BISHOP IN BRIEF Bishop Smith Catholic High School Newsletter May 2015 362 Carmody Street, Pembroke, ON K8A 4G2 Tel: 613-735-5496 Fax:- 613-735-9272 FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @BISHOPSMITHCH LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: BISHOP SMITH CHS Key Dates For May: May 3-8: Catholic Ed Week May 5: OSAP presentation for gr. 12 students Volume 1, Issue 8 A M e s s age f ro m t h e A d m i n Te a m : C E W 2 0 1 5 Each year, the Catholic community of Ontario engages in a week-long celebration of the unique identity and distinctive contributions of Catholic education during Catholic Education Week. This year’s celebration entitled Catholic Education: Exploring Paths of Joy is the week of May 3–8. The main theme is inspired by the work of Pope Francis and his “Joy of the Gospel” and the sub-themes are inspired by the biblical story of “The Road to Emmaus”, namely that we are all on a life journey of faith where Jesus reveals himself to us, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was talking to us on the road?” (Luke 24:32). Each day of the week, a different sub-theme will be explored through class prayer and reflection. On Thursday May 7 @ 9:45 a.m. we will gather as a faith community with a special CEW mass at the Cathedral. All are welcome! The five sub-themes for Catholic Education Week: Exploring Paths of Joy: Walking Together and Sharing our Story Opening the Scriptures Welcoming Others to the Table Recognizing Jesus in the Breaking of the Bread Proclaiming the Good News May 6: Amplify Youth Summit for gr. 10 students @ Pet Civic Center May 12: Bishop & Beyond session in a.m. for gr. 12 students May 13: Culminating Activity & Exam memo goes home May 14: OPTIONS @ PMC May 15: PA Day May 20: NET Retreat for gr. 10 students (who sign up!) May 23: BSCH Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament May 25: Parent Council Meeting @ 5:15 p.m. in library May 27: Gr. 8 soccer @ BSCH May 29: Amazing Race Orientation D i d Yo u K n ow ? A c c o u n t a bl e Ta l k @ B S C H Have you ever asked your son or daughter what he/she did at school today? Do you usually get the response “Nothing”? At Bishop Smith CHS we have been actively involved in infusing “Accountable Talk” into daily lessons. Here is why. Talk is an important vehicle for learning. Providing opportunities for talk addresses many needs, including the developmental needs of adolescent learners. Students generally want to talk, but they may not have all the necessary skills for productive talk. Learners benefit from explicit teaching on how to make their talk purposeful. Here are some tips to stimulate thinking by asking open-ended questions to your son or daughter when he/she does tell something that happened in his/her day….. *How else could you have…..? *What would you do if….? *How are these the same or different? *What else could you have done? *Is there any other way you could….? *How/Why did you….? Remember…. it is also just as important to listen. RCCDSB M o re o n “ M i n d s e t s ” Mindset: Messages About Success Listen for the messages in the following examples of success: “You learned that so quickly! You’re so smart!” Mental Health At BSCH well-being is an important focus for students and there are several supports for mental health. - CCAC Mental health and addictions nurse -Phoenix Center therapist -PMFRC therapist -FCS School-based workers -School and attendance counselor -Guidance counselors For more information please contact the school. Safe Schools Update Our team continues to meet regularly to review aspects of student safety at school. During the last few months our focus has been on planning for a series of Ministry of Education-mandated drills and practices. Schools in Ontario are required to complete 6 fire drills, 2 lock down practices, 2 earthquake drills and 1 tornado drill each year . Now that the weather is nicer, students and staff will be spending some time completing some of the drills. For example, on April 27, students and staff participated in our second lock down practice for the year. “Look at that drawing. Is he the next Picasso or what?” “You’re so brilliant, you got an A without even studying!” Do you hear these as supportive, esteem-boosting messages? But listen more closely. See if you can hear another message. It’s the one that children hear: If I don’t learn something quickly, I’m not smart. I shouldn’t try drawing anything hard or they’ll see I’m no Picasso. I’d better quit studying or they won’t think I’m brilliant. After seven experiments with hundreds of children, we had some of the clearest findings I’ve ever seen: Praising children’s intelligence harms their motivation and it harms their performance. How can that be? Don’t children love to be praised? Yes, children love praise and they especially love to be praised for their intelligence and talent. It really does give them a boost, a special glow—but only for the moment. The minute they hit a snag, their confidence goes out the window and their motivation hits rock bottom. If success means they’re smart, then failure means they’re dumb. That’s the fixed mindset. We want our children to have a growth mindset which creates a love of learning, builds resiliency and makes them concerned with improving. Dweck, Carol S. “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success” (2008) School Cash On-Line For safety and efficiency reasons, Renfrew County Catholic District School Board would like to reduce the amount of cash & cheques coming into our schools, and the amount of classroom time being spent collecting fees. In the next few months, information about “School Cash On-Line” will be sent home and you will be asked to register to enjoy the convenience of paying online for such items as student fees, fundraisers, pizza orders, field trips, sports fees, and more. Step-by-step instructions will be provided, and then you will begin to receive email notifications regarding upcoming events/ fees involving your child (ren) which are available to purchase online. More info will be sent home with the June report cards as BSCH plans to be “live” for September!
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