Phoenix Messenger March 2015

Southwest Campus 898 Sylvester Crescent SW Calgary, AB T2W 0R7 P: 403.259.3527 F: 403.258.1109
Matter of Principal
Learning at its best is exciting, engaging, and often messy. The early years of
school set the stage for life-long learning. Ideally, we would like to spark a passion for, or interest in, learning and at the same time intentionally develop learning
skills so that students continue to seek out learning opportunities, put the required
effort into learning, and continually grow throughout their schooling and beyond.
What do we know can have a positive impact on setting this important foundation?
We know that fostering a “growth mindset” is very important. This is the belief
that learning is not limited but continues throughout life and is supported with effort. This mindset is fostered by a focus on effort rather than “smarts or intelligence”. It is also fostered by the way that we talk to students about learning and
how we encourage them to talk about learning—“this might take some time and
effort” rather than “I give up”. We have a bulletin board by the office with several
examples of language that fosters a “growth mindset”. Helping students understand their progress by helping them to see their strengths and pay attention to
growth and improvement contributes to building confidence in their potential to
learn. It helps them to notice the learning taking place.
We don’t want to ignore areas needing attention. Proficient learners can identify
these areas and know what to do to improve. Helping students see these areas as
opportunities for growth and supporting them in setting goals (and tracking
growth) will significantly contribute to a “growth mindset”. It is important to note
that when intelligence is emphasized, marks are the focus. Areas needing attention
are viewed as failures and students come to develop a “fixed mindset”. They believe that learning is limited by intelligence and they have very little control over
learning. They are less likely to take the risks necessary for learning to take place,
and are much more likely to avoid things or give up easily.
Report cards have just been sent home. This is a great time to contribute to your
child’s “growth mindset”. What learning can you celebrate?
Lorie Scaper-Burtch
Joan Burke
Principal Educator
Associate Principal
What’s Inside
From the Office ……………. ..….....…..2
Moving …………………………………..2
Healthy Children (Parent Roles) …......3
Dates to Remember
Mar. 20 - Hot Lunch Day
- Casual Day (Your Choice)
- Last Day Classes
Mar. 23 - April 6 SPRING BREAK
April 7 - First Day of Classes
April 10 - Early Dismissal (11:58)
- Field Trip—Kpm&K-M/W/F
April 13 - Bonus Hot Lunch
- School Council Mtg 6:30pm
April 22 - FFCA Board Mtg. 6:00 pm
- Digital Citizenship - SWE
Parent Night 7:00 pm
April 23 - No Kindergarten Classes
April 24 - No Classes - Learning
Conferences - request only
April 28 - Family Inline Skate 5-8pm
April 30 - Telus Spark Field Trip
March 2015
From the Office
Hopefully the warmer weather is here to stay so here are some student reminders about entrance to the school:
Doors do not open until 8:00 am
Supervision begins at 8:10 am (parents should remain with students until supervision starts)
Students are expected to enter and leave through their grade level doors.
Children should be dressed for the weather (snow gear or wet weather gear)
All students will go outdoors for recess if the temperature is above -20C.
It is very important that you advise the office of absences due to illness/vacation or if your child will be late to school. We
need to know the nature of an illness as we do track information for the Health Region.
Sign Out:
If your child arrives after O’Canada has played, leaves school early before 3:00 pm or is not travelling home by bus, not
going to daycare or someone else will be taking your child home from school PLEASE INFORM THE OFFICE as this can become a safety issue.
Student absences due to vacation days need to be submitted in writing to the child’s classroom teacher with a copy to the
office. Please include your child’s first & last name, classroom teacher, first day absent and day they will return in the
Last day of Classes is Friday, March 20, 2015
Break - March 23 – April 6
Classes resume – Tuesday, April 7, 2015
If you are planning to move and your new home places you within the boundaries of
a different campus, please send a “Request for Internal Transfer” form to Central
Office. This form can be found by selecting Internal Transfers under the Parent tab
on the FFCA website .
Internal transfers will only be approved if seats become available at the requested
campus. Transfers occur at the beginning of each school year and not mid-year.
Please email or fax your request to Central Office by April 1st. Requests received after
this deadline may not be accommodated. If you have any questions regarding this
process, please contact Phoebe Greentree at [email protected] .
March 2015