End-of-Semester Important Dates: Spring 2015 Course and Enrollment Changes to affect Grade Roster: Wednesday, May 6th at 4pm Grade Rosters Available: Friday, May 8th First Grade Posting: Wednesday, May 13th at 2:00 p.m.* All Grades Due: Tuesday, May 26th at 8am Release of Online Course Evaluation Results: After June, 8th Release of Paper-Based Course Evaluations Results: Week of June 15th *After May 13th, all saved grades will be posted daily at approximately 2:00 p.m. Fall 2015 Course Balancing: Runs April 6th through August 3rd 2015. End-of-Semester Support Shawna Lockwood (SLL33): Grading (Online & OLGAA, F and INC Forms), Course Evaluations, General Concerns and Student Concerns. Torrey Jacobs (TKJ8): Student Concerns Office of the University Registrar: 255-4232 for PeopleSoft Support Online Grading Information: http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Faculty/grading.html Printing Grade Rosters from Faculty Center: OPTIONAL* *Since faculty can enter grades directly into the online grade roster through Faculty Center, printed grade rosters may no longer be needed. 1. Click on the Grade Roster Icon next to the class you wish to print. Grade Roster Icon Note: Cornell is NOT using Grade Book. 2. The grade roster opens. Click the Printer Friendly Version button and a new screen will appear that you can print from. Printer Friendly Roster View in Excel 1. Click on the Download to Excel icon 2. Save the file to your computer. Page 2 Updated 3/23/15 Entering Grades o Faculty and administrative staff who are associated with a class as a grader will have access to enter grades through Faculty Center. o Graders will be able to enter grades into the grade roster in 3 ways: Manually enter grades into the roster on a student-by-student basis; Manually enter the same grade into the roster for an entire class by using the “add this grade to all students” button; and/or Use the grade upload feature. o All or partial grades can be entered in the roster (i.e. It is not necessary to enter grades for ALL students at the same time). Please enter Audit grades in the grade roster’s with a “V”. These will not be uploaded by the University Registrar. o Once a roster grade has been posted as an official grade, it can only be changed with a Manual or Online Grade Form. OLGAA is the preferred method for a grade change: https://olgaa.cornell.edu/index.cfm . o The grade roster status should NEVER be changed. If the grade roster status is changed to “Ready for Review”, contact the CALS Student Service’s Office at 2552257. Manual Grade Entry: Student by Student 1. Click on the Grade Roster Icon next to the class you wish to grade. 2. Select the appropriate grade from the Roster Grade drop-down menu. 3. Save! Note: DO NOT change approved status. If you do, the roster will be locked. You will need to contact the CALS Student Service’s Office. Grade Roster Drop-Down Menu SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! (Faculty Center times out after 5 minutes of inactivity.) If you don’t save, you may lose grades. Page 3 Updated 3/23/15 Grade Entry: Upload To import grades from a spreadsheet, see detailed instructions for Grade Upload: http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Faculty/grading.html Posting of Grades: The Office of the University Registrar will post grades during the grading period using the batch partial post process. Partial Post is a feature that allows grades to be posted even though every grade for a class might not be entered yet. A good example of when partial post will be used is when you want to post senior grades. Partial Post allows nightly posting of entered grades that have been saved. Graders will continue to be able to enter grades for other students, but they will see some grades have been posted and can’t be changed through Faculty Center. If a grader needs to change a posted grade they will use the Online Grading Form (OLGAA): https://olgaa.cornell.edu/index.cfm Need further Assistance? University Registrar: http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Faculty/grading.html Or CALS Student Services: Ph. (607) 255-2257 Email: [email protected] Page 4 Updated 3/23/15 ACADEMIC POLICIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES University Academic Policies and Responsibilities can be found in Chapter 5: http://theuniversityfaculty.cornell.edu/handbook/Chapter5.pdf of the Cornell University Faculty Handbook. DropBox The Cornell DropBox (https://dropbox.cornell.edu) is a service offered by the Office of the University Registrar to faculty and staff across campus that needs to send files securely. Student and university protected data must be sent securely, for more information please see Student Data: Guidelines for Use. http://registrar.sas.cornell.edu/Faculty/studentinfo.html Why should the DropBox be used? E-mail is an insecure method for sending private data such as addresses, grant information, grades, financial or HR records. The DropBox ensures data is sent securely. More information The Dropbox Help & FAQ: https://dropbox.cornell.edu/help contains extensive technical information. For other inquiries concerning the DropBox, please submit them at http://www.it.cornell.edu/support/ Grading: Per University regulations, grades must never be transmitted via e-mail. Please assign everyone on your grading sheet a grade that correspond with the way they are enrolled (letter or S/U). When you do not, the computer rejects your submissions and causes difficulties for students and advisers and additional paperwork for you. Do not allow any student (except the TA) to handle grading materials. All the forms mentioned below are available in 140 Roberts Hall. 1) Letter or S/U Please assign grades that match the grading option selected by the student. 2) Mistakes on the grading sheet: If the grading option or number of credits is incorrect or a student’s name is missing, please submit an Online Grade Form (OLGAA): https://olgaa.cornell.edu/index.cfm with the correct information. If a student listed never attended or stopped attending during the semester, you must submit an F or U (depending on the option) and note non-attendance and the date after which the student stopped attending on the form, “Explanation for Reporting a Failing Grade.” The F or U will be removed if the student petitions successfully to drop the course retroactively. Page 5 Updated 3/23/15 3) Assigning Incompletes An Incomplete is only appropriate when two basic conditions are met: (1) The student has substantial equity at a passing level in the course with respect to work completed; and (2) the student has been prevented by circumstances beyond his/her control, such as illness or family emergency, from completing all of the course requirements on time. An incomplete may not be given merely because a student fails to complete all course requirements on time. Such a practice would be open to abuse; by deferring completion of some major course requirement, a student could gain advantage over his or her classmates by obtaining additional time to do a superior job. This is not an option that may be elected at the student’s own discretion. If you do submit a grade of INC, you must fill out the form, “Report on a Grade of Incomplete”, to document the conditions for assigning and making up the course and instructions for the registrar if the course is not completed. When a student completes the course and you assign the final grade on an Online Grade Form (OLGAA): https://olgaa.cornell.edu/index.cfm , an asterisk on the transcript indicates the grade is a makeup of an incomplete. Any student making up an incomplete should not sign up for the class again. 4) Assigning failing Grades Submit a form, “Explanation for Reporting a Failing Grade”, with your grading sheet. The information on the form is useful to advisers and to the College when conducting the semester-end review. 5) Grades of R An R is now a temporary grade assigned after the first half of a two-semester course. The grade will be assigned to both semesters upon the completion of the second semester. 6) Changing Grades The registrar accepts grade changes only when the original grade was assigned in error. It is not permissible to allow a student to complete a course or hand in additional work after you have submitted a grade for that student. See Chapter 5 of the Faculty Handbook, Changes in Grades. If you submit a grade in error, use OLGAA to change it. Resist pressure to change grades unless the grade you assigned was wrong. Page 6 Updated 3/23/15
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