A PRIL 2015 Bella Vista Baptist Church Phone: (479) 855-3748 Prayer Room: (479) 855-6644 E-mail: [email protected] www.bvbaptist.com Something to Think About A woman was driving home one night in really nasty weather. Rain was coming down in buckets and visibility was very poor. Seeing tail lights ahead of her, she followed the car in front. Not being able to see, the car in front seemed to be going in the right direction. So she stuck with it. All of a sudden the car in front of her came to a stop. She began to wonder what had happened; perhaps the car in front had hit a deer or something. She started feeling uncomfortable as being stopped in the middle of the road can often lead to accidents. Much to her alarm, the car in front of her turned off their lights. Her concern was growing as well as her anger. Then, she was startled by a knock on her window. She looked up and there was a man standing in the pouring rain wanting to speak to her. She cracked the window open and asked the man what the problem was. The man’s reply was that he was going to ask her that same question. She retorted that she wasn’t the one who had stopped in the middle of the road and then turned off the car lights. The man told her they were not in the middle of the road, but in his driveway. by Pastor Michael McCauley under the teaching and Obviously, this woman had coaching of Pastor Daniel in chosen the wrong leader to the area of music. He has follow. She had chosen a always had talent, but by leader who would not take following a good leader, his her where she wanted and talent has been developed needed to go. She had and more fully realized. chosen the wrong leader and Again, it is exciting to the wrong road. witness people as they grow In life we need to ask the into their God-given potential question, “Who am I Who are the leaders in your following?” because our life? What lessons does God choice in leaders will have for you to learn from determine the outcome of the life of your parents? our journeys. I’ve listened to What solid resources are one man in our church tell around you that you could stories of his father teaching benefit from as you seek to him about business, finance grow? What talent has God and innovation. He had in given you and what his father a good leader in opportunities is He giving the area of business. He you to further develop it? listened well and gained the benefit of what his father had Jesus is the ultimate leader. to teach him. He called disciples –people I’m watching as another man learns about stewardship. He has chosen to take advantage of a great resource called Financial Peace University. This has granted him access to one of America’s leading teachers on the subject. It is exciting to watch him grow and even more exciting to see his desire to share what he is learning with others. There is a third man (and truthfully I could use many examples here), who has sat who would discipline themselves to His leadership; people who would learn from His words and ways and in so doing, think and act more like Him. Over time people started calling these disciples “Christ-ians” or little Christs. It was meant as a term of derision, but they wore it as a badge of honor. When the world looks at us are they seeing people following the Lord and His leadership? Do we look like “Christ-ians”? Bella Vista Baptist Church Page 2 We will learn about: ♦Jesus is in Heaven ♦ Jesus wants people to love him ♦Do what is good ♦Choose to follow God’s plan During April, our AWANA Puggles will learn: ♦I thank God for my food ♦I thank God for the sunshine ♦I thank God for plants, xxflowers, and trees ♦I thank God for animals ♦I thank God for people who care for me Park Days (10am to noon) Jadon Brown Egg hunt for Nursery & PreK during Sunday School Fri., 4/10 @ Dave Peel Park, off Bentonville square Fri., 4/24 @ BV Lake Walking Trail Park Levels of Biblical Learning—Creation (Part 4) These are the Biblical concepts of Creation that the nursery and preschool department at BVBC try to teach and introduce. I encourage you as parents to include some of these concepts in your daily talk, interactions, family Bible time with your little ones. As Spring arrives now is a perfect opportunity to talk about creation around you as it becomes new, grows, blossoms, and new life is born. Enjoy a nature walk with your littles. Babies to 2s: ♦ God made day, night, plants, sky, sun, moon, stars, animals, water, birds, and fish. ♦God made people ♦ God made food for people and animals ♦ God wants me to enjoy the things He made ♦ God wants me to thank Him for the things He made 3s to PreK (additional): ♦ God made everything ♦ God made people different from the other things He made ♦ God planned for people, animals, and plants to grow ♦ God made the world for people to enjoy Phone: (479) 855-3748 Fax: (479) 855-3740 What we are learning this month: ● in Children’s Worship: We begin the month learning about Jesus’ death and resurrection, and His appearance to the Disciples. Then, we head back to the Old Testament to study the life of Daniel. Key Passage: Daniel 6:27. Page 3 April Birthdays: Riley Weatherly .... 04/04 Eva Konomi ......... 04/07 Abigail Magnia...... 04/13 Elijah Cherry ....... 04/16 Olivia Gibbs ........ 04/19 Emmett Dixon ...... 04/20 Jakob Green........ 04/22 Mason Keene ....... 04/29 Dates to Remember: 04/05—Easter Sunday 04/15—Superhero night at AWANA 04/19—Praise Kids Rehearsal 04/19—AWANA Catch up Night 5-6pm 04/24—Praise Kids Rehearsal 6-8pm 04/26—Praise Kids Rehearsal 2-5pm 04/29—No T&T (Praise Kids 5:30-7:30) Kids Super Summer Wednesdays, beginning May 13 Calling all Cooper Bronco Parents: We have the privilege of hosting a booth at the Spring Carnival on April 24th. We need parents and kids willing to man a bean bag toss game and pass out info about our church and children’s programs. Please let Nancy know if you can help with this wonderful outreach opportunity. Page 4 Bella Vista Baptist Church Page 5 Phone: (479) 855-3748 Fax: (479) 855-3740 Music News by Pastor Daniel Salls Those who know me, know how important giving my best as an offering of praise and worship is to me. Those who participate in choir, praise team, orchestra, and media team, know this as I push them so hard during the weeks (and even months) before worship services so we can all present our very best. Easter takes what the world views as a horrible tragedy—the death of Jesus on the cross on Good Friday—and turns it into the great triumph of God over death. This proof of God’s great love for us, His children, deserves to be retold with nothing less than our very best! The Bible tells us that when Jesus celebrated the Passover with His disciples at the Last Supper, they sang a hymn together before they parted. We don’t know that that hymn was but, we know that Jesus sang with those He cherished. Mark 14:26, “When they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.” It was important enough for God to include this in the Holy Scripture. Possibly this hymn was preparing their hearts and their mood for what was to come. I am so proud and honored by the efforts that our team has put toward the preparation for the upcoming Easter services. They understand the importance of presenting our very best in honor of our Lord and they know the crucial role that music plays in setting the mood of worship and in relaying the Easter message. If you have not already gotten your tickets to our community Easter concert, I encourage you to do so today, before they are gone. I encourage you to join us at Old High Middle School as we use the fruit of our labor to set the tone for the sacred observation of Easter. Young at Heart News Praise the Lord...Spring is here! It is a season of new beginnings and God’s miracles are seen all around us. We are beginning to plan some Spring events. The Senior Adults ministry is planning to cheer our home team, the NWA Naturals, by attending one of our home games in May. Be on the look out for the ads about this in your bulletins. by Pastor Daniel Salls We are working on putting together a periodic “get together” for all who are caregivers for their spouse or other family members. The purpose and intention of this meeting is for caregivers to share useful information and to uphold and comfort each other. We also hope to have experts visit to provide some good tips. Watch for more information to come regarding this. Page 6 Bella Vista Baptist Church Fellowship, a devotional by Eloise Brown, and a short business meeting will begin at 9:20am. At 10:15am, our program will feature Frank Seay, who will tell us about the multi-faceted outreach of Helping Hands in our area. Frank is a member of the Board of Directors. The program is open to everyone in our church family. Please join us! Our May meeting will be a trip to visit Youth Bridge, a home for troubled children. Stitch n’ Chat is starting up for the new year. Please join us for an afternoon of fun and fellowship. On: Sunday, April 12th from 2pm to 5pm in Fellowship Hall Bring any needlework or craft project you are working on, or if you want to learn to knit or crochet we can help. This is a drop-in event—come for all or part of the time. For more info. contact Joan Abrams, 295-0598. All ages welcome! If you drink Coke© products we need your help! AWANA is collecting empty bottles (16oz and 20oz only) and we need 200!! There will be a shopping cart at the Welcome Center for you to drop off your bottles. Thank you for your help. **NOTE: only Coke© brand bottles will work (see samples below) Phone: (479) 855-3748 Fax: (479) 855-3740 Thank You Church Page 7 Thank you for the cards and prayers received for the recent loss of my Mother, and also Joe’s niece, Sissie, who died unexpectedly. Thank you also to all the many who prayed for us and our ministry while we were in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. God richly blessed both us and our ministry. What a blessing to be part of such a loving, caring family of believers. ~ Lorelei & Joe De Angelis Movie Night for Senior Adults Friday, Apr. 24 6pm-Nachos & Hotdogs 6:30pm-Movie Starts (ice cream sundaes at intermission) Threads of Love Wednesday’ Wednesday’s—April 8th & 22nd at 9:309:30-11am Meet downstairs in room 151 Come and enjoy coffee, fellowship, and working together on projects! forms available at Nursery desk—Please email a photo to be used on the screen that Sunday to [email protected] Questions? Call 855-3748 100% of every gift goes to support the NAMB’s Send North America strategy of planting more churches to push back lostness in North America. 49% of the North American Mission Board’s funding comes from the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering You can make donations through the month of April by designating an amount to go to missions on your regular offering envelopes. If you do not have a boxed set of envelopes you can use the envelopes provided in the backs of the seats in Grace Hall. Bella Vista Baptist Church NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID BENTONVILLE, AR 72712 PERMIT #222 50 E Lancashire Blvd. Bella Vista, AR 72714 April 2015 Phone: (479) 855-3748 General E-mail: [email protected] BVBC Pastoral Staff Michael McCauley, Senior Pastor E-mail: [email protected] RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Daniel Salls, Associate Pastor E-mail: [email protected] Dave Brown, Associate Pastor E-mail: [email protected] ************************************************************ Lighthouse of Prayer ...... (479) 855-6644 Freedom Ministry ............ (479) 855-1119 General Delivery... [email protected] Stacy Craig............ [email protected] Carolyn [email protected] Nancy [email protected] Julie [email protected] AWANA ............. [email protected] FOR THOSE SENDING CARDS, THE FOLLOWING IS THE BEGINNING OF NEXT MONTH’S BIRTHDAYS: May (FROM 1ST—5TH) 1 –Elmer Epperson 2 –Marge Coates, Colin Sitton, Betty Burr 3 –Kristi Pool 4 –Brenda Holcomb, Lu Sullivan 5 –Judy Pittman 6 –Betty Madsen, Carla Rivers, Aaron Mattingly 10 –Beverly Shepherd, Shenia Harrison 12 –Louise Working 13 –Gloria Sayre, Doug Abrams, Diana Hayes 16 –Michelle Douthit 18 –Russell Ingle 19 –Madison Thomas 20 –Burl Bruce 21 –Jay Allman 24 –Wanda Hastings, Tom Pitts 25 –Lois Ipock 26 –Matthew Snider, Ashley Salmons 28 –Shirley Mincer 29 –John Becker, Molly Viles If you are celebrating your 50th + anniversary this month and were not on our list, please contact the office. We have several anniversaries in our database with the year missing. ~ Thank you! 1– Bev Stetler, John Prathaftakis 2– John Schultz, Serrena Schultz Rob Caster, Sarah Saxon 3– Poiema Heinritz 4– Danetta Korte April Anniversaries (50+years) Harold & Alyene Mize .... 04/16/60 Bill & Ramona Alley ....... 04/20/51 APRIL 2015 Sun Mon Tue Regular Weekly Events: Sundays: Worship (8:30am, 11am, 5pm); Bible Study (9:45am) Tuesdays: Men’s Breakfast/Bible Study (6:30am) Wednesdays: Meal (4:45pm); xxxxxxChildren’s Choirs (5:30pm); xxxPrayer Meeting (5:45pm); AWANA (6:15pm); Youth (6pm); Choir (6pm) 5 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11am 3 4 Easter Musical Rehearsal OHMS 9am Women On Mission 9:20am GOOD FRIDAY Open Dress Rehearsal 11am Musical at OHMS 7pm 8 9 10 Thread’s of Women’s Bible Preschool Park Love 9:30am Day Study 10am—noon 9:30-11am (Peel Park, off of Bentonville Square) 11 16 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11am 17 18 23 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11am 24 PreK Park Day 10am BV Walking Trail 25 Salls Baby Shower 2pm FH 6 7 Finance Committee mtg. 6:30pm 13 14 15 PreK trip at Walton Art Center AWANA Superhero Night 21 22 Thread’s of Love 9:30am No Evening Service 12 Deacon’s Meeting 4pm VBS Taskforce mtg. 12:30 CR Stitch-n-Chat 2-5pm FH 19 20 Praise Kids rehearsal 3rd-6th grade 2-5pm GH Movie Night for Senior Adults (see ad) AWANA Catch Up Night 5pm 26 Nursery Staff mtg. 12:15 CR Praise Kids rehearse 3rd-6th grade 2-5pm Youth Parent mtg. 6pm Praise Kids Rehearse 6-8pm 27 28 29 AWANA Not T&T 3rd-6th grade choir from 5:30-7:30pm 30 Women’s Bible Study 9:30-11am
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