rd Wednesday 3 June 2015 – Week 8-11 DIARY DATES TERM 2 th Thurs 4 June 1/2 Unit excursion Botanic Garden 9am-3.30pm th Thurs 4 June Community Engagement Sub Commi ee 9.00am th Mon 8 June Queen’s Birthday – NO SCHOOL th Wed 10 June Founda on ‘Under the Sea’ Incursion th Fri 12 June Finance Sub Commi ee Mee ng 9.30am th Tues 16 June School Council AGM 6.45pm in the Library. th Thurs 18 June School Disco P&F A er School TBC rd Tues 23 June Parent Teacher Interviews F-2 th Wed 24 June Parent Teacher Interviews 3-4 th Thurs 25 June Last Day of Term 2 – 2.30pm Finish th Fri 26 June Curriculum Day No School th Mon 13 July Term 3 Commences 9am BNPS Grounds Working Bee Success A big thank you to the hard working group of parents that attended the Brunswick North Primary School Working Bee on Saturday 30th May 2015. They worked hard to move 10 m3 of mulch and spread it around the Orchard Garden. Replanted some Manchurian Pear trees and moved, spread and compacted gravel in the Albion Street Garden and rebuilt the barrier bamboo fence around the small garden at the Albion St entry. We also assembled another compost tumbler and placed both of them in the Orchard Garden area and tended to the scarecrows in the courtyard area. We have one scarecrow left standing and we ask all of our students to take great care when playing nearby, so she doesn’t get knocked over. What a great effort from all involved. The grounds looked great as we left on Saturday afternoon. JSC Fund - raiser Well what a lovely and colourful day we had last Thursday as the school was invaded by super heroes, Harry Potters, pyjama people, mermaids, explorers, magicians and many more creations! We have raised $780.05 so far which – is a fantastic amount! So a big thank you to our very generous students and Community. Mr Brian will be sending your donations through to Oxfam Appeals for Nepal and Vanuatu. Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) Reminder The Victorian Government has announced the commencement of the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF), to ensure that all eligible students are able to participate in school trips and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible to apply for CSEF. Eligible families will need to apply for the CSEF at their child’s school with applications to be entered by school administrators onto a web-based system. A payment of $125 for primary students and $225 for secondary students will be paid directly to the school to be used towards school camps, sports and excursion costs for the benefit of the student. How To Apply Contact the school Office to obtain a CSEF application form or download from www.education.vic.gov/csef. Closing Date You should lodge a CSEF application form at school by Thursday 25th June 2015 2.30pm. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: [email protected] Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah For more information about CSEF visit www.education.vic.gov.au/csef Term 2 - Parent /Teacher Meetings Reminder The Brunswick North Primary School Term 2 Parent Teacher Meetings are scheduled for Tuesday 23rd June 2015 for Foundation – Year 2 students and Wednesday 24th June 2015 for Years 3-6 students. The meetings are available from 1.30-7.30pm. During the afternoon, the students will be participating in an alternative school program. The students will be watching an interactive performance from the Tony Bones Drama Group with a very strong anti-bullying message in the Multi-Purpose Room. Please note that you will be able to access the Parent Teacher Online Service from 7.00am on Thursday 11th June until Monday 22nd June 1pm. Unfortunately no over the phone bookings or changes can be made after 1pm on Monday 22nd June. How To Get The Most Out Of Parent Teacher Meetings Parent Teacher meetings offer an important opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher and find out how your child is progressing at school. By asking questions and gathering information about your child’s work habits, participation, behavior and learning style, you have an opportunity to become more involved in their learning and provide support where needed. Discuss your child’s student report with them before the interview and ask your child what they enjoy about school and if there any areas where they need extra help, or have concerns that they would like you to pass on to their teacher. The teachers look forward to meeting with you on Tuesday 23rd June (F-2) and Wednesday 24th June (3-6). Brunswick North Primary School Student Reports The June Student Reports will be available for parent’s to pick up from their child’s teacher at your child’s class drop off point before 9 am on Friday 19th June 2015. All other Student Reports will be sent home with students at the end of the day. 2016 Foundation Enrolments Just a reminder that if you have a younger child starting school next year we would appreciate it if you could enrol them at your earliest convenience. We would like to have all siblings enrolled by the end of Term 2, as this will help us greatly with planning classes for 2016. Moreland City Council Road Safety Message Dave Evans Senior Urban Safety Officer from Moreland City Council has prepared some information about Road Safety Rules 2009 for all parents whose children attend a school within Moreland City Area. Dave Evans has been to observe all school crossings and driver behavior around the Moreland schools recently. The information he has provided to support student safety as they arrive and leave their school outlines the types of infringements can occur. There will be extra parking officers assigned to schools in the mornings and afternoons in response to community concerns. Please see attached information. Sonia Abdallah Principal From the Assistant Principal A big thank you to the parents who helped out at the working bee last Saturday. You can read more about all the works completed in the Grounds News section. Last week I started the cooking sessions with Ms Pia’s class. WOW! What fun we had picking our produce, washing it carefully and then preparing a wonderful salad. The kids were enthusiastically involved in the activity and when we got to taste our food, gulped it all down with such enjoyment. I have had a number of parents ask me for the salad dressing recipe as their child went home and raved about it. Thank you Ms Pia’s Foundation class and Ms Pia for a successful start to the project. Unfortunately due to circumstances some classes were not able to have their session last week but rest assured we have rescheduled and you won’t miss out. This week will be another busy one with cooking sessions with a number of classes across the school. Today is our third day of Maths Coaching for our staff. This time the Year 3/4 teachers get their turn. This has been such a successful opportunity for our teachers to upskill their teaching strategies thanks to Ellen from MAV (Mathematics Association of Victoria). __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: [email protected] Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah Our Junior School Council Casual Dress Day was a great success. It was great to see our students dressed in a variety of themes. Well done everyone! Library News The School Disco will take place in a few weeks. Updates will be posted in the newsletter and notes will be sent home shortly. Congratulations to Lillian Murphy 5/6. She is our Library Quiz winner for this week. Well done on naming one of the displays in the Library! Well winter is certainly upon us so stay warm. There are lots of them and Lillian chose the Sunsmart posters. Regards Lina De Fazio Assistant Principal L’angolo italiano A reminder that Italiano Vivo forms are available, all of this week, from in front of the Italiano Room. They are due back no later than Wednesday il 10 giungo. Due to the overwhelming interest, unfortunately, we cannot accept any late forms. Studenti from 3-6 have been learning our canzone for LA FESTA DEL CANTO. This year we have chosen I SUONI DELLE COSE and, as always, it’s very catching. I’m sure some have already gone home singing it. Children are reminded to always get permission from their parents before viewing any Italiano resource on YouTube. Enjoy! Signora Bruna Cross Country Carnival On Friday the 29th of May eighty students from Brunswick North travelled to Coburg Athletics Track to participate in the year’s District Cross-Country Carnival. Our students ran against students from six other schools in the Brunswick District and it was very pleasing to watch each student try their best in each event. A special mention to the fourteen students: Jimmy, Flynn, Alistair, Curtis, Frida, Reyna, Arwa, Georgia, Gracie, Esther, Kayla, Lachlan, Zac and Jessica who finished in the top ten in their event and will be travelling to Bundoora next Wednesday to participate in the Divisional Cross-Country Carnival. Well done to all the students for all their hard work! PE Teacher/Sports Coordinator Mr. Stuart LIBRARY QUIZ Our new question is on display outside the Library. So remember one entry per person please. Good luck to you all. Take a look at our New Book Stand – there is always something new and interesting to look at and borrow. Thank you Beth for adding My Story historical fiction, My Naughty Little Puppy Series, Fly Guy books and the Horrid Henry stories among other lovely titles. We welcome Mr Holohan back next Tuesday. Robyn and Beth Grounds News Thanks to all parents who helped out on Saturday at our Term 2 Working Bee on, what turned out to be, a lovely sunny autumn morning. Unlike our last term orchard bash of over 50 participants, this working bee saw 10 intrepid parents, backed up by Lina and Sonia, to take care of some important maintenance works. We successfully and safely: Moved the full 10 m3 of mulch and levelled it to remove the trip hazards and finish off the orchard. • Replanted 2 Manchurian Pears in the orchard to get them in the perfect alignment. • Moved, spread and compacted 2 m3 of gravel to fill in the 'quarry' at the Fantasy Garden. • Rebuilt the barrier bamboo fence around the small garden at the Albion St entry. • Built a new compost tumbler and moved both the old and the new ones into the orchard. Working bees are always rewarding and inspiring, thanks again for your efforts! Tim Carver • __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: [email protected] Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah School Photo’s Due to an unprecedented amount of parents placing late orders for their 2015 photos and other parents chasing photos done prior to 2015, I have decided to create a window of opportunity for everyone to put in any missed 2015 orders or orders missing from previous years without incurring a late fee. I have stored photos since 2009, but will be deleting 2009 - 2013 from my system very shortly. If you have forgotten to order photos both this year and in past years, this is a good opportunity for you to fill the gaps in your school photo albums. As most school photographers do not keep their files for more than 12 months, many of you may think that these photos were deleted long ago. Please take advantage of this offer - once gone they can never be replaced again. If economic circumstances are making it difficult for you to consider a purchase at this time. Please contact me via my email address ([email protected]) to see what alternatives are available. [email protected] or simply pop in to the cafe. Our big news this week is that we've got a new complementary winter menu to the existing menu we already have. Starting on Tuesday 9/6/15. Our winter menu is the $3 OR LESS DEAL that will run until the end of term 3. So let us prepare your school lunches. Give it a go and give yourself a little more time. HOT CHEESE TOASTIE $2.00 CHICKEN NOODLE CUP A SOUP $2.00 THE BNPS CHEESE BURGER SANDWICH $3.00 SAUSAGE ROLL $3 Looking forward to hearing from our wonderful Brunswick North Primary School Community. Form Silvana and the team at the cafe Student of the Week Photo Presented on Monday 1st June 2015 Please go to Trybooking to make your orders and payments - these links will work directly from this email. This booking window will close at 6.00pm - 30/6/2015 http://www.trybooking.com/HZKD and http://www.try booking.com/140195 Regards, Tania Jovanovic - School Photographer From the Café It's been so lovely to see many more of you at the cafe of late. We've had many, many more parents taking up our offer of take home meals and in doing so we've heard really positive feedback so it's obviously helping many at the Brunswick North primary school community. If you haven't yet tried our take home meals please come in and have a look at what we've got cooked up or simply place an order of your choice. You can do so by calling or sending me a message on 0411 858214 or via email on __________________________________________________________________________________________ Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055 Phone: 03 9383 1400 Fax: 03 93860583 OSHC: 0405 435 341 Email address: [email protected] Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah Care and great fun every day At After School Care we know there are lots of different ways to make kids smile. We also know that children have different interests and stay for different periods of time and that’s why we provide a wide range of fun and engaging activities every day in our program. Our program consists of the following: Outdoor playtime – sports, skills development, general play and inclusive games Things to make and do – a range of arts and crafts, cooking, construction and indoor games Creative time – for activities like drama, music and movement Life skills – community involvement, role playing, communication and social skills development Homework and quiet time – helping children to be able to relax with their family when they go home Unique experiences – encouraging children to try to new things, learn new skills and make new friends It might seem unusual, but we really do take fun seriously and we believe that After School Care is a time for possibilities. While our activities are planned, we also ensure that there is flexibility in every session that is guided by the kids’ imagination. To see some of the activities in action and to find out how easy it is for your child to join in, feel free to drop by and visit us in the After School Care room. We look forward to seeing you soon! The Camp Australia Team. The Camp Australia Team. Brunswick North Primary School Holiday Club Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 0405 438 341 (07:30-18:00) Monday 22 June 2015 Monday 29 June 2015 No program Twinkle Twinkle You’re the STAR $53.88 Stars aren't just in the Sky! Get ready to 'shine on' as we all bring out our inner stars. Tuesday 23 June 2015 Tuesday 30 June 2015 No program Solar Flare Festival $68.88 It's time to orbit around your very own solar system today we're getting crafty with an Out of this World twist! Wednesday 24 June 2015 Wednesday 1 July 2015 No program Reach for the Sky $81.38 Get ready to put gravity to the test and leave things up in the air! Arrive by 8:45am, bus departs at 9:00am for Excursions Thursday 25 June 2015 Thursday 2 July 2015 No program Astronauts in Training $68.88 Astronauts come in…we need to prepare for blast off. Friday 26 June 2015 $53.88 Friday 3 July 2015 $68.88 Journey into Deep Space Workshop: My 'Space' Garage 5...4...3...2..1 LIFT OFF!There are some new astronauts set for space-town! Step into an imaginary Space Garage to create and build materials for an adventure that will defy gravity. Brunswick North Primary School Holiday Club Pearson Street Brunswick West VIC 3055 0405 438 341 (07:30-18:00) Monday 6 July 2015 $53.88 Ultimate Galaxy Quest Monday 13 July 2015 No program Adventurers ready?! It's time to blast off on the ultimate Galaxy Quest! Tuesday 7 July 2015 $83.88 Zero Gravity Tuesday 14 July 2015 No program There will be no apples falling from trees today but we will uncover how gravity really works. Arrive by 8:45am, bus departs at 9:00am for Excursions Wednesday 8 July 2015 $68.88 Science Spectrum Wednesday 15 July 2015 No program Mother Nature helps us put some amazing science experiments to the test. Thursday 9 July 2015 $78.88 Minion Mania Thursday 16 July 2015 No program Today we pay tribute to our favourite yellow friends, with all things Minion. Arrive by 8:45am, bus departs at 9:00am for Excursions Friday 10 July 2015 Time Warp Tick Tock, Tick Tock….it’s time to make a clock! $68.88 Friday 17 July 2015 No program BNPS Parents & Friends News Events Upcoming planned Term 2 Activities: Event Home Reading Donation Drive P&F Meeting Kid’s Disco Date Due back Friday 4th June Friday 12th June Thursday 18th June Location BNPS BNPS Music Room BNPS Home Reading Donation Drive- Forms Due Back Just a reminder that forms for the Home Reading Donation Drive will be sent home this week, and are due back on Friday 5th June. Book plate stickers will soon be sent home to all families who donated, for you to colour in and return to the school for placement in a new Home Reading Book. Kids Disco!!!! Preparations are well underway to host the Kid’s Disco in the MultiPurpose Room on Thursday 18th June. The disco will be staged in two parts with Foundation - Grade 2 students attending from 6:007:00pm, and Grades 3-6 attending from 7:30-8:30pm. Tickets will be $5 each, and each child will receive an entry wristband when they arrive on the night. Children will be encouraged to bring their own water bottles, but water will be available on the night. Class reps will be assisting with the drop-off and pick-up of students to their nominated parent/guardian at the end of their disco. Permission forms will be sent home in coming weeks. If you can help out by nominating to be a class rep, please email Jessie McIntyre at [email protected] or let your teacher know and they can pass your details on. Mystery Book Club Orders We still haven’t located the owners of the two mystery Book Club orders. The first order was for a Grade 3/4 student who wanted Pom Pom Pal’s Pets, Puff the Magic Dragon book & CD and the Ella Diaries Triple pack. The second order was also for a Grade 3/4 student, but this one ordered Shark Attack, Yes No (Maybe), How to be a Hot Speller and Maggie & Max. If either of these orders belong to you, please contact Sophie Stuart on 0408 989798 as soon as possible to ensure your books can be delivered to you. Do you: ● have a suggestion? ● want to help in organising or running an event? ● want to join our mailing list? Then…. please send us an email at [email protected], we’d love to hear from you! Proudly supported by t a p u t i p m A soccer our rogram! P y a d i Hol Early Bird Special* per day 5 $6 9am-3pm *see website for details amp it up 1 or 2 day soccer holiday programs are designed to provide participants with the opportunity to develop their soccer skills and be active while making new friends in a safe and friendly environment. your nearest program 6th july & 7th july darebin international sports centre darebin road, thornbury Register at ampitupevents.com.au or call 1300 126 787 cHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE HOLIDAY PROGRAMS! BASKETBALL FOR JUNIORS Boys & Girls aged 3 - 8 years Basic, skills based introduction to Basketball Indoor sessions Modified equipment Ideal for beginners Age appropriate programs Parent help for 3 & 4 year olds BASKETBALL TO KEEP! Where Brunswick South West Primary School Gym, South Daly St, Brunswick West Starts Saturday the 18th of July 3 year olds - 9.00am to 9.45am 4 year olds - 9.45am to 10.30am 5 and 6 year olds - 10.30am to 11.15am REGISTRATIONS FOR TERM 3 ARE NOW OPEN! INDOOR SESSIONS Cost $90 for 6 weekly sessions and a basketball for you to keep! To secure your place, you MUST register by one of the following methods: Email - [email protected] Phone - 1300 772 106 Website - www.getactivesports.com.au To register, please let us know the location of the program and your child’s details as below. Once registered bring the completed, signed consent form and payment to the first session. BRUNSWICK WEST BASKETBALL FOR JUNIORS CONSENT FORM – TERM 3, 2015 Name: .............................................................................................. D.O.B: ...................... ....................... Male / Female School/Kindy: ........................................................................ Email: ................................................................................................... Phone (Home): .......................................................................... Phone (Mobile): ................................................................................. Any relevant medical conditions/medication taken? ...................................................................................................................... I acknowledge that I am required to stay with my child for the duration of each session and, if required, will administer any first aid. I hereby release Get Active Sports from any liability for injury incurred by my child at the Get Active Sports program. Parent/Guardian Name: .............................................................................. Parent/Guardian Signature: ..................................................................... Payment Method CREDIT CARD DETAILS No: _________/__________/_________/________ Cheque / Credit Card / Cash VISA / MASTERCARD Expiry Date: ________/________ Cardholders Name: ............................................................................................................................... Signature: ......................................................................................... Amount: $ .............................. Please have correct money, make your cheque payable to Get Active Sports or complete card details above Dear Parents, I represent the Moreland City Council as the Senior Officer for School Crossing Supervisors. To give you a brief history Moreland City has approximately 34 primary schools and 12 secondary schools, the majority of which have multiple school crossings with 58 school crossing supervisors. School Crossing supervisors are subsidised by VicRoads on a pedestrian and vehicle formula that is applicable throughout the state. The basic formula requires a certain number of pedestrians and vehicles to use the intersection before it is eligible for supervision. Since attending these intersections I have observed a number of parents walk their children across roads near intersections. When this happens it does not count towards supplying a supervisor for your children or other children and therefore reduces the safety of pedestrians. The flow on effect is that if the intersection does not have enough pedestrians and cars using it then the supervisor is transferred to another intersection as VicRoads withdraws funding for that intersection. I am currently organising for more parking officers to attend in or near schools to issue penalty notices to those breaching the Road Safety Road Rules 2009. Contrary to popular belief this is not to raise revenue. This is and will only be for the safety of school zones in particular school crossings. Safety is my only concern for your kids and the School Crossing Supervisors, as they are employed by Moreland Council and this therefore makes the crossing a work site. There will be zero tolerance for offences detected in School Crossings. Offences that are applicable are as follows: Usually there are two of these signs and they are attached to a red and white stripped pole. This indicates the intersection. It is an offence to park 20 metres before these crossings and 10 metres after these intersections. This is to ensure high visibility of pedestrians and school crossing supervisors. S Offence: $148 This rule means that there is parking or stopping in areas where these signs apply S S 8–4 School Days Offence: $148 This sign reads no stopping on one side and no stopping between the hours of 8 to 4 School Days. If you see this sign it means no stopping in these areas between school drop off and pick up times on school days, so Monday to Friday. Offence: $74 Similar to No Stopping signs but you can park in this area for no more than 3 mins. Effectively it is a pick up or drop off zone. An offence is committed if you overstay that time or the driver leaves the vehicle Offence: $89 This means unless you have a disabled parking permit then you cannot park here. Sometimes the signs have hours and days attached as well. Offence: $74 This means that parking is permitted however there is a time limit. If you park longer than the permitted time then this is an offence. Offence: $89 This is when you park unreasonably blocking driveways to take your child to school. Offence: $89 Double parked waiting to or picking up your children. Be aware that costs may rise in July at the start of the new financial year however this change in costs is set by State Government and out of the jurisdiction of Moreland City Council. This is not a complete list of signs that may be in and around schools so read the signs carefully and if you have doubt find a parking place that you have no doubt about. I cannot stress enough that the safety of your children and the school crossing supervisor is my priority. Please do not park where a Infringement notice will be issued and again please ensure your children use the school crossing. My supervisors are a lovely group of people and are there to help your child cross safely.
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