Newsletter 18/02/2015 - Brunswick North Primary School

Wednesday 18 Feb 2015 – Week 4-9
Thurs 19 Feb
Fri 20 Feb
Frid 27 Feb
Tues 3 Mar
Thurs 5 Mar
Thurs 5 Mar
Fri 6 Mar
Mon 9 Mar
Tues 10 Mar
Thurs 12 Mar
Fri 13 Mar
Sat 14 Mar
Tues 17 Mar
Mon 23 Mar
Tues 24 Mar
Wed 25 Feb
Thurs 26 Mar
Thurs 26 Mar
Fri 27 Mar
Community Engagement &
Wellbeing SC mee ng 9.15am
School Council Candidates
posted outside School Office
Inter School Sports
School Banking Commences
School Council – Close of ballot
Inter School Sports
Labour Day Holiday – No School
P&F Raffle
Welcome to School Twilight
Finance SC mee ng 9.15am
Inter School Sports
Working Bee
School Council Mee ng –
7.00pm Elec on of Office
7.30pm First Mee ng
Parent Teacher Interviews P-2
Parent Teacher Interviews 3-6
No Founda on Classes
Term 1 BBQ
Last Day of Term 1 – 2.30pm
Curriculum Day
Brunswick North Primary School Choir
Our wonderful school choir sessions lead by parents
Louise and Cath with support from a team of
dedicated parents will commence next week, next
Monday 23rd February, from 9.30-10.00am.
Permission notices for Years 1-6 students are available
from your classroom teachers or the Office. If your
child would like to attend, please return the signed
permission notice to your class teacher. The benefits
of singing are well documented, I have included some
interesting information from the American Los Robles
Children’s Choir website that you may be interested
“Singing in a choir is a team sport. It builds confidence
in young people as they work together to accomplish
a common goal. Singing also shares something unique
from all other musical instruments: words. We have a
special message to communicate with our audiences,
a message of hope and life. Singing is also a powerful
tool for memory and speech in children. “
“Singing is fun! But it also brings physical benefits.
Increased lung capacity, increased immunity and
greater oxygenation of the blood resulting in
improved alertness are all claimed effects from
singing. What’s more, singing is good for the brain, as
Dr. Graham Welch, Professor at the Institute of
Education maintains. “Singing is of great interest to
neuroscientists as it would seem that there is more of
the brain given over to the processing of music than
almost any other activity.”
It certainly sounds like a great way to start the week
doesn’t it!
School Photos - February
This year’s School Photo days are on Tuesday 24th,
Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th and Friday 27th
February. You will have received an order form on
The individual photography orders need to be
completed and returned to school before the 13th
March. Please complete an envelope and separate
payment for each student. The sibling sessions are
available and need to be requested via the yellow
The timetable for photos is as follows, please note
that last minute changes to the order of class photos
may vary due to unforeseen circumstances.
All enquires to [email protected]
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address: [email protected]
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
School Photo Timetable is as follows:
Tuesday 24th Feb – all Grade 1/2 students
Tuesday 24th Feb – Staff Photo
Wednesday 25th Feb – Year 3/4 Students and Year 5/6
All children must be accompanied and
supervised by a family member at the picnic
at all times.
For safety reasons students are not allowed to:
Ride scooters or bikes around the school on
the night.
Climb trees or fences
Thursday 26 Feb – Foundation and Sibling photos
Parent Helpers at Brunswick North Primary School
We are very fortunate to have a terrific team of
Parent helpers that contribute so much energy and
enthusiasm to our school programs and environment.
We really are a lucky school. I urge any parents
interested to have a go at being a classroom helper. It
really is a rewarding and fun thing to do.
Working with Children Check
The student toilets will be open for all students and
the adult toilets just near the MPR for adult use only.
We ask that you take home all of your rubbish home
with you on the night, it makes the clean up at the
end so much easier. I thank you for your support with
Notice of 2015 School Council Election and Call for
At Brunswick North we require all parents who wish
to help out with any school programs to have a valid
Volunteer’s Working With Children Check “
As Andrew has mentioned in his School Council
President Update last week there is an election for
School Council to be conducted for members of the
school council of Brunswick North Primary School.
The form is available from the Post Office or on line at
no charge for volunteers.
There are three parent member vacancies.
We would also like to remind parents with existing
WWC to ensure that they are up to date and have not
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Welcome to BNPS Twilight Picnic - 12th March 2015
We look forward to seeing you all at our annual
beginning of the year Twilight Picnic on Thursday 12th
March from 5.30-7.30pm. This evening is a great
opportunity to meet other families from Brunswick
North Primary School. The picnic will commence at
5.30pm on the back oval and conclude at 7.30pm.
We have organized the Animal Farm and Disco for the
children’s entertainment.
Something comfy to sit on and/or a picnic rug.
Food, drinks and your utensils.
Sun Smart gear such as wide brimmed hats,
sunblock, water bottles (hopefully it won’t be
too hot on the night)
Please note that students are not able to go
the Twilight Picnic on their own.
Nomination forms have been available from the
office from Wednesday 11th February.
Nominations must be lodged by 4.00pm todayWednesday 18th February 2015.
Following the closing of nominations a list of the
nominations received will be posted at the school on
the notice board outside the school office. If there are
more nominations than vacancies we will then be
conducting an election according to Department
Clean Up Schools Day – Friday 27th February
This year is the 25 year anniversary of Clean Up
Australia Day and we want to make it the biggest year
yet! Schools Clean Up Day, an annual event in which
schools across the country participate, is Friday 27th
February. During the week, students will learn about
sustainability, responsible behavior and recycling
through classroom activities. On Friday, they will
break into teams and take to the school grounds,
gardens and playing fields to tidy up our school
environment. It will be interesting to discuss how
much rubbish has been collected and how we could
reduce this in the future.
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address: [email protected]
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Assistant Principal Report
It’s great to see lower temperatures this week. The
teachers and students have enjoyed working in the
cooler weather. The rain we got over the weekend has
done wonders for our veggie patch at the front of the
school. The tomato plants are growing and invading
the nearby sand pit. The tomatoes are ripening and
we have started harvesting the fruits, along with some
peppers, cucumbers and basil (mmm…sounds like the
makings of a great salad!). Our Kids Gardening Club is
scheduled to start up again for the year shortly and I
will inform everyone of the day and time when
We are gearing up for the BIG Working Bee event and
thank you to the parents who have volunteered so far.
Don’t forget you can email Tim Carver at
[email protected] or let me know at the
office. The veggie boxes, compost and mulch have
been ordered and I will be ordering the fruit and
ornamental trees and vegetables soon.
In the classrooms everyone has been quite busy at
work. This week the Foundation students have had
their first taste of exploring the whole school
playground. I have noticed the Foundation students
playing in the quadrangle, at the front of the school,
in the Blue and Yellow Parks and mixing it with the
older students out the back. Their 5/6 helpers are still
around looking out for them and helping them to play
happily and safely. Grades 1/2 started their Bounce
Back groups last week. It’s great to see them being
responsible and independent when moving to another
classroom for these sessions. In the 3/4 area students
are undertaking experiments on dehydration using
potatoes. The grade 5/6 unit are setting up teams for
their Healthy Lunchbox inquiry unit and are looking
forward to the upcoming Market Fresh incursion.
Great work everyone!
At the 5/6 Parent Information Session last week I
spoke to the parents about the Transition Program
and the ‘Placement in Year 7 at Secondary School’
process. I advised parents to look out for notifications
of upcoming Secondary School tour dates and to book
them in as soon as they can. As this information
comes to the school it will be published in the
newsletter. This week Princes Hill Secondary College
has informed us of tours that will be held each
Wednesday and Thursday of Term One, beginning
next week. (Wednesday 25th Feb). Please refer to the
article for contact details. I also suggest to parents to
get onto the website of the schools they are
interested in for more information. The application
process will begin early term 2 when forms will be
sent home via your child.
Have a great week everyone.
Lina De Fazio
Assistant Principal
L’angolo italiano
Italiano Vivo, as an extra-curricular activity, has
commenced this week. We have a totale of 48
studenti from 3/4 and 22 from 5/6. Because we have
such large numbers in 3/4 and we didn’t want any
studente to miss out, it was decided that 3 B C D will
have IV from Week 4 – Week 3 Term 2, and 3 F M S
will have IV from Week 4 Term 2 to Week 10.
Acceptance forms need to be returned promptly for
administrative purposes. Any studente that would like
to apply or reapply may do so for Semester 2 closer to
the date. Compito has started this week for all 3-6s. It
will need to be returned by the following lezione with
a parent’s firma. So many studenti are really keen to
start and it’s always a delight watching them with
their wonderful organisational skills. Look out for la
busta di plastica…I wonder what colore your child has
for la sua classe?
It is lovely to see that some studenti have extended
their Italiano learning with classes at VSL. There are 49
languages available at 40 different campuses, one
being Brunswick Secondary College. If enrolling at the
start of the year the fees are very much reduced and
subsided by the Government. Find our more at
We have been looking at OTTO and the fact it is a
palindrome. We have had fun with Will’s words…Race
car and Xaveira’s (punctuation aside) Go hang a
salami i’m a lasagna hog! See if they work!
Well done to Esan from 1/2 who won the 'Hamilton
Island Has Talent' competition during the holidays
with his dressing up as a chef and singing the Ciao
Buongiorno song! Bravo for being differente and using
his italiano outside of the classroom. Congratulazione,
a wonderful language learner!
Saluti, signora Bruna
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address: [email protected]
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Grounds News
You may have noticed mysterious white lines and
squares painted on the south end of the oval this
week, these represent the final stage of planning for
the orchard project. The Working Bee is coming up on
the 14th of March so the Grounds Committee
determined the final locations for the planter boxes
and trees to ensure all runs smoothly on the day. See
our flyer in this newsletter.
With a lot to complete and to help the Parents and
Friends to cater, we need to know volunteer numbers
and times. We want to spread people across the
morning and afternoon to spread the effort. For all of
you with morning commitments here’s your chance!
Please email me at [email protected] to tell
us how many in your family are coming along and the
approximate times.
Tim Carver
Tours will begin at 9:00am, so please arrive by
Library News
Students from the 1/2 area have been very busy
during Library/ICT sessions so far this term. Students
are working in four table groups, making new friends
and sharing interests and experiences. We have just
commenced a skill building project based on healthy
eating. Over the next few weeks students will be
making an information poster showcasing some new
ICT skills. They are introduced to their new personal
folder and finding out how to locate it and save to it.
Their poster created using Word will include a Word
Art heading, a page border, a saved image and simple
text. The students are also enjoying browsing and
there is lots of excitement when it comes to selecting
a book to borrow.
Thanks Robyn and Beth
From the Café
Student of the Week
To be presented on
Monday 23rd February 2015
The café is now selling Pastizzi (Ricotta and Spinach,
Pizza) over the counter at recess and lunch $1.50
Popcorn in a bag $1.00each
3 Chicken nuggets $3.00each
Sweet and Sour sauce/Tomato sauce $.50
Twilight picnic: The café will be selling Spinach & Fetta
filo pastry, Cakes, Slices, Cupcakes, Sandwiches &
Baguettes, Coffee, Tea, Cold drinks, Icy Poles.
Connah Pugh
Louise Powell
Lucas Vico
Omar Ali
Please note Café will close at 7.15pm.
Parents feel free to come in and have a look at all our
gourmet delights and take home meals.
Silvana and The Café team
Princes Hill Secondary College Tours
Tours for Grade 6 students wanting to attend Princes
Hill Secondary College in 2016 will be each
Wednesday and Thursday of Term One, beginning
next week. (Wednesday 25th Feb)
To book in for the tour, could parents please phone
Princes Hill Secondary College on 03 9389 0600.
For working so
well in class and
work to the best
of his ability!
Well done!
For trying extra
hard during the
times table
challenge and
improving her
For making
some excellent
including one
on fairness and
elicited a round
of applause!
For coming to
school with a
smile on his face
every day.
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address: [email protected]
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Uriel Tobing
For getting
Milena Mohar
For trying her
involved in all
best with all
class activities
learning tasks!
and having a
Lily Yang
For such an
great start to
amazing effort
the school year.
with all her
Flynn Magrath
For excellent
learning and for
being a great
skills, and
example to
working hard to
get his tasks
James Lycett
For being a king
completed on
and caring
Evie Johnson
For creating
Raidyn Café
For his excellent
such a detailed
and interesting
character Web
based on
Pippa Van Delft For always
Fantastic Mr
putting 100%
effort into her
Jade Gangi
For the big
smile and
activities in the
enthusiasm she
brings with her
every day.
Dashiell Chai
For fitting into
Geordie Phipps
For always
the learning
doing his best
community so
work for Miss
comfortably and
making many
For always
contributions to
putting in her
best effort! Well
done, Annika.
Aysel Tinas
For settling in
Joshua Anthony For always
wonderfully to
trying his best
grade 1.
and using his
Remy Wright
For learning lots
of new things
listening skills!
about being in
Awesome work
year 1.
Gigi Streeter
For showing
Aya Kiki
For always
enjoying coming
enthusiasm to
to the Art room.
lean. Keep it up!
David Edmond
For his love of
Amelia Fox
reading and
her classroom
in sharing this
with others.
by keeping the
room tidy and
using materials
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address: [email protected]
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
Annika Olden
Andrew Wilson
Sabine Barnett
Ms Lina
Kolya Dalgarno
Ms Sonia
Lucas Sabljack
real enthusiasm
and dedication
in the learning
Lots of
questions and
items. BRAVA!
For his excellent
ukulele playing
in Music!
For trying her
best on the
lacrosse clinic.
Excellent work!
For being a
great garden
helper with our
tomato harvest.
For being very
helpful to the
office staff.
Pearson Street West Brunswick 3055
Phone: 03 9383 1400
Fax: 03 93860583
OSHC: 0405 435 341
Email address: [email protected]
Principal: Ms Sonia Abdallah
BNPS Parents & Friends News
Upcoming planned Term 1 Activities:
P&F Meeting
Safeway BBQ (Sydney Road
Twilight Picnic- 2nd-hand
Uniform Stall & Dance
Costumes Sales
Bunnings BBQ
End of Term BBQ
Fri 20 February, 9.15am
Sunday 1 March
Thursday 5 March, 7.00pm
Thursday 12 March
BNPS, Genesis Room
Safeway, Albert
BNPS, Back Oval
Saturday March 21
Thurs 26 March (lunchtime)
Bunnings Coburg
P&F Meeting – Friday 20th February - 9.15 am
Our first monthly meeting will be held in the Genesis Room (around the corner to the right of the
School Office Entrance) THIS FRIDAY. Join us to discuss the planned activities for Term 1, including the
If you are curious as to know what the P&F is about, or have a hankering to assist with organising one
of our social events, please feel free to join us.
Safeway BBQ- Sunday 1st March- WE (STILL) NEED YOUR HELP!
We are still planning to hold a fundraising BBQ at the Albert St Safeway on the day of the Brunswick
Street Festival, if we can get a few volunteers to assist throughout the day.
It’s a chance to fundraise for the school in the wider community, i.e. festival-goers who disembark
from the train station, or those that duck around the back to Safeway to purchase festival necessities.
These BBQs tend to be quite successful- we raised over $700 from our BBQ on the same day last year.
If you’d like to join in the fun, you can let us know in a couple of ways:
1. Visiting VolunteerSpot via this link: or
2. Email your details to [email protected] or
3. Come along to the meeting on Friday in the Genesis Room.
1. Clink on the link to go to our invitation page
on VolunteerSpot :
2. Enter your email address (you will NOT have
to register an account)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots (You will receive
an automated confirmation and reminder)
Note: Volunteer Spot does not share your email
Notice of AGM- Thursday 5th March- 7pm
As part of our constitution, the P&F is required to hold an Annual General Meeting to provide
members with information on the year’s activities and fundraising efforts, the opportunity to pay
membership fees for 2015, and to elect the P&F team for the coming year.
The following roles are open for nominations:
Executive Positions
• President
Vice President
• Treasurer
General Positions
Assistant Secretary
Event Coordination
Grants Coordinator
Assistant Treasurer
Class Representative Coordinator
Role-sharing is optional (and encouraged!). An explanation of the committee roles can be downloaded
at under the Parents & Friends tab.
If you are interested in a position but unable to nominate in person at the AGM, please collect a
nomination form from the School Office. Completed nomination forms must be received by the office
by 4 pm on the 5th March.
Twilight Picnic- Thursday 12th March- Second-Hand Uniform Stall
We will once again be running a stall offering Second-Hand
uniforms at reasonable prices, as we did at the Twilight Picnic at
the end of last year.
If you have any unused school uniform items in very good
condition, please leave them in the donation box to the right of
the door into the School Office.
If you are interested in helping Vicki out with the stall, please
email your details to [email protected] so we can pass
them on to Vicki or come along to our first P&F meeting for the year (details above).
Do you:
have a suggestion?
want to help in organising or running an event?
want to join our mailing list?
Then…. please send us an email at [email protected], we’d love to hear from you!
Brunswick North Primary School
TERM 1, 2015
School Grounds
Saturday 14th March 2015
This is the Big One for 2015! Please
come when you can between 9am and
The main activities will be heavy lifting, shoveling and wheel
 Barrowing 25 m3 of mulch
 Positioning 25 wooden planter boxes
 Filling the boxes with 25 m3 compost
● Children and parent helpers welcome, there will be organised
activities during the day and sausage sizzle
Welcome back!
We hope you had a great holiday and somehow managed to squeeze in some fun,
rest and a bit of relaxation! We managed to recharge our batteries, and we’re excited
to kick off the new term with our Camp Australia kids.
As always, we’re excited to welcome a few new starters in the Before and After
School Care timeslots this term. It’s a pleasure for us to meet new faces, and to
spend time with our familiar kids (although some of them are almost unrecognisable
after the holidays, having grown an inch or losing an extra tooth!).
Over the last week we made rock creatures. The children created some interesting
rock creatures ranging from aliens to hairy friends. These have been on display in
the OSHC room and will be sent home this week.
To celebrate Valentines Day we made beautiful tissue paper flowers and cards.
Amanda showed the children how to make pom pom love bugs. We hope you
enjoyed the gifts your children made for you.
Kusum ran cooking club with a small group of children. They all assisted in making
banana bread and at the end of After School Care they go to eat it. It was very
This week in Before School Care and After School Care our Activities are centred on
Chinese New Year (Thursday 19 FEB). In Craft we will be making paper lanterns,
dragons, goat puppets and fish. These activities have been well planned and we
hope that the children have lots of fun.
Corey will be organising various sports clubs over the week. These include cricket,
basketball and of course the most favourite sport of all at the moment soccer.
In cooking club we will be making truffles, always a favourite amongst the children.
We are always happy for parents to pop in and observe and would enjoy your
valuable feedback.
From everyone at the Camp Australia team enjoy your week!
A selection of Gourmet Sandwiches and Focaccia
Sandwiches $8.50 Focaccia $9.50
Beef Scotch egg, chutney and side salad for a family of 4
Large rice balls and side salad for a family of 4 $40.00
Cold chicken marinated with thyme, lemon and garlic and
a side salad
For a family of 4 $40.00
[email protected]
0411 858214
Tuna mix (tuna, corn, Spanish onion, parsley, lemon, mayo)
Chicken mix (poached chicken, mayo, celery)
Ham and Pickle
Rare roast beef, chutney and rocket
Prosciutto and my own salad mix
Interested in playing Saturday basketball?
Girls & Boys Under 9 – Under 19
Register online at:
or attend
Registration Day
Saturday 14th February
Collingwood College gym
McCutcheon Way, Collingwood
10.30am – 3.00pm
New players welcome
Players must register and pay by 22nd February
to ensure a place in a Winter team
Enquiries: Megan Rouse 0417 106 490
[email protected]
Saturday February 28 | 3pm
Book at
Carlton North Shop
759 Nicholson Street