CV - CEU Business School

Peter Hardi Curriculum Vitae (2015)
Dr. Hardi is Professor of Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility at the CEU Business
School and the Director of the Center for Integrity in Business and Government. He joined CEU
Business School in January 1, 2006.
Before coming to CEU Business School, he was Senior Fellow and Program Director for
Measurement and Assessment at the International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada
where he worked for thirteen years developing innovative solutions, training and assessment tools to
promote sustainable development in governments and business. Dr. Hardi served as advisor to and
project leader at several government agencies in Canada (including CIDA, the Commissioner for
Environment, Environment Canada, Natural Resources Canada, NRTEE) and in the United Nations
Commission on Sustainable Development. He established international networks to develop civil
society and corporate programs in responsibility and sustainable development. He was the designer
and leader of major international projects in a variety of settings, ranging from local communities,
nations to trans-boundary regions in highly developed countries as well as developing nations and
countries in transition.
Prior to his work in Canada, Dr. Hardi was the founding Executive Director of the Regional
Environment Center for Central and Eastern Europe. In recognition of his work, he received the US
EPA award for outstanding leadership and international collaboration in 1992.
Dr. Hardi has four decades of university teaching experience in Austria, Canada, Hungary and the US;
more than two decades of training and capacity building practice in diverse areas such as strategic
assessment, reporting, corporate sustainability, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and more
recently, business integrity. At CEU Business School he designed and delivered new courses in CSR,
including a Trans-European Master Class in CSR, in Business Sustainability and recently in Integrity
in Business. He redesigned his Business Ethics course and now teaches a core course for MBA and
EMBA students “Ethical Leaders and Integrity in Business”. Teams formed by his MBA and EMBA
students won several awards in the Inter-Collegiate Business Ethics Case Competition in the past four
years, and his 2013 MBA team became Divisional Champion.
His present research focuses on corporate governance, transparency and accountability, corporate
social responsibility and business integrity. Under his leadership his team participates in major
European Commission funded international research projects in these areas; he is the leader of several
company research projects and has established a broad web of company relations. Since January 2011
he also leads a multi-million dollar project on Integrity Education, aimed at developing an Integrity
Curriculum Framework and testing it in degree and non-degree programs in transition economies. Dr.
Hardi and his team has designed a new, innovative training on business integrity and piloted it with
great success for executives from all five Central Asian countries in Almaty, Kazakhstan in June
2013, for business leaders from three Caucasian countries in Tbilisi, Georgia in June 2014, and will
hold the next executive training for East-Central European business leaders in Bucharest, Romania in
June 2015.
He has published numerous academic papers in peer reviewed journals, monographs and books, see
separate publication list. He is the co-editor of a multi-volume series on Measuring Sustainability
published by Edward Elgar and co-editor of a new book Debates of Corruption and Integrity
published by Palgrave-MacMillan in March 2015. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of
Ecological Indicators.
Dr. Hardi received an M. Sc. in chemistry and an M.A. in philosophy at ELTE University, Budapest; a
Ph.D. in political philosophy at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences; and an advanced
Academy of Science doctorate degree in political science from the Hungarian Academy of Science.
He was a Post-doctoral Fellow at the Political Science Department, Yale University (1978-79) and a
Research Fellow at the Institute for International Studies, UC Berkeley (1992).
Peter Hardi, a Canadian and Hungarian citizen, is a devoted environmentalist. He lives with his wife,
Cornelia; their son Adam, an MBA graduate economist, works and lives in Toronto.
Selected list of most recent publications (last five years only)
Books, chapters in books and peer reviewed journal articles:
Hardi, P., Heywood, P. and Torsello, D. (Eds.), Debates of Corruption and Integrity. PalgraveMacMillan , London 2015
Hardi, P. “Corporate social responsibility in economies of transition: The role of the State” in Free
Market in its Twenties (Ed. Kisilowski, M.) CEU Press Budapest, 2014, Chapter 1.7, pp. 73-81.
Hardi, P. et al. Global Executive Integrity Survey Report. Center for Integrity in Business and
Government, CEU Business School 2013,
Hardi, P., Mulloth, B. ‘Using Strategic CSR to Achieve the Hybrid Middle Ground in Social
Entrepreneurship: The Case of Telenor Hungary’, World Academy of Science, Engineering and
Technology, 2013 at
Radacsi, G. and Hardi, P. “Substance Misuse Prevention as Corporate Social Responsibility”,
Substance Use and Misuse (Vol. 48, 2013) DOI: 10.3109/10826084.2013.841242
Governance by Evaluation for Sustainable Development (Series editors P. Hardi and A. Martinuzzi,
volume eds. M. Sedlacko and A. Martinuzzi). Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK: Volume 4,
Susstainable Development, Evaluation And Policy-Making: Theory, Practise and Quality Assurance
(Series editors P. Hardi and A. Martinuzzi, volume eds. A. von Raggamby and F. Rubik). Edward
Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK: Vol. 3, 2012
Hardi, Peter, Krisztina Buti, 'Corporate Governance Variables: lessons from a holistic approach to
Central-Eastern European practice', Corporate Governance Volume 12, Issue 1, 2012, pp. 101-117
Working papers and case studies:
Hardi, P. and Romics, K. “E.ON Hungary: CSR-Social Obligation or Financial Burden? “ The Case
Centre, 2015, No. 714-050-1,
Hardi, P. “E.ON Hungary: CSR-Social Obligation or Financial Burden?” Teaching Notes. The Case
Centre, 2015, No. 714-050-8,
Hardi, P. and Radacsi, G. “Streamlining CSR: An Answer in Economic Difficulties (Telenor
Hungary)”. The Case Centre, 2015, No. 714-047-1
Hardi, P. and Radacsi, G. “Streamlining CSR: An Answer in Economic Difficulties (Telenor
Hungary)” Teaching Notes. The Case Centre, 2015, No. 714-047-8
Hardi, P. et al. Global Executive Integrity Survey Report. Center for Integrity in Business and
Government, CEU Business School, December 2013
Hardi, P., Radacsi, G., Schmitt, K. Evaluations of CSR performance and impact as seen by key actors
other than business. IMPACT Working Paper No. 3. Deliverable to “IMPACT Project” funded by the
Directorate General for Research, European Commission (Framework Programme 7) 2012,
Moon J, Slager R, Brunn C, Hardi P, Knudsen JS. Analysis of the National and EU Policies
Supporting Corporate Social Responsibilities and Impacts. IMPACT Working Paper No 2,
Deliverable to “IMPACT Project” funded by the Directorate General for Research, European
Commission (Framework Programme 7) 2012, downloadable at
Hardi, Peter, Diana Sidlovits, Krisztina Buti, "Inter-Firm Networks in the Hungarian Wine Industry",
in: Inter-firm Networks in the European Wine Industry (Eds. F. Cafaggi and P. Iamicelli), EU Working
Papers, Law 2010/19, EUI, Florence (Italy), Chapter V, pp. 80-106.
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