REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS INSPECTION OF SEWER MAINS AND MANHOLES FOR CAPITAL REGION WATER APRIL 15, 2015 Capital Region Water (CRW) invites Sewer Service Company (SSC) firms to submit a proposal to perform a detailed inspection of sewer manholes and Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) outfall structures, accompanied by a rapid assessment of sewer mains as observed from the manholes/outfall structures to identify system connectivity, material, size, debris buildups, and general structural condition. Firms must be experienced in zoom camera inspection of gravity sewer mains and manholes, the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment & Certification Program (PACP) and Manhole Assessment & Certification Program (MACP). Firms must also be familiar with NASSCO PACP and MACP (latest version) compliant data collection and integration hardware and software. After review of all proposals received, CRW may perform interviews prior to entering directly into an agreement with the selected SSC to perform the work. The agreement will include all provisions of this RFP (including Appendixes) and the proposal. GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPTION CRW owns and operates a sewer collection system that consists of approximately 132 miles of sanitary and combined sewers ranging in size from 8 inch diameter circular pipe to 4 foot - 7 inch by 7 foot rectangular pipe. Based on the previous work performed by CRW as identified below there will be approximately 3,210 manholes inspected as part of this project which includes approximately 2,900 sanitary sewer manholes and approximately 310 storm sewer manholes tributary to the combined sewer system. The system also includes fifty-eight (58) CSO chambers and outfalls. Work associated with CRW’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) will not be part of this assignment. The following work has been previously completed by CRW: 1. Development of ESRI ArcGIS and Cityworks Asset Management Systems to ultimately house information collected for the sewer system. 2. GPS field data collection and processing (northing, easting and elevation) of visible above grade sanitary, combined and storm sewer features (manhole covers, inlets and CSO chambers) within CRW’s sewer system. 3. NASSCO PACP and multi-sensor inspection of interceptor piping including the Front Street, Asylum Run, Paxton Creek, Paxton Creek Relief, Hemlock and Spring Creek Interceptors (70,550 feet total). 4. NASSCO MACP Level 2 inspection of interceptor manholes (200 total). 5. Interior inspections of known combined sewer regulator chambers and equipment. 6. Visual photo-inventory of accessible CSO outfalls. Page 1 of 8 In an effort to obtain more information about the collection system CRW is now seeking the services of a qualified SSC firm to perform inspection of the remaining sanitary/storm sewer manholes and CSO outfalls structures, and a rapid assessment of the remaining sewer mains (132 miles estimated) utilizing zoom camera technology and NASSCO PACP/MACP (latest edition) compliant data collection and integration hardware and software which is also compatible with the Cityworks Asset Management System and ESRI ArcGIS. PROJECT SCOPE OF WORK The selected firm shall complete the following Scope of Work and the requirements identified in the attached Appendixes which will be incorporated into the contract for this work by reference: 1. Develop a detailed work plan and schedule of activities including specific working hour timeframes and obtain CRW’s approval of work plan prior to commencing work. 2. Prepare a Data Collection and Management Plan, describing the specific data to be collected (i.e. proposed database alpha-numeric attributes, photographs, digital field forms, etc.), along with the protocol, forms, tools, and other methods that will be used for field data collection, data storage and delivery, and quality assurance/quality control. 3. Develop a traffic control plan, utilize traffic control devices and provide traffic control as necessary throughout the project. The traffic control plan shall be subject to approval by the authority having jurisdiction prior to commencing with work. 4. Develop and submit a Health and Safety Plan for the project. 5. Obtain all permits and approvals necessary to perform the work. CRW will be responsible for any permit fees. 6. Prior to performing the inspection, provide door hangers to properties that will require entry to their property to access the CRW manholes. 7. Use data provided by CRW to locate manholes for inspection. All data collected at each manhole must be provided in an approved format defined in the Data Collection Plan and referenced to CRW’s unique manhole identification number. Locate missing or buried manholes with a metal detector or other approved equipment as needed (up to a maximum of 15 minutes to locate). Provide additional exhibits and diagrams showing the approximate X and Y location of all buried manholes and any manholes located during completion of the work that are not included in CRW’s GIS. 8. Perform a Modified NASSCO MACP Level 1 inspection of all manholes within the project area using zoom camera technology to define the physical dimension, structural condition, and visible blockages of each manhole. Proposals should include comments on and suggested modifications to the Draft Manhole Inspection Form and Zoom Camera Inspection Form attached for reference as Appendix A. 9. Perform rapid assessment of each sewer segment using zoom camera technology in both the upstream and downstream direction, or in one direction when the opposing structure is clearly visible. Rapid assessments shall define the physical dimensions and material of each sewer; characterize observed blockages, infiltration and inflow (I/I) and structural integrity of each sewer using PACP codes; and establish priorities for maintenance, repair or future inspections. Proposals should include comments on and suggest modifications to the Draft Manhole Inspection Form and Zoom Camera Inspection Form attached for reference as Appendix A. 10. Provide photo documentation for each manhole and sewer segment using the attached forms or mutually acceptable modified forms, and including the following at a minimum. o One close-up photograph of the manhole frame and cover to show overall condition. Photograph shall be taken of any indications of previous overflows such as water marks, paper or other debris typical of sewer overflows. Page 2 of 8 Close-up photographs of the manhole interior to show overall condition. A minimum of two “area” photographs of manhole frame and cover showing location within the roadway, shoulder or easement as appropriate. One photograph shall be oriented in the direction of the downstream pipe as it flows from the manhole. One additional area photograph shall be typically taken in the direction of the largest upstream pipe as it flows into the manhole, generally in the opposite direction of the first photograph. If any unusual issues are noted, additional photos shall be taken as necessary. Photos shall show the pipeline cover (i.e. the general ground cover over the pipe) and easement condition and a significant landmark that would assist CRW in locating the manhole in the future. The area photographs should show the manhole visible in the foreground where possible. o Minimum of one (1) digital still image for each pipe segment depicting overall visible defects, construction features and service connections, with additional images as necessary to characterize significant observed manhole/pipe defects and other unique features. Provide additional exhibits and diagrams to demonstrate configuration and connectivity of the pipe system as determined during the inspections and note discrepancies between the CRW provided GIS data and field collected data. Provide recommendations for corrective actions to the manholes or, where visible, connecting pipe segments using the attached forms. CSO Outfall Assessment – Use zoom camera technology to determine the physical dimensions and investigate the condition of each CSO outfall structure and the connecting pipe(s) to each CSO regulator structure. o Conduct a surface evaluation of the outfall pipe alignment from the regulator chamber to the outfall. o Assess the condition of the outfall (where visible during low river stage conditions) and the condition and effectiveness of any intrusion gates and duck bill flaps. o The investigation of each CSO Outfall structure shall include an approved site sheet documenting the surface condition of the outfall pipe from the regulator chamber to the outfall, condition of the outfall, and the condition and effectiveness of any intrusion gates and duck bill flaps. These site sheets shall identify the location defects on a diagram of the CSO structure and visually document all components of the structure with the appropriate camera equipment. Data shall be supplied to HRG (Engineer) in a mutually agreeable digital format for ultimate migration/integration into CRW’s ESRI ArcGIS and Cityworks Databases by CRW as necessary. See general database requirements identified in the Project Equipment and Proposal Requirements Sections of this RFP. Enter all data consistent with CRW’s unique asset identification numbering system which will be supplied to the selected firm prior to proceeding with the work. Provide weekly data submittals on an external hard drive throughout the project for review and approval by CRW and Engineer. Attend project meetings and/or site reviews as required with CRW, Engineer and other parties. One meeting per month is anticipated until completion of the work. Comply with the requirements outlined in Appendix B – Draft Inspection of Sewer Mains and Manholes Specification. o o 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Page 3 of 8 PROJECT GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1. Pipe and manhole inspections and defect and feature coding shall be in accordance with NASSCO MACP Level 1 standards, as modified in this RFP. 2. Some manholes are not easily accessible via vehicle. The selected firm will be responsible for accessing the manholes which may involve stream crossings and work in wooded areas. 3. In the case of damage to any utilities, immediately stop work and report damage to CRW. The selected firm shall be responsible for repair of any damaged utilities. 4. Provide additional insurance coverage required by authorities having jurisdiction. 5. Comply with all applicable laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 6. The vast majority of the work will be completed within public rights-of-way. The selected firm must coordinate notification and entrance to private property as necessary for the completion of the work with CRW. 7. Zoom camera inspection shall be performed during dry periods when the depth of the wastewater flow in the section does not exceed 30% of the pipe’s diameter unless previously approved by CRW or Engineer. When the depth of flow is above the maximum allowable for the zoom camera inspection, the flow shall be reduced to allowable levels by performing the work during off peak hours when the flows are at a daily minimum (generally 12am-6am) or by installing temporary flow control devices. Procedures are to be approved by CRW and Engineer in advance. 8. CRW will not clean the sewer mains prior to the investigation and cleaning will not be part of the selected firm’s contract. 9. The selected firm shall immediately notify CRW of any defect posing imminent danger to the public (missing covers, covers broken during inspection, sinkholes, etc.) and any observed pipe collapses, blockages or overflow conditions observed during inspection. PROJECT PHASING AND SCHEDULE The work will be completed in defined phases to allow CRW to meet their Long Term Control Plan Schedule. The work for each phase must be completed by the Milestone Completion Date identified in the table below. Deliverables are to be submitted weekly as identified in this RFP. Area No. Notice to Proceed Approved Pre-Inspection Submittals* 1 – Pilot Area (South of I-83)** 2 – I-83 to Market St., east of railroad 3 – North of Market St., east of railroad 4 – South of Reily St., west of railroad 5 -- North of Reily St., west of railroad Estimated Number of Manholes & CSO Outfall Structures N/A N/A 330 935 692 606 705 Milestone Completion Date June 5, 2015 4 weeks after NTP 6 weeks after NTP 11 weeks after NTP 15 weeks after NTP 18 weeks after NTP 22 weeks after NTP * Pre-Inspection Submittals include the Detailed Work Plan and Schedule, Data Collection and Management Plan, Traffic Control Plan, Health and Safety Plan and necessary permits and approvals for Area 1 at a minimum. ** Includes approved refinements to field data collection protocol based upon piloted field work. Refer to Appendix C of this RFP for a General Project Location Map and Appendix D for a Project Phasing and Milestone Map. Page 4 of 8 The agreement between CRW and the selected firm will include provisions for the assessment of liquidated damages by CRW if the Milestone Completion Dates identified above are not met. Time is of the essence to complete the work in accordance with the Milestone Completion Dates and CRW will suffer financial loss if the work is not completed within the specified times, plus any extensions thereof provided by CRW. The SSC firm and CRW recognize the delays, expense, and difficulties involved in proving in a legal or arbitration proceeding the actual loss suffered by CRW if the work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, SSC firm and CRW will agree that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty), the SSC firm shall pay CRW $250.00 for each day that expires after each Milestone Completion Date until the milestone has been met. The SSC shall be required to perform the work in a professional manner and in accordance with all permits. PROJECT EQUIPMENT A detailed description of the equipment to be utilized for completion of the work must be provided with the proposal as identified in the Proposal Requirements Section below. The following are the minimum acceptable equipment requirements for the project. 1. Zoom Camera – Cues QZ2, Envirosight Quickview or an approved equal. 2. Use two (2) zoom cameras at a time during completion of the work (upstream and downstream manhole) in order to enhance lighting of the sewer segment. 3. Equipment must be capable of measuring depth below the manhole rim to the nearest 0.1 foot and pipe diameters to the nearest inch within an active sewer. 4. Above ground photographs must be performed using a digital camera. Zoom cameras must be used for all manhole interior and connecting pipe video/photographs. 5. The zoom camera must be operative in 100 percent humidity conditions and blowers shall be used if necessary to create a clear view. The camera must be operative in a hazardous and corrosive environment. 6. The camera and other components must be capable of producing a high resolution video picture and should also have a still photo function. Picture quality and definition must be to the satisfaction of Engineer and if unsatisfactory, inspection shall be performed again with the appropriate changes made as designated by Engineer at no additional cost. 7. The zoom camera light head must include a high-intensity discharge lighting system to allow illumination of the pipe. Lighting for the camera must illuminate the entire periphery of the sewer for a minimum distance of 75 feet. 8. The zoom camera pole must be capable of positioning the camera a minimum of 20 feet below grade. 9. The zoom camera equipment/software must be capable of producing digital images of all manhole defects and sewer line service connections in .jpeg format. The digital photographs (.jpegs) shall be at least 100 kilobytes in size. The selected firm must confirm the proper settings with Engineer prior to beginning the project. 10. The digital photographs (.jpeg) shall have a minimum resolution of at least 1024 x 768 at a 4:3 aspect ratio or 1920 x 1080 at a 16:9 format. The selected firm must confirm the proper settings with Engineer prior to beginning the project. 11. Data must be input utilizing software and hardware capable of providing complete reports compatible with NASSCO MACP and PACP (latest version) and the approved forms. Firms must identify their proposed software and hardware and experience with said hardware and software in their proposal as identified in the Proposal Requirements Section below. 12. Software must maintain a database of assets referencing the distinct asset identifier codes to be provided by CRW in GIS format. Page 5 of 8 13. The selected firm must be intimately familiar with all proposed hardware and software and software must allow for adaptation to meet CRW’s particular needs. 14. No payment will be made for improperly formatted data which is not in full compliance with NASSCO MACP and PACP and the requirements of this RFP. PROJECT DELIVERABLES 1. Provide all forms, reports, photos, exhibits, diagrams, required viewer software, etc. to Engineer on a new external hard drive labeled “CRW Inspection of Sewer Mains & Manholes” on a weekly basis. 2. Weekly deliverables shall list the SSC name, month and year of inspections. 3. Organize electronic data in folders on the hard drives to allow simplified browsing. CRW intends to incorporate this electronic information into its Asset Management Program. PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Proposals must be no more than 15 pages (Not including the Agreement). Print size shall be12 point font minimum, on 8½ by 11 paper, one sided or two, one page printed on both sides counts as two pages. Proposals must include the following information to be eligible for evaluation: 1. Cover Letter – Outline why the firm should be selected. 2. Project Approach – Identify the specific approach proposed for accurate and timely completion of the work described in this RFP. o At a minimum, the project approach must include a schedule of the work, a general description of the proposed investigation means and methods, data delivery and transfer methods, the number and size of crews that will be used to complete the work and anticipated working hours. o Include a detailed description of the procedures to be utilized to confirm sewer system connectivity while performing the zoom camera inspection work including allocation of time specifically for system connectivity confirmation at each manhole. o Provide comments on Appendix A and B, suggest modifications that may improve data quality and/or work efficiency and provide firm’s commitment to comply with the requirements of this RFP and Appendixes (including any suggested modifications). o Provide a sample digital data inspection database and hard copy color report for MACP inspections from two (2) projects performed in the last three (3) years. 3. Relevant Experience – Identify related manhole and zoom camera inspection experience including the following. o Provide a general overview of the firm’s experience and qualifications. o Provide a list of proposed teaming partners or sub-consultant and their experience. o Identify experience with interpretation of data from zoom camera inspections. o Provide references for a minimum of three similar projects completed in the past five (5) years including the contract amount. 4. Staffing Plan o Provide a Team Organizational Chart identifying roles and responsibilities of each team member. o Provide team member’s experience and qualification and list NASSCO certifications. o Provide data manager’s experience and list of similar projects. Page 6 of 8 o Provide resumes for key staff and identify office location, total years of experience and number of years each employee has worked for the firm. 5. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan o Provide a QA/QC Plan identifying the QA/QC process (in-field and post-processing) that the SSC will follow in performing the collection of all data. 6. Equipment o Provide a detailed list, description and age of all proposed zoom camera equipment to be utilized on the project and firm’s experience with equipment. o Provide a detailed description of all proposed software and hardware to be utilized on the project and firm’s experience with equipment. o For all equipment, identify whether the equipment is owned by the firm, will be leased or rented to complete the work or will be acquired through a sub-contract agreement. 7. Cost - See Proposal Cost Section below. 8. An Agreement covering the proposed work. The minimum requirements for the agreement will include: o o o o Project Scope of Work, Project General Requirements, Project Phasing and Schedule, Project Equipment and Project Deliverables consistent with the requirements outlined in this RFP (including Appendixes) and the Proposal. Project Approach and Cost consistent with the Proposal. Insurance certificates listing CRW and HRG as additional insureds. Provisions for the assessment of liquidated damages by CRW as identified in the Project Phasing and Schedule Section of this RFP. PROPOSAL COST The submitted cost shall include all necessary costs in order to perform the work as described herein. Final payment will be adjusted based on actual quantities. The proposal shall include costs for the following items: 2. Unit Price for zoom camera inspection of manholes, gravity sewer mains and CSO outfall structures based on EACH manhole and CSO outfall structure (Estimated 3,268 Total) inspected to include: o Mobilization. o All necessary traffic controls. o Preparation and submission of all necessary permit applications. o All necessary equipment, hardware and software. o NASSCO inspection of manholes, gravity sewer mains and CSO outfall structures in accordance with this RFP (Including Appendixes). o Exhibits and diagrams demonstrating sewer system configuration and connectivity. o Weekly data submittals. o Monthly project meetings. 3. Unit Price for location of missing or buried manholes as specifically directed by CRW based on EACH missing or buried manhole located to include: o Location using metal detector or other approved equipment and up to a maximum of 15 minutes to locate. Page 7 of 8 o o Exhibits and diagrams showing the location of missing or buried manholes identified during the inspection work. All necessary personnel and equipment. All invoices must be received for review and processing by the third Monday of each month in order to be considered for approval at the CRW Board Meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month. It is intended for payment of approved invoices to be received within forty-five (45) days of the CRW Board Meeting. PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING A non-mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:00 AM on Friday, April 24, 2015 at CRW’s Administrative Offices in the Conference Center Board Room located on the first floor at 212 Locust Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101. SELECTION CRITERIA AND CONTRACT AWARD Selection of a SSC firm for this work will not be based solely on cost. Criteria for the selection of a SSC firm will also include a complete and detailed evaluation based on responsiveness and content of all items requested in the Proposal Requirements. It is estimated that the SSC firm will be selected at the May 27, 2015 CRW Board Meeting and a Notice to Proceed will be issued by June 5, 2015. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS 1. Two (2) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the proposal must be submitted. Hard copies are to be delivered to: Mr. David Stewart, P.E., BCEE Capital Region Water 212 Locust Street, Suite 302 Harrisburg, PA 17101 The electronic copy is to be emailed to [email protected] as a single .pdf file. Please note that email submissions must be 10 MB or less in size; multiple emails may be sent if necessary. 2. All questions regarding the meaning or intent of the RFP should be directed to Mr. Matthew Cichy, P.E. at [email protected]. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted. All questions must be submitted by 4:00 PM on May 6, 2015. Questions submitted after this time may not be answered. 3. Proposals must be received no later than 4:00 PM on Wednesday May 13, 2015 to be eligible for consideration. All times in this RFP are given in Eastern Standard Time. ATTACHMENTS: Appendix A – Draft Manhole Inspection Form and Zoom Camera Inspection Form Appendix B – Draft Inspection of Sewer Mains and Manholes Specification Appendix C – General Project Location Map Appendix D – Project Phasing and Milestone Map Page 8 of 8 APPENDIX A DRAFT MANHOLE INSPECTION FORM & ZOOM CAMERA INSPECTION FORM Sheet No. Manhole Inspection Form Manhole ID Number Manhole Inspector's Name MACP Field 13 Street MACP Field 1 Manhole Location MACP Field 11 Northing Easting MACP Field 31 MACP Field 3 Access Type MACP Field 67 Type/Number Condition MACP Field 17 GPS Accuracy MACP Field 36 Soil Condition of Site Custom 1 Accessibility Comments (ATV / Road Access / Etc) MACP Field 35 MACP Field 12 O&M I/I Structural MACP Field 43 MACP Field 44 MACP Field 50 Custom 2 Custom 3 Custom 4 Adjusting Ring (2) MACP Field 54 MACP Field 53 MACP Field 55 Custom 5 Custom 6 Custom 7 Frame (3) MACP Field 57 MACP Field 64 MACP Field 61 Custom 8 Custom 9 Custom 10 Chimney (4) MACP Field 66 MACP Field 67 Custom 29 Custom 11 Custom 12 Custom 13 Cone (5) MACP Field 73 MACP Field 72 Custom 30 Custom 14 Custom 15 Custom 16 Steps (6) MACP Field 89 MACP Field 90 Custom 31 Custom 17 Custom 18 Custom 19 MACP Field 78 Custom 32 Custom 20 Custom 21 Custom 22 n/a MACP Field 9 MACP Field 25 Cover (1) Wall (7) MACP Field 8 Time Weather MACP Field 30 MACP Field 34 Date Inspection Status MACP Field 4 Coord. System MACP Field 32 Material Customer Surface MACP Field 26 Use of Sewer MACP Field 21 Owner Location Code MACP Field 12 Purpose MACP Field 2 City MACP Field 10 Certificate Number MACP Field 6 Bench (8) MACP Field 83 MACP Field 82 Custom 33 Custom 23 Custom 24 Custom 25 Channel (9) MACP Field 86 MACP Field 87 Custom 34 Custom 26 Custom 27 Custom 28 Sheet No. Manhole Inspection Form Manhole Inspection Form INSERT/FRAME COVER MACP Field 6 DIMENSIONS Cover Shape MACP Field 40 Insert Type MACP Field 51 Cover Diam (1) | Width (2) Hole Dia. (Code) MACP Field 45 Insert Condition MACP Field 52 Clear Opening Dia (3) MACP Field 60 Number of Holes MACP Field 46 Seal Condition MACP Field 62 Depth Rim to Invert (4) MACP Field 14 Cover/Frame Fit MACP Field 49 Frame Offset Dist. MACP Field 63 Rim to Grade (5) MACP Field 16 Chimney Clear Opening (6) MACP Field 68 OTHER INFORMATION RECOMMENDATIONS Ponding Area (Lt/ Med / Hvy) MACP Field 29 Evidence of Surcharge (Y/N) MACP Field 37 Evidence of Surcharge Depth Custom 35 Observed Surcharge Depth Custom 36 Debris Depth Custom 37 COMMENTS MACP Field 27 Custom 38 Wall Dia. (7) | Width (8) Field 41 Field 77 Field 42 Field 78 Sheet No. Manhole Inspection Form MACP Field 6 Show size, depth, location of each pipe. Draw North Arrow if known. Outgoing Pipe Close-Up Photograph - MH Frame & Cover MANHOLE OBSERVATIONS Depth Component Code Descirption Modifier Area Photograph No. 2 - MH Frame & Cover Pipe Connections Sketch Continuous Area Photograph No. 1 - MH Frame & Cover Value S/M/L 1st 2nd MH Observation Photo No. 1 % Joint Step Circumferential Location At/From To Image Reference MH Observation Photo No. 2 Remarks Sheet No. Zoom Camera Inspection Form ref 1 2 3 4 5 6 MACP Field 6 Clock Pos. Rim to Invert Pipe Segment Reference Direction Material Diameter Observation % Image Ref. Remarks Field 92 Field 93 MACP Field 102 Field 94 Field 95 Field 97 Custom39 Custom40 Custom41 Custom42 Zoom Camera Pipe Photo No. 1 Zoom Camera Pipe Photo No. 2 Zoom Camera Pipe Photo No. 3 Zoom Camera Pipe Photo No. 4 Zoom Camera Pipe Photo No. 5 Zoom Camera Pipe Photo No. 6 MACP Field No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Description Surveyed By (Operator/Surveyor's Name) Certificate Number Owner Customer Drainage Area Sheet Number P/O Number (Purchase Order) Date Time Street (Name and Number) City (Locality) Location Details Manhole Number Rim to Invert (outgoing) Grade to Invert (outgoing) Rim to Grade MH Use (Use of Structure) Year Built (Constructed or Installed) Year Renewed (if applicable) Media Label Purpose Category Pre-Cleaning Date Cleaned (if Appropriate) Weather Location Code Additional Info Surface Type Potential for Runoff Access Type Northing (Latitude) Easting (Longitude) Elevation Coordinate System GPS Accuracy Inspection Status Evidence of Surcharge Inspection Level Not Used Cover Shape Cover Size Cover Size Width Cover Material Cover Type Hole Diameter Hole Number (Number of Vent Holes) Cover Bearing Surface Diameter Cover Bearing Surface Width Cover/Frame Fit Cover Condition Data Type Alphabetic Alphanumeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Alphanumeric Numeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphabetic Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Alphanumeric Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphanumeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Level 1 Level 2 Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Comment Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form MACP Field No 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 77a 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 Description Insert Type Insert Condition Adjustment Ring Type Adjustment Ring Material Ring Condition (Adjustment Ring) Adjustment Ring Height Frame Material Frame Bearing Surface Width Frame Bearing Surface Depth Frame Clear Opening Diam Frame Condition Seal Condition Frame Offset Distance Frame Seal Inflow Frame Depth Chimney Material Chimney I/I Chimney Clear Opening Chimney Depth Chimney Lining Interior (Coating) Chimney Lining Exterior (Coating) Cone Type Cone Material Cone Depth Cone Lining Interior (Coating) Cone Lining Exterior (Coating) Wall Diameter (length) Wall by Size (width) Wall Material Wall Depth Wall Lining Interior (Coating) Wall Lining Exterior (Coating) Bench Present Bench Material Bench Lining Coating Channel Installed Channel Material Channel Type Channel Exposure Step Number Step Material Pipe Connections Clock Position Rim to Invert Direction Material Shape Diam (height) Diam (width) Pipe Condition Data Type Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Alphabetic Alphanumeric Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphabetic Numeric Numeric Alphabetic Level 1 Level 2 Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory - Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Optional Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Comment Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Missing on CRW Draft form Missing on CRW Draft form Missing on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Not Needed Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Not Needed Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form MACP Field No 100 101 102 103 Description Seal Condition Special Condition Structure ID (Pipe Segment Reference) Additional Component Information Data Type Alphabetic Alphabetic Alphanumeric Alphanumeric Level 1 Level 2 Mandatory - Mandatory Mandatory Optional Optional Comment Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Present on CRW Draft form Custom Field Number 1 Description Data Type expected entries Soil Condition of Site Alphabetic Dry, Saturated, Snow Melt, etc 2 Cover O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the cover 3 Cover I/I Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the cover 4 Cover Structural defects Alphabetic 5 Adjusting Ring O&M Alphabetic 6 Adjusting Ring I/I Alphabetic 7 Adjusting Ring Structural Defects Alphabetic 8 Frame O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the frame 9 Frame I/I Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the frame 10 Frame Structural Defects Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the frame 11 Chimney O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the Chimney 12 Chimney I/I Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the Chimney 13 Chimney Structural Defects Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the Chimney 14 Cone O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the Cone 15 Cone I/I Alphabetic 16 Cone Structural Defects Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the Cone Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the Cone 17 Step O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the Steps 18 Step I/I Alphabetic 19 Step Structural Defects Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the Steps Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the Steps 20 Wall O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the Wall 21 Wall I/I Alphabetic 22 Wall Structural Defects Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the Wall Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the Wall 23 Bench O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the Bench 24 Bench I/I Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the Bench 25 Bench Structural Defects Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the Bench 26 Channel O&M Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the Channel 27 Channel I/I Alphabetic Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the Channel Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the cover Use PACP codes to describe O&M related to the adjusting ring Use PACP codes to describe I/I related to the adjusting ring Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the adjusting ring Custom Field Number Description Data Type expected entries Use PACP codes to describe structural defects related to the Channel Use MACP Conditions, Sounded, Cracked, Broken, Missing, Corroded, Pitted, Worn, Coated. Use MACP Conditions, Sounded, Cracked, Broken, Missing, Corroded, Pitted, Worn, Coated. Use MACP Conditions, Sounded, Cracked, Broken, Missing, Corroded, Pitted, Worn, Coated. Use MACP Conditions, Sounded, Cracked, Broken, Missing, Corroded, Pitted, Worn, Coated. Use MACP Conditions, Sounded, Cracked, Broken, Missing, Corroded, Pitted, Worn, Coated. Use MACP Conditions, Sounded, Cracked, Broken, Missing, Corroded, Pitted, Worn, Coated. At what depth is there a water mark present At what depth is water present How deep is the debris if present Give a preliminary recommendation, replace cover/insert, re-set frame and casting, internal chimney seal, cementious lining, etc. Make at least one observation (and photo) per zoomed pipe. 28 Channel Structural Defects Alphabetic 29 Chimney Condition Alphabetic 30 Cone Condition Alphabetic 31 Steps Condition Alphabetic 32 Wall Condition Alphabetic 33 Bench Condition Alphabetic 34 Channel Condition Alphabetic 35 36 37 Evidence of surcharge Observed Surcharge Observed Debris Depth Numeric Numeric Numeric 38 Recommendations Alphabetic 39 Observation Alphabetic 40 Percentage Numeric Percent of cross sectional area lost due to an observation 41 Image Alphanumeric 42 Remarks Alphanumeric Name of photo that is presented on the form Leave a remark for anything that is not fully described through other fields. APPENDIX B DRAFT INSPECTION OF SEWER MAINS AND MANHOLES SPECIFICATION DRAFT INSPECTION OF SEWER MAINS AND MANHOLES PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 1.02 SCOPE OF WORK A. The Work covered by this section includes furnishing all labor, competent certified technicians, equipment, tools, accessories, and materials required to perform Modified Level 1 MACP inspections of manholes and CSO outfall structures and preliminary PACP inspections of pipelines connected to those manholes and CSO outfall structures using zoom camera technology. The CONTRACTOR will perform the inspections using the zoom camera equipment specified herein. B. CONTRACTOR as defined in this specification is presumed to be operating under a direct contract with OWNER to provide this scope of services. ENGINEER as defined in this specification is the OWNER’s representative through a separate contract, and is responsible for monitoring the CONTRACTOR’s work for compliance with the contract/agreement between the OWNER and CONTRACTOR including these specifications. C. A Modified MACP form and tables shall be completed and all data must be entered into a MACP compliant database format in accordance with the Manhole Inspection Form and Zoom Camera Inspection Form provided by the OWNER. D. A modified MACP database shall be completed and all data must be entered into a MACP compliant database format based on the zoom camera inspections of all pipes entering or exiting manholes or CSO outfall structures that are being inspected in accordance with the Manhole Inspection Form and Zoom Camera Inspection Form provided by the OWNER. E. Perform zoom camera inspections in both the upstream and downstream directions of each sewer segment or in one direction when the opposing structure is clearly visible. Digital photographs of defects and inspection information shall be supplied to the ENGINEER in digital database format per the specifications described herein. F. Inspection and coding of pipeline and manhole conditions, determined based on zoom camera inspections, shall be performed by personnel trained and certified in the use of the National Association of Sewer Service Companies (NASSCO) Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program (PACP©) and Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP©). SUBMITTALS A. Submit a Detailed Work Plan and Schedule to the ENGINEER which includes schedule of activities and specific working hour timeframe. B. Submit a Data Collection and Management Plan to the ENGINEER describing the specific data to be collected (i.e. proposed database alpha-numeric attributes, photographs, digital field forms, etc.), along with the protocol, forms, tools, and other methods that will be used for the field data collection, data storage and delivery, and quality assurance/quality control. C. Submit a Traffic Control Plan to the ENGINEER, which includes the following items: 1. Outline of permit acquisition procedure for lane closures. 2. Methods for proper signing and barricades which comply with local requirements and the OWNER. 3. Site CONTRACTOR emergency phone numbers. 1.03 D. Confined space entry plan, certifications and hazardous atmosphere training certifications for all staff engaged in activities within or near the open structures, if applicable. E. The work described in this Scope of Work, including any internal sewer or manhole inspections, shall meet the minimum requirements as presented in the OSHA Standard, Title 29 CFR 1910.146, Permit Required Confined Spaces. Upon commencement of the Work, copies of all confined space entry permits must be submitted to ENGINEER. CONTRACTOR shall notify the OWNER or delegated representative each day by phone, email or fax when it is necessary for CONTRACTOR to enter a manhole(s). F. Prior to beginning work, submit to the ENGINEER the NASSCO PACP and MACP Program certifications for all manhole inspection and zoom camera operators that will be working and performing this inspection work on the project. CONTRACTOR shall not commence work until such certifications are provided. Submit 2 copies of the NASSCO issued identification card and MACP/PACP certification number. G. Final inspection reports, digital photographs and data shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the contract/agreement. NOTIFICATIONS A. Notify the ENGINEER: 1. Submit schedules of planned work on a weekly basis for the upcoming week, including a map in PDF format showing the area of work, and a map and list of streets being affected. Submittal should be provided by electronic mail to the ENGINEER. Provide 24-hour notice for deviations from the plan that are not caused by weather or natural causes. 2. Immediately, when a collapsed pipe or other pipe failure is identified. 3. Immediately, if the conditions for inspection are found to be unsafe or impractical. 4. If a manhole is buried, cannot be found within 15 minutes, or cannot be accessed, CONTRACTOR shall provide a list of these manholes each week. The list shall include manhole name, provide a map showing the location of the manhole and what procedures were used to attempt to locate the manhole. 5. Inspection crews shall immediately notify the ENGINEER of any defects posing imminent danger to the public (missing lids, covers broken during inspection, sink holes, etc.) and any observed pipe blockages, active surcharging, evidence of surcharging, or potential overflow conditions. 6. If the pipe configuration in the field is different than shown in OWNER-supplied GIS data. The notification shall include a diagram clearly indicating the location of structures in relation to immediately adjacent structures in PDF format via electronic mail. In addition, the information should be of sufficient detail to allow ENGINEER to update the GIS database and will be provided to the OWNER at the time of submittal of the manhole inspection data relevant to that particular area or manhole structure in order to facilitate review and timely update of the OWNER’s GIS to match the manhole inspection database. These submittals shall be provided on a weekly basis. 7. If any obstructions are found within the easement, even if not impacting work. B. Notify the public and coordinate with homeowners: 1. If private property access is necessary, a minimum of 48 hours prior to the inspection of any line segment or manhole, distribute door-to-door an OWNER approved Homeowner Notification door hanger describing the work to be performed if work is performed or accessed through private property or easement adjacent to property, or if the property is potentially tied to the section of lines being tested or inspected. On the day of inspection and prior to the inspection, knock on the doors of all properties that will require entering their private property to access the manholes which will potentially be impacted by the work and notify occupants of this inspection. 2. CONTRACTOR must wear identification badges at all times during the project to identify affiliation with the OWNER. 3. CONTRACTOR is responsible for determining route of access for the proposed work, unless specified otherwise, and is responsible for coordinating with the property owner to obtain any temporary access to perform the work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ZOOM CAMERA EQUIPMENT A. Above ground photographs for Modified Level 1 manhole inspections shall be performed using a digital camera. Zoom cameras shall be used for all manhole interior and connecting pipe photographs. The camera shall be operative in 100 percent humidity conditions and blowers shall be used if necessary to create a clear view of the pipe. Camera shall be operative in a hazardous and corrosive environment. B. The camera used for the inspection shall be one specifically designed and constructed for such inspection. Lighting for the camera shall be suitable to allow a clear video picture for the entire periphery of the pipe. The camera and other components shall be capable of producing a high resolution video picture and should also have a still photo function. Picture quality and definition shall be to the satisfaction of the ENGINEER and if unsatisfactory, inspection shall be performed again with the appropriate changes made at no additional cost. C. The zoom camera shall be specifically designed and constructed for sewer inspection. The camera shall have an optical zoom range of 25X (minimum) and digital zoom range of 1X through 12X (minimum). The camera shall have a total zoom ratio of 300X. The camera shall have auto focus, auto exposure and manual override for focus and camera aperture. D. Zoom camera shall be capable of positioning the camera a minimum of 20 feet below grade. E. The camera equipment/software shall be capable of producing digital images of all manhole defects, sewer defects and sewer line service connections in .jpeg format. The digital photograph JPEGS (.jpgs) shall have a minimum resolution of at least 640x480. The digital photographs shall become the property of the OWNER. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 3.02 PREPARATION A. CONTRACTOR shall insert a measuring rod into the interior of the manhole to verify rim to invert distance measurements of the manhole, as well as the invert of each adjoining pipe. B. ENGINEER is responsible for obtaining survey-grade accuracy of any inaccuratelylocated manhole, buried manhole and/or manhole discovered in the field by CONTRACTOR. C. CONTRACTOR is solely responsible for all damages resulting from operations. MODIFIED LEVEL 1 MANHOLE INSPECTION PROCEDURES A. Manhole inspections must meet all requirements of a Modified NASSCO MACP Level 1 inspection, as modified herein. The OWNER provided Manhole Inspection Form and all of its fields must also be completed to meet the requirements of an inspection. B. CONTRACTOR shall take digital still photographs of the manhole surface as follows: 1. One close-up photograph of the manhole frame and cover to show overall condition. Photograph shall be taken of any indications of previous overflows such as water marks, paper or other debris typical of sewer overflows. 2. A minimum of two “area” photographs of manhole frame and cover showing location within the roadway, shoulder or easement as appropriate. One photograph shall be oriented in the direction of the downstream pipe as it flows from the manhole. One additional area photograph shall be typically taken in the direction of the largest upstream pipe as it flows into the manhole, generally in the opposite direction of the first photograph. If any unusual issues are noted, additional photos shall be taken as necessary used for location purposes only to capture a significant landmark that would assist OWNER’s staff in locating the manhole in the future. The area photographs should show the manhole visible in the foreground where possible. C. It is the intent of the Scope of Work to inspect the full height of each manhole. If, during the inspection operation, the camera will not pass through the entire manhole section, notify the ENGINEER. No additional payment shall be made for multiple set-ups required due to an obstruction. 1. OWNER makes no guarantee that all of the manholes proposed to be inspected are clear for the passage of the camera set-up. The equipment, tools and methods used for securing the passage of the camera are to be at the discretion of CONTRACTOR, with the approval of ENGINEER. D. CONTRACTOR shall take digital still images of each manhole defect, construction features and direct service connections as specified. E. Adjust the camera such that the camera lens is always centered in the manhole being investigated. F. Adequate lighting must be provided for good quality pictures. G. During inspections, structures shall be free of steam, fog, water vapor or other conditions that will impact the quality of photographs. Blowers shall be used if necessary. H. Photograph all significant defects and features of the manhole interior as follows: 1. Photos of any defects within the manhole shall be taken with the component and clock position identified (NOTE: 6 o’clock shall always reference the lowest pipe that is LEAVING the manhole). The clock location and approximate depth of the defect shall be recorded. The CONTRACTOR shall determine the types of defects within the manhole, and take a photograph of each defect. Each defect should have its own unique photo associated with it. A single photo file should not be used to represent multiple photo defects by reference. The manhole cover, adjusting rings, frame, steps, chimney, cone, wall, bench and channel will be inspected for structural integrity, signs of I/I and the presence of roots. All documentation shall follow the latest version of the current NASSCO MACP Exchange format unless specified otherwise by the OWNER. The version to be used shall be verified with the OWNER before proceeding with the work. Each manhole shall be coded in accordance with the current NASSCO MACP standards, and fields should utilize standard MACP codes. I. The pictures taken of the entire inside periphery of the manhole shall be clear and visible. Picture quality and definition shall be to the satisfaction of ENGINEER, and if unsatisfactory, the equipment shall be removed and no payment made for the unsatisfactory inspection. 3.03 PIPE INSPECTION WITH DIGITAL ZOOM POLE CAMERA A. Each pipe entering and exiting the manhole shall be inspected with the zoom camera technology. For each incoming and outgoing pipe, the CONTRACTOR shall measure/identify diameter, pipe material, debris levels and rim to invert measurements to within a 0.1 foot accuracy. Drop manholes shall have the drops inspected as well. Modified NASSCO MACP Level 1 inspection fields for pipe connections shall be populated and available additional inspection fields to be recorded, including but not limited to: 1. The pipe diameter and verify the pipe material observations if differences are noted between upstream and downstream manholes. 2. Debris depth. 3. Connecting structure number of manhole or cleanout, service line clock position, stubout clock position, etc. 4. Pipe seal (using approved PACP codes). 5. Observed pipe defects, obstructions, roots, etc. (using PACP codes). 3.04 B. The camera shall be positioned in the manhole channel to provide maximum illumination of the pipeline. CONTRACTOR shall zoom down the pipe steadily, stopping at all defects for condition assessment. If additional zooming is required to visually inspect a defect, CONTRACTOR shall re-position camera to the centerline of the pipe prior to continuing inspections. C. CONTRACTOR shall re-measure the pipe diameter and verify the pipe material observations if differences are noted between upstream and downstream manholes. D. CONTRACTOR shall take a minimum of one (1) digital still image for each pipe segment depicting overall visible defects, construction features and service connections, with additional images as necessary to characterize significant observed manhole/pipe defects and other unique features. CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES A. Once the inspection is complete, the field crew shall make certain that the frame is clean and does not have any debris preventing a proper cover fit. The manhole lid shall be replaced and any displaced items moved back into place. B. CONTRACTOR shall submit, in electronic format, photos, inspection reports, and databases to ENGINEER in accordance with the contract/agreement including these specifications. C. If digital photos are of such poor quality that ENGINEER is unable to evaluate the condition of the manhole or locate the sewer connections, CONTRACTOR shall be required to re-inspect the manhole and provide new digital videos of good quality, at no additional cost to OWNER. 3.05 INSPECTION SOFTWARE A. All inspections shall use software that is capable of providing complete survey reports in compliance with current version of NASSCO MACP/PACP software. No payment will be rendered for improperly formatted data. B. NASSCO MACP and PACP fields, as well as any additional available fields requested by the OWNER or his representative shall be populated during the inspections with the valid NASSCO values. All reports and/or submittals shall use NASSCO MACP/PACP Standards as a basis. PART 4 - DELIVERABLES 4.01 4.02 MANHOLE AND PIPE INSPECTION REPORTS AND DIGITAL DATA DELIVERY A. Digital data and photos shall be delivered to the ENGINEER on an external hard drive which will become property of the OWNER. Data files shall be delivered in a modified NASSCO MACP/PACP Exchange Database (latest version). B. If digital photos are of such poor quality that ENGINEER is unable to evaluate the condition of the manholes and pipes, CONTRACTOR shall be required to re-inspect, take new photos and provide new digital photos of good quality, at no additional cost to OWNER. C. All digital photos will become property of the OWNER. D. Manhole Inspection Forms shall include the manhole identification number, depths, construction material, total survey length, and a photo of all incoming and outgoing pipe diameters and depths. The CONTRACTOR shall complete the manhole plan view noting all connecting pipes. Any special observations or notes may be added to the field form. Influent and effluent lines in each manhole shall be compared to the existing map and corrections noted in the field form. A sample template of a Manhole Inspection Form will be provided by the OWNER. Each inspection report shall be provided in PDF format to the OWNER with the weekly data submittals required by the contract/agreement. DATA DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS A. All data submittals shall include a data transmittal form indicating the manholes inspected and date. The data transmittal form shall be provided electronically on the hard drive submittal, and in hard copy attached to the hard drive upon delivery to the ENGINEER. B. CONTRACTOR to provide inspection data on a weekly basis with the database and data on an external hard drive. The CONTRACTOR to provide two hard drives on an alternating weekly basis. The submittals shall be cumulative (i.e. each successive database delivery will include previous deliveries as well). CONTRACTOR shall provide OWNER with a final external hard drive capable of storing all anticipated data for the project upon completion. The final hard drive shall be submitted on the first weekly submittal with the first week of data loaded and will become property of the OWNER upon project completion. Data to be submitted shall include: 1) Modified NASSCO MACP/PACP Database files, 2) JPEG (.jpg) files (still photos), 3) PDF of each Manhole Inspection Form and Zoom Camera Inspection Form., 4) exhibits and diagrams demonstrating configuration and connectivity of the pipe system as determined during the inspections and noting discrepancies between the OWNER provided GIS data and field collected data and 5) exhibits and diagrams showing approximate X and Y location of all buried manholes and any manholes located during completion of the work that are not included in the OWNER’s GIS. C. Each database submittal shall indicate the range of dates for which the database is being submitted as well as a list of new items as of the last submittal referenced by asset ID so that the OWNER may separate out and review the newly delivered records from previous submittals in an Excel format. D. The databases shall be cumulative, with one database each for Modified MACP Level 1 Inspection and one for PACP Zoom Camera Inspections. Each subsequent submittal shall be added into these databases. Throughout the duration of the project, should ENGINEER discover inaccuracies in any of the data, CONTRACTOR shall re-inspect those manholes and/or pipes at no additional cost to the ENGINEER or OWNER. E. Databases, digital photographs and supporting documentation (PDF, spreadsheets), etc. should be placed in separate folders on the hard drives. Separate subfolders shall not be used to separate files under the main folder. All digital photographs, etc. of the same file type should be placed in a single folder on the hard drive in order to provide a single location to access the data. F. A final, compiled version of the inspection databases in modified MACP and PACP Exchange format must be delivered at the end of the project to the OWNER through the ENGINEER. The final databases must include all inspection records previously delivered in the individual inspections as well as incorporate all requested changes by the ENGINEER and OWNER. The database filename will use the format provided by the OWNER. END OF SECTION APPENDIX C GENERAL PROJECT LOCATION MAP Appendix C General Project Location Map Inspection of Sewer Mains and Manholes TEXT Capital Region Water, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania ERIE WARREN MCKEAN CRAWFORD BRADFORD TIOGA POTTER ELK VENANGO CAMERON SULLIVAN LACKAWANNA PIKE LYCOMING CLARION CLINTON JEFFERSON LUZERNE COLUMBIA LAWRENCE CLEARFIELD CARBON ARMSTRONG SNYDER BEAVER INDIANA ALLEGHENY MIFFLIN CAMBRIA PERRY WESTMORELAND NORTHUMBERLAND NORTHAMPTON SCHUYLKILL JUNIATA BLAIR MONROE MONTOUR UNION CENTRE BUTLER Project Location WYOMING MERCER P:\0043\004379_0461\GIS\Projects\AppendixC_ProjectLocation_11x17port.mxd Municipal Boundary WAYNE FOREST LEHIGH DAUPHIN LEBANON BERKS BUCKS HUNTINGDON WASHINGTON GREENE County Boundary SUSQUEHANNA MONTGOMERY CUMBERLAND FAYETTE SOMERSET LANCASTER BEDFORD FULTON FRANKLIN ADAMS YORK PHILADELPHIA CHESTER DELAWARE [ 24 0 24 Miles Mapping derived from data provided by PennDOT. 4/14/2015 PM: EAE GIS: BLS R004379.0461 369 East Park Drive Harrisburg, PA 17111 717.564.1121 [phone] 717.564.1158 [fax] APPENDIX D PROJECT PHASING & MILESTONE MAP KOTA AV KA BY ST E CRUMS MILL RD ST N PROGRESS AV N FRONT U SA RD RS MC OS INT HR D RIVE TA E VIS CIR ROUTE I 81 S 81 NCY REG E E 22-3 22 N SIX TH ST BELL R EN O LA THE A DR INT WAY DO EH NE RD UTE PARK DR 2 2 RO W 22 -3 WA NDERING CYP E 22-322 ROUTE MA N KO H RGE R INT AD T R A BE L D IR R RID GE WA YR D RD E RD W 22-322 RO UTE RT IN 1 IN RD E BA M B SE RVIC ALUMNI DR S 83 SD R S8 EL ME R V TON A CRES T A SY C GRE E N ST T R HEY D RES 1 IN CAUG BL UE ST N8 RD MO R E DR AV FRA N WAY NE RD NA TE D T EV KE T G ID ST BR IE W MB E KI EH L ND CU A BO SL 1 ER I C W AL TO N C AR O M AP N TH Y AN LE A CH C AR [ 2,500 L IS LE R CO L NE PM: EAE D ER L 0 Mapping derived from data provided by Dauphin County and Cumberland County. 4/14/2015 N LI R TH W FO LO AF T GIS: BLS W O O FT FI D R K EN K AM ST H AT 2,500 Feet R004379.0461 369 East Park Drive Harrisburg, PA 17111 717.564.1121 [phone] 717.564.1158 [fax] K EL W O D O Phase Areas ( ! E ) " ( ! ( ! Bar Screen Sanitary Flow Meter Storm Sewer Inlet Storm Sewer Outfall Storm Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Pump Station ( ! ( ! Sanitary Sewer Cleanout Sanitary Sewer Valve E TH EV NT H CAR L IS L E ST ST DA V ER BR A G RE RI ST IA N ST EN OA K NDT TE NT NT NI H H Sanitary Sewer Manhole Sanitary Sewer Manhole Previously Inspected Storm Sewer Culvert Storm Sewer Swale Sanitary Sewer Lateral Sanitary Sewer Force Main Sanitary Sewer Gravity Main Sanitary Sewer Interceptor Storm Sewer Pipe R C H EN ET EE DR E AT W E AT ST PA R 1 RT 58 M I 83 CHAT HA PA R K N IL E ST EN BA M TH TE RT 581 L ER R E AY S IN TH IR S L K EL 17 TH E MM R SN AR W TH 16 HU R LA KE L K UP S LE E AT ST 15 TH AR D HARV 83 AR T AR CH KE 18 22ND 8 ON TH CHESTNUT YAL E N T GI BS 15 21S T R MA 20T H 23RD PE S AR 8 N 3I YA LE ST T DR OH IO PE WALNUT 22ND AN N 3I H N I AN D LI BA BO H 17T IND HIGH P:\0043\004379_0461\GIS\Projects\AppendixD_Phases_11x17port.mxd AN FT OL N GA IG EL TW 24TH 19T H H IC M RL ST WEST WI AR T OX LO N ST M SE ES NU HIL L CAMP LINC PA X TO T CR AL W LE N Y D PKW O INT S 83 S 8 3 IN S 83 INT O O W DUKE ST LL HI K OA O W BR EN R G 4 ST E E O ID E ER R G US HO YL TA RD ST RON W R FO TER CAM E OO D BU K PA R 2 RD VIE D E LT EN B S TW W DO KR GRE CRE LE Y A ME RD FO ND D PA R W DO A GR Y AL OND RUP LA MAL ER A ME ER SEC TH UR A T RS 3 FO RD SH W LO H FO R AV HER ID AV PO AV YF MA G HI ER D LOCUST LN K LIN CLAY TON AV 5 R SP RUCE ST ER OD LI V WO O DOG Siphon Chamber Flood Chamber CSO Chamber Storm Sewer Basin Waste Water Treatment Plant Municipal Boundary Street Railroad Water Body Appendix D Project Phasing And Milestone Map Inspection of Sewer Mains and Manholes Capital Region Water, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania
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