Roseworth Big Local – Minutes of Board meeting, Tuesday 31st March 2015, 6pm at St Chads Church In attendance: Karen Harley (Chair/Resident), Martin Landers (Big Local Development Officer), Anthony Evis (Resident), Simon Honeywell (Eastern Ravens Trust), Jim Beall (Ward Councillor, Community Partnership representative), Diane Thornton (Resident), Collette Spicer (Resident), Ann Spicer (Resident), Joanne Reed (Resident), Sue Naylor (Tees Valley Rural Community Council (TVRCC), Doff Pollard (TVRCC), Simon Underwood (Big Local rep), Debbie Casling (Resident), Denise Instone (Resident). Apologies: Sue Smith (Vice Chair/Resident) Dianne Wilson (Redhill Children’s Centre), Jodie Cuthbert (Resident, Young Person), Kian Lake (Resident - Young Person), Callum Donnelly (Resident – Young Person), Denise Mason (Resident), Five new residents attended the meeting so for their benefit SU provided a brief summary explanation covering the history behind the Big Local. ML then invited everyone to briefly introduce themselves and say a little bit about what motivated them to get involved. Collette Spicer (CS), was keen to get involved in something positive that improved the area for everyone but also wanted to see more activities for young people. Denise Instone (DI) loved dogs and believes that the Big Local could capitalise on people’s love of dogs to address loneliness and isolation, which especially impact on older people. Ann Spicer (AS) was interested in how community space could be better used to provide safe play opportunities for children, and felt there was a need to provide more opportunities and space to play football. Joanne Reed (JR) felt that there should be more activities for teenagers. Debbie Casling (DC) has lived on Roseworth for 30 years and was keen to get involved just because she loves and values the area. Diane Thornton (DT) attended the Dogs Trust event and got talking to the Big Local Development Officer and was motivated by a need for more things for children to do. Anthony Evis (AE) attended a Big Local Christmas event and felt it was something he would like to be a part of. KH opened the formal part of the meeting at 6:30pm, welcomed everyone, particularly the new members. It was suggested that at this point the agenda should be moved around to enable Doff Pollard and Sue Naylor from TVRCC to talk about an innovative Transport initiative they have developed in several areas across the Tees Valley and how they might be able to support the Roseworth Big Local. Their talk was very well received and the group felt that TVRCC would be an ideal partner to support the Roseworth Big Local Board (RBLB) to find solutions to Community Transport concerns that exist in Roseworth. Communications: ML provided a communications update: Anna Jackson from Catalyst has produced a Big Local section on Catalyst’s Website, this should hopefully go live on April 1st. A number of events and activities have taken place all of which have contributed to raising wider awareness of the Big Local but Facebook is proving to be the most effective medium for communicating with local residents. One particular FB post reached five and half thousand people and the number of page likes has more than quadrupled since the last meeting, rising from 47 to 207. Community Chest – SU introduced a discussion about how other Big Local Areas have developed mechanisms for releasing small amounts of money quickly in order to support a fledgling group or local initiative. JB urged a cautionary approach suggesting that where money can be obtained from other sources it should be, rather than spending the £1m. It was agreed that SU would support the development of some type of application process that would support the board in making informed decisions that would allow groups to quickly access small amounts of money, in situations where other avenues for funding support proved impractical. A proposal was then tabled by KH requesting that £200 be released on a one off basis, to fund the activities of the Friday Friends Group. Board member present agreed to this proposal. A Base for the Big Local: ML updated the board that locating in Kiora Hall was moving forward but slowly and that he hoped leases will be signed in April. Quick Wins: SH provided an update on the work he had been doing with the quick wins money. He provided a handout, which will be made available if requested. At this stage in the meeting it was agreed to suspend the formal agenda and move to as a general discussion focussed on how, as a board, the group could move from a discussion group towards being more action focussed and develop the expertise to make informed decisions about how £1m could be best spent to make a lasting difference to local people. The following suggestions were discussed and agreed: 1) All future meeting agendas would be much shorter and meetings much more action focussed. Agenda items would be primarily the four strategic priorities identified in the big local plan. So next month’s agenda would look like this: a) Open meeting, introductions & Apologies b) Matters Arising c) Children’s & Young Peoples Activities i) Xxxx TBC ii) Xxxx TBC d) Community Spaces & Infrastructure i) Xxxx ii) Xxxx iii) xxxxx e) Activities & Services - Bringing People together i) xxxx f) Maintaining and Managing a resident led Big Local Programme i) Xxxxx ii) xxxxx It was also agreed that resident led Themed Groups would be formed to carry out specific pieces of work inbetween full board meetings, with a view to making specific recommendations to the full board. Themed group meetings will be facilitated by the Big Local Development Officer, Martin. Two themed groups were immediately formed, A Children’s & Young Peoples Activities group, with membership consisting of: Collette Spicer, Diane Thornton, Joanne Reed, Simon Honeywell. And a Transport Group, consisting of Anthony Evis & Denise Mason. ML then suggested that some work needed doing to agree the size and make-up of the Big Local Board, and formally constituting was in his view an essential step. SU & ML agreed to discuss this outside of the meeting with a view to making some recommendations at the next meeting. The Chair then completed the formal parts of the meeting. Apologies were accepted Matters arising: The trip to Whitley Bay Big Local proved interesting and worthwhile; those that attend enjoyed seeing first-hand how another Big Local have approached improving their local community. Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as a true record. Commissioning Policy: Item to be discussed at a future meeting Progress on strategic themes: ML provided a very quick summary of progress on actions that fall under each of the four strategic themes in the Big Local Plan. 1) Community Spaces and Infrastructure: MUGA & Parks development – Planning Committee meet April 8th 2) Services & Activities – Bringing People Together: Several Easter Events planned - see Facebook 3) Children & Young People: SH still using up remainder of quick wins money 4) Maintaining and managing a resident led Big Local: Made positive progress tonight setting up themed groups, great to see new passionate people wanting to get involved – A need to formally constitute group but this will be discussed at the nest meeting There were no items of any other business The next meeting will be on April 28th 6pm, Redhill Children’s Centre Meeting closed at 8:00pm
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