Nevada Children's Policy Update Bill # BDR Bill and Bill Draft Requests - 2015 Nevada Legislative Session A complete list of Bill Draft Requests (BDRs) are availiable on the NV State Legislature homepage. Description Requestor Status Recent History Child Welfare- Abuse & Neglect AB8 191 Revises provisions relating to children. (BDR 11-191) Legislative Committee on Child Welfare Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Approved by Governor. AB52 Revises provisions governing the persons responsible for a child's 192 welfare. (BDR 38-192) Legislative Committee on Child Welfare Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Approved by Governor. AB102 196 Revises provisions relating to child welfare. (BDR 38-196) AB151 Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Died in Assembly Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. 757 Revises provisions relating to the adoption of children. (BDR 11-757) Assemblyman Araujo Approved by Governor. AB167 Authorizes the storage and carrying of firearms and ammunition on the premises of a family foster home or by certain persons who reside in a family foster home under certain circumstances. (BDR 38234 234) Assemblywoman Fiore AB247 998 AB268 193 Revises provisions relating to foster care. (BDR 38-193) AB324 773 Revises provisions relating to child welfare. (BDR 38-773) Revises provisions relating to foster care. (BDR 38-998) Assemblyman Wheeler SB88 SB107 Requires certain oversight of and reporting concerning children 194 placed in specialized foster homes. (BDR 38-194) SB148 SB303 Revises requirements governing certain child welfare proceedings. 195 (BDR 38-195) Revises provisions relating to the protection of children. (BDR 381036 1036) Updated 6/8/2015 Died in Assembly Legislative Committee on Child Welfare Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblyman Sprinkle Approved by Governor. Revises provisions relating to emergency shelters for children. 498 (BDR 38-498) Clark County Revises provisions governing the Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child. Child and Family Services, Division of337 (BDR 38-337) Health and Human Services SB49 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by the Governor. 5/19/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 104. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/20/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 116. 6/1/2015 -- To enrollment. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/22/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 141. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 179. Died in Senate 4/9/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee.Exemption effective. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 231. Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. 6/1/2015 -- In Senate. To enrollment. Legislative Committee on Child Welfare Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Approved by Governor Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senator Hammond Approved by Governor 5/30/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 301. 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 250. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 1 Early Childhood Education AB152 AB291 AB350 SB257 SB346 Enacts certain requirements governing child care facilities. (BDR 38623 623) 273 Makes an appropriation for school districts to provide early childhood Assemblywoman Diaz education programs. (BDR S-273) Provides for certain credits against the modified business tax for taxpayers who donate money to an early childhood education 1057 scholarship organization. (BDR 38-1057) 97 Revises provisions relating to child care facilities. (BDR 38-97) Authorizes certain credits against the taxes imposed on financial institutions and other businesses for certain costs incurred by 1015 employers relating to the provision of day care to the children of their employees. (BDR 32-1015) Establishes a pilot program to provide financial assistance to certain persons to pay the cost of child care. (BDR S-880) SB364 SB359 Assemblyman Araujo Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Died in Assembly Assemblyman Araujo Died in Assembly Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate Senator Spearman Died in Senate Senator Kihuen Died in Senate Senator Spearman Died in Senate 880 Requires a child care facility to grant priority in admission to certain 1014 children. (BDR 38-1014) 6/1/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 305. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/21/2015 -- In Senate. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/7/2015 -- From committee: Without recommendation and re-refer to the Committee on Finance.Re-referred to Committee on Finance. To committee. Exemption effective. 4/22/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.2, no further action allowed.) Education Revises provisions governing the discipline of pupils. (BDR 34-248) Assemblyman Thompson Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. AB178 248 AB22 Revises provisions relating to annual audits of the count of pupils for 317 apportionment purposes. (BDR 34-317) Education, Department of Died in Assembly Revises provisions governing surveys, analyses and evaluations to be Public and Behavioral Health, Division 332 administered to pupils in public schools. (BDR 34-332) of-Health and Human Services Makes various changes regarding the licensure of educational 315 personnel. (BDR 34-315) Education, Department of Died in Assembly Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revises provisions relating to plans to improve the achievement of 312 pupils enrolled in public schools in this State. (BDR 34-312) Education, Department of Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revising provisions relating to the licensure of certain teachers and 473 other educational personnel. (BDR 34-473) Revises provisions relating to reports of accountability for public 407 schools. (BDR 34-407) Clark County School District Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) Died in Assembly Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. AB26 AB27 AB30 AB55 AB107 Updated 6/8/2015 A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at Approved by the Governor. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/13/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 54. 5/12/2015 -- Chapter 47. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 204. 2 AB117 AB120 Authorizes a school district to lease school buses or vehicles belonging to the school district in certain circumstances. (BDR 34510 510) Clarifies rights of public school pupils regarding the free exercise of 520 religion and freedom of expression. (BDR 34-520) AB121 173 Revises provisions governing the discipline of pupils. (BDR 34-173) AB132 546 Revises provisions relating to displaced homemakers. (BDR 2-546) Establishes the Nevada Educational Choice Scholarship Program. 747 (BDR 34-747) Provides for the establishment of the State Seal of Biliteracy 526 Program. (BDR 34-526) AB165 AB166 Establishes certain requirements for the operation of seasonal or temporary recreation programs. (BDR 38-506) AB197 AB205 AB206 AB218 AB226 Assemblyman Diaz 116 740 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revises provisions relating to certain notices provided to the parent or guardian of a pupil who attends a public school. (BDR 34-740) Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assemblywoman Spiegel Assemblywoman Benitez-Thompson Died in Senate Assemblyman Kirner Passed Assembly. Passed Senate 147 1010 Revises provisions for the payment of certain undergraduate fees and Assemblyman Carlton expenses of certain dependent children. (BDR 34-1010) Passed Assembly Revises provisions governing class-size reduction. (BDR 34-749) Assemblyman Elliot Anderson Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblywoman Diaz Died in Assembly AB278 749 AB290 Revises provisions governing certain pupils who are limited English proficient and provides funding for programs and services for such pupils at Zoom and other middle schools and junior high schools. 909 (BDR 34-909) Updated 6/8/2015 Approved by the Governor. 5/29/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 277. 4/13/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 22. 5/30/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 291. 5/28/2015 -- Taken from General File.Placed on Chief Clerk's desk. Requires the Legislative Committee on Education to consider matters Assemblyman Thompson relating to certain mentorship programs. (BDR S-116) 666 Revises provisions relating to emergencies in schools. (BDR 34-666) 5/23/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.4, no further action allowed.) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 205. Died in Assembly 506 Revises provisions relating to data concerning pupils. (BDR 34-147) AB221 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate Assembly Committee on Education Committee on Education. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblyman Wheeler Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblyman Wheeler Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Legislative Commission (NRS 218E.150) Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assembly Committee on Education Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblywoman Benitez-Thompson Approved by Governor. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/30/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 292. Approved by the Governor. Passed Assembly. To Senate 6/1/2015 -- Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 20, Nays: None, Excused: 1.) To Assembly. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- From committee: Do pass.Placed on General File.Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 20, Nays: 1.) To Assembly. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 3 AB299 AB303 AB307 AB314 AB321 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-582) Assemblyman Edwards Died in the Assembly Revises provisions governing academic standards in public schools. (BDR 34-886) Assemblyman Jones Died in Assembly Revises provisions relating to services for children with intellectual disabilities and children with related conditions. (BDR S-803) Assemblywoman Spiegel Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revises provisions governing the boards of trustees of school districts. (BDR 34-103) Assemblyman Munford Died in Assembly Revises provisions relating to school police officers. (BDR 34-925) Assemblyman Silberkraus Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. 582 886 803 103 925 Revises provisions relating to certain hearings concerning pupils with Assemblyman Elliot Anderson disabilities. (BDR 34-620) AB328 229 AB349 901 Revises provisions governing the composition of the boards of trustees of county school districts. (BDR 34-229) Assemblyman Hickey Died in Assembly Revises various provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-901) Assemblyman Gardner Died in Assembly Assemblywoman Dickman Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-1064) Assemblyman Flores Passed Assembly Revises certain provisions concerning public schools. (BDR 34-806) Assemblywoman Dooling Died in Assembly Revises provisions relating to charter schools. (BDR 34-809) Assemblywoman Dooling Died in Assembly AB351 Revises provisions relating to projects to benefit charter schools. 1012 (BDR 34-1012) AB374 1064 AB375 806 AB376 809 Revises provisions governing the financial support of charter schools. Assemblywoman Dooling (BDR 34-807) AB378 Died in the Assembly 807 Updated 6/8/2015 6/1/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 307. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) Approved by the Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. 620 AB339 4/8/2015 -- From committee: Without recommendation, and rerefer to Committee on Ways and Means.Rereferred to Committee on Ways and Means. Exemption effective. To committee. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at Approved by the Governor. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/29/2015 -- To enrollment. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 4/22/2015 -- (No further action taken.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/21/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint.Taken from General File.Rereferred to Committee on Ways and Means. Exemption effective. To committee. 4 Creates an advisory committee and a technical committee to develop a plan to reorganize the Clark County School District and revises Assemblyman Gardner certain provisions related to collective bargaining. (BDR 22-900) Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Revises provisions relating to the State Public Charter School Authority. (BDR 34-902) Assemblyman Gardner Died in Assembly Creates the Spending and Government Efficiency Commission for public education in this State. (BDR S-1083) Assembly Committee on Education Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assembly Committee on Education Died in Assembly AB446 1118 Revises provisions related to the statewide system of accountability for public schools. (BDR 34-1118) AB447 Revises provisions relating to the statewide performance evaluation 1120 system. (BDR 34-1120) Assembly Committee on Education Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assembly Committee on Education Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. AB394 AB395 AB421 AB448 AB483 SB8 SB13 SB19 900 902 1083 746 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-746) Makes various changes relating to the compensation of certain public Governor 1198 school employees. (BDR 34-1198) Revises provisions relating to the evaluation of licensed educational 410 personnel and administrators. (BDR 34-410) Revises provisions relating to the provision of public education to 311 pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-311) Authorizes the board of trustees of a school district to place an 477 advisory question on the ballot at a general election. (BDR 24-477) Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) Died in Senate Education, Department of Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Washoe County School District Passed Senate. Passed Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections SB25 SB75 SB76 SB77 SB100 SB101 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. 5/31/2015 -- To enrollment. 5/31/2015 -- In Assembly. To enrollment. 5/31/2015 -- In Assembly. To enrollment. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 222. 5/23/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.4, no further action allowed.) Nevada System of Higher Education Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Education, Department of Died in Senate 4/10/2015 -- Waiver granted effective: April 10, 2015 Education, Department of Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) 314 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-314) Revises provisions relating to education provided to children in a hospital or other licensed facility that provides residential treatment Senator Woodhouse 524 to children. (BDR 34-524) Updated 6/8/2015 5/31/2015 -- To enrollment. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/28/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 228. 5/30/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 298. 316 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-316) Revises provisions governing the administration of certain 472 examinations. (BDR 34-472) Revises provisions governing the Western Interstate Commission for 320 Higher Education. (BDR 34-320) Revises provisions relating to the reemployment of employees of 405 school districts. (BDR 34-405) Passed Senate. To Assembly 4/17/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee. Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) Died in Senate 2/16/2015 -- Notice of exemption. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 3/19/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 11. 5 SB106 Senator Smith Died in Senate Senator Harris Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. 139 Revises provisions relating to financing school facilities. (BDR 30-139) SB119 732 Revises provisions relating to educational facilities. (BDR 28-732) SB120 Revises provisions governing reductions in the workforce of a school Senator Brower 595 district. (BDR 23-595) SB126 SB128 408 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-408) Revises provisions relating to the Governor Guinn Millennium 96 Scholarship. (BDR 34-96) SB132 Died in Senate Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) Died in Senate Senator Woodhouse Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senator Kieckhefer Died in Senate. 217 Makes various changes relating to special education. (BDR 34-217) SB133 Senator Roberson Passed Senate. Passed Assembly Revises provisions relating to pupil health. (BDR 34-235) Senator Hardy Died in Senate Revises provisions relating to higher education. Senator Hardy Passed Senate. Passed Assembly Authorizes the reimbursement of teachers for certain out-of-pocket 118 expenses. (BDR 34-118) SB178 235 SB195 509 SB200 Revises provisions relating to enrollment of pupils in charter schools. Senator Hammond 183 (BDR 34-183) SB204 SB205 SB207 51 Providing for protections from bullying in public schools. (BDR 34-51) Revises provisions relating to plans to be used by a school in 404 responding to a crisis or emergency. (BDR 34-404) Revises provisions relating to financing of school facilities. (BDR 301256 1256) Updated 6/8/2015 Senator Parks Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) EMERGENCY REQUEST of Senate Majority Leader Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. Died in Senate Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 3/6/2015 -- In Senate. To enrollment.Enrolled and delivered to Governor.Approved by the Governor. Chapter 5. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/6/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee. 5/31/2015 -- In Senate. To enrollment. 4/10/2015 -- From committee: Re-refer to Committee on Finance.Re-referred to Committee on Finance. To committee. Exemption effective. 6/1/2015 -- From Concurrent Committee on Ways and Means: Do pass.Declared an emergency measure under the Constitution.Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 36, Nays: 3, Excused: 3.) To Senate.In Senate. To enrollment. 4/22/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.2, no further action allowed.) 5/31/2015 -- In Senate.Assembly Amendment No. 951 concurred in. 5/13/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 56. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/11/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 44. 0 6 SB208 Requires certain notice to be provided to certain parents and legal guardians when a new charter school will begin accepting 729 applications or an existing charter school expands enrollment by a certain percentage or opens a new facility. (BDR 34-729) Revises provisions governing public schools. (BDR 34-426) SB211 Senator Harris Senator Segerblom Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. Died in Senate. 426 654 Requires instruction on financial literacy in public middle schools and Senator Woodhouse junior high schools. (BDR 34-654) Died in Senate Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-790) Senator Farley Died in Senate Creates the Silver State Opportunity Grant Program. (BDR 34-216) Senator Kieckhefer Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. SB220 SB226 790 SB227 216 SB228 Revises provisions relating to the disclosure of personally identifiable information of a pupil by a school district or public school. (BDR 34- Senator Gustavson 848 848) SB234 102 655 SB236 SB287 Enacts provisions related to multicultural education. (BDR 34-102) Assemblyman Munford Passed Senate. Passed Assembly Revises provisions relating to the Advisory Council on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. (BDR 34-655) Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate. Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-849) Senator Gustavson Died in Senate Revises provisions governing academic standards in public schools. (BDR 34-678) Senator Hammond Died in Senate Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-789) Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate. Senator Hammond Died in Senate 849 678 SB290 SB295 789 SB301 Revises provisions relating to courses of instruction concerning 676 acquired immune deficiency syndrome and the human reproductive system. (BDR 34-676) SB302 Died in Senate 567 Updated 6/8/2015 Establishes a program by which a child who receives instruction from a certain entity rather than from a public school may receive a grant Senator Hammond of money in an amount equal to a certain percentage of the statewide average basic support per-pupil. (BDR 34-567) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 238. 4/15/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee.Exemption effective. 4/15/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee.Exemption effective. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- In Senate. To enrollment. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 4/6/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/21/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee.Exemption effective. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at Approved by the Governor. 7 SB313 SB330 SB332 Authorizes the governing body of a private school or a university school for profoundly gifted pupils to provide a program of distance 1032 education. (BDR 34-1032) 724 Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-724) 870 SB345 868 SB391 SB397 SB399 SB405 SB411 Senator Lipparelli Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Makes an appropriation to the Clark County School District to carry Senator Roberson out a program of peer assistance and review of teachers. (BDR S-763) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Revises provisions relating to safety in or at a public school. (BDR 34Senator Smith 870) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Expands full-day kindergarten in public schools. (BDR 34-868) Died in Senate 763 SB338 SB390 Senator Kieckhefer Senator Smith Senator Harris (Originally requested by Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senator Jones) Approved by the Governor. Revises provisions governing educational instruction in the subject of Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senator Harris 644 reading. (BDR 34-644) Approved by Governor 78 Revises provisions relating to charter schools. (BDR 34-78) Revises provisions relating to the funding formula for K-12 public education. (BDR 34-563) Senator Denis and Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate. Creates the Nevada Boost Grant Program. (BDR 34-890) Senator Denis 563 Died in Senate. 890 Expands the program of Zoom schools and the provision of programs and services to children who are limited English proficient in certain Senator Denis 887 other schools. (BDR S-887) Allows the imposition of certain taxes in a county to fund capital projects of the school district based on the recommendations of a Senator Smith Public Schools Overcrowding and Repair Needs Committee and voter 140 approval. (BDR S-140) Updated 6/8/2015 Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at Approved by the Governor. 5/29/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 6/1/2015 -- From Concurrent Committee on Ways and Means: Do pass.Declared an emergency measure under the Constitution.Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 31, Nays: 9, Excused: 2.) To Senate.In Senate. To enrollment. 6/1/2015 -- Assembly Amendment No. 987 concurred in. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 258. Approved by the Governor. 4/6/2015 -- From committee: Re-refer to Committee on Finance.Re-referred to Committee on Finance. Exemption effective. To committee. 4/21/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee.Exemption effective. Approved by the Governor. 5/30/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 8 Provides for a credit against taxes imposed on certain employers that make a matching contribution to certain college savings plans. Senator Harris (BDR 32-1033) SB412 SB414 SB418 1033 993 727 SB424 409 SB430 1186 SB432 SB460 SB461 1187 1091 995 SB463 411 SB491 Encourages the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to enter into a reciprocal agreement with the State of California to authorize waivers of nonresident tuition to certain residents of the Lake Tahoe Basin. (BDR S-993) Revises provisions relating to refunds paid by private postsecondary educational institutions. (BDR 34-727) Creates the K-12 Public Education Stabilization Account. (BDR 31409) Expands the program of Zoom schools and the provision of programs and services to children who are limited English proficient in certain other schools. (BDR S-1186) Senator Settelmeyer Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senate Committee on Education Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) Died in Senate Administration, Department of Died in Senate Provides for the distribution of money to certain public schools designated as Victory schools. (BDR S-1187) Administration, Department of Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Revises provisions related to the statewide system of accountability for public schools. (BDR 34-1108) Senate Committee on Education Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Provides for an individual graduation plan to allow certain pupils enrolled in a public high school to remain enrolled in high school for an additional period to work towards graduation. (BDR 34-1091) Senate Committee on Education Died in Senate. Revises provisions governing financing of public schools. (BDR 34995) Senate Committee on Education Died in Senate Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-411) Senate Committee on Education Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Makes various changes concerning the professional development of teachers, school administrators and other educational personnel. (BDR 34-1183) Administration, Department of Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Provides for the award of a grant to a nonprofit organization for use in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 and Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for the recruitment of persons to establish and operate high quality charter schools to serve families with the greatest needs. (BDR S-1189) Administration, Department of Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. 1108 SB462 SB474 Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. 1183 1189 Updated 6/8/2015 A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 6/1/2015 -- From committee: Do pass.Declared an emergency measure under the Constitution.Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 39, Nays: 1, Excused: 2.) To Senate.In Senate. To enrollment. 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 5/14/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 88. 4/3/2015 -- Notice of exemption.Exemption effective. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- Assembly Amendment No. 933 concurred in. To enrollment. 6/1/2015 -- Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 40, Nays: None, Excused: 2.) To Senate.In Senate. To enrollment. 4/9/2015 -- Read second time.Taken from General File. Re-referred to Committee on Finance. To committee.Exemption effective. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) Approved by the Governor. 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 5/31/2015 -- In Senate. To enrollment. 9 1184 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/6/2015 -- Read second time.Rereferred to Committee on Finance. Exemption effective. To committee. 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 6/1/2015 -- Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 31, Nays: 9, Excused: 2.) To Senate.In Senate. To enrollment. 1090 6/1/2015 -- Read third time. Amended. (Amend. Nos. 1018 and 1023.) To printer.From printer. To reengrossment. Reengrossed. Third reprint.Placed on General File.Read third time. Passed, as amended. Title approved, as amended. (Yeas: 40, Nays: None, Excused: 2.) To Senate.In Senate.Assembly Amendment Nos. 1018 and 1023 concurred in. To enrollment. SB493 594 SB494 593 SB496 592 SB503 1200 Committee to Conduct an Interim Study Concerning Community Colleges Died in Senate (S.B. 391) Committee to Conduct an Interim Creates the College Grant Program. (BDR 34-593) Study Concerning Community Colleges Died in Senate (S.B. 391) Committee to Conduct an Interim Establishes the Workforce Development Rapid Response Investment Study Concerning Community Colleges Died in Senate. Program. (BDR 34-592) (S.B. 391) Provides for the creation and implementation of the Breakfast After Governor Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. the Bell Program. (BDR 34-1200) Establishes a program for awarding STEM workforce challenge grants. (BDR 34-594) Revises provisions governing the Nevada Plan. (BDR 34-1184) SB508 Makes various changes to provisions governing charter schools. (BDR 34-1090) SB509 AJR6 SCR1 SCR6 1000 Administration, Department of Senate Committee on Education Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to allow the Legislature to authorize a lottery for support of the public education of children Assemblyman Munford and the health and welfare of senior citizens. (BDR C-1000) Directs the Legislative Commission to create an interim study concerning the professional development of teachers and 406 administrators. (BDR R-406) Legislative Committee on Education (NRS 218E.605) Directs the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study 679 relating to the consolidation, deconsolidation and realignment of the Senator Hammond boundaries of school districts in this State. (BDR R-679) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly Passed Senate. Passed Assembly Died in Assembly 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) Died in Senate. 2/6/2015 -- From printer. To committee. Died in Senate. 6/1/2015 -- Taken from Resolution File. Placed on Secretary's desk. Health AB6 AB86 Legislative Committee on Health Care 67 Revises provisions relating to autism spectrum disorders. (BDR 54-67) (NRS 439B.200) Revises provisions governing the Silver State Health Insurance Silver State Health Insurance Exchange 390 Exchange. (BDR 57-390) Updated 6/8/2015 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 156. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 144. 10 AB26 AB36 AB41 AB152 AB164 AB187 Public and Behavioral Health, Division Revises provisions governing surveys, analyses and evaluations to be of-Health and Human Services 332 administered to pupils in public schools. (BDR 34-332) Revises provisions governing emergency services and care provided 474 by hospitals in certain larger counties. (BDR 40-474) Clark County Health and Human Services, 327 Revises provisions relating to funding for indigent care. (BDR 38-327) Department of Enacts certain requirements governing child care facilities. (BDR 38Assemblyman Araujo 623 623) 125 898 AB220 577 AB232 694 AB243 117 AB284 811 Revises provisions relating to access by patients to certain investigational drugs, biological products and devices. (BDR 40-125) Assemblyman Ohrenschall Died in Assembly Died in Assembly Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revises provisions governing the selection of providers of health care. Assemblyman Jones (BDR 53-898) Died in Assembly Requires the Commissioner of Insurance to study the adequacy of the network plans of health insurers. (BDR S-577) Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services Died in Assembly Revises provisions governing health districts. (BDR 40-694) Assemblyman Thompson Died in Assembly Revises provisions relating to testing for the human immunodeficiency virus. (BDR 40-117) Assemblyman Thompson Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revises provisions relating to persons with disabilities. (BDR 34-811) Assemblywoman Woodbury Requires an employer to make certain accommodations for a nursing 249 Assemblywoman Spiegel mother. (BDR 40-249) Died in Assembly Died in Assembly AB306 Revises provisions relating to services for children with intellectual disabilities and children with related conditions. (BDR S-803) AB307 803 AB308 Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services. (BDR 40798 798) Updated 6/8/2015 Assemblywoman Spiegel Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assemblywoman Woodbury Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/18/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 95. 6/1/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 305. 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 210. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 176. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/21/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint.Placed on Chief Clerk's desk.(Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.2, no further action allowed.) 5/21/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 133. 5/21/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 133. 11 Expands Medicaid managed care programs in this State. (BDR 38769) AB310 AB322 AB341 Assemblyman Paul Anderson 769 128 Prohibits the smoking of tobacco inside any motor vehicle in which a Assemblyman Sprinkle child under the age of 18 years is present. (BDR 15-128) Died in Assembly Revises provisions relating to pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-832) Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblyman Ohrenschall 832 Revises provisions relating to access by patients to certain investigational drugs, biological products and devices. (BDR 40-845) Assemblywoman Fiore Died in Assembly Revises provisions governing occupational diseases. (BDR 53-534) Assemblyman Stewart Died in Assembly Assembly Committee on Health and Human Services Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Senate Committee on Health and Human Services Died in Senate AB358 845 AB373 534 AB425 Revises provisions governing emergency medical services. (BDR 40702 702) SB117 SB177 691 Revises provisions relating to immunizations. (BDR 34-691) Makes various changes relating to the authorized activities of medical Senator Farley 797 students. (BDR 40-797) Allows a person to designate a caregiver when admitted to a hospital. Senate Committee on Health and 512 (BDR 40-512) Human Services SB178 235 SB172 SB189 Died in Assembly. 95 Revises provisions relating to pupil health. (BDR 34-235) Senator Hardy Died in Senate Makes various changes concerning the collection of information relating to the treatment of trauma. (BDR 40-95) Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate. Senator Kieckhefer Died in Senate SB198 Requires an agency to provide personal care services in the home to adopt an electronic visit verification system under certain 830 circumstances. (BDR 40-830) SB201 144 SB206 215 SB216 Revises provisions governing certain reports concerning the quality of care and charges by hospitals and governing hospital billing. (BDR 40- Senator Segerblom 427 427) Updated 6/8/2015 Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. Revises provisions governing smoking in certain places. (BDR 15-144) Senate Committee on Finance Died in Senate Revises provisions relating to organ donation. (BDR 43-215) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Senator Kieckhefer Died in Seante A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 4/15/2015 -- Read second time.Rereferred to Committee on Ways and Means.Exemption effective.To committee. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/31/2015 -- To enrollment. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 185. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/30/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 303. 5/6/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 37. 4/22/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.2, no further action allowed.) 4/3/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/29/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 282. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 12 SB222 670 Revises provisions relating to health insurance covering prescription drugs. (BDR 57-670) Senator Atkinson Died in Senate Revises provisions governing new construction by or on behalf of health facilities. (BDR 40-981) Senate Committee on Health and Human Services. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senator Farley Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. SB247 981 SB253 Enacts provisions governing the sale of guaranteed asset protection 795 waivers. (BDR 57-795) SB265 SB267 SB314 SB328 SB361 Makes various changes concerning health care. (BDR 18-94) Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate Revises provisions relating to the safe transportation of children. (BDR 43-686) Senator Hardy; Joint Requester: Senator Smith Died in Senate Revises provisions governing certain health districts. (BDR 40-957) Senate Majority Leader; Joint Requester: Assemblyman Thompson Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Revises provisions relating to policies of health insurance. (BDR 57794) Senator Farley Died in Assembly. Makes various changes relating to health care facilities that employ nurses. (BDR 40-18) Senator Spearman Died in Senate 94 686 957 794 18 Authorizes the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a program regarding the prevention of domestic Senator Spearman violence under certain circumstances. (BDR 18-112) SB362 112 SB394 Revises provisions relating to the protection of children. (BDR 38264 264) Makes various changes concerning the prevention and treatment of obesity. (BDR 40-891) SB402 891 AB91 Revises provisions governing the admission of persons with certain mental conditions to and the release of such persons from certain 665 facilities. (BDR 39-665) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/31/2015 -- Assembly Amendment No. 783 concurred in. To enrollment. 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 4/9/2015 -- From committee: Without recommendation and re-refer to the Committee on Finance.Re-referred to Committee on Finance. To committee. Exemption effective. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/29/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 5/18/2015 -- In Assembly.Read first time. Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor. To committee. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/8/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 40. 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 265. Senator Roberson Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Senator Denis Died in Assembly. 5/23/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.4, no further action allowed.) Passed Assembly 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) Mental Health Updated 6/8/2015 Assemblywoman Benitez-Thompson A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 13 AB289 SB7 SB15 SB35 Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study concerning issues related to the provision 693 of mental health services. (BDR S-693) Revises provisions governing the admission of persons with certain mental conditions to and the release of such persons from certain 64 facilities and programs. (BDR 39-64) Requires a mental health professional to take certain actions if a patient communicates an explicit threat in certain circumstances. 3 (BDR 54-3) Ratifies and enacts the Interstate Compact on Mental Health. 330 (BDR 39-330) SB353 748 SB363 881 SB379 Assemblyman Araujo Died in Assembly. Legislative Committee on Health Care (NRS 439B.200) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Senate Committee on Health and Human Services Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Public and Behavioral Health, Division of- Health and Human Services Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Enacts provisions relating to sexual orientation conversion therapy. (BDR 54-748) Senator Parks Died in Assembly Establishes a statewide mental health crisis hotline. (BDR 39-881) Senator Kihuen Died in Senate Senator Atkinson Died in Senate. Provides for the investigation of complaints concerning certain providers of services pursuant to the State Plan for Medicaid. 1019 (BDR 38-1019) 4/21/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint. To committee. 6/1/2015 -- Assembly Amendment No. 837 receded from. To Senate. 6/1/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 309. 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 223. 5/26/2015 -- In Assembly.Read first time. Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor. To committee. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) Safety and Security AB99 AB112 AB162 Makes various changes concerning construction and labor camps. 53 (BDR 40-53) Revises provisions governing the policy concerning a safe and respectful learning environment for children enrolled in public 220 schools throughout the State. (BDR 34-220) Revises provisions governing the use of portable event recording 443 devices by law enforcement. (BDR 23-443) AB171 817 AB208 233 AB214 568 Assemblyman Ellison Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assemblyman Elliot Anderson Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assemblyman Munford Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Revises provisions relating to the use of force in defense of persons and property. (BDR 15-817) Assemblywoman Shelton Died in Assembly Revises provisions governing certain sexual offenses. (BDR 14-233) Assemblywoman Fiore Died in Assembly Makes various changes related to public safety. (BDR 16-568) Assemblyman Sprinkle Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Provides for the confidentiality of certain communications between parties during a peer support counseling session. (BDR 23-277) Assemblyman Sprinkle Died in Assembly AB309 277 SB99 Revising provisions governing sex offenders and offenders convicted Senator Segerblom 134 of a crime against a child. (BDR 14-134) Updated 6/8/2015 Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/18/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 98. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 189. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 147. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 212. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- In Senate. To enrollment. 14 SB152 Senator Spearman, Senator Manendo, Makes various changes to provisions governing public safety. (BDR 43Died in Senate Senator Woodhouse 17 17) SB204 51 SB240 955 Providing for protections from bullying in public schools. (BDR 34-51) Senator Parks Died in Senate Makes certain changes relating to public safety. (BDR 14-955) Senate Majority Leader Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Revises provisions relating to the safe transportation of children. (BDR 43-686) Senator Woodhouse Died in Senate Enacts the Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act. (BDR 40-214) Senator Kieckhefer Died in Senate SB267 686 SB309 214 SB338 Revises provisions relating to safety in or at a public school. (BDR 34Senator Smith 870 870) Revises provisions relating to public defenders. (BDR 14-514) SB451 Senate Committee on Judiciary Exemption Effective 514 Establishes an opioid overdose prevention policy for Nevada. (BDR 40Governor 1199) SB459 Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. 1199 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/28/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- Assembly Amendment No. 987 concurred in. 4/8/2015 -- From committee: Without recommendation and re-refer to the Committee on Finance.Re-referred to Committee on Finance. To committee. Exemption effective. 5/5/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 26. School and Safety AB112 AB216 SB192 Revises provisions governing the policy concerning a safe and respectful learning environment for children enrolled in public 220 schools throughout the State. (BDR 34-220) Assemblyman Elliot Anderson Revises provisions governing discipline of pupils and prohibited acts 189 at public schools. (BDR 34-189) Revises provisions relating to sexual conduct between certain 731 persons. (BDR 14-731) Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Died in Assembly Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Senator Harris Approved by Governor 870 Revises provisions relating to safety in or at a public school. (BDR 34Senator Smith 870) Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. SB338 Updated 6/8/2015 A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 189. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/29/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 287. 6/1/2015 -- From Concurrent Committee on Ways and Means: Do pass.Declared an emergency measure under the Constitution.Read third time. Passed. Title approved. (Yeas: 31, Nays: 9, Excused: 2.) To Senate.In Senate. To enrollment. 15 Revises provisions relating to motor vehicles. (BDR 43-705) SB410 SB504 Senator Goicoechea Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor 705 Amends provisions relating to a safe and respectful learning 1201 environment in public schools. (BDR 34-1201) Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Governor 5/28/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 267. 5/20/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 115. Human Trafficking AB108 AB153 AB276 750 Revises provisions governing victims of sex trafficking. (BDR 14-750) Revises various provisions related to sexually exploited children. 622 (BDR 5-622) 1005 Provides certain protections and services for victims of human trafficking. (BDR 16-1005) Assemblyman Elliot Anderson Assemblyman Araujo Assemblyman Hambrick Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Died in Assembly Revises provisions governing human trafficking. (BDR 52-166) Assemblywoman Benitez-Thompson Died in Assembly Revises provisions relating to human trafficking. (BDR 15-73) Assemblyman Hambrick Died in Assembly AB336 166 AB354 73 AB2 Authorizes possession of a weapon in a vehicle that is on the property of certain educational entities or child care facilities in 75 certain circumstances. (BDR 15-75) 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 167. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 146. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/21/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint.Placed on Chief Clerk's desk.(Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.2, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) Guns AB127 AB148 AB316 AB404 SB141 Assemblyman Hambrick Died in Assembly Assemblyman Hambrick Died in Assembly Revises provisions governing firearms. (BDR 5-242) Assemblywoman Fiore Passed Assembly Revises provisions governing the taxation of certain deliveries and transfers of firearms. (BDR 32-918) Assemblywoman Dickman Died in Assembly. Revises provisions concerning firearms. (BDR 15-840) Assemblywoman Fiore Passed Assembly. Revises provisions governing certain dangerous or deadly weapons. (BDR 15-224) Senator Gustavson Died in Senate Provides for the uniform regulation of firearms in the State of 74 Nevada. (BDR 20-74) 242 918 840 224 Updated 6/8/2015 A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 4/20/2015 -- From printer. To engrossment. Engrossed. First reprint.To committee. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 16 SB143 Senator Gustavson Died in Senate Revises provisions governing the issuance of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-597) Senator Settelmeyer Died in Senate Makes various changes relating to public safety. (BDR 15-515) Senator Roberson Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor 221 Revises provisions governing concealed firearms. (BDR 15-221) SB171 597 SB175 515 SB187 871 SB350 1031 Revises provisions concerning the ownership, possession and control Senator Smith of firearms by certain persons. (BDR 3-871) Died in Senate Makes various changes relating to concealed firearms. (BDR 20-1031) Senator Kieckhefer Died in Senate. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/29/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/10/2015 -- Waiver granted effective: April 10, 2015 Juvenile Justice AB46 AB113 AB124 Revises provisions relating to the enforcement of certain civil judgments entered by a juvenile court for unpaid fines, 489 administrative assessments, fees or restitution. (BDR 5-489) Revises provisions governing the sealing of juvenile records. (BDR 5444 444) 182 Revises provisions governing punishment for crimes. (BDR 4-182) AB129 Nevada Supreme Court Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assembly Committee on Judiciary Assemblyman Frierson Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assembly Committee on Judiciary Passed Assembly. 541 Revises provisions concerning annuity benefits. (BDR 57-541) AB138 AB212 AB213 AB244 AB260 AB267 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Legislative Committee on Child Welfare Approved by Governor. 188 Enacts a juvenile competency standard. (BDR 5-188) and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Increases the statute of limitations for sexual assault. (BDR 14-1062) Assemblywoman Bustamante Adams 1062 Approved by Governor. Revises provisions regarding juvenile justice. (BDR 5-842) Assemblyman Ohrenschall Died in Assembly Provides an enhanced penalty for committing certain repeat graffiti offenses. (BDR 15-736) Assemblyman Stewart Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assemblyman Ohrenschall Died in Assembly Assemblyman Hambrick Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. 842 736 Requires youthful offenders to serve their terms of imprisonment in a state juvenile detention facility under certain circumstances. 841 (BDR 14-841) Revises provisions concerning the sentencing and parole of persons convicted as an adult for a crime committed when the person was 641 less than 18 years of age. (BDR 14-641) Updated 6/8/2015 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 196. A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/31/2015 -- To enrollment. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 168. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 150. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 215. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 152. 17 AB287 Prohibits a person from making or causing to be made certain nonemergency telephone calls under certain circumstances. (BDR 15- Assemblyman Flores 922 922) 586 AB297 AB433 913 Revises provisions governing trafficking in controlled substances. (BDR 40-586) Assembly Committee on Judiciary Passed Assembly Revises provisions concerning the interception of wire, electronic or oral communications. (BDR 14-913) Assembly Committee on Judiciary Died Assembly Makes various changes relating to the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. (BDR 14-544) Legislative Commission (NRS 218E.150) Passed Assembly. AB444 544 SB58 Revises provisions governing the release of information relating to 490 children. (BDR 5-490) SB452 SB454 SCR5 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Nevada Supreme Court Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by Governor Revises provisions relating to juvenile justice. (BDR 5-186) Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Revises provisions relating to criminal justice. (BDR 14-559) Senate Committee on Judiciary Died in Senate. Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study relating to the working conditions at state correctional institutions and facilities and to the supervision of offenders. (BDR R-536) Senator Spearman Died in Senate 186 559 536 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 217. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 4/22/2015 -- (No further action taken.) 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 5/30/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 297. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing 0 Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended.Placed on Second Reading File.Taken from Second Reading File. Placed on Secretary's desk. 3/18/2015 -- From printer. To committee. Other AB13 AB49 AB92 AB98 Revises provisions governing support enforcement to ensure 373 compliance with federal law. (BDR 11-373) 158 Revises provisions governing crimes. (BDR 15-158) 301 Makes various changes relating to parentage. (BDR 11-301) 49 Revises provisions governing child support. (BDR 11-49) 522 AB139 Updated 6/8/2015 Revises provisions governing the issuance of permits to carry concealed firearms. (BDR 15-522) Welfare and Supportive Services, Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Division of-Health and Human Services Approved by the Governor. Attorney General Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Assemblywoman Benitez- Thomson Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Assemblyman Ellison Passed Assembly Assemblyman Wheeler Passed Assembly. Passed Senate Committee on Judiciary A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 192. 6/1/2015 -- Enrolled and delivered to Governor. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 164. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 18 AB156 209 Revises provisions governing family resource centers. (BDR 38-209) AB210 818 Revises provisions relating to family law. (BDR 1-818) AB263 Revises provisions governing the custody and support of children. 199 (BDR 11-199) Revises provisions relating to domestic relations. (BDR 11-745) AB362 AB370 201 Revises provisions governing child visitation. (BDR 11-201) Assemblyman Ohrenschall Died in Assembly Assemblyman Stewart Assemblywoman Swank Assemblyman Stewart Assemblywoman Shelton Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. Passed Assembly. Passed Senate Committee on Judiciary Exemption Effective 813 587 AB413 SB18 Passed Assembly. Passed Senate. Approved by Governor. 745 Revises provisions concerning peace officers. (BDR 23-813) AB403 Assemblyman Thompson Grants powers to certain cities to perform acts or duties which are Assembly Committee on Government not prohibited or limited by the Constitution or statute. (BDR 21-587) Affairs Died in Assembly 190 Revises provisions relating to custody of children. (BDR 11-190) Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice (NRS 218E.705) Died in Senate 135 Enacts the Domestic Workers' Bill of Rights. (BDR 53-135) Senator Segerblom Died in Senate SB165 424 Proposes to revise provisions relating to the preservation and promotion of the arts and museums in this State. (BDR 18-424) Senator Segerblom Died in Senate 121 Makes temporary changes relating to fire and related emergency services in certain counties. (BDR 42-121) Senator Kieckhefer, Assemblyman Bobzien Passed Senate. Passed Assembly. Approved by the Governor. SB166 SB185 SB252 1185 Revises provisions governing the state business license fee. (BDR 32- Committee on Revenue and Economic Died in Assembly. 1185) Development 146 Revises provisions governing the process for a change of name. (BDR 3-146) Senator Smith Died in Senate 543 Amends the Nevada Constitution to revise the method for determining the minimum wage. (BDR C-543) Senator Hardy Died in Senate 425 Amends the Nevada Constitution to increase the minimum wage per Senator Segerblom hour worked. (BDR C-425) SB358 SJR6 SJR8 Updated 6/8/2015 Died in Senate A joint project of The Nevada Institute for Children's Research and Policy and the Children's Advocacy Alliance. This document is located on the web at and at 5/27/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 208. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 5/31/2015 -- To enrollment. 5/25/2015 -- Approved by the Governor. Chapter 180. 5/16/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.3, no further action allowed.) 4/14/2015 -- Read second time.Rereferred to Committee on Ways and Means.Exemption effective.To committee. 4/21/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.2, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 6/1/2015 -- In Senate.Assembly Amendment Nos. 1025 concurred in. To enrollment. 5/11/2015 -- Waiver granted effective: May 11, 2015. 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 4/11/2015 -- (Pursuant to Joint Standing Rule No. 14.3.1, no further action allowed.) 19
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