WELCOME TO TODAY'S TRAINING! WHY BUSINESSES DON’T WANT TO PARTNER AND HOW TO WIN THEM OVER! PRESENTED BY LARRY ROBBIN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ROBBIN AND ASSOCIATES TRAINING * CONSULTING * PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT SPECIAL PROJECTS * KEYNOTE SPEECHES OVER 45 YEARS OF WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EXPERIENCE! MORE THAN 100,000 PEOPLE TRAINED! OVER 1000 GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, PUBLIC ORGANIZATIONS, NON-PROFIT PROGRAMS AND PRIVATE SECTOR CLIENTS SERVED! ROBBIN AND ASSOCIATES 484 LAKE PARK AVENUE #461 OAKLAND CALIFORNIA 94610 510-834-8524 FAX 510-834-2706 [email protected] For free handouts, helpful websites and to subscribe to our newsletter packed with helpful information go to www.LarryRobbin.com 2 LARRY ROBBIN CONSULTING AND TRAINING TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Is Your Staff Working in the WIOA Way? Give Them the New Skill Set They Need for the Next Era in Workforce Development! From Pink Slip to Paycheck! Keep People From Becoming the Long Term Unemployed! Go From Placement to Partnership! Design the Master Strategy for Business Engagement! How to Serve More People with Less Staff Using the New High Capacity High Placement Model! Through the Eyes of Disconnected Youth! How Disconnected Youth Want to be Served in Your Program You Can be a Change Agent! Increasing Employment Motivation in the Hard Core Hard-to-Employ! Jumpstart the Job Search Success of the Long Term Unemployed! How to Deliver Outstanding Customer Service with a High Volume of Challenging Customers! From Employment Specialist to Career Counselor! Is Your Workforce Program the State-of-the-Art? From Jails to Jobs! Soft Skills are Success Skills! Larry trains on over 300 topics and consults on the A to Z of workforce development. Turn your program challenges into success stories using his forty-five years of workforce development expertise! Contact Robbin and Associates now! [email protected] www.LarryRobbin.com Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 3 POINTERS NAME YOUR NAME THEIR POINTER ONE THING I DO TO WIN OVER RESISTANT BUSINESSES IS THAT I Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 4 WHAT ARE THE FIVE MOST COMMON REASONS BUSINESS PEOPLE DO NOT RESPOND TO YOUR OUTREACH? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 5 YOU NEED TO MARKET TO BUSINESSES BEFORE YOU TRY TO SELL TO THEM! What is marketing and what is selling and what is the difference between them? Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 6 SOME MARKETING PRINCIPLES 1. Marketing is a campaign and not a moment in time. 2. Marketing is a multi-faceted approach not a single strategy. 3. There may be a long marketing period before the customer gets interested. 4. In marketing, every time the customer sees your name or your organization’s name that event is called a touch. 5. A person in an urban environment sees about 5000 marketing images a day! Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 7 HOW MANY WAYS CAN YOU THINK OF TO GET YOUR NAME IN FRONT OF A BUSINESS PERSON? 1. Through the media 2. By leaving something for them 3. Through a mention in a trade publication 4. Sending them something of interest to them 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 8 MAKE YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE COMPELLING! 1. Market the competitor angle. A. Use names B. Use companies C. Use quotes D. Use numbers 2. Solve the migraine headache of the business. 3. Avoid being boring or saying what everyone else says – “Save you time and money” does not market well. 4. Market to the emotional jugular vein Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 9 MARKETING MESSAGES FOR THE CAREER PATHWAY PROGRAM You are starting a construction career pathway program. There is a company that would be an ideal partner. What marketing messages should you put in the subject line of your emails and other material to get the interest of the businessperson? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 10 A BUSINESS NEWSLETTER AS A MARKETING STRATEGY Here are some elements of successful business newsletters. A. They have a name, a logo and brand identity that has “buzz” for business people. B. They have information that will help business people increase their profits. C. They have nothing about barriers to employment. D. There is no workforce jargon. E. They have stories about how your services made money for businesses. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 11 USING CHAMPIONS TO GET TO THE TARGETED BUSINESS PERSON 1. Champions are people who are connected to your organization and well known to the business community. They can also be people that are less well known, but have a connection to the business you are targeting. 2. Champions can use their influence to connect you with the targeted businessperson. 3. Recruit the champion to start a relationship with targeted businesses. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 12 WHO CAN PLAY THE ROLE OF A CHAMPION? 1. A politician or their staff 2. Someone who sells something to the business 3. A customer of the business 4. A media personality 5. A current or former board member 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 13 SOME GUIDELINES FOR WORKING WITH CHAMPIONS 1. You can put out a call to action to a number of champions. 2. You can work with more than one champion at the same time, but do not over market to the businessperson. 3. Make sure the champion knows enough about what you are offering to describe it, but do not overload them with information or expect them to make the sale. 4. The champion should see their role as a connection maker and not as a substitute for your staff. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 14 5. If the champion is successful, make sure they are thanked in a big way. 6. Follow up with the champion to let them know what happened through their efforts. 7. Do not overuse a champion unless they offer to help you again. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 15 WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON REASONS WORKFORCE STAFF MEETINGS WITH BUSINESS PEOPLE DO NOT RESULT IN WORKING TOGETHER? 1. 2. 3. 4. Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com 16 THINGS I WANT TO REMEMBER FROM THIS WORKSHOP Copyright Robbin and Associates Improving the Outcomes of Workforce Programs For Over Forty-Five Years! www.LarryRobbin.com
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