North East London Group Juniper Autotest Sunday 31st May 2015 Online entry form at A round of the following championships 2015 LINK-UP LTD Southern Tarmac WITH SUPPORT FROM JUNIPER AUTOTEST Welcome to the 2015 Juniper Autotest and to the MSA British, BTRDA and Southern championship contenders. We will be returning to the ATL factory in Milton Keynes for another year. We will have three test sites running during the day, with no changes. All the tests will be run on a sealed surface. Hopefully we will be able to speed through the day’s proceedings to allow you to get away early. Your early entries would be appreciated. Class starting order will be determined by the earlier you enter; the further to the back you run. Hot food and drink will be available all day (starting from 8:30am). Please contact the organisers if you require help with accommodation. Mike and the Team ------------------------------------------------------- SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS 1. The CSMA Club, North East London Group will organise a National B permit Autotest on Sunday 31st May 2015 at the ATL Factory, Denbigh Road, Milton Keynes, MK1 1DF. 2. The meeting will be held under the General Regulations of The Motor Sports Association (incorporating the provisions of the International Sporting Code of the FIA), these Supplementary Regulations and any written instructions that the organising club may issue for this event. 3. MSA Permit 87168. 4. The event is open to member clubs of the ACSMC and AEMC, members of BTRDA and to registered entrants in the following championships: 2015 Link-Up Ltd MSA British Autotest, Demon Tweeks Direct BTRDA Autotest, REIS BTRDA Allrounders and Southern Autotest. 5. The event is a qualifying round of the following championships:2015 Link-Up Ltd MSA British Autotest, Demon Tweeks Direct BTRDA Autotest, REIS BTRDA Allrounders and Southern Autotest. 6. All competitors must produce a valid MSA Competition Licence, Championship Registration card and/or Club Membership Card. 7. The programme of the meeting will be as follows:- Scrutineering starts at 08:30 and any competitor not signed on by 10:00 may be excluded. Drivers briefing will be at 10:15. The first car will start at 10:30. 8. The event will consist of 5 classes as follows:Class A Class B Class C Class D Class E – – – – – Saloon Cars under 11ft overall length Saloon Cars over 11ft overall length Sports Cars and Sports Kit Cars Specials Road Going Cars Cabriolet saloons with the hood down will run in the appropriate sports car class. All cars must comply with the MSA tyre and vehicle regulations. Note: 1B tyres will not be allowed. All cars MUST be silenced. Overall length will be determined by the Parkers Used Car Guide, or if not given, by the manufacturers catalogue. 9. Awards will be presented as follows:Fastest Time of the Day The Juniper Trophy (*) + an award 1st in each class an award 2nd in each class (subject to 5 starters in class) an award 3rd in each class (subject to 10 starters in class) an award Best Novice (subject to 3 such starters) an award Best Lady (subject to 3 such starters) an award Best CSMA (subject to 3 such starters) an award All awards are perpetual except named trophies (*) which are to be held for 11 months. No competitor may win more than one award. 10. The entry list opens with the publication of these SR's and closes on Tuesday 26th May 2015. The entry fee is £30 if received by the closing date, £35 for late entries and/or paid on the day. Places can only be allocated to entries received by the Entries Secretary, on either the official entry form, or via completing the online entry form at, and will only be accepted when full payment has been received. 11. The Entries Secretary, to whom all entries must be sent is: Mike Biss (Juniper) 19 Dunstable Close, Flitwick, Beds MK45 1JN Telephone: 01525 720299 - 07753 137415 E-mail: [email protected] 12. The maximum entry for the meeting is 60, the minimum 20. The maximum for each class is 20, the minimum for each class is 3. Should any of the minimum figures not be reached the Organisers have the right to cancel the meeting or amalgamate classes as necessary. Entries will be accepted in order of receipt. Entry fees will be refunded at organiser's discretion. 13. Other Officials are:Clerk of the Course Scrutineer Chief Marshal Club Steward Mike Biss 01525 720299 / 07753 137415 T.B.A. T.B.A. Pete Gregory (CSMA) 14. Results will be on display during the day and provisional results announced as soon as possible following the last finisher. Protests must be made within 15 minutes of the results being announced as provisional, otherwise they will be declared final and the awards presented. Results will be posted to all competitors. 15. Any protest must be made in accordance with Section C5.1. 16. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Details of tests will be sent with the Final Instructions. Each driver will have all times to count. Timing will be by hand held digital watches to 0.1 sec. The starting signal will be "in your own time". Order of attempting the tests will be numerical/class order. 17. Practising will not be allowed anywhere on site. 18. Competitors will be identified by organiser supplied numbers. 19. Marking and Penalties will be as printed in the appropriate section of the MSA General Regulations except as modified below:M27.4 (c) incorrect test +20 seconds (d) cones 5 seconds (e) lines 5 seconds 20. All other General Regulations of the MSA apply as written except for the following:H35.1.4 A Novice must not have won an award on an authorised autotest, other than a team award, since 01/06/10. M17.1 In consequence of the whole event taking place on private property, vehicles need not be licensed. CSMA NEL Juniper Autotest - Sunday 31st May 2015 ENTRY FORM (All block capitals please) Online entry form also available at DRIVER …………………………………….......................................................... ADDRESS ………………………………………………………………………........................................................................... ……………………………………………….………………………………………....… POSTCODE ……..…………………......... Tel No. (HOME) …………………………….… (MOB) ….…………………..…....... MSA Licence No. ...………………….…… (or Motor Sport Ireland) E-Mail address …………………………………………………………………………………………….…… CLUB ..…………………………………………………………………………………… EXPERT / NOVICE Do you hold a full road traffic licence YES / NO Circle to receive via e-mail: Acknowledgement (e-mail only) Finals Results VEHICLE Make & Model …………………………………………………… CC ………..… CLASS A B C D E Shared Drive With ……………………………………………...………(separate entry form required) 2015 Link-Up Ltd MSA British Autotest Championship Demon Tweeks BTRDA Autotest Championship REIS BTRDA Allrounders Championship Southern Autotest Championship YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO YES / NO DECLARATION I declare that I have been given the opportunity to read the General Regulations of the Motor Sports Association and, if any, the Supplementary Regulations for this event and agree to be bound by them. I declare that I am physically and mentally fit to take part in the event and I am competent to do so. I acknowledge that I understand the nature and type of the competition and the potential risk inherent with motor sport and agree to accept that risk. State your age if you are under 18 ……………………… Entrants Signature ……………………………………………………… Date …………………… Drivers Signature ……………………………………………………… Date …………………… Person or relative to be contacted in case of a serious accident Name …………………………… Address ………………………………….………….............................................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. Tel: …………………………………….. THIS ENTRY IS MADE WITH MY CONSENT Any indemnity and / or declaration as prescribed above which is signed by a person who has not reached his or her 18th birthday shall be countersigned by that person’s parent or guardian, whose full name and address shall be given. Name ……………………………………… Address ………………………………................................................................. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... Relationship …………..………………… Date …………………...………….Signature ………………………………………...… Send completed entry form, together with entry fee of £30 (cheques payable to:- CSMA, NEL), if received by closing date, £35 for late entries and/or paid on day, to arrive no later than 26th May 2015, to:Mike Biss (Juniper), 19 Dunstable Close, Flitwick, Beds MK45 1JN Date received: …………………… Date acknowledged: …………………… How paid: .…………….. NUMBER ALLOCATION
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