CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH, 6817 ANTRIM ROAD, EDINA 55439-1704 APRIL 2015 Issue 1 APRIL 2015 WELCOME! WORSHIP! WITNESS! Pastor’s Page by Pastor Jon Yarger Happy April, everyone. I hope this season finds you both energized and rested. I hope it finds you responsible and carefree. I know it finds you both saint and sinner. This is a time in the church year where we have God meeting us in opposites. Or, at least, God comes to us in all the glorious and goofy complexities of being human. I first want to thank you for being a part of the Lenten Wednesday worship. I loved hearing you sing the Holden Evening Prayer. There is a beauty and a power to that service that was a joy to share with you. We explored the duty and the delight of the spiritual disciplines. Perhaps your lives were a little richer living the disciplines of prayer, fasting, giving, and serving. I also want to thank everyone that helped out cooking, setting tables, and cleaning up. The soups were great! You have heard me use the image of Lent being a journey through a dark forest. Together, hand in hand, we walk at this time of year waiting and preparing for something amazing to happen. But to get to that sunlit meadow we find ourselves at times in the midst of wonder, fear, joy, loneliness, and apathy. This is what it is to be human. I want your faith and church life to guide you through the best and worst of life. This brings us to Holy Week. By the time you get this Caller in the mail you will be getting ready for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services. Don’t forget about them. They are vital to the story. They are the deepest, darkest part of our Lenten journey. It almost seems like the story of Jesus ends there – and our story with it. But the sun rose that Easter morn! Come one and come all. Invite your neighbors and relatives. Now Christmas has always been celebrated, but in the history of the Christian church it is Easter that is the biggest celebration. Easter is God saying that death, disease, depression, and addiction have no power. Easter is God saying that God will be with us in all ways and in all times. Easter is all of us gathering and singing and shouting “He is risen. He is risen, indeed.” I will see you on April 5th. Jesus walked the earth for a while after the Resurrection. The Easter season is about exploring these stories and figuring out what it means for us to be a people of the empty tomb. What does it mean for us to live our lives knowing in faith that death and fear have been conquered? Let’s answer that question together during April and most of May. May the Lord bless you and keep you, Pastor Jon IN THIS ISSUE Pastor’s Page Children, Youth & Family Education Adult Forum Worship & Activities Social Outreach Church Council Easter Breakfast Thank you Gift of Generosity Birthdays Calendar Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 ruary 2015 CALVARY LUTHERAN STAFF Pastor Jonathan D. Yarger Christian Education Director Rebekah Moir Director of Music Daryl Erickson Organist Patti Arntz Administrative Assistant Susan Burman Custodian Robin Radosevich pg. 1 APRIL 2015 | Issue 1 Mission Project Update As of March 15th, we have taken in more than $670 toward our goal of $800. This year, in keeping with our “On Good Soil” theme, we’re raising funds for the ELCA Global Barnyard to plant two community gardens, several fruit trees, and provide irrigation for farmland. We are making great progress and everyone is welcome to contribute! Children, Youth & Family Education by Rebekah Moir, 2014-2015 SUNDAY SCHOOL THEME Christian Education Director On Good Soil: An Intergenerational Event Sunday, May 3rd ~ 9:00 a.m. All-Calvary Sunday JOIN USSchool for an Extravaganza! Dates: Monday-Friday, June 22-26 Time: 9:00am-12:00pm Cost: FREE! Ages: GOING INTO Pre-K through 6th grade (extended another year!), with LOTS of opportunities for older youth to serve as leaders and helpers. 3rd, On Sunday, May spend the Education Hour in fun and fellowship with kids from 3 to 103. Learn more about our Children Youth and Family ministry, get to know Calvary’s amazing kids, play games, make projects and share your love of God in Christ Jesus with one another. Details are still being worked out, but great fun will be had by all! Vacation Bible School (VBS) Spread the word: registration forms are online! This year’s theme: “A Mountaintop Experience: Encountering God.” We’ll dig into five great Bible stories about meeting God on mountaintops. Register: Sunday School Schedule 9:00 AM BREAKFAST 9:15 AM Intergeneration OPENING 9:30 AM Class, Music, Art & Drama Rotations Third Sunday Worship Led by youth with Song, Art & Drama! Join us! Registration forms are on the Calvary website. INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! We’ll be keeping you updated as details are finalized. We are really looking forward to another great VBS program. Come & join us! Sunday Morning @ Adult Forum (9:30 a.m. in Library) by Bob Rorke, Adult Forum Coordinator Everyone is welcome in the library for coffee, fellowship and the opportunity to learn something new! April 5th – No Adult Forum, Happy Easter April 12th – Pastor Jon Yarger, “SEASON OF EASTER”- Pastor Jon will lead a discussion on the meaning of Easter and “What Does it mean to be ‘The People of the Resurrection’?”. April 19th – Sargent Brian Hubbard, EDINA POLICE – PERSONAL SAFETY Sgt. Hubbard will review the latest information on personal safety and protection of personal information. Come with your questions? April 26th – Marion McNurlen, “BUTTERFLY MOTHER”. A resident of the Morningside community, she has raised monarch butterflies in her home. She volunteers at the Richardson Nature Center with pre-school children. Come and learn how to raise butterflies through the stages from caterpillar to chrysalis to a fluttering butterfly. Ideas for future forums are welcome! Do you have a passion, challenge or experience that you would like to share? Any ideas, including topics or presenters, can be forwarded to Bob Rorke. pg. 2 APRIL 2015 | Issue 1 APRIL WORSHIP & ACTIVITIES FLOWER CROSS AND SANCTUARY DECORATING Please join the fun as we decorate the sanctuary and the flower cross in preparation for our joyous worship service on Easter morning. We will meet on Saturday, April 4th at 12:30. All are welcome! MEN’S BREAKFAST & FELLOWSHIP A great way to start your morning! Join the monthly Men’s Breakfast for great food and conversation. The next Men’s Breakfast is Saturday, APRIL 11th at 8:30 AM. Bring a friend and your favorite coffee cup! We’ll see you there. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY & FELLOWSHIP Welcome to the monthly Women’s Bible Study! We meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 10:00 AM in the church library. The next Bible study is Wednesday, April 1st. We discuss the Bible Study from the Gather Magazine (Women of ELCA). The third Wednesday of each month is the Coffee Fellowship. We meet at 10:00 AM in the church library. The next Coffee Fellowship is Wednesday, April 15th. We will meet at the Perkins Restaurant at France & 494. CALVARY BOOK CLUB Our selection for April is George Washington’s Secret Six: the spy ring that saved the American Revolution by Brian Kilmeade. This non-fiction account tells the story of five men and one woman, who were working to pass military secrets to Washington. The book’s climax is the thwarting of Benedict Arnold’s plot to surrender West Point. We meet in the Library on Tuesday, April 21st at 5:30 PM. Please join us! It will be interesting! DEADLINE for the MAY Issue is Tuesday, APRIL 21st VOLUNTEERS FOR ASSEMBLY are needed on Wednesday, APRIL 29th Comcast Channel #15 SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE BROADCASTS Our Sunday Worship Service is broadcast through Comcast Cable TV (#15) on Mondays @ 8:30 PM, Thursdays @ 9:30 PM and Sundays @ 3:00 PM. CALVARY’s SENIOR INIATIATIVE Join us at the Bloomington Theatre to enjoy Roger & Hammerstein’s “Carousel” on Saturday, May 16th at 2:00 PM. Check out the poster in the Narthex to sign –up. Watch for more exciting events: Arboretum Tour, Science Museum, Lake Minnetonka Cruise and Plymouth Theatre. MARK YOUR CALENDARS for September 17-19. A Calvary church directory is a necessity, especially with a new Pastor and many new members since the last directory was published. We want EVERYONE to participate since it is vital to our future. A Directory gives us a chance to communicate and bring to life the mission and work of Calvary Lutheran Church. More details will be coming your way, but please put it on your calendar right now! pg. 3 APRIL 2015 | Issue 1 SOCIAL OUTREACH by Bonnie Rust, Social Outreach Coordinator ...............Calvary Lutheran in the World & Community THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS TO OUR DESIGNATED MINISTRIES DURING LENT: Lutheran Social Services, Lutheran World Relief, TreeHouse, Meals on Wheels, Global Health Ministry, and Our Saviour's Housing. Several of the ministries were represented at our Adult Forums and we're grateful to them for sharing their stories with us. A report of donations will be in the May issue of the Caller OUR SAVIOUR’S HOUSING CURRENTLY NEEDS: Washable spoons and forks, breakfast cereal, men's winter gloves (it's good to keep some available - cause you never know!), men's razors and deodorant, twin-sized bed sheets, quilt/blankets, and locks for resident lockers. If you can help provide any of the above items, please drop them off in the church office so we can deliver the items to Our Saviour’s Housing. Be the Hero. Fight Hunger. This was the theme for the March campaign. Thank you for your generous giving of much needed food items and thanks to many of the kids for creating very colorful shopping bags!! A full report will be available next month. VEAP UPDATE: Carol Dubay and Alison Graber attended the Mission Partner Annual Meeting at VEAP. They were very impressed with the staff, facilities and programs at VEAP, which was organized in 1973 by 10 churches in Richfield. Its goal then and now is to feed people TODAY. Although it is faith-based, VEAP does not proselytize. VEAP provides food but they also offer social services, nutrition & cooking classes, backpacks of food for school students, transportation, and emergency financial support. Their new building is shared with Hennepin County so coordination of services is offered. Calvary participates in many projects for VEAP: Back to School, Christmas and "Pack the Pews" event. All of us working together CAN make a difference! EARTH DAY IS AN ANNUAL EVENT, CELEBRATED ON APRIL 22 nd, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. WORLD MALARIA DAY (April 25th) draws awareness to malaria, a preventable, treatable disease that still claims the lives of 800,000 people annually. The ELCA Malaria Campaign is working to provide mosquito nets, education, testing, medication and more to help eliminate deaths from this disease — for good. A child dies from malaria every 60 seconds. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Methodist Hospital Hospice will be providing training sessions in April and May for new volunteers. Volunteers give respite care to caregivers who are caring for terminally ill loved ones in their own private homes. Commitment is a maximum of 4 hours per week, and training is 4 sessions. Please see the letter on the bulletin board in the narthex if you are interested or want to know more about being a volunteer. SAFETY FIRST! If you are last person leaving the church: Remember to lock any doors that have been opened. pg. 4 APRIL 2015 | Issue 1 CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES Highlights: March 2015 EASTER BREAKFAST Join us at 9:30 a.m, April 5th By Alison Graber, Fellowship Coordinator By Becky Rorke, Vice-President/Secretary Council Meeting Minutes and Finance Report were approved. Proposal presented by the Staffing Committee for administrative assistant hours worked greater than 24 hours/week. Motion made to approve proposal, seconded and passed. A new computer for the Christian Education Director is needed. Motion made to purchase a computer as it is needed now. Also, plans will be made to develop a church technology fund raiser. Motion made to approve proposal, seconded and passed. Pastor Jon, Cindy Awes and Bonnie Rust are planning to attend the annual Synod meeting in May. Receiving bids for next year’s snow removal season. Costs will be increasing substantially. Current estimate is $450 per month x 5 months. Spring Clean-up Day is scheduled for May 9, 2015. May 3rd Intergenerational Sunday School event. No Adult Forum on May 3rd. Plans for the spring picnic on May 17, 2015 are underway with grilling by Bonnie DeMarce. New Church Directory confirmed for September 17-19, 2015 THANK YOU CALVARY! Join us for our Easter Breakfast prior to the Worship Service on Easter morning! A celebration of community and color as we come together to enjoy a buffet breakfast. The Calvary Chefs will serve Crock-Pot Egg Casserole with Ham or Sausage, Cereal, Mini-Muffins, Fruit, Coffee, Juice and Milk. We will have a free-will offering for our Sister Congregation: St. Catherine’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg, Russia. We have partnered with St. Catherine’s for over twenty years. If you would like to assist, please see the Sign-up Sheet near the Fellowship Hall or talk with Alison Graber. Help with setting up, preparing, serving and clean-up is appreciated! ***** With your support, the Spaghetti Dinner raised $961 for VBS! Thank you from the Sunday School! Al Bohn would like to thank everyone for the many cards, well-wishes and prayers during his recovery! He is feeling much better and hopes to be back at Calvary Lutheran very soon! pg. 5 APRIL 2015 | Issue 1 GIFT OF GENEROSITY Update on Tithes & Pledges APRIL HAPPY BIRTHDAYS: By Brian Strittmater, Treasurer & Kristin Hueg, Bookkeeper Thank you for your financial gifts in February. Summaries of Year-end Giving were mailed during the week of Feb 9th. Please contact the Church Office if you haven’t received your year-end summary. FOR THE MONTH ENDING 2/28/2015 US Dollars with Cents Omitted INCOME: Offerings Extra giving Building Usage Other Contribution Cornerstone Fund 10,880 0 2,188 279 125 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ INCOME TOTAL 13,472 EXPENSES PRE-PAID PLEDGES Total CORNERSTONE FUND 23,903 1,811 29,752 CALVARY STAFF EMAIL Pastor Jon Yarger [email protected] Susan Burman [email protected] God bless you on your day! If you do not see your name on one of the monthly birthday lists, please call the church office so we can recognize you on your birthday. Also, let us know if you would like your name removed from the list. 4/1 Greg Mesna 4/5 Nathan Coon 4/6 Mary Dick 4/7 Peggy Mesna 4/10 Gail Belvedere 4/10 Karen Flom 4/12 Mary Arnold 4/14 Ruth Lund 4/14 Jane Mesna 4/21 Traci Strittmater 4/26 Jeff Nelson 4/28 Lorraine Kennedy 4/29 Jim Arnold 4/30 Wendy Mulhauser Daryl Erickson [email protected] Patti Arntz [email protected] Rebekah Moir [email protected] pg. 6 APRIL 2015 CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 1 10:00 AM Devotions 10:00 AM Women's Bible Study NO Handbell rehearsal NO Choir rehearsal Average Attendance in MARCH was 75. THURSDAY 2 Maundy Thursday 10:00 AM Devotions FRIDAY 3 Good Friday 10:00 AM Devotions 7:00 PM Worship Service 7:00 PM Worship with communion Service SATURDAY 4 Vigil of Easter 12:30 PM: FLOWER CROSS Assembly 7:30 PM Handbell rehearsal 8:15 PM Choir rehearsal6:00 PM Princeton Review 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 5 Resurrection of Our Lord 9:30 AM Easter Breakfast 10:30 AM Worship w/ Communion 2:00 PM Princeton Review Course 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 6 OFFICE CLOSED 8:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 12 Second Sunday of Easter 13 9:00 AM Breakfast Treats & Opening OFFICE CLOSED 9:30 AM Sunday School &Adult Forum 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 9:30 AM Choir Practice 10:30 AM Worship 8:30 PM Cable 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Craf 2:00 PM Princeton Review Course 7 10:00 AM Devotions 14 10:00 AM Devotions 630 Executives Meeting 7:00 PM Church Council 8 10:00 AM Devotions 9 10 10:00 AM Devotions 10:00 AM Devotions 11:30 AM Meals on Wheels 11 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 1:30PM Cub Scouts NO Handbell rehearsal NO Choir rehearsal 6:00 PM Princeton Review 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 15 10:00 AM Devotions 10:00 AM Women's Coffee at Perkins (France & 494) 16 10:00 AM Devotions Broadcast #15 7:00 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM Handbell rehearsal 7:15 PM Choir rehearsal 20 OFFICE CLOSED 21 10:00 AM Devotions 22 10:00 AM Devotions 8:30 AM Men’s Monthly Breakfast 17 10:00 AM Devotions 18 24 10:00 AM Devotions 25 6:00 PM Princeton Review 6:15 PM Cub Scout Lead. 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #1 19 Third Sunday of Easter 9:00 AM Breakfast Treats & Opening 9:30 AM Sunday School Adult Forum 10:30 AM Third Sunday Worship 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Crafters 2:00 PM Princeton Review Course 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter 9:00 AM Breakfast Treats & Opening 9:30 AM Sunday School Adult Forum 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Coffee Hour & Craftesr 2:00 PM Princeton Review Course 3:00 PM Cable Broadcast #15 CALLER Deadline 8:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 5:30 PM Calvary Book Club 27 OFFICE CLOSED 28 10:00 AM Devotions 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 6:00 PM Senate District #49 Meeting & Dinner 8:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 23 10:00 AM Devotions 6:00 PM Princeton Review 6:30 PM Handbell rehearsal 6:15 PM Cub Scouts 7:15 PM Choir rehearsal 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 29 10:00 AM Devotions 30 10:00 AM Devotions 12:30 PM CALLER ASSEMBLY 9:30 PM Cable Broadcast #15 6:30 PM Handbell rehearsal 7:15 PM Choir rehearsal Coming Events: Sunday School Extravaganza: May 3th Clean-up day: Coming in May pg. 7 Calvary Lutheran Church Non-Profit Org. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED U.S. Postage 6817 Antrim Road PAID Edina, MN 55439-1704 Twin Cities MN Permit No. 2819 APRIL 2015 [Addressee] [Street Address] [City, ST ZIP Code] Our MISSION STATEMENT CALVARY LUTHERAN CHURCH welcomes all who desire to grow in the love and compassion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, worship the triune God, and witness in service to our community and the world Journey through Holy Week PALM SUNDAY SERVICE with Communion 10:30 am, March 29th MAUNDY THURSDAY SERVICE with Communion 7:00 pm, April 2nd GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 7:00 pm, April 3rd EASTER BREAKFAST 9:30 am, April 5th (Egg Casserole with Ham or Sausage, Cereal, Mini-Muffins, Fruit, Beverages) EASTER SERVICE with Communion 10:30 am, April 5th pg. 8
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