LEED 2009: Innovation in Design A project may achieve up to 5 Innovation in Design credits CarbonCure’s technology Innovation in Design sequesters CO2 to make The LEED green building rating system acknowledges project teams that use innovative green building practices not addressed in other LEED categories by awarding 1 point for each innovation in design within a project. simply better concrete CarbonCure is concrete’s gateway to the green reuses waste carbon dioxide during the concrete manufacturing process. The company also provides transparency tools such as Environmental and Health Product Declarations for all products made with CarbonCure. Through collaboration with leading designers, the company and its partners are supplying a scalable solution to address the growing demand for green building materials. CarbonCure’s Role: The use of CarbonCure concrete in a project may be considered for an Innovation and Design credit. CarbonCure will provide the project team with all the necessary documentation required for the submission of the Innovation and Design credit. CO2 CO2 CarbonCure’s Contribution to LEED v2009 Projects Number of Points Credits 2 Points MRc5 Materials & Resources CO2 COAL PLANT CARBONCURE 4 Points + CEMENT + IDc1 MRpc52 MRpc76 MRpc63 SAND + STONE Green Building Product Innovation & Integration CO2 Sequestering Concrete (1 point) Credit Summary: The project team must promote and use cement-based building materials that sequester carbon dioxide, reducing the project’s carbon footprint. Jennifer Wagner, VP Sustainability [email protected] ADMIX + C02 CaCO CaCO3 CaCO3 Innovation in Design: + CaCO3 CaCO3 CaCO3 For more information please contact CO2 CO2 CO2 CEMENT FACTORY H20 Innovation in Design CO2 CO2 CO2 CaCO Deliverables: Complete package for Innovation in Design Submission • Innovation in Design credit explanation • CarbonCure technical white paper 2 • Educational graphics to be displayed in the building sequestered 2 www.carboncure.com @CarbonCure LEED 2009: Innovation in Design - Pilot Credits CarbonCure concrete products contribute to 3 Pilot Credits under the Innovation in Design category Innovation in Design: Pilot Credit #1 (1 Point) MRpc52: Material multi-attribute assessment Credit Summary: Projects are awarded one point CarbonCure’s Contribution: For every CarbonCure concrete product used in a project, a Introduction Permacon has commissioned CarbonCure Technologies for this Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) to provide environmental information about Normal Weight Concrete Masonry Unit made with CarbonCure’s technology from raw material extraction through shipment to the customer (cradle -to-gate). The information provided here meets the requirements of ISO 21930, as well as the Concrete Product Category Rule. Life Product Manufacturer t De oduc ure Pr tal CMU with Car Commissioner Eutro Product Category Rule n usin bonC aco em: Perm ed by onry Syst duc pro e e) Mas Cur e mix bonCur macon bon e cret Car Per Cur g con gies’ (Car with bon e win CMU with Car Cur nolo follo bon e Tech dard the Car Cur CMU For ure Stan onC ght dard ULC with Carbon Cure Wei Carb Stan with bon mal ght dard Car Nor Wei CMU Stan dard CMU with 10 cm Normal Weight Stan dard 15 cm Normal Weight Stan 20 cm Normal Weight 25 cm Normal 30 cm en onm Envir Acidi Concrete Masonry Units with CarbonCure. This EPD was commissioned by CarbonCure Technologies. g Glob The Carbon Leadership Forum PCR: Product Category Rules (PCR) for ISO 14025 Type III Ozon Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) Concrete, Version 1.1 dated 12/4/2013, serves the PCR for this EPD. www.carbonleadershipforum.org. Smog Veri cation external Date of Issue and Period of Validity e deple e Imp ere Asse ssm kg SO 2 kg N kg CO 2 kg CFC-1 Resu eq lts Raw supp eq mate ly rial Manu 1.06 eq factu ring 0.604 0.110 eq Trans porta tion 0.031 71.7 3.04E Total 0.168 1.69 0.002 1 eq 12.9 nce ent Units n tion ing tion 3 Ref act ator catio phica al warm kg O Independent veri cation of the declaration, according to ISO 14025:2006 internal Cycl Indic This EPD was issued for Permacon Normal Weight n tio clara 5.29 -06 203.0 1.99E -06 1.20E 0.281 280.0 Const -09 s ructio 9.06 Proje ct No. n Techn 5.03E http:/ 31201 ology -06 /www 0.846 Labor .slagc 2. Retrie atorie ved emen s, Inc. Earth from t.org/ Shift (CTL). 22.9 Susta ! LLC. (2002 inabil (2013 ). Life Product Description Europ ity/pd ). US-EI Cycle ean f/Slag Datab Inven Feder This Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) reports the impacts of concrete masonry unitsAdmi (CMU) %20C xture ase. tory ation emen http:/ s. 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Natio 117,0 1,000 S., Hisch lied cume gy. Dube rch nalRene of over supp ier, nts/e ndorf 2 R., Neme wable n/01_ acon ction , CH: Overv Energ Swiss . Perm CO 2 redu cek, ON iewAn y Labor T., Rebit Centr nto net dMet e in a atory zer, g, Toro hodo for Life ted G., , 2012. eerin Cycle logy.p resul Retrie Engin 1 df ved ct, which from proje total 20 required to receive the Innovation in Design credit. This EPD was issued on November 1st, 2014 and is valid for 5 years until November 1st, 2019. ol of Scho nde for the Lasso ology rsity techn re’s Unive onCu e: York Carb Figur with made 6 Deliverable: CarbonCure will provide a maximum of four CarbonCure EPDs per producer Innovation in Design: Pilot Credit #2 (1 Point) MRpc76: Material ingredient reporting Credit Summary: 20 products or more that have disclosed CarbonCure’s Contribution: For every CarbonCure concrete product used in a project, an HPD can be provided upon request. A single producer can contribute a the Innovation in Design Credit Deliverable: CarbonCure will provide a maximum of four CarbonCure HPDs per producer Innovation in Design: Pilot Credit #3 (1 Point) MRpc63: Building life-cycle impact reporting Credit Summary: CarbonCure’s Contribution: CarbonCure will provide environmental data to report the amount sequestered in CarbonCure’s products, relative to 2 traditional concrete products. Deliverable: CarbonCure will provide enviromental data for LCA For more information please Forcontact more information please contact Jennifer Wagner, VP Sustainability [email protected] www.carboncure.com @CarbonCure LEED 2009: Material and Resources A project may achieve up to 2 Points under the MRc5 Regional Materials credit Materials and Resources: Regional Materials (1-2+ Points) Credit Summary: CarbonCure’s Contribution: regional materials credit. For every CarbonCure concrete product used in a project, the required data supplied with the appropriate distance calculations. Deliverables: - Locations for all raw material extraction sites and manufacturing facility - Distance calculations Producer: Ernest Maier Block, Brick and Hardscapes Product: Normal Weight Concrete Masonry Unit with CarbonCure Cement Union Bridge, MD Aggregate Frederick, MD 44.3 mi 41.5 mi 60.5 mi Ernest Maier Plant CarbonCure Concrete Manufacturing Location Bladensburg, MD For more information please Forcontact more information please contact Jennifer Wagner, VP Sustainability [email protected] www.carboncure.com @CarbonCure Aggregate Denton, MD
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