C ATHOLIC P ORTSMOUTH Catholic Parishes and Schools in Partnership in the City of Portsmouth SUNDAY 31 MAY 2015 – THE HOLY TRINITY, Solemnity ‘In the beginning’ says Genesis ch 1 ‘the Holy Spirit hovered over the waters’ and when God spoke, light was created’. ‘In the beginning’ says John Ch 1 ‘was the Word. And the Word was with God and the Word was God; he was the beginning with God… Whatever has come to be, found life in Him, which, for human beings, was also light (Jesus), light that shines in the darkness, light that darkness could not overcome.’ … and this is the story or mystery of the Trinity, the three persons. God is made known to us through Jesus as ‘Father’. The Father is not the Son. The Son is not the Holy Spirit. In spite of this the three are the one God. Jesus proclaims that all authority is bestowed on him in heaven and on earth by the Father. He is the only Way to the Father, and just as Jesus chose to do the Father’s will we aspire to do the same... … miserably? So how do we set about doing better? How do we rise up and do the Father’s will – to go and make disciples of all the nations and baptise them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit? In our own strength? No! Through the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1 explains that there were 120 men and women in the upper room praying when the Holy Spirit appeared. Imagine the awesomeness of the wind and fire blasting through the space when the power of God came upon each of these people. Of course the group was changed as a result. It was the beginning of our Church. The first thing we learn about this anointing (baptism) of the Holy Spirit was that the people began to speak in tongues – the language of the Holy Spirit that we know prevails in our Catholic Church today, even if we have not experienced it ourselves. Speaking in tongues is a gift that is received and expressed throughout our Church among others, such as boldness, healing, prophesy, deliverance, visions, dreams and more. These gifts are named in addition to the seven listed in the Old Testament (knowledge, understanding, reverence, etc.) because they are relevant to the time following Jesus, available for everyone, to empower everyone in completing the mission of the Church. If we are baptised in water we have the gift of the Holy Spirit, but we can lack the power of the Holy Spirit. If we undertake to invite the power of the Holy Spirit into our life every day, (unfortunately through our sin we are leaky vessels), then we shall be transformed individually but also as a Church, we shall be vibrant and we shall grow wonderfully and all the gifts of the Holy Spirit will be evident in, and among us. It is the Father’s will and Jesus has promised it. So, ask and then receive… … in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Lucy Sayer Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun Fr Kazimierz Stefek - Assistant Priest: Fr Pawel Przybyszewski tel. 023 9282 8305 – [email protected] Our Lady of Lourdes Bransbury Road, Eastney, PO4 9JY - St Swithun 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel. 07747 728734 Parish Secretary: Mrs Clare Shore Office Hours: Mon 0900-1100 and Tues to Friday 0900-1500 Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan 023 9234 1682 St John’s Cathedral: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG – Tel. 02392 826170 Cathedral Dean: Canon Dominic Golding VG – [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr James McAuley – [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Lily Peach – [email protected] – Office Hours: 0900-1600 Monday – Friday Parish Pastoral Assistant: Sister Maura Chin [email protected] Safeguarding Representative: Sue Smy 023 9273 0855 Corpus Christi & St Joseph Fr Steven Restori tel 023 9266 0927 – [email protected] Corpus Christi Gladys Avenue, North End PO2 9AZ – St Joseph Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JH Parish Sister: Sr Mary Gleavey FMDM 07586 801868 – St Joseph Hall Bookings: Mrs Mary Vale 07897 488254 Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 St Colman with St Paul Fr Joe McNerney (Hospital Chaplain) – Assistant Priest: Fr John Humphreys [email protected] - 023 9228 6408 St Colman St Colman’s Avenue, Cosham, PO6 2JJ – St Paul Allaway Avenue, PO6 4DG– tel. 023 9237 6151 Parish Assistant: Mrs Tess Pritchard Office Hours: 0900-1500 Monday to Friday Safeguarding Representative: Irene Taylor 023 9264 0754 or 07914 722708 Pastoral Youth Worker: Dom DeBoo tel 023 9283 6524 mob 07769 185603 – [email protected] PARISHES: Corpus Christi & St Joseph • Our Lady of Lourdes with St Swithun • St Colman & St Paul • St John’s Cathedral SCHOOLS: Primary: Corpus Christi • St John’s Cathedral • St Paul’s • St Swithun’s • Secondary: St Edmund’s Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Sunday 31 May 2015 – The Holy Trinity, Solemnity S CONTACT Youth Club (11 – 16) CONTACT Youth Club, our youth club for young people aged 11–16, runs from 1900–2100 at St Colman’s K;k;k;l Catholic Church. £1 a week subs + tuck shop. In our next session we will be going to Drayton Park for a game of rounders so come, bring a friend, and join us. Next Session: Wednesday 3 June. ZONED In (Year 5 - 6 Youth Club) If you are in school years 5 - 6, then we run a youth club for you on Thursday nights from 1830–2000 at Corpus Christi Catholic School with lots of fun activities. £1 a week subs + tuck shop. We are looking for a couple more leaders to join our team so if you’re able to help please let me know. Next Session: Thursday 4 June. THE BEACON PROJECT The Beacon Project is an exciting new prayer project at St Swithun’s Catholic Church open to all people (14+). It encompasses the rosary, praise and worship, great teaching and adoration. The evening runs from 1930–2130 in the church followed by tea and coffee. Next Session: Monday 1 June. SUNDAY NIGHT EXTRA (11 – 16) Sunday Night Extra is our space for you to chill out on a Sunday night with other young Catholics, eat good food and explore your faith deeper. It is held in the Cathedral Feel free to get in touch: Discovery Centre from 1900-2045 facebook: ‘Dom DeBoo Portsmouth’ and we ask for a donation of £2 per twitter @Dom_DeBoo_Youth person towards the cost of food. www.catholicportsmouth.org.uk/youth Sunday Night Extra is now fortnightly [email protected] so do come and join us and explore tel: 07769185603 your faith deeper. Tonight we will be exploring the theme ‘What was WORSHIP ON THE WARRIOR Pentecost?’ Next Session: Tonight, On Sunday 12 July, we are delighted to Sunday 31 May announce that we will be hosting a Multi Churches Worship event on the FIRST AID TRAINING HMS Warrior open to all young people There are still limited spaces aged 11–18. The evening will feature available for our first aid training lively worship, a fantastic speaker and session run by the British Red Cross at an opportunity to pray for the city. Cost St John’s Primary School from 1000of entry is £3 for your wristband and 1430 on Saturday 13 June. There are then bring a packed tea. Doors open currently 5 places left and costs £20 1730-1830. For more information and to per person although we are offering book your place contact Dom. it at the discounted price of £10 per person for all those involved in youth ministry. To book contact Dom by If you are aged 18 – 30 and looking to Friday 5 June. meet other young Catholics we invite you to come join us in our pub YOUTH MINISTRY UPDATE challenge - we are working our way After a busy term we are delighted through different Portsmouth pubs over to say that overall we have now had the next couple of years, trying to visit 148 young people under 18 involved as many as we can. Next Pub: The in our youth activities since Auckland Arms, Southsea, Monday 8 September with 94 of these being June from 1930. aged 11 – 18. Thanks for all your help, prayers and support PUB CHALLENGE (18 – 30) RECONCILIATION St John's Cathedral: Saturday 1100-–1145 & 1700–1745 St Swithun: Friday 1930–2000 Saturday 1030–1100 Our Lady of Lourdes: Saturday 1730–1755 Corpus Christi: Saturday 0930 St Joseph: Saturday (before 1800 Mass) St Colman: Saturday 1700 – 1730 Please pray for those who are ill, especially: Micheline Thompson, Michael Foster, Pat Needham, Margaret Badger, Rosemary Ashton, Anne Sullivan, Catherine Morgan, Eileen Huddleston, Barbara Mulligan, Harry Murray, Arthur Tobin and Jo Wheeler. And for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Catherine Mason, Frank Thomas, John Owens, Nellie Vi Adams, Catherine Frances Mason, Hannah Stockbridge, Mary Croucher, Ann Milburn, Lilian Diment, Joseph Bonenburg, Agnes Mountfield, Nora Joan Smith, Philip Lyons, Patrick Gallagher, John Preston, Audrey McKenna, Margaret Curtis, Victoria May Carey, William Lamb, Etheldreda Camilla Tann (Camilla), Jane Pattinson, Owen Kelly (Michael), Francis Howe, Norah McCormick, Zoe Hatherall, Jenny "Jean" Winter, Iva Campbell, Patrick John Hopkins, Patrick Murphy, Amy Stockbridge, Edna Mary Broderick, Elizabeth Mary Broom, Frances Lilian Wilkins and Frances Willls. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen DIARY Monday 1 June - Beacon Project – St Swithun’s Church 1930 Tuesday 2 June - Parent, Toddlers and Baby Group: 0915-1115 St Swithun’s Hall Friday 5 June - Mothers Prayer Group – 1045 Our Lady of Lourdes Church - WCCM – Meditation Group – 2000 Meeting Room, St Swithun’s Hall - Guides and Brownies meet 1700-2000 Our Lady of Lourdes Community Room Tuesday 9 June - Mass of Thanksgiving for the Golden Jubilee of the Priestly Ordination of The Rt Rev Crispian Hollis: 1100 St John’s Cathedral Monday 22 June - Ascent Group – 1415 St Swithun’s Church Hall WE ACKNOWLEDGE LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS WITH THANKS - Corpus Christi with St Joseph: £1,076.31 incl DD/SO - Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun: £889.87 inc SO (59% GA) - St Colman with St Paul: £1,101.22 inc SO (74% GA) - St John’s Cathedral: £2,191.10 inc SO (51% GA) and Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Pastoral Area News EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAM As part of our undertaking the mission AREA NEWS of evangelisation and to meet the priorities for the Diocese set by Bishop Philip we are looking to create an Evangelisation Strategy Team in our Pastoral Area. The team will be made up of two representatives from each parish community, our Catholic schools, the religious and priests of the city; so about 14 members in total. If you would like to be involved in the development of an EST for Portsmouth or to receive a copy of the person specification then you are invited to give your name to your parish priest or contact Father Steven as Co-ordinating Pastor. BISHOP CRISPIAN: GOLDEN JUBILEE Our retired bishop celebrates this year the golden jubilee of his priestly ordination. Now happily retired and living in Somerset he will be returning to Portsmouth for a celebratory Mass at St John’s Cathedral at 1100 on Tuesday 9 June. Do note the date and come along and join him, his successor as bishop and many of the diocesan clergy who will be coming to thank God for his long years of ministry. ORGANIST (OR PIANIST) WANTED At Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Bransbury Road, Eastney to play the organ at Saturday Vigil Masses at 6pm: standard hymn tunes and simple Mass settings. Students (min. Grade V) considered. Other instrumentalists also welcome. Please ring 023 9282 5000 or e-mail [email protected] “ANGELIC VOICES” Featuring nationally acclaimed boy choristers of St John’s College Chapel Choir on Friday 26 June at 1930 in St Johns’ Cathedral. A concert of popular, sacred and secular music for the 2015 Portsmouth Festivities. This is your chance to hear this superb boys’ choir in Portsmouth. Free Admission. THE BEACON PROJECT An evening of praise and worship, teaching, fellowship and prayer at 1930 on Monday 1 June at St Swithun’s Church, Waverley Road, Southsea PO5 2PL. The speaker will be David Beresford, Director of the Catholic Bible School. Bring your friends. Contact: [email protected] OAKLANDS CATHOLIC SCHOOL Receptionist/Administration Assistant to join our hardworking, committed and enthusiastic team. This position is a pivotal part of the delivery of a welcoming ‘front door’ to the School and Sixth Form College. Please visit our school website for job description and an application pack. Closing Date: Monday 8 June. THE STRUGGLE FOR BIRTH THE STRUGGLE FOR REBIRTH Sr Mary John Mananzan, arriving from the Philippines, will talk about the transformative work of the Benedictine Sisters after typhoon Hainan devastated Tacloban. On Thursday 4 June at 1930 in the United Church, Winchester. Sister Mary, formerly Prioress of the Benedictine Sisters in the Philippines, is frequently referred to as ‘the Mother Teresa of the Philippines’. Refreshments served followed by power-point presentation. CAFOD: NEPAL EARTHQUAKE APPEAL CAFOD has launched a £3m emergency appeal following the earthquake in Nepal. Thousands of people in this already impoverished country have died and many thousands more are in urgent need of food, water, shelter and emergency supplies. To donate to the appeal, visit cafod.org.uk/nepal or 05008588 85. Parish News JUNE FOOD BANK APPEAL AREA NEWS Next weekend we will again be collecting for the Food Bank. Donations of tinned and packaged non-perishable food should be left in the boxes at the entrance to Church. Your donations do make a big difference to those in our city who rely on the food bank. Thank you. ASCENT GROUP Monday 22 June 2.15pm St Swithun’s Hall. The speaker this month will be Fr Kaz who will be speaking about the Pauline Fathers. WELCOME We welcome Rex, Fr Kaz’s new puppy to the Presbytery. He is settling in very well and getting lots of attention from everyone! FIRST COMMUNION CHILDREN Please pray for our children and their families preparing to receive the Eucharist on Sunday 21 and Sunday 28 June - Eva Badran, Karol Brzezinski, Gerry Dela Pena, Herlie Dela Pena, Harriet Farrow, Freddie Fincham,Jevin Furtado, Matteo Gosden, Niamh Hughes, Eryk Jablonski, Nadia Karolewska, Bethryn Keysell, Jacob Legg, Emily Moore, Sophie Moore, Gabriel Palmer, Emmanuel Paul, Bethany Quinn, Marta Sadowska, Sofia Smith, Luka Teiwes, Laura Thomas, Isobel Whyte and Lola Wilding. MASS DUTIES AT OUR LADY OF LOURDES Please would those who help at Mass give Anne, in writing, the dates of those Saturdays they cannot manage in July, August and September, by Saturday June 13th at the latest. Give the note to Anne or place it in the envelope in the stewards' basket. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Loss and grief are part of human condition. At some stage in our lives, some of us would have experienced loss in one form or another. The loss of a loved one through death, loss of relationships through separation or divorce, loss of jobs/careers … Bereavement is part of the process of grief. Sometimes pain can be unbearable if journeying alone. Reaching out to someone in grief requires a compassionate heart and attentive listening skills. This is a rewarding ministry in both understanding one’s vulnerability and the humility of being present in another’s sacred space and being welcomed into their sacred stories. St John’s Cathedral is seeking new members to join the present ‘Bethany Group’. We will meet on the first Saturday of the month from 1100-1200 in St John’s Room in the Discovery Centre. Please contact Sister Maura at St John’s Parish Office if you would like to know more about this ministry. Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Liturgical Calendar and Mass Times S SATURDAY 30 MAY First Mass of Pentecost, solemnity People of the Parish Dr Val Fontana RIP (MB) People of the Parish Jim & Joan Pidgley F Hubert Henry Coghlan RIP Nellie Violet Adams RIP F People of the Parish Kevin & Eileen Taylor 30th Wedding Anniversary (ET) Eddie Walkley RIP Mary McKenna's Wellbeing May Treacy (TW) John Wilson RIP Patricia and Maurice Ward INT (63 Wedding Anniversary) Jennifer Shields (PM) Mass in Polish Confirmation Mass: Reading Pastoral Area Brendan Rice RIP Marjorie Burton RIP (PM) Catherine Coughlan RIP P Deceased Benefactors F Joseph Tobin RIP (PM) Agnes Mountfield & Relatives RIP F Francis Coleman RIP 1200 St John’s Cathedral Holy Souls Our Lady of Lourdes St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Joseph St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Paul Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral QA Hospital St Swithun St John’s Cathedral Pritchard Family Intentions (TP) Aldona Kruzycka RIP Herbert Bone P Len and Phylis Adams RIP Canon Daniel Cogan RIP P People of the Parish Laura Treacy RIP (MT) Victor Walkley RIP People of the Parish Private Ints (Friends, Relatives, - Alive & Deceased ) (CC) Christopher Snelson People of the Parish Private Ints (Priests, Nuns & Religious - Both Churches)(CC) Mass in Polish Provost Nicholas France: Good Estate 1800 SUNDAY 31 MAY THE MOST HOLY TRINITY, solemnity Deuteronomy 4:32-34.39-40 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 28:16-20 MONDAY 1 JUNE St Justin, Martyr, memorial TUESDAY 2 JUNE Ss Marcellinus & Peter, Martyrs, optional memorial WEDNESDAY 3 JUNE St Charles Lwanga & Companions, Martyrs, memorial THURSDAY 4 JUNE Feria FRIDAY 5 JUNE St Boniface, Religious, Bishop & Martyr, memorial SATURDAY 6 JUNE St Norbert, Founder, Bishop, optional memorial or: Our Lady on Saturday or: Feria SATURDAY 6 JUNE First Mass of Corpus Christi, solemnity 1800 SUNDAY 7 JUNE CORPUS CHRISTI [The Body and Blood of Christ] Solemnity Exodus 24:3-8 Hebrews 9:11-15 Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1600 1800 1500 1800 0915 1000 1215 0915 1000 1215 1900 0730 0915 1000 1200 1215 0915 0930 1000 1200 1215 0730 0930 1000 1215 1830 1900 1000 1030 1030 Our Lady of Lourdes St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Joseph St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Joseph St Colman St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St Paul Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral QA Hospital St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral St Paul St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun Corpus Christi St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Joseph St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral St John’s Cathedral Corpus Christi St Swithun St John’s Cathedral St Colman St Swithun St Swithun St Colman Corpus Christi 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1630 1800 1800 Joseph Salerno RIP Mary Ann White RIP (CC) Mary Ann Davidson RIP P Pauline Craigh Margaret and Jack Finch INT F John Joseph Cummings RIP (CC) Mary Mullane P Norah Hester Warren RIP P Tom Tobin RIP Joseph Salerno RIP Beatrice Vacher F Veronica Lennon's Intentions Gerry and the Hannon Family INT Bill Hudson RIP (PM) Holy Souls First Holy Communion First Holy Communion Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk
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