The Calabasas Shul 5775/2015 Pesach Guide Candle Lighting Day Fri Sat Thurs Fri Date 3- Apr 4- Apr 9- Apr When Time By 6:58pm After 8:00pm By 7:03pm 10-Apr By Services 7:04pm Friday, April 3rd Last time to EAT Chometz: 10:25 A.M. Last time to DISPOSE of Chometz: 11:43 A.M. Blessing(s) Shabbos/Yom Tov/Shehechianu Yom Tov & Shehechianu Yom Tov Shabbos & Yom Tov Day Services will be at the Shul, Evening Services will be at the Vann Home Day Date Time Service Location Fri Fri Sat Sat Sun Sun 3-Apr 3-Apr 4-Apr 4-Apr 5-Apr 5-Apr 6:30am 7:00pm 9:30am 6:45pm 9:30am 6:45pm Shacharis/Firstborn Siyum Mincha/Maariv Shacharis Mincha/Maariv Shacharis Mincha/Maariv Shul Thurs Fri Fri 9-Apr 10-Apr 10-Apr 7:00pm 9:00am 6:45pm Mincha/Maariv Shacharis Mincha/Maariv Vann Home Shul Sat 11-Apr 11-Apr 9:00am Shacharis 6:45pm Mincha/Maariv Shul Vann Home Sat Vann Home Shul Vann Home Shul Vann Home Vann Home Havdalah Day Sunday Night Date 16-Apr By/After After Time 8:03pm Saturday Night 19-Apr After 8:08pm Community Seder The Community Seder will be: Saturday April 4th | 8:30 pm At the Home of Rabbi and Rebbetzen Vann 3606 Paseo Primario, Calabasas $60/adult $40/children (3-12) For reservations and more information, please visit: Sell Your Chometz One is obligated to dispose of or sell all leavened products prior to Pesach. We have made selling your chometz easy with the use of the enclosed form. Please return your contact to us by April 1st to ensure that you are included in the sale. The contract is also available online at: The Calabasas Shul 5775/2015 Pesach Guide Guide to Passover Preparation Experience tells us that the more effort we put into something, the more we enjoy the fruits of our success. A junker purchased by a teen after a summer job in the blazing sun is sweeter than a sweet sixteen new car from Dad. The reason: Investment. Passover is no different. As we struggle to prepare our homes for Pesach, let us bear in mind the thoughts of the great Kabbalist, the Ari HaKadosh (1534-1572) as he prepared his home. “Please G-d, just as I am ridding my home of all traces of chometz and leaven, so may I rid myself of all negative character traits.” The opportunity to actualize the spiritual into the physical is the gift of Pesach. Best Wishes for a happy, healthy, and kosher Pesach. -Rabbi Yakov Vann THURSDAY, April 2nd Bedikat Chometz On Thursday, April 2nd, in the evening, the head of every family leads in the search of the home for chometz and all leavened products. The search is the culmination of our efforts to clean the home of all chometz and helps ensure that even the smallest amount of chometz does not escape detection. Traditionally, ten pieces of bread are hidden carefully throughout the home as a means to excite the children and conduct a thorough search. Be sure that each small piece has been wrapped to prevent crumbs and that the kids recall where the chometz has been hidden! The search is conducted by the light of a candle and flashlight to make sure every area is chometz-free. Following the search, fearing that we may have missed some chometz, we go the extra mile and declare all chometz unknown to us as ownerless and worthless. As this is not a prayer and requires a clear understanding; the customary phrase for nullifying our chometz should be said in the language in which we are fluent. Before the Search The following blessing is recited before the search: Transliteration: Boruch oto Ado-noy Elo-haynu melech ho-olom, asher kid’shonu b’mitsvosov, v’tzivonu al bi-ur chomaytz. English: Blessed are you Hashem, our G-d, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His commandments and has commanded us concerning the removal of chometz. After the search, following is said: “Any chometz or leaven that is in my possession, which I have not seen, have not removed, and do not know about, should be annulled and become ownerless, like dust of the earth.” All of the Chometz is then gathered into one place and stored for burning Friday morning. FRIDAY, April 3rd Burning the Chometz On Friday morning, April 3rd, we burn the chometz found during our search the night before. The burning must be completed by 11:40 A.M. The following declaration is said after we finish burning the remaining chometz: “Any chametz or leaven that is in my possession, whether I have recognized it or not, whether I have seen it or not, whether I have removed it or not, should be annulled and become ownerless, like the dust of the earth.” Please help every family enjoy a sweet Pesach, make a donation at: 24650 Park Miramar Calabasas, CA 91302 Tel: (818) 724- 7485 | Fax: (818) 827-3038 Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 23930 Craftsman Road Calabasas, CA 91302
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