Psychologies Magazine, January 2015 Go Forth

THE BOOST } beauty
Go forth and
he idea that a ‘good hair day’ can change your
mood, and even your outlook on life, sounds a bit
far-fetched, but the theory has stood the test of
time. So why is it then that more than 94 per cent
of women* in the UK (me included), fail to style their hair
every day? ‘Lack of creativity, or the inability to tap into our
innate sense of creativity,’ says style expert Sam Clarke, who
runs classes on how to be creative at The School of Life. She
says society has inherited the belief that our jobs define creative potential and that some – cleaning, accountancy, law,
nursing, telesales – are seen as totally uncreative. ‘We fall into
the trap of thinking that if we’re not what
“society” deems to be creative, then it’s a
place we can’t venture to,’ she adds.
How do I look?
Creative approach
Psychologist and co-author of The Creativity Cure: How To Build
Happiness With Your Own Two Hands (Scribner Book Co, £9.94)
Carrie Barron says: ‘Creativity is a natural antidepressant. When
we make things, recombine old elements in new ways, immerse
ourselves in an absorbing endeavour or try a fresh approach, we
feel vital and engaged. As humans, we have a need for novelty, so
breaking out of the script is a joy and a relief,
whether it’s your hair or an exercise habit.’
This wouldn’t go amiss in an age where
more and more of our lives revolve around
high-tech gadgets and personalised services,
resulting in a generation that lacks the imagination to go DIY. It really is up to us to tap
into our creative resources and doing this
with hair styling – where the feel-good factor you get from a ‘good hair day’ fuses with
the proven benefits of creativity – is a winning combination.
‘For years I had a massive afro, then slowly starting pushing
myself style-wise,’ says Clarke. ‘I started pinning lots of styles
on Pinterest, noting what worked and how I felt each time
I tried one. Once I got comfortable with it short, I started to get
creative with colour. Two weeks ago I went purple, which
I never thought I’d do. Now I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner.
But it was all part of the creative process – pushing myself a
little further each time, getting braver and more resilient.’ So, in a bid to follow Clarke’s example and get my creative
juices flowing, who better to speak to than the world’s most
sought-after hairdressers? It’s time to take a risk and enjoy the
creative process, without worrying about the outcome… >>>
When we try
a fresh approach,
we feel vital and
engaged. As
humans, we have
a need for novelty”
My locks have always been a point of contention. I have vivid childhood memories
of running from my mother as she tried to
brush my hair out – my curls all knotted
and wild. As a teen, I had no idea what to
do with it, and with no guidance (my mother had totally different hair to mine), I spent a few years in the wilderness until
I discovered what I clearly realised as a child – brushing my
hair while dry was the worst thing I could do to it. I was envious of friends who could straighten their hair without it going
frizzy, or put in layers à la Rachel from Friends. My lack of
knowledge and the restrictions curly hair brings meant I’ve
grown up with boring hair. I’ve never worked my creative
muscles on it, which leaves me second-guessing myself if I do
attempt to try something different now – ‘will people think I
look silly?’ resonates in my head. This fear of being judged for
how we express ourselves through the way we look doesn’t just
stop me from exploring the creative part of my personality; it’s
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affecting the majority of us – if statistics are anything to go by.
But it’s not just our hair that’s missing out, we’re also missing
out on being happier individuals.
Unleash your inner creative and start styling your locks for
a daily dose of ‘good hair’ cheer, writes Amerley Ollennu
THE BOOST } beauty
‘Most people have a natural wave to their hair – it’s all about
finding the best way to wear it. Apply a moisture-injecting,
frizz-taming prep product to towel-dried hair and twist in
sections. Leave hair to dry naturally, then separate with fingers.
Alternatively, if you don’t have time to dry naturally, you can
plait it when damp and dry with a hair dryer. Once dry, release
the plait and shake the hair out to reveal soft waves.’
Michael Lendon, advanced master creative director, Aveda UK
‘If you tie your hair up a lot, just curling the ends or even
smoothing them with a flat iron while the hair is already
in the band, instantly and quickly gives a more styled and
glamorous look – great for rushed mornings! And if you have
extra time, leave a section of your hair out of the ponytail and
use it to twist around your hairband – you’ll be surprised how
something so easy makes such a difference to your pony.’
Adam Reed, co-founder of Percy & Reed
‘Hydrate the hair with a suitable shampoo and conditioner, as
the healthier the hair, the more you can style it with heat and
product. A faux bob is a fun way to change things and try
short hair for a day. To manipulate your hair length, add some
soft waves to the hair, then curl locks under and pin at the
nape of the neck. This looks incredibly chic and allows you to
try a completely different style without cutting your hair.’
Julien Farel, founder of Julien Farel Anti-Ageing Haircare
‘One thing that stops my clients from being creative with their
hair at home is their fear of hair-styling tools. But they aren’t
as hard to use as many people might think, and they are a
guaranteed way to change your hair in an instant. A plethora of
brands provide tips and tricks in booklets with your purchase,
while a host of vloggers upload daily how-to videos
on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.’
Josh Rees Hole, hair director, Urban Retreat at Harrods
Percy & Reed
Tools of The
Trade Accessories
Wrap, £15
Be Curly
Julien Farel AntiAgeing Hydrate
Shampoo &
Conditioner, £16 each
ghd Curve
Classic Curl
Wand, £110
Redken Colour
Rebel, £17
£9.99 each
‘Don’t be scared of changing your hair colour – it can often
make a profound difference to the way you feel and carry yourself.
From coloured tips to a bright parting or one bold-hued section,
you can get really creative using hair dye. Colour is uplifting;
it’s like make-up for your hair and – best of all – you can chop
and change by using one that washes out easily. The only limit
is your imagination!’
George Northwood, UK ambassador, Pureology
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‘Plaits are a classic, yet beautiful, way to get
creative with your hair. From Fishtail and French to thin or
chunky, there’s a style for absolutely everyone. If you have
not yet mastered the technique, or are a bit short on time,
then invest in a plaited accessory instead. Whether you have
short or long hair, this is the quickest way to add some
intricate detail to any hairstyle.’
Inanch Emir, co-founder Inanch London and Gold Class Hair
ASOS headscarf
in Deco Floral
Print, £6
‘Headbands make an instant statement – they’re a quick route
to creative hair and also help you go that one extra day without
washing it. Spray on some Ojon Full Detox Rub-Out Spray, £19,
first to soak up sebum and give some volume, before gathering
up hair into a messy top knot or low bun. Put the band round
your neck before you start so you can just pull it up over your
face once your hair is prepped.’
Jennie Roberts, Ojon treatment technician UP AND AWAY
Trevor Sorbie
Styling Salt
Texture Spray,
‘Up-dos are one of my favourite ways to be creative with styling.
For example, if you want a quirky, fun and modern reinvention of
the Princess Leia-shaped bun, spritz damp hair with a texturising
spray, then blast it with a hair dryer. Section the hair into four or
five equal pieces, and twist each one right to the ends of the hair,
before wrapping each twist separately around on itself, and
pinning them all into a low-slung bun.’
Jon Moore, director at Trevor Sorbie
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