This week’s issue of The Park Page is dedicated in commemoration of these Yahrzeits: Louella Glick – Leah bat Avraham, by children Joyce and Niki Ashkenazy, Ellen and Larry Barth, and Debra and Dr. Joseph Gul Solomon Lerner – Shlomo ben Shraga Feivel, by son Dr. Howard Lerner Morton Percival – Mordechai ben Tzvi Hirsh, by wife Fran Percival and son Howard Percival Rose Mandelkorn – Raizel bat David ha-Levi, and Sidney Mandelkorn – Shalom Reuven ben Mendel, by children Steven and Wendy Mandelkorn Howard Siegel – Yosef ben Shimon, by his mother Mary Siegel Samuel Waxman - Yeshaya Dov Ber ben Emanuel, and Milton Rosenblatt - Mordechai Binyamin ben David, by children Chuck and Debbie Waxman . The Weekly Bulletin of Young Israel of New Hyde Park March 13-20, 2015 Vayakhel-Pekudei ▪ Chazak ▪ Para ▪ Mevarkhim 22-29 Adar 5775 Issue #434 Parasha Page Numbers Parasha Maftir Haftara Artscroll 516, Soncino 373 Artscroll 838, Soncino 652 Artscroll 1216, Soncino 999 Schedule of Services and Classes Ketubot 39 Friday, March 13 / 22 Adar Shacharit 6:15 am Candle-lighting before 6:41 pm Mincha / Dvar Torah / Maariv 6:45 pm Ketubot 40 Saturday, March 14 / 23 Adar Parasha Shiur 8:15 am Shacharit 8:45 am Latest time for Shema MA 9:30, GRA 10:06 am Sermon: “What we learned from Sarah Schenirer” 10:30 am Shiur: “When the Seder is Not B’Seder with Your Health” 5:55 pm Mincha, followed by Seuda Shelishit and Maariv 6:35 pm Shabbat ends 7:46 pm Ketubot 41 Sunday, March 15 / 24 Adar Shacharit 8:10 am Gemara Shiur (Sota 19b) 8:50 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 6:45 pm Ketubot 42 Monday, March 16 / 25 Adar Shacharit 6:10 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 6:45 pm Ketubot 43 Tuesday, March 17 / 26 Adar Shacharit 6:15 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 6:45 pm Ketubot 44 Wednesday, March 18 / 27 Adar Shacharit 6:15 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 6:45 pm Ketubot 45 Thursday, March 19 / 28 Adar Shacharit 6:10 am Mincha / Mishna / Maariv 6:45 pm Ketubot 46 Friday, March 20 / 29 Adar Shacharit 6:15 am Candle-lighting, before 6:49 pm Mincha / Dvar Torah / Maariv 6:50 pm ▪ Daf Yomi, currently studying Ketubot, meets Monday through Friday at 5:30 a.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 7:30 a.m. ▪ Women wishing to use the Mikvah should contact Nehama Teitelman at 518-222-3874 to schedule an appointment. Drash v'DaSh: A Shabbat Message and Greeting “Moments of Momism” Once again, has come through with a picking pertinent to the Parasha: earlier this week, the Word-of-the-Day was Momism, meaning “excessive adulation of the mother and undue dependence on maternal care or protection, resulting in absence or loss of maturity and independence.” Readers of this publication may recall that last week’s Drash v’DaSh column was “A Golden Shadow”, tracing the subtle correlation between the Golden Calf of the prior portion Ki Tisa with the Red Heifer of the present one. According to the Midrash previously cited, “the mother [Red Cow] cleans up the mess of the child [Golden Calf]”. Arguably, we the descendants of those that fashioned the calf – the Israelite nation of antiquity – are still “unduly dependent on [the] maternal care or protection” of the mother cow, thus “resulting in absence or loss of [spiritual] maturity and independence”. Yet the present parasha may place us this time not as the child, but as the mother. The Torah records that among the contributions to the construction of the Tabernacle (Mishkan), “And all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom spun the goats' hair.” Rashi cites a fantastic but fanciful Midrash that these talented women in fact spun the goats’ hair while it was still attached to the goat. (Try that sometime – the local Little Neck Farm has goats - and ask yourself: “And how did that work for you?”) The point is that to make an impact we not only have to roll up the proverbial sleeves and work with our hands, but to get comfortably close to the source. Shabbat Shalom, Rabbi Lawrence Teitelman Nach Yomi Study for March 14-20, per Rabbi Abramowitz’s Nach Yomi Companion. For more info, visit Psalms 85: Truth, Meet Kindness. Kindness, This is Truth Psalms 86: David’s “Wish List” Psalms 87: In Praise of Jerusalem Psalms 88: Hey, Man Psalms 89: Eisan, Rosh Hashana, and Kiddush Levana Psalms 90: Moses Supposes Psalms 91: In Good Hands YOUNG ISRAEL OF NEW HYDE PARK National Council of Young Israel 264-15 77th Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 11040 ∙ Tel: 718-343-0496 ∙ Fax: 718-343-6509 ∙ ∙ [email protected] Announcements Upcoming Dates and Events Yasher koach to Dr. Howie Lerner for his leining this Shabbat. Mazal tov to Terry and Yochi Sabri on the birth of a baby girl Shoshana Esther (born on Shushan Purim), and to grandparents Adrienne and Craig Wolf, and big brothers Refael and Asher. Mazal tov to Tali and Rabbi Tzvi Selengut on the birth of a baby boy and to grandparents Sharon and Moshe Zucker, and big brother Avraham David. We mourn the passing of long-time YINHP member Marge Teller a”h, wife of Joseph Teller and mother of Mark Teller. The funeral took place on Monday. Joe and Mark can respectively be reached at 516-65961607 and 561-271-5018. May the family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Food Certificates for A&A Gourmet, Fairway, Pathmark, Stop & Shop, and Waldbaum’s, and Chesed Dollars for many Jewish businesses, can be purchased from Art Feldman 516-227-0707, Paige Finkelstein 718-343-4821, Rena Gombo 718-343-3855, and Ilene Horowitz 718470-9474. Proceeds finance capital improvement projects at the shul. Parashat Para Meets Pi Day Saturday, 3.14 Simcha Kiddush Saturday, March 21 – Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Nissan Send $18 and sponsorship details to office The Clothing Gemach is looking for volunteers to work Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm or Monday through Thursday in the evenings. For more information, please contact Mark Krieger at 917-703-4694 or visit Office Hours this week are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 10-2. The Park Page Puzzle Pesach Wine Sale now thru Friday, April 3 Little Neck Wines & Liquor, 254-27 Horace Harding Expressway (shopping center that formerly contained Mazur’s) Hours: Sun. 12:00-6:00, Mon.- Wed. 9:30 – 8:30, Thu. 9:30 -9:00 Make checks payable to YINHP or use CC, say you are from YINHP, and the shul gets a commission “Holy Cows” This week’s Puzzle: Where in the Torah do we find para/parot female cows? [three answers] Solution to last week’s Puzzle: Etzba Elokim (the finger of G-d) can be found in Exodus 8:15 and 31:18 and Deuteronomy 9:10; the first is in the plague of lice, and the latter two with regard to the Ten Commandments. Yasher koach to Joe Bettelheim, Susan Isler, Karen Klein, and Rita Lenefsky for their solutions. Sale of Chametz Complete the authorization form by Friday, April 3 at 8:00 a.m. forms at shul and Sefer Torah in Memory of Rabbi Meir Bilitzky zt”l Erev Pesach –Siyum Bechorim With your donation of $36+ for Maot Chitim (Pesach food for the poor), you can sponsor the learning of one of the seven Mishnaic tractates in Seder Nashim that will be completed on Erev Pesach: Yevamot, Ketubot, Nedarim, Nazir, Sota, Gittin, Kiddushin Participation forms available at the shul and on our website at Contributions can be made at Pesach Holiday Friday evening April 3 thru Saturday, April 11 Schedule at OU Pesach Guide now available at shul The Mega-Myriads $100,000 Raffle YINHP Yom Hashoah Program Sunday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. Sponsorships are $18 Tickets for $100,000 raffle and other prizes $100 - 1, $180 - 2, $250 - 3, $375 – 5. $500 - 7, $1000 - 15; Proceeds to support our community development efforts To purchase tickets, submit forms to office or Marc Horowitz Due-date for $100K and other prizes: Wednesday, March 18 $44 for #444 The Park Page #444 – Special Commemorative Edition Saturday, May 23 (Bamidbar / Erev Shavuot) Sponsorships $44 to benefit YINHP Torah Fund
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