Dates for the D iary March/ April 2011 Newsletter

Dates f
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Outdoo iary
ng Mon
day 14t eek
h March
Friday 1
8th Mar Nose Day
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g Clean
ng Mon
day 21s Week
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t March
Beginni red Walk W
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Saturda h Hour
y 26th M
Monday Easter Holid
4th Apr
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Friday 2
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25th Ap
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Friday 2
9th Apr day
May D
Monday Holiday
2nd Ma
March/ April 2011 Newsletter
Learning in February
We participated in National Story Telling Week.
We had parents in to read/ tell stories to the
children and we brought in Carmen
MacDonald who runs a story telling
business. She provided a fun filled half hour
of songs, story and drama.
Carmen attends the nursery on a monthly
The next day with Carmen will be on Friday 4th March to
help celebrate World Book Day.
Rona from the Dick Institute came in and read stories to
all groups.
All pre-school groups will visit the Dick Institute after the
Easter holidays.
The children entertained parents and friends at the coffee
day with Scottish songs and poems.
We have also had activities related to Chinese
New Year and Valentines day.
ECO Bags
Remember we have our ECO bags £3.50
each (3 for £10.00) which would make a
great Mothers Day present!
Every child did their own drawing or hand
A wonderful keepsake of your child’s time in the nursery.
World Book Day - Thursday 3rd March
Following World Book Day we would like your child to
bring their favourite book to Nursery to share with their
group. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly
marked on the book.
There will also be a home link sheet for you to complete
and bring back to nursery.
We intend to make a folder with
all the returns, showing the
favourite books of the children at
Onthank Nursery School.
Red Nose Day
Friday 18th March
We will be participating in lots of fun activities.
There will be a collection at the door. The children are
invited to wear red clothes or their pyjamas (remember to
wear clothes underneath!)
The children have been learning the red nose song with
Mr Hay from Onthank Primary School.
The children are starting to prepare their vegetable/ fruit
beds and plant some early vegetables.
We would welcome any donations of bedding plants,
vegetables, green house plants and hanging basket plants
etc... after the Easter holidays.
Also we are looking for any help in the garden that you
could give us.
Good Ideas/ Suggestion Tree
We would welcome your ideas and suggestions for the
nursery. Please take time to write a leaf and hang it on our
tree at the front entrance.
Royal Wedding
It has been confirmed by East Ayrshire Council that all
schools in the authority will be on holiday on Friday 29th
April 2011.
Please remember that a member of staff is always available
on the arrival or departure of the children to discuss any
concerns or to celebrate any successes you may have.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Fiona Kellett
Head Teacher
ECO School
We participated in Fair Trade fortnight
and have become a fair trade outlet.
To support Fair Trade we had a stall
selling Fair Trade products, due to
popular demand this will be available on
Friday or from the office at any time. There is also a
catalogue that is available from the office from which you
can order a wider range of fair trade products.
We will also be selling Fair Trade rag dolls
(£15.00 each), as the children have been
enjoying the rag dolls that have been going
home and we have had parents asking us where
to purchase these. The rag dolls are handmade
in Sri Lanka, our global partner
ECO Week
During the week of Monday 21st March we will be holding
an ECO week. More details to follow.
National Spring Clean Week
We will be looking for volunteers to help us tidy our school
grounds on the week of Monday 21st March.
Please let the ECO group know if you would be able to
help a day that week.
Sponsored Easter Hat Walk
We were very fortunate that Burger King in
Kilmarnock donated the hats for us to
decorate for our Easter Sponsored Walk.
Each child will be inviting you to come in
and help them during group time to decorate
their hats and you will also be invited to join
them on their walk.
We will provide you with a list of dates for decoration and
for walks. We hope that you will be able to join us.
Tesco and Sainsbury Vouchers
We are collecting Tesco Vouchers for Schools.
Please ask your family and friends to help us.
The more vouchers we collect the more resources we can
buy for the nursery. There is a post box at the entrance of
the nursery for your vouchers.
We are also collecting Sainsbury’s
Active Kids Vouchers as well.
Please hand vouchers into the office.
Parents and Friends of Onthank Nursery School
Matalan Fashion Show - Sunday 6th March
A huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone who supported the fashion
show. It was amazing to see such a great turn out.
A grand total of £476.50 was made. The children who
modelled were fantastic and a great night was had by all.
Indoor Physical Play
Could we ask that you change your
child’s footwear to a pair of trainers/
sandshoes (not slippers) when you drop
them off. Boots, Wellingtons and heavy
shoes can be left on the trolleys with the
Names on Clothes and Shoes
It would be helpful if you could put your child’s name on
their clothes, jackets and shoes. A lot of items are the same
and can easily be mixed up with others.
Throughout the year we use a great deal of
Tissues, Kitchen Rolls and Foam Handwash.
We would greatly appreciate any donations of
these items.
Snack Money
A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who has remembered to
pay their £2.00 snack money.
We really do rely on the snack money to purchase snack
food and other extras for the Nursery.
Rag Bag Appeal
Thank You for the wonderful response to our
‘Rag Bag Appeal’ we collected 270kg and
raised £108.00.
There will be another collection in 6 months
time, we will let you know once we have a
date. Remember we have a collection point in
our playground all year round.
Valentine Bear
Cerys Rolands from the Blue Group (pm) was the winner of
our Valentine Bear. Thank you for your support we raised
Kidz Club
We made £160.00 commission from the Christmas DVD.
Thank You to everyone who purchased a DVD. If you
missed out this time they will be back in November 2011
Onthank Nursery School Website
We hope that you have found our Onthank Nursery School
website useful. This will enable all our parents to access
information about the nursery - without needing a GLOW
account. We have set the website up with information about
the staff, the handbook, school holidays and Parent
Committee details. It will be up-dated on a regular basis
with information in the form of a weekly diary, newsletters
and other relevant information.