FARM CLEARING SALE A/C AW & GH Lewis “Rosewood” Weja Property Sold Tuesday 10th March 2015 Tractors: 9330 Steiger tractor 3700 hrs, New Holland M115 6000 hrs with Challenge 3821 loader. Tillage: 30 Horwood Bagshaw scaribar with Kline harrows + 4 T Horwood Bagshaw aircart with SSB, 30 plate Shearer 5GP disc plough + 30 new 26” discs, Trucks: Acco 1830B 21 -pper (rego Oct 15), Bedford TK 18 Fruehauf bogie trailer, 16 T R&N bin. -pper (unreg), IH C1800 354 Perkins motor & 34 Plant & equipment: Honda 420 quad bike, 35 T Cleverdon bin with PTO auger & hydraulic li , Walinga 510 Agrivac, 16 Cole gruper, Hardi 18 M 2000 L spray unit, 2 x 2000 gal water tanks on mobile stands, Kotzur 18 T grain bin, Honda CT 200 ag bike, 3PL ripper, 3PL round bale mover, 1000 L plas-c spray tank, 5000 L plas-c water cartage tank, 1 x 2000 + 1 x 1000 L overhead fuel tanks, 1000 L ground level fuel tank with pump, 1000 L fuel trailer, Horwood Bagshaw super spreader, 503 MF hay baler, Normoyle 40 x 9” hydraulic auger, Moulang 33 x 7” auger, R&N 24 x 6” auger, Vennings 12 pencil auger, 8 T chaser bin, David Shearer 40 folding harrows, Horwood Bagshaw 24 run combine with SSB, HE 20 T field bin. Livestock handling: 8.5 T Cootmaundra sheep & lamb pellets, Stevlon minima-c wool press 240/480 V with clockface scales, steel wool table, 6 x wool bins, Thornton 33 panel portable sheep yards, Harrington jeFng race with 1.5” Finsbury pump, caGle grid, Ajax wool press, 2 x wool pack holders, gas backlining & drenching kit, 10 steel sheep loading race, Thunderbird weighing crate with bars, plaHorm caGle scales, lamb marking cradle, 1 T Thornton feed cart, 8 bag feedout bin, 6 x 18 bag Cleverdon sheep feeders, 3 x 18 bag Bob Carr sheep feeders, 1 x 18 bag Condobolin sheep feeder. Miscellaneous: Cherry picker, Dalgety meat saw, meat mincer, Compac air compressor, Compac welder, pedestal drill, anvil, S-hl high pressure cleaner, workbench, Wolf 9” angle grinder & stand, Boch drop saw, Teco 1 HP electric motor (new), CIG weld oxy set, bench grinder, Lincoln 250 BT PTO welder, Husqvarna chainsaw, Grainline grain spear & sieve screen, safety power board, dumpy level, wire rope, 2 steel lockers, Lincoln 150 amp welder, Hardi 2 m quad bike sprayer, safety cable, Landcruiser PTO gear box, McNaught 45 kg power grease gun, stocks & dies, grease guns, Jarret 350 kg ute crane, car ramps, Robin motor 1” pump, approx. 60 M x 1.5” poly pipe, 24 aluminium extension ladder, Lightburn electric cement mixer, Marino mister, 4 x 7 line hinge joint, 2 x barb wire, 380 new steel posts, quan-ty 2nd hand steel posts, Honda 2” firefighter pump, Honda 1.5” firefighter pump, Oxy boGle trolley, asstd tools, steel cabinet with shelving, 18 HP Kohler motor, 15 plas-c water trough, 4 x 3 sec-ons cement troughs, 2 x 20 M x 6 M haystack covers, Silvan 200 L 12 V spray unit, Hardi 100 L sprayer, quan-ty new & used hand iron, NH 353 twin mill, dry grain pickling machine, 36 2 deck sheep crate, 18 single deck crate, 6 lengths railway line, asstd side delivery bins, MF 24 fire harrows, 6 x 4 box trailer (rego Apr 15), 6 KVA generator, Conquip rollover ripper, New Holland 353 mixall. Household Items: Books, Rancher ride on mower, assortment of furniture. Collectables: Fordson Major petrol E27N, Cooper 2 stand shearing plant, HV McKay bag trolley, 3 x HV McKay gates & hinges, 2 x Aladdin lamps, kero lamps, 2 x Singer sewing machine cabinets, Singer sewing machine head, Sunshine grain grister, 2 x hand wringers, petrol iron, radios, Alfa Lava separator, 5 x screw jacks, bread maker, meat safe, Bushells tea -n, Texaco kerosene sign, metholated spirit stove, Mobilco chainsaw, 2 x wooden clothes horse, cast pedestal wash basin, 2 x MeGers fireplace grates, kerosene shower & bath heater, Crawler tractor roller greaser, claw foot bath, stone jars. Outside Entries: JD 7720 header, 24 comb & trailer, approx 3800 hrs; 89 Isuzu 1400 series long FZA 193A, bogie drive, table top -pper, 23 tray, 8 new tyres, 25 2 x 1 stock crate to fit, 18 T bin with rollover tarp to fit; 42 AFM air seeder with 4.5 T tow between 5700 inter box, 1985 Hockney 21,500 L bogie axle water tanker trailer with pump; 236 Chamberlain with under axle front s-ck rake blade; Sunbeam twin box wool press, meat saw, Moulang auger 24 x 7” with 9 HP motor, 4 x tractor tyres 18.4 x 38, Yamaha DT175 trail motorbike (not going), 40 1000 L computer spray, grey Fergie tractor with 3PL cul-vator. Direc8ons: Weja is located on the West Wyalong - Lake Cargelligo Road, approx 61 km from West Wyalong. Take Weja Rd north of Weja, cross railway line and turn right onto Ugalong Road, property located on le hand side. Catering: To be supplied by Ungarie Hall CommiGee. Vendor contact: Alan Lewis 0427 686 093 AH 0269 723 808 - Jason Lewis 0427 759 307 Terms of payment: Cash or approved cheque on sale day. Mark Flagg: 0429 696 554 Office: 0269 639 343 Mark Flagg: 0429 696 554 Office: 0269 639 343 Mark Flagg: 0429 696 554 Office: 0269 639 343
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