016 Adv. Mentor Training 8:30-3:30@SOESC February 18, 2016 Adv. Mentor Training 8:30-3:30@Hopewell February 26, 2016 Adv. Mentor Training 8:30-3:30@ Southern St. Washington Courthouse Brown County Art Fair The Brown County Art Exhibit and reception were held at SHCTC on Friday, May 1, 2015. There were over 330 projects on display. Trophies and ribbons were awarded to the winners. The evening was a huge success. Thanks to all teachers and students for a beautiful display of artwork. Art Best of Category - High School: Lindsey Davis, Alexandra Bush, Kelly Cunningham, Britney Vail, Danielle Hedrick, Alex Julian, Courtney Wiechman, Morgan Cowdrey Art Honorable Mention winners: 4th grade-Riley Katwinkel, 5th grade-Kaleb Franklin, 6th grade-Kylie Felsheim, 7th grade-Alex Rumpke, 8th grade-Hailey Abbott, High School-Riley Wolf Art Best of Show: Grade 4-Mahayla Dragoo, Grade 5-Caroline Day, Grade 6-Kylie Felsheim, Grade 7-Emerson Day, Grade 8-Claudia Books, High School-Sierra Evans & Jessie Mootz James Frazier, Superintendent Ext. 537 Sally Frydryk, Treasurer Ext. 536 Amanda Blanton, School Improvement Ext. 531 Cindy Call, Gifted & Speech Supervisor Ext. 525 Becky Cropper, 40 Assets,/Drug Free Schools Ext. 532 Joan Garrett, Pre-K Supervisor Ext. 518 Dale Knechtly, Technology Ext. 350 Dayne Michael, Special Education Supervisor Ext. 516 Jackie Miller, School Improvement Ext. 533 Don Rabold, Support Services Ext. 514 Gale Roush, Assistant Treasurer Ext. 534 Tracy Spires, School Psychologist/School Improvement Ext. 532 Check out our updated website @ Elise Starkey, Executive Secretary/Aesop Ext. 535 www.brown.k12.oh.us Dee Ann Stricklett, School Improvement Ext. 529 9231 Hamer Road Georgetown, OH 45121 (937) 378-6118 Online PD registration available
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