OTHER INFORMATION: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRAYER: Prayer can be difficult for all of us at times. Bushmills offers various ways to help: (1) The Prayer Box in the Front Hallway. (2) The congregation’s Prayer Focus group meets on the third Thursday of the month in the Church. (3) Prayers for Healing are held in the second Monday of each month at 11am in Bushvale Presbyterian Church Hall (excluding July and August). WHEELCHAIRS - The church is fitted with four designated spaces for wheelchair users on the ground floor. For more information, please speak with stewards at the door. LOOP SYSTEM - The church is fitted with a loop system. Please adjust hearing aids to the ‘T’ position. GIVING BY STANDING ORDER - You can give to both the Bushmills Presbyterian Church general funds (white form) and the Renovation Fund (green form) by standing order. Please complete the appropriate form available in the hallways and speak to the Treasurer, Mr John McLaughlin (Tel 2073 1488). NOTICES for the Bulletin to Dorothy Eslor by midday Thursday latest T: 2766 8963 E: [email protected] Bushmills Presbyterian Church Founded 1646 www.bushmillspresbyterian.co.uk Minister: Rev Dr Nancy Cubitt T: 0-28 2039 0316 E: [email protected] Welcome to Bushmills Presbyterian Church. Please stay afterwards for refreshments in the Minor Hall. All are welcome to use the crèche facilities upstairs. A door steward will guide you VESTIBULE STEWARDS & COLLECTORS - IF YOU ARE UNAVAILABLE FOR ANY OF THESE SUNDAYS PLEASE CONTACT NORMAN DUNLOP (Tel 2073 2329) MARCH Front Door & Offering William Henry, John Elliott, Eneas Rainey, Rosemary Kinley Upstairs Claire Templeton, Steven Rainey APRIL Front Door & Offering….Carol Anderson, David Moore, Alastair Twaddle, Una Summers Upstairs…………………………. .Heather McKerr, Brian Moore Sun 22 March Sun 29 March Sun 5 April Sharon Creith, Valerie McAlister Susan Creith, Sharon Creith Alison Johnston, Helen Graham Sun 22 March Sun 29 March Sun 5 April Sun 22 March Sun 29 March Sun 5 April Una Summers, Libby McCaffrey Margret Picken, Rosemary Kinley Valerie McAllister, Margaret Bartlett Mrs E Twaddle Mrs M McMullan THE JAR 2015 Last week 15 March we collected £48.45 for our renovation fund. The total for YTD is £375.13. Please put £1 in the jar each week for the building fund. Visitors who wish to support our appeal are welcome to do so! Thank you Gathering, Growing, Glorifying Sunday 22 March 2015 at 11.30am THIS WEEK: Sun 22 March 10.20am Sonrise – Bible Class for all children in secondary education 11.30am Morning Worship led by Rev Dr Nancy Cubitt 7.00pm Evening Worship Dunluce with a film presentation THE CROSS by Billy Graham, part of his My Hope UK campaign. This is commended to the congregation and friends. Tea will be served after the service. Tues 24 March 2.30pm 7.30pm Fri 27 March 9.30am Table Tennis Club meets in the Minor Hall Hospice Support Group meets in the New Halls Friday Fabrics meets in the Minor Hall NEXT WEEK: Sun 29 March 10.20am Sonrise – Bible Class for all children in secondary education 11.30am All Age Service led by Rev Dr Nancy Cubitt. This service will take the form of an All Age Service. Children will not leave for Sunday School but the worship will be geared toward them as well as adults. 6.30pm Evening Worship Bushmills Tues 31 March 2.30pm 7.30pm Table Tennis Club meets in the Minor Hall Hospice Support Group meets in the New Halls Fri 5 April Friday Fabrics meets in the Minor Hall 9.30am EASTER MUSIC Choir, please note there will be 2 choir practices for Easter – Wednesday 25th March at 7.30pm ; and Wednesday 1st April at 7.00pm. Any new members will be made abundantly welcome. MUSIC GROUP We would love to have a music group involved in the worship at the Easter Services. Are there any guitarists in the congregation, or other instrumentalists who haven’t been involved as yet? If so, we would love to get you playing! Please speak to Lorna MAGAZINE The final date for reports, articles, photos etc for the May Magazine is Sunday 29th March. As Easter falls at the beginning of April and Communion is on 2nd May, the printers need to start early. Email articles to Kenny Blair : Email [email protected] (Tel 028 2073 1762) TNT MEETINGS will be held in the Youth Suite on March 24th and 31st If you want to know more about TNT please talk to Heather Steele. HOSPICE SUPPORT GROUP The Hospice Support Group will meet on Tuesday 24th March at 7.30 in the Room upstairs in the new halls. Members please try to attend. If any of the congregation or any friends would like to join us, you would be made most welcome! So give me a call (Tel: 20732758) and I will meet you. Jackie Cole MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SOCITY Ballymoney and District Branch invites you to a Service of Thanksgiving conducted by the Rev Dr Mark Jones on Sunday 29th March at 7.30pm at Roseyards Presbyterian Church. Tea will be served in the church hall following the service. SOUTH BELFAST FRIENDSHIP HOUSE Jenny Robinson, the Deaconess in South Belfast Friendship House send here sincere thanks for the 114 items of men’s toiletries . They will be given to the men they help support in the hostel which is in one of the nearby streets. FIRST BALLYMONEY PW invite you and your friends to their Annual Coffee Party in the church hall on Thursday 26th March from 10am – 12 noon and 7pm – 9pm. Subscription £3.50. Cake, grocery and bric-a-brac stalls. TOBERDONEY PW invite you to a Family Ceilidh in the church hall on Friday 27th March at 8pm. Adults £7 and children £3. Supper provided. Proceeds in aid of PW funds EASTER SERVICES IN BUSHMILLS 2014 SUNDAY 29th March 11.30am All Age Palm Sunday Service FRIDAY 3rd April 8.00pm Good Friday Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper SUNDAY 5th April 7.00am Easter Dawn Service at the Giant’s Causeway (Followed by breakfast in the Parish Centre) 11.30am Easter Morning Worship (All Services will be led by Rev Nancy Cubitt) 7.00pm Joint Easter Evening Worship in Dunluce
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