WELCOME TO TODAY'S TRAINING! CAREER WITH THE COUNSELING HARD'TO'EMPLOY! PRESENTED BY LARRY ROBBIN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROBBIN AND ASSOCIATES TRAINING * CONSULTING * PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS * KEYNOTE S P E E C H E S OVER 45 Y E A R S OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE! MORE THAN 100,000 P E O P L E TRAINED! OVER 1000 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS, NON-PROFIT PROGRAMS AND PRIVATE S E C T O R CLIENTS SERVED! ROBBIN AND ASSOCIATES 484 LAKE PARK AVENUE #461 OAKLAND CALIFORNIA 94610 510-834-8524 FAX 510-834-2706 larrvrobbin(S)aol.com For free handouts, helpful w e b s i t e s and to s u b s c r i b e to our newsletter p a c k e d with helpful information go to www.LarryRobbin.com 2 L A R R Y ROBBIN CONSULTING AND TRAINING T O P I C S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Is Your Staff Working in the WlOA Way? Give Them the New Skill Set They Need for the Next Era in Workforce Development! From Pink Slip to Paycheck! Keep People From Becoming the Long Term Unemployed! Go From Placement to Partnership! Design the Master Strategy for Business Engagement! How to Serve More People with L e s s Staff Using the New High Capacity High Placement Model! Through the Eyes of Disconnected Youth! How Disconnected Youth Want to be Served in Your Program You Can be a Change Agent! Increasing Employment Motivation in the Hard Core Hard-to-Employ! Jumpstart the Job Search S u c c e s s of the Long Term Unemployed! How to Deliver Outstanding Customer Service with a High Volume of Challenging Customers! From Employment Specialist to Career Counselor! Is Your Workforce Program the State-of-the-Art? From Jails to Jobs! Soft Skills are S u c c e s s Skills! Larry trains on over 300 topics and consults on the A to Z of workforce development. Turn your program challenges into success stories using his forty-five years of workforce development expertise! Contact Robbin and Associates now! larrvrobbin(S)aol.com www.LarryRobbin.com Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Worl<force Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vvww.Lan7R0bbin.com 3 POINTERS NAME YOUR NAME THEIR POINTER ONE THING 1 DO TO HELP P E O P L E WHO ARE HARD-TO-EMPLOY GET INVOLVED WITH C A R E E R S IS THAT 1 Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! wvw.LarryRobbin.com 4 FIVE AREAS TO ADDRESS FOR S U C C E S S WITH THE HARD-TO-EMPLOY AND C A R E E R S 1. They may not know the difference between careers and jobs and may not know many people in careers. 3. They may not see the advantages of pursuing a career over a job. 4. They may not have any idea about what career would be a good match for them. 5. Even when hard-to-employ people know these things, they may not believe they will be successful in careers. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www/.LarryRobbin.com WHAT IS A CAREER AND HOW IS IT DIFFERENT FROM A J O B ? A career Is Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Worlcforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vvww.LarryRobbin.com 6 WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF PURSUING C A R E E R S INSTEAD OF J O B S ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Copyright Robbin and Associates Infiproving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vvvw\/.LarryRobbin.com 7 HELPING HARD-TO-EMPLOY PEOPLE BECOME AWARE OF PEOPLE IN C A R E E R S IN THEIR LIVES HOW MANY TYPES OF PEOPLE ARE IN CAREERS AND ALSO IN THE LIVES OF THE HARD-TO-EMPLOY? 1. Doctors 2. Social Workers 3. Workforce Development Professionals 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! wvvw.LarryRobbin.com 8 WHAT PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE ARE IN J O B S AND C A R E E R S ? THESE PEOPLE ARE IN JOBS THESE PEOPLE ARE IN CAREERS Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vww.Larry (bobbin.com 9 INTERVIEWING PEOPLE IN C A R E E R S 1. Why did you choose this career? 2. What did you have to do to get to this point in terms of other jobs and education? 3. What are the best and worst parts of this career? 4. What type of person will have the most success in this career? 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Worlcforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 10 EXPOSING HARD-TO-EMPLOY PEOPLE TO C A R E E R S 1. Have guest speakers come in to talk about their careers and/or have a career day. 2. Use www.JobsMadeReal.com 3. Create charts of career ladders and have them all around your program. Google career ladder charts to see examples. 4. Visit apprenticeship and other training programs so people can see career training in action. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vvvw.LarryRobbin.com 11 5. Have your staff post their work history outside their cubicle and on a wall that shows their path that led to their current career in workforce development. 6. Show people the difference in salary between jobs and careers. www.salaryexpert.com 7. Get workplace tours that expose people to careers. 8. If people have work history, go to https://www.workforce3one.org/view/ to learn how to use the transferable skills tool of My Jobs My Future. 3001103836617055113 Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vwiw.LarryRobbin.com MY LIFE SKILLS ARE C A R E E R SKILLS! WHAT I DID THE SKILLS I USED CAREERS THAT USE MY SKILLS THINGS I CAN DO TO IMPROVE MY SKILLS Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Worl<force Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vwvw.LarryRobbin.com 12 RAISING VOCATIONAL SELF-EFFICACY 1. Vocational self-efficacy is what an individual believes about their ability to be successful in the world of work. 2. Many hard-to-employ people have low vocational self-efficacy. They think they can do some jobs, but will not be successful in a career. 3. An important key to success in careers with the hard-to-employ is to help them raise their vocational self-efficacy so they can believe they will be successful in careers. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vww.LarryRobbin.com 13 HOW DO YOU HELP RAISE AN INDIVIDUAL'S VOCATIONAL S E L F - E F F I C A C Y ? 1. Connect them with role models that were hard-to-employ people like them and are now on career paths. 2. Point out their assets and link them to careers. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! vww.LarryRobbin.com 14 THINGS I WANT TO REMEMBER FROM THIS WORKSHOP Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Worl^force Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com
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