Boomerang : Pattern Star Intermediate Zebra Beginner Triangle Beginner/intermediate Command Four Beginner * These boomerangs have been grouped into the categories "beginner", "beginner/intermediate", and "intermediate", based on their flight characteristics and tuning difficulty. We suggest starting with the easier boomerangs. The JBA logo printed on the boomerangs is the logo of the Japan Boomerang Association. Boomerang Boomerangs are well-known as the wooden projectiles used by Australian aborigines for hunting and in religious ceremonies. But items considered archetypes of the boomerang can be found around the world, in places like Egypt, Europe, India, the United States, and Colombia. A boomerang was even said to be found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Although V-shaped boomerangs are the best known, sport boomerangs generally have three wings. Recently, four- and five-winged boomerangs have appeared as well. Although any flying device with a wing that cuts through the wind can be made to return to the thrower, those with X and Y shapes return especially well. Devices with shapes such as those of C and O will not return to the thrower because they have no wing to cut through the wind. Editor : Yasuhiro "Togi" Togai Representative, Kansai Boomerang Network. Represented Japan in seven consecutive World Boomerang Championships over the period 1994 2006. Overall champion in the Japan Cup in 1998 and 2004. Won first prize in the individual and Aussie round competitions at the World Boomerang Championships in Asahikawa in 2006. Publishes essays on life with boomerangs in the Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun. Frequently contributes to magazines and appears as television guest to promote boomerangs. Primary published works include the Kami Boomerang ("Paper Boomerangs") (Seibundo Shinkosha), the Kami Boomerang & Hikoki ("Paper Boomerangs and Airplanes") (Hikarinokuni), the Nagero! Kami Boomerang ("Let's Throw Paper Boomerangs!"), and Super Boomerang ("Super Boomerangs") (Kanzen). Kansai Boomerang Network: Parts list (pattern): Seven US letter sheets (No. 1 to No. 7) No. of Parts : 12 1 Boomerang : Pattern Zebra Beginner Top surface Middle surface 2 Boomerang : Pattern Command Four Beginner Top surface Middle surface 3 Boomerang : Pattern Zebra ing; throw ded throwing t-han d r righ ft-hande up fo le Fold own for d fold Beginner Bottom surface e tiv no r) Fou and om m ng (C oo m era non Cre ativ eP ark B Bottom surface ; ing ow ng thr owi ed d thr d a n de ht-h an rig ft-h for for le p u wn ld Fo d d o fol Ca Beginner r Pa ea Cr ; ng wi g hro win d t thro de an ded ht-h an rig ft-h for r le up n fo w ld Fo d do fol Command Four n g an er ) Fold u fold d p for righ town for le handed th ft-han rowin ded throw g; ing Ca om Bo k ra eb (Z ; ng wi g hro win d t thro de an ded ht-h an rig ft-h for r le up n fo w ld Fo d do fol F fo old l d up do f w or n rig fo h r l t-h ef a t-h nd an ed de th d ro th w ro in w g; in g ; ng wi ng hro wi d t thro e nd d ha d e ht- an rig ft-h for for le p u wn ld Fo d do fol 4 Boomerang : Pattern Star Intermediate Top surface Middle surface 5 6 Cut along this line Fold down for right-handed throwing; fold up for left-handed throwing Cut along this line Cut along this line Fold down for right-handed throwing; fold up for left-handed throwing Cut along this line Triangle Beginner/intermediate Boomerang : Pattern Boomerang : Pattern Star Intermediate Bottom surface ; ing g ow in thr row ed th nd ed ha nd ht- ha rig leftfor for up n ld ow Fo ld d fo Fold fold up for ri dow g n fo ht-hand r le ft-ha ed thro nde d th wing; row ing Can on C Beginner/intermediate g; rowin ed th rowing and th ght-h anded ri r up fo r left-h Fold own fo d fold tive P ark Boo mer ang (Sta r) Fold up for right-handed throwing; fold down for left-handed throwing Triangle rea Fold down for right-handed throwing; fold up for left-handed throwing Cut along this line Canon Creative Park Boomerang (Triangle) Cut along this line 7
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