Curriculum Vitae Personal Data Name Title Address Phone Mail Website Born Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Marc Streit Assistant Professor Institute of Computer Graphics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenberger Straße 69, A-4040 Linz +43 732 2468 6635 [email protected] February 26, 1983 in Klagenfurt, Austria Short Biography Marc Streit is assistant professor at the Institute of Computer Graphics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. He finished his PhD at Graz University of Technology in early 2011 and moved to Linz later that year. As part of his tenure-track position, he spent a part of the year 2012 as a visiting researcher at the Center for Biomedical Informatics at Harvard Medical School. In 2014 he received a Fulbright scholarship for research and lecturing at the Visual Computing Group at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. His scientific areas of interest include Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, and Biological Data Visualization, where he is particularly interested in the integrated analysis of large heterogeneous data. He is recognized for his work on cancer subtype analysis and the visualization of pathways. His research is embedded in the Caleyo project (, where he is one of the project leaders and founding-members. He has won Best Paper Awards at InfoVis’13, BioVis’12, InfoVis’11, GI’10 and Honorable Mention Awards at CHI’14, InfoVis’14 and EuroVis’12. He is a co-author of the Nature Methods “Points of View” column. In 2013 he co-edited the Special Issue on Visual Analytics in the IEEE Computer journal. Additionally, he is actively contributing to the scientific community by serving on the organizing and program committee of several scientific events as well as by acting as a reviewer for high-quality journals and conferences. Research Interests • Information Visualization • Visual Analytics / Visual Data Mining / Knowledge Discovery • Biological Data Visualization Professional 07/2014 - 10/2014 since 11/2011 since 12/2011 since 03/2012 07/2012 - 10/2012 05/2011 - 10/2011 07/2009 - 08/2009 10/2008 - 06/2011 07/2007 - 04/2011 Visiting Professor (Fulbright Scholarship for Research and Lecturing) at the School of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA Assistant Professor at the Inst. of Computer Graphics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Deputy Head of the Institute of Computer Graphics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria Lecturer at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria Visiting Researcher at the Center for Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer at Graz University of Technology Visiting Researcher at the Visual Computing and Computer Graphics Department, University of Rostock, Germany Faculty Member (Universit¨atsassistent) at Graz University of Technology Research Assistant at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision, Graz University of Technology Education PhD degree (Dr.techn.) from Graz University of Techn. with highest distinction Thesis: Guided Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data, Supervision: Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg 08/2009 - 04/2011 Associated PhD Student in the Research Training Group dIEM oSiRiS, University of Rostock, Germany 07/2007 - 04/2011 Doctoral program in Computer Science at Graz University of Technology 05/2011 1 Master’s degree (Dipl.-Ing.) from Graz University of Technology with highest distinction Thesis: Metabolic Pathways Influencing Gene-Expression Analysis, Supervision: Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Dieter Schmalstieg, DI Michael Kalkusch MBA 07/2006 - 06/2007 Master’s studies in Information Management at Graz University of Technology 07/2006 Bachelor’s degree (Bakk.rer.soc.oec) from Graz University of Technology Thesis: Intuitive Data Visualization and Interactive Data Meta-Evaluation in Automated MultiParameter Tissue Cytometry, Supervision: Univ. Prof. DI Dr. Horst Bischof 10/2002 - 07/2006 Bachelor’s studies in Software Engineering and Management at Graz University of Technology 06/2007 Awards and Scholarships 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2012 2012 2011 2010 2009 2006 2006 Outstanding Achievements in Teaching Award granted by the State of Upper Austria Fulbright Scholarship for Research and Lecturing at Harvard University Honorable Mention Award (top 3 / 196 submissions), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis’14) Honorable Mention Award (top 5% / 3200 submissions), ACM Conference on Human Factors in Comp. Systems (CHI’14) Best Paper Award (of 152 submissions), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis’13) Best Paper Award (of 32 submissions), IEEE Symosium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis’12) 3rd Best Paper Award (of 202 submissions), Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis’12) Best Paper Award (of 172 submissions), IEEE Information Visualization (InfoVis’11) Best Student Paper Award, ACM Graphics Interface (GI’10) Scholarship for short time academic research and expert courses abroad (KUWI) granted by the Graz University of Technology Award for excellent performance as a student (Leistungsstipendium) granted by the Faculty of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology Research grant for students (F¨orderstipendium) awarded by the Faculty of Computer Science, Graz University of Technology Grants 2013 - 2016 2013 - 2016 2010 - 2013 2009 - 2012 PIPES-VS-DAMS - Privacy Preserving Visual Dynamic Network Analysis for Advanced System Monitoring on Multiple Scales. Funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), IKT der Zukunft program, Grant no. 840232, 410.000 EUR. Austrian Teaching Cooperation in Visual Computing. Funded by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, 96.000 EUR. Caleydoplex - Information Exploration in Teams. Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), Grant no. P22902, 225.000 EUR. InGeneious - Visualization of Biomolecular and Clinical Data. Funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), BRIDGE program, Grant no. 385567, 180.000 EUR. Conference and Journal Functions Editorial 2013 Guest Editor of the IEEE Computer Special Issue on Visual Analytics Organizing Committee 2015 2015 2014 2012 - 2013 Program Chair at the Symposium on Visualization in Data Science (VDS) Publication Chair at the Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) Poster Chair at the Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) Website Chair at the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) Program Committee 2013 - 2015 2014 - 2015 2014 - 2015 2012 - 2014 IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) Eurographics Conference on Visualization Short Papers (EuroVis Short Papers) IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) 2 2014 - 2015 2013 - 2015 2015, 2014 2013 2015, 2014, 2012 2010 - 2015 2010 - 2012 2012 - 2013 Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA) Conference on Cognitive Computing and Data-driven Business (i-KNOW) Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB) Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG) Conference on Information Visualisation (IV) DATA 2012 ICETE, Special Session HCI-KDD in Computational Sciences Other 2013 Best Poster Judge at the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) Reviewing for Scientific Conferences and Journals 2012 - 2015 2010 - 2015 2010 - 2015 2014 2010 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2009 - 2013 2014 2014 2013 - 2015 2014 - 2015 2012 - 2014 2013 2013 2013 2013 - 2014 2013 2012 2014, 2012 2012, 2009 2010 - 2014 2011 2011 2010 2010 2014, 2010 2014 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis) Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST) IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis) Bioinformatics Journal, Oxford University Press BMC Bioinformatics Computer Graphics & Applications (CG&A) EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA) Eurographics Conference on Visualization (EuroVis) IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis) Eurographics Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) Elsevier Journal of Computers & Graphics (C&G) IEEE Computer Journal Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (IVAPP) Conference on Human Factors in Computing & Informatics (SouthCHI) Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM) Conference on Information Visualisation Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG) Sage Information Visualization Journal IEEE VisWeek Posters IEEE Virtual Reality Conference (VR) IEEE Visual Analytics (VAST) Challenge ¨ Austrian Academy of Sciences (Osterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) ¨ Austrian Computer Society (Osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft) Memberships in Professional Societies and Interest Groups • IEEE Computer Society • IEEE Technical Committee on Visualization and Graphics (VGTC) ¨ • Austrian Computer Society (Osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft) 3 Publications Peer-reviewed and Invited Journal Publications [1] M. Streit and N. Gehlenborg, “Points of View: Temporal data,” Nature Methods, vol. 12, no. 2, p. 97, 2015. [2] M. Streit, A. Lex, S. Gratzl, C. Partl, D. Schmalstieg, H. Pfister, P. J. Park, and N. Gehlenborg, “Guided visual exploration of genomic stratifications in cancer,” Nature Methods, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 884–885, 2014. [3] S. Gratzl, N. Gehlenborg, A. Lex, H. Pfister, and M. Streit, “Domino: Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating Subsets across Multiple Tabular Datasets,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’14), vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 2023–2032, 2014. [4] T. M¨uhlbacher, H. Piringer, S. Gratzl, M. Sedlmair, and M. Streit, “Opening the Black Box: Strategies for Increased User Involvement in Existing Algorithm Implementations,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST ’14), vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1643–1652, 2014. [5] C. Partl, A. Lex, M. Streit, H. Strobelt, A. M. Wasserman, H. Pfister, and D. Schmalstieg, “ConTour: DataDriven Exploration of Multi-Relational Datasets for Drug Discovery,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VAST ’14), vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 1883–1892, 2014. [6] M. Streit and N. Gehlenborg, “Points of View: Bar charts and box plots,” Nature Methods, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 117–117, 2014. [7] M. Streit, S. Gratzl, M. Gillhofer, A. Mayr, A. Mitterecker, and S. Hochreiter, “Furby: Fuzzy Force-Directed Bicluster Visualization,” BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 15, no. Suppl 6, p. S4, 2014. [8] C. Turkay, A. Lex, M. Streit, H. Pfister, and H. Hauser, “Characterizing Cancer Subtypes Using Dual Analysis in Caleydo StratomeX,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 38–47, 2014. [9] M. Streit and O. Bimber, “Visual Analytics: Seeking the Unknown,” Computer, vol. 46, no. 7, pp. 20–21, 2013. Guest Editors’ Introduction. [10] S. Gratzl, A. Lex, N. Gehlenborg, H. Pfister, and M. Streit, “LineUp: Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’13), vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2277–2286, 2013. [11] A. Lex, C. Partl, D. Kalkofen, M. Streit, S. Gratzl, A. M. Wasserman, D. Schmalstieg, and H. Pfister, “Entourage: Visualizing Relationships between Biological Pathways using Contextual Subsets,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’13), vol. 19, no. 12, pp. 2536–2545, 2013. [12] C. Partl, A. Lex, M. Streit, D. Kalkofen, K. Kashofer, and D. Schmalstieg, “enRoute: Dynamic Path Extraction from Biological Pathway Maps for Exploring Heterogeneous Experimental Datasets,” BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 14, no. Suppl 19, p. S3, 2013. [13] M. Streit, H.-J. Schulz, A. Lex, D. Schmalstieg, and H. Schumann, “Model-Driven Design for the Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 998–1010, 2012. [14] A. Lex, M. Streit, H.-J. Schulz, C. Partl, D. Schmalstieg, P. J. Park, and N. Gehlenborg, “StratomeX: Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Genomics Data for Cancer Subtype Characterization,” Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis ’12), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1175–1184, 2012. [15] R. Klebnikov, B. Kainz, M. Steinberger, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Procedural Texture Synthesis for Zoom-Independent Visualization of Multivariate Data,” Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis ’12), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1355–1364, 2012. [16] M. Steinberger, M. Waldner, M. Streit, A. Lex, and D. Schmalstieg, “Context-Preserving Visual Links,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’11), vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 2249–2258, 2011. [17] A. Lex, H.-J. Schulz, M. Streit, C. Partl, and D. Schmalstieg, “VisBricks: Multiform Visualization of Large, Inhomogeneous Data,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’11), vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 2291–2300, 2011. [18] A. Lex, M. Streit, C. Partl, K. Kashofer, and D. Schmalstieg, “Comparative Analysis of Multidimensional, Quantitative Data,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (InfoVis ’10), vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1027–1035, 2010. [19] M. Streit, A. Lex, M. Kalkusch, K. Zatloukal, and D. Schmalstieg, “Caleydo: Connecting Pathways and Gene Expression,” Bioinformatics, vol. 25, no. 20, pp. 2760–2761, 2009. 4 [20] M. Streit, M. Kalkusch, K. Kashofer, and D. Schmalstieg, “Navigation and Exploration of Interconnected Pathways,” Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis ’08), vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 951–958, 2008. ¨ [21] M. Streit, R. C. Ecker, K. Osterreicher, G. E. Steiner, H. Bischof, C. Bangert, T. Kopp, and R. Rogojanu, “3d parallel coordinate systems - A new data visualization method in the context of microscopy-based multicolor tissue cytometry,” Cytometry Part A, vol. 69A, no. 7, pp. 601–611, 2006. ¨ [22] R. C. Ecker, R. Rogojanu, M. Streit, K. Osterreicher, and G. E. Steiner, “An improved method for discrimination of cell populations in tissue sections using microscopy-based multicolor tissue cytometry,” Cytometry Part A, vol. 69A, no. 3, pp. 119–123, 2006. Peer-reviewed Conference and Workshop Publications [1] H. Stitz, S. Gratzl, M. Krieger, and M. Streit, “CloudGazer: A Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Monitoring and Optimizing Cloud-Based Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis ’15), IEEE, 2015. to appear. [2] T. Geymayer, M. Steinberger, A. Lex, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Show me the Invisible: Visualizing Hidden Content,” in Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’14), pp. 3705–3714, ACM, 2014. [3] C. Partl, A. Lex, M. Streit, D. Kalkofen, K. Kashofer, and D. Schmalstieg, “enRoute: Dynamic Path Extraction from Biological Pathway Maps for In-Depth Experimental Data Analysis,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis ’12), pp. 107–114, 2012. [4] C. Holzh¨uter, A. Lex, D. Schmalstieg, H.-J. Schulz, H. Schumann, and M. Streit, “Visualizing Uncertainty in Biological Expression Data,” in Proceedings of the SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA ’12), vol. 8294, p. 82940O, IS&T/SPIE, 2012. [5] T. Geymayer, A. Lex, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Visualizing the Effects of Logically Combined Filters,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Information Visualisation (IV’ 11), pp. 47–52, IEEE, 2011. [6] A. Lex, M. Streit, E. Kruijff, and D. Schmalstieg, “Caleydo: Design and Evaluation of a Visual Analysis Framework for Gene Expression Data in its Biological Context,” in Proceeding of the IEEE Symposium on Pacific Visualization (PacificVis ’10), pp. 57–64, IEEE, 2010. [7] M. Waldner, W. Puff, A. Lex, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Visual Links Across Applications,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Graphics Interface (GI ’10), pp. 129–136, Canadian Human-Computer Communications Society, 2010. [8] M. Streit, A. Lex, H. M¨uller, and D. Schmalstieg, “Gaze-Based Focus Adaption in an Information Visualization System,” in Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization and Image Processing (CGVCVIP ’09), 2009. [9] M. Waldner, A. Lex, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Design Considerations for Collaborative Information Workspaces in Multi-Display Environments,” in Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (VisWeek ’09) - Technical Report LMU-MI-2010-2, Ludwig Maximilias University Munich, pp. 36–39, 2009. ISSN 1862-5207. [10] M. Streit, H.-J. Schulz, D. Schmalstieg, and H. Schumann, “Towards Multi-User Multi-Level Interaction,” in Technical Report LMU-MI-2010-2, Ludwig Maximilias University Munich: Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces, pp. 5–8, 2009. [11] H. Muller, R. Reihs, S. Sauer, K. Zatloukal, M. Streit, A. Lex, B. Schlegl, and D. Schmalstieg, “Connecting Genes with Diseases,” in Information Visualisation, 2009 13th International Conference, pp. 323–330, July 2009. [12] H. M¨uller, K. Zatloukal, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Interactive Exploration of Medical Data Sets,” in Proceedings of the Conference of BioMedical Visualisation, pp. 29–35, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008. Posters [1] H. Stitz, S. Gratzl, S. Luger, N. Gehlenborg, and M. Streit, “Transparent Layering for Visualizing Dynamic Graphs Using the Flip Book Metaphor,” in Poster Compendium of the IEEE VIS Conference, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2014. [2] H.-J. Schulz, M. Streit, T. May, and C. Tominski, “Towards a Characterization of Guidance in Visualization,” in Poster Compendium of the IEEE Conference on Information Visualization (InfoVis ’13), IEEE, 2013. 5 [3] M. Streit, A. Lex, C. Partl, D. Schmalstieg, P. J. Park, and N. Gehlenborg, “StratomeX: Guided Visual Exploration for Tumor Subtype Identification in The Cancer Genome Atlas,” in Poster Proceedings of The Cancer Genome Atlas’ 2nd Annual Scientific Symposium, 2012. [4] M. Streit, A. Lex, H.-J. Schulz, C. Partl, D. Schmalstieg, P. J. Park, and N. Gehlenborg, “Guided Visual Analysis for the Identification of Cancer Subtypes.,” in Poster Proceedings of The Cancer Genome Atlas’ Semi-Annual Steering Committee Meeting, 2012. [5] A. Lex, M. Streit, H.-J. Schulz, C. Partl, D. Schmalstieg, P. J. Park, and N. Gehlenborg, “StratomeX: Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Genomics Data for Cancer Subtype Characterization,” Computer Graphics Forum (EuroVis ’12), vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 1175–1184, 2012. [6] M. Streit, A. Lex, H. Doleisch, and D. Schmalstieg, “Does software engineering pay off for research? Lessons learned from the Caleydo project,” in Poster Compendium of the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biomedicine (VCBM ’10), Eurographics, 2010. [7] G. Schmidt-Gann, K. Schmid, M. Uehlein, J. Struck, A. Bergmann, D. Schmalstieg, M. Streit, A. Lex, D. G. v. d. Nest, M. v. Griensven, and H. Redl, “Gene- and Protein Expression Profiling in Liver in a Sepsis-Baboon Model,” in Proceedings of the Conference on SHOCK, vol. 11, pp. 4–4, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009. [8] M. Waldner, C. Pirchheim, M. Streit, and D. Schmalstieg, “Overcoming Display Boundaries for Multiple View Visualization,” in Poster Compendium of the Workshop on Giga-Pixel Displays & Visual Analytics (GIANT ’08), 2008. [9] M. Streit, “Interactive Visualization of Complex Graphs,” in Proceedings of the Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG ’07), 2007. Tutorials 02/2013 10/2012 01/2012 Marc Streit and Alexander Lex, Cancer Data Analysis with Caleydo StratomeX and enRoute, Symposium on Understanding Cancer Genomics through Information Visualization at Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Marc Streit, Hans-J¨org Schulz, and Alexander Lex, Connecting the Dots - Showing Relationships in Data and Beyond, VisWeek’12, Seattle, WA, USA. Marc Streit and Hans-J¨org Schulz, Visual Linking in Information Visualization and Beyond, University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany. Exhibitions 12/2008 - 01/2009 Marc Streit, Alexander Lex, Dieter Schmalstieg, Heimo M¨uller, and Kurt Zatloukal, FWF Austrian Science Fund 40-Year Anniversary, Graz, Austria. Talks 10.06.2015 12.02.2015 25.11.2014 18.11.2014 24.09.2014 12.07.2014 08.07.2014 23.05.2014 09.03.2013 18.02.2014 Searching for a Needle in a Data Stack: How Visualization Helps to Understand Data, Invited talk at the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Austrian Computer Society, Vienna, Austria. Extracting, Comparing, and Manipulating Subsets Across Tabular Data, Invited talk at the VDA Colloquium, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Molecular Data with Caleydo, Keynote address at the VIB Training Course on Biological Data Visualization - the art of presenting data, Ghent, Belgium. Visual Data Science, Invited talk at the Pro2Future Workshop: Towards a Competence Center on Products and Production of the Future in Upper Austria, Linz, Austria. Visualizing Heterogeneous, Multi-Dimensional Data, Invited talk at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. Fundamentals of Visualizing Biological Data, Invited talk at the Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis), Boston, MA, USA. Visual Analysis of Tabular Data Subsets, Invited talk at the Visual Computing Group, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA. Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data for Molecular Biology, Invited talk at the MedViz Seminar, Bergen, Norway. What comes first? Visual Analysis of Multi-Attribute Rankings, Invited talk at the VRVis Forum, Vienna, Austria. Suche nach der Nadel im Genhaufen: Wie Visualisierung hilft, Krebs zu verstehen, Invited talk at the JKU Zukunft der Forschung event, Linz, Austria. 6 11.09.2013 22.02.2013 14.09.2012 25.06.2012 08.04.2012 24.01.2012 13.01.2012 24.11.2011 27.10.2011 19.05.2011 13.04.2011 03.03.2011 21.09.2010 20.09.2010 01.07.2010 11.03.2010 11.10.2009 08.07.2009 07.07.2009 20.06.2009 26.02.2009 01.10.2008 10.07.2008 27.05.2008 27.03.2008 11.10.2007 23.04.2007 Visualizing Biomolecular Data, Invited talk at the Summer School on Bioinformatics, Biomedicine, and Cloud Computing, Malaga, Spain. Visual Cancer Subtype Analysis, Invited talk at the Symposium on Understanding Cancer Genomics through Information Visualization at Tokyo University, Tokyo, Japan. Visual Cancer Subtype Analysis, Invited talk at the Harvard Medical School, Center for Biomedical Informatics, Park Lab, Cambridge, MA, USA. Caleydo - Visualization for Molecular Biology, Invited talk at the Media Interaction Lab, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg, Austria. Caleydo - Visualization for Molecular Biology, Invited talk at the CHIPS Network organized by Johnson & Johnson, Remote. Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data, Invited talk at the Image and Signal Processing Group, Univ. of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany. Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data, Invited talk at the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria. Visualization of Biomolecular Data, Invited talk at the Institute of Bioinformatics, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria. Model-Driven Design for the Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data, Invited talk at IEEE VisWeek, Special TVCG Session, Providence, RI, USA. Visual Support for Heterogeneous Analysis Scenarios, Panelist at the Workshop on Trends in Visual Computing and Visual Analytics, Kuehlungsborn, Germany. Guided Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data, PhD Defense, Graz, Austria. Collaborative Information Linking: Bridging Knowledge Gaps Between Users by Linking Across Applications, IEEE Pacific Visualization Symp. (PacificVis 2011), Hong Kong, China. Caleydo: Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Data, Invited talk at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology (LMB), Cambridge, UK. Caleydo: Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Data, Invited talk at the European BioInformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridge, UK. Caleydo: Visual Analysis of Biomolecular Data, Invited talk at the Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), Leipzig, Germany. Caleydo and Visual Links, Invited talk at the VRVis Research Company, Vienna, Austria. Towards Multi-User Multi-Level Interaction, CoVIS Workshop on Collaborative Visualization on Interactive Surfaces (IEEE VisWeek), Atlantic City, NJ, USA. Connecting Genes With Diseases - A Holistic Approach, Invited talk at the Research Training Group dIEM oSiRiS, Rostock, Germany. Caleydo Project Overview, Invited talk at the Visual Computing and Computer Graphics Department at the University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany. Gaze-Based Focus Adaption in an Information Visualization System, Computer Graphics and Visualization and Image Processing 2009 Conference (CGVCVIP), Algarve, Portugal. Caleydo: Visualization of Gene Expression Data in the Context of Biological Processes, Invited talk at the AUVA Research Center for Traumatology, Vienna, Austria. Welcome Day at the Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria. Experiences of a Graduate Novel InfoVis Techniques Applied to Pathways and Gene Expression Data, Invited talk at the Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Graz Univ. of Technology, Austria. Navigation and Exploration of Interconnected Pathways, EuroVis Conference, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Open House at the Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria. Experiences of a Graduate Welcome Day at the Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria. Experiences of a Graduate Paper Presentation at the Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG), Budmerice, Slovakia. Interactive Visualization of Complex Graphs 7 Teaching Experience Courses at Johannes Kepler University Linz Since 2012 Since 2012 Since 2012 Since 2012 2013 Information Visualization (Lecture and lab) Computer Graphics (Lab) Visual Analytics (Lecture) Accompanying Lectures for Students (Seminar) Visual Computing for Virtual Anatomy (Lecture) Courses at Harvard University 2014 CS 109 / AC 209 / Stat 121 / E-109 - Data Science (Lecture - Visualization part) Courses at Salzburg University of Applied Science Since 2013 2012 - 2014 Visual Analytics (Lecture and lab) Computer Graphics (Lecture and lab) Courses at Graz University of Technology 2009 - 2011 2009 - 2011 2009 - 2011 2009 - 2011 2009 - 2011 2008 - 2010 2007 - 2010 Selected Topics Computer Graphics: Visualization (Lecture and lab) Computer Graphics 1 & 2 (Lab) Computer Graphics 2 (Lab) Distributed Systems (Lab) Accompanying Courses for Project Students: Introduction to Scientific Work, Presentation Techniques (Lecture & lab) Real-time Graphics (Lab) Virtual Reality (Lab) Student Supervision Ongoing Completed 3 Phd Students, 3 MSc Students 17 Thesis and Practicum Projects on Master’s and Bachelor’s level Linz, April, 2015 8
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