Achievement SEF – May 2015 Previous Judgement (Ofsted 2013) Good Current Judgement (May 2015) Good Key Stage 3 Challenging targets for Y7 and 8 of 1 level per year have increased expectations of teachers and students and contributed to improved achievement. Achievement in languages is low compared to targets and consideration is being given about how targets are set to give them a more realistic trajectory, taking into account the lower starting points. The achievement of pupil premium students is improving and some gaps are narrowing. This remains a focus to ensure this improvement is maintained and is consistent across all subjects. In some areas boy’s achievement is below that of girls. Year 7 On entry 66% of students are secondary ready with 70% boys and 62% girls meeting this measure. 43% of PP and 72% of NPP students are secondary ready so the gap on entry is -29%. Percentage of students projected to make 1 level of progress from KS2 to end of year 7; English = 77%, Maths = 62%, Science= 53%. In the majority of other subjects over 60% of students are on track to make 1 levels progress from KS2. Percentage of Pupil Premium students projected to make 1 level of progress from KS2 to end of year 7; English = 66%, Maths = 63%, Science= 51%. In all other subjects over 60% of students are on track to make 1 levels progress from KS2 except in French and Music. Pupil Premium gap is less than 10% in nearly all subjects. In Drama, DT, ICT, and SMD Pupil Premium students are outperforming non pupil premium Gender gap (boys-girls making 1 level progress) is less than 10% in the majority of subjects. This is not the case in DT, Geography, Maths, Music, Science, ICT, and SMD where girls are outperforming boys. Percentage of SEN students making 1+ levels of progress is above 60% in nearly all subjects. Year 8 On entry 60% of students are secondary ready with 48% boys and 72% girls meeting this measure. 40% of PP and 61% of NPP students are secondary ready so the gap on entry is -21%. Percentage of students projected to make 2 level of progress from KS2 to end of year 8: English = 46%, Maths = 48%, Science= 48%. In most other subjects over 60% of students are on track to make 2 levels progress from KS2. Percentage of Pupil Premium students projected to make 2 levels of progress from KS2 to end of year 8; English = 39%, Maths = 29%, Science= 34%. Pupil Premium gap is less than 10% in nearly all subjects. In some subjects pupil premium students are outperforming non pupil premium students including French, Music and Spanish. Gender gap (boys-girls making 2 levels progress) is less than 10% in the majority of subjects. In Art, Drama, French, Spanish and PE over 60% of SEN students are making 2+levels of progress. In other subjects progress is not as strong. Year 9 On entry 55% of students are secondary ready with 55% boys and 56% girls meeting this measure. 29% of PP and 61% of NPP students are secondary ready so the gap on entry is -32%. Percentage of students making at least 2 levels of progress from KS2 to end of year 9: English = 82%, Maths = 80%, Science= 73%. In most other subjects over 75% of students are on track to make 2 levels progress from KS2. The percentage of students achieving level 6+ is high with all subjects being over 80% except Music (76%). The percentage of students achieving level 7+ is over 40% in English, Food, Geography, History, ICT, PE and SMD. Significant numbers of students are achieving level 8+ in Drama (15%), English (11%), Geography (21%), History (22%), ICT (15%), Maths (12%) and PE (17%). Percentage of Pupil Premium students making 2 level of progress from KS2 to end of year 9: English = 84%, Maths = 75%, Science= 83%. In all other subjects over 75% of students are on track to make 2 levels progress in the majority of subjects. Pupil Premium gap is less than 10% in all subjects except DT and French. Gender gap (boys-girls making 2 levels progress) is less than 10% except in the majority of subjects. Boys are outperforming girls in PE and Music Percentage of SEN students making 2+ levels of progress is above 75% in most subjects except Art, Drama, DT, French and Music. Key Stage 4 GCSE Results 2014 On entry 51% of students were secondary ready with 42% boys and 59% girls meeting this measure. 33% of PP and 54% of NPP students were secondary ready Average year group with average KS2 same as National. The data includes 3 students with significant barriers to learning. One student did not attend school despite court action and the other two had very low attendance due to medical issues. All three were FSM students and two were SA+ which has affected some summary statistics where they make up a significant proportion of the group in question. School achieved 57% A*-C inc En+Ma. This is in the context of national results decreasing by 5% to 55%. This puts the school 2% above national. Pupil premium gap at A*-C inc Eng and Maths is 34% (decrease of 14% from 2013) so the is gap closing and is in line with the gap nationally. Gender gap is smaller than national and a slight improvement from the previous year with girls outperforming boys by 9%. At 5A*-C the school performed above national with 69% compared to 64%. At 5A*-G the school was significantly above national for the third year running with 98% compared to 92%. The Ebacc measure 2014 was 30% which is above the national figure of 24%. The Ebacc subjects all performed in line with national attainment. The only issues were middle ability students in Maths and English and FSM students in science who were significantly below national. APS (best 8) is significantly above national and has been for the last 3 years. The average grade per student is C. This measure is significantly positive for girls, lower ability students and non-mobile students, it is in line for all other groups of students. APS for English and Maths are above national. APS for other Ebacc subjects were in line with national except Languages which was significantly below. In Maths low ability students performed significantly above national. All other groups were in line except for those where performance was significantly below national; Science FSM and SEN SA and SA+, Languages – non FSM and high ability, Humanities – high ability. The value added progress measure was 1003.6 which is in line with national. However, FSM,SEN SA and SA+ are all significantly below national – excluding the 3 aforementioned students they are in line. The VA for all subjects was in line with national except languages which is significantly below due to below average numbers of A*/A grades 3+ levels of progress; English = 67% and Maths = 62%. Both are in in line with national figures of English 70% and Maths 65%.. 4+ levels of progress; English = 34% and Maths = 28% both are above the national averages. This is a significant improvement in Maths with double the number of students making better than expected progress from 2013 Gaps are closing for Pupil Premium students for 3+ levels of progress in both Maths (-33) and English (-19). For 4+ levels of progress the gap is Maths -27 and English -15. Level 5 students in English performed better than non-FSM students. In both subjects low Level 4 FSM students were the ones who underachieved. Year 11 On entry 55% of students are secondary ready with 47% boys and 65% girls meeting this measure. 37% of PP and 58% of NPP students are secondary ready so the gap on entry is -21%. Currently on track to achieve 61% A*-C inc En+Ma. Pupil premium gap at A*-C inc Eng and Maths projected to be -20% less than the 2014 national average and a 14% improvement on 2014 results. Gender gap is also projected to be small. Average grade per student projected to be C. For girls = C and boys = C-. For non-pupil premium students = C but for pupil premium students it is D+. SEN students (without EHCP) projected to achieve average grade of E+, 50% are in track to make 3+ levels of progress in English (in line with national 2014) and 33% (slightly below national 2014) are on track in Maths. Those with an EHCP projected to achieve average grade E, 33% are in track to make 3+ levels of progress in English and 17% are on track in Maths. Percentage achieving 5A*/A projected to be 16% and EBacc projected to be 39% (above national 2014) Currently 3+ levels of progress in English projected to be 67% and in Maths 71% which should be line with the national average, above it in Maths, and at 4+ levels of progress English is 25% (slightly below national 2014) and Maths 26% (in line with national 2014) Projections show gaps closing for Pupil Premium students for 3+ levels of progress in Maths is 30% and English 19%. The gap at 4+ levels of progress in English is 11% and in maths 7%. Gender gaps at 3+ and 4+ levels of progress are small and not significant. Subjects causing concern when projections are compared to targets are Land and Environment, Business Studies, Child Development, Drama, Food, Graphics, Health and Social Care, Music and Additional Science Year 10 On entry 60% of students are secondary ready with 57% boys and 62% girls meeting this measure. 46% of PP and 61% of NPP students are secondary ready so the gap on entry is -15%. Currently on track to achieve 62% A*-C inc En+Ma. Pupil premium gap at A*-C inc Eng and Maths is still an issue in this year group. Gender gap is projected to be -23% with girls outperforming boys. Average grade per student projected to be C+. For girls = B- and boys grade C. For non-pupil premium students is C+ and for pupil premium students it is D. SEN students without a statement projected to achieve average grade of D-. 67% are in track to make 3+ levels of progress in English and 42% are on track in Maths. Percentage achieving 5A*/A projected to be 22% and EBacc projected to be 51% Currently 3+ levels of progress in English projected to be 88% and in Maths 82% which above national average and at 4+ levels of progress English is 44% and Maths 49% Projections show gaps closing for Pupil Premium students for 3+ levels of progress in Maths is -29% and English -14%. A gaps at 4+ levels of progress in English is -28% and in Maths is in -30%. Gender gaps at 3+ in Maths is -26% and English -15%. Gaps at 4+ levels of progress in English is -26% and in Maths is in -16%. Subjects causing concern when projections are compared to targets are Land and Environment, History, Music and General Studies, Parents of students in all year groups receive termly interim assessments showing expected progress against targets, in addition to an annual parents evening and a written report. Parents of students in Y7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 also attend a target setting evening in September. On Parent View 100% of parents said that they receive valuable information about students’ progress, with 81% expressing this strongly. Area for development Relevant Detailed Action Plan Impact to date - Evidence Key actions in place Next Steps Increase 3 Levels of progress from Maths Maths - Strategic staff deployment - Focus on interventions for Y11 KS2 in Maths and English English - Focus on raising achievement of % achieving more than expected - SISRA data system used for analysis DHT (Student Progress) - Intervention for key groups, Y8 and 9 for maths and English progress (1 level in 1 year) Y7 Subject area action plans individually and 1-1 - Pastoral intervention with key 62% and Y8 48% Y7 Catch Ups – mid year impact students aimed at raising Y9 % achieving 3 levels across evaluated. Most students improving achievement KS3 51% PP RAPs Y10 82% 3 Levels of progress Y11 71% 3 Levels of progress English % achieving more than expected progress (1 level in 1 year) Y7 77% and Y8 46% Y9 % achieving 3 levels across KS3 67% Y10 88% 3 Levels of progress Increasing 4 levels of progress in Maths and English to above Maths English 2014 Raise on line shows issues are 3a/4c/4b in English 4a/5c in Maths APS for lower ability students in Maths sig above Results for Maths and English 2014 in line with national average Intervention to Increase Y11 3LOP in English - SISRA data system used for analysis - Focus of CPD for subject areas - Continued area for development in subject areas to national average DHT (Student Progress) sustain progress Subject based intervention Maths % achieving more than expected progress (1 level in 1 year) Y7 62% and Y8 48% Y10 49% 4Levels of progress Y11 26% 4 Levels of progress Improving GCSE results in target subjects (Business Studies, General Studies, Graphics, History, Resistant Materials, Core/Additional Science, Land and Environment, Health and Social Care and Child Development) DHT (Student Progress) Subject area plans Raising Achievement at KS3 Subject area plans English % achieving more than expected progress (1 level in 1 year) Y7 77% and Y8 46% Y10 44% 4 Levels of progress Y11 26% 4 Levels of progress GCSE results 2014 significantly below target and predictions Y11 predications show Gen Studies and History on track to achieve results in line with targets. Other subjects still below. Y10 predictions show Land & Env, History and gen Studies below target. Other subjects on track. Many subjects in KS3 are achieving increased levels of attainment and progress. Line management discussions Lesson observations -Monitoring through line management and regular activities - Data analysed and discussed with HoD KS3 Data 2 shows in some subjects students underachieving across all 3 years Achievement of Pupil Premium DHT (Student Progress) AHT (Teaching and Learning) - 2014 results gap closed to in line with national gap at 5A*-C inc EM - Gaps narrowing for 3+ levels of progress in Maths and English. - Teaching and Learning Reviews summer term with Head and DHT - SISRA data system used for analysis and to identify gaps - HLTAs in Core subjects – role reviewed and more focussed - MFL – to look at base lining and assessment so targets are challenging but realistic - Art, Music, Science, SMD to implement strategies to raise achievement through improved teaching and learning - DT – to develop more rigorous written tasks - SLT and ML work scrutinise - Teaching and Learning Reviews summer term with Head and DHT - Students RAP to be embedded and used by Senior and Middle Leaders and teachers -Monitoring impact of RAPs - LA evaluation of impact of pupil premium. Data shows KS3 gaps narrowing. Subjects where gaps still large identified. - Pupil Premium action plan - Pupil premium students a focus for observations - Individual Pupil Premium Raising Achievement Plans - PP priority in subject action plans - Focus for CPD - AHT for PP appointed in March 2015 - PP Leads in Maths, English, Science appointed for September 2015 - Evaluated Impact of Literacy and Numeracy Interventions and improved - Action plan being implemented for new SEN Code of Practice - SEN register reviewed - SEN students a focus for lesson observations - TA observations and feedback - TAs acting as key workers for targeted students with a focus on progress - Focus of discussion with Middle leaders - CPD – closing gaps, Talk for Learning strategy SEN achievement DHT (Student Progress) SEN Underachievement in some SEN students at KS3 and 4 Raising achievement of boys DHT (Student progress) English Subject area plans -Girls outperformed boys at 5A*-C inc EM -Girls outperforming boys in English in GCSE results and in Y10. Gender gap smaller in Maths. - At KS3 in some areas boy’s achievement is below that of girls. Most evident in Y7/8. - Achievement of boys at AS/A2 lower than girls -Evaluate lesson observation feedback to judge quality of TL for these students and impact of including this in observations - LA follow up review June 2015 - identify priorities for 2015/16 and write action plan - Collaborative project with other schools on Raising Aspirations - Summer school for PP students focused on Literacy and Numeracy to prevent them fall back over summer - Evaluate Y7 Catch Ups in English and Maths and plan for next year - Evaluate lesson observation feedback to judge quality of TL for these students and impact of including this in observations -CPD for TAs using TA standards leading to CPD plan focussed on making TAs more effective for 2015-16 - KS3 boys achievement focus for English - Boys achievement, a focus at KS3
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