C ATHOLIC P ORTSMOUTH Catholic Parishes and Schools in Partnership in the City of Portsmouth 22 FEBRUARY 2015 – FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Come into the Desert… Has the Holy Spirit called you to the desert yet? It is well known that Jesus’ ministry began immediately following his 40 days of suffering and, having proved himself faithful to the Father, he was empowered by his desert experience to begin his ministry. So if God really really loves you, and He does, He will probably call you into the desert, and that means suffering. But why do we go there – either in response to his call or when we are hit by trials, affliction or disaster? If God is the source of all good things why does He not keep us away from the bad? Is He aware of our troubles? Is He asleep? Is he unable or unwilling to help? Why does He stand back? It is so easy for us to feel condemned – by ill health, mourning, financial ruin or injustice. Well, thanks to Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension, God has the victory over suffering on earth (not just heaven), and, if we are burdened, then we must have confidence that God allows that burden for good reason. He is not the origin of suffering but He can use suffering to catch our attention, to bring us back to Him. Job reminds us “happy the man who God corrects”. God bruises, but binds up, wounds, but heals. If we fall 7 times, we will bounce back 7 times and this surely is our hope, that the Lord will fulfil His purpose in us and we need not fear times spent in such a lonely and difficult place. But we do have a part to play in our suffering. God says that we shall not to be overcome by it: we should offer God praise and thanksgiving in all things as an act of obedience; we should be honest and tell God how we feel; we can ask what is the purpose of our suffering; we should choose to avoid anger and bitterness and bless those who persecute us; we can soak ourselves in the Word of God as the weapon of battle against evil (as Jesus said in the desert ‘it is written…’); and we should wait for restoration and be comforted that we have become qualified to have the compassion to respond to suffering in others. Malachi speaks very beautifully about the journey of coming back to dependence on God; that Jesus will be ‘as a refiner’. ‘He will purify us like … silver’. When silver is refined, it needs watching by the silversmith to make sure it does not over heat and ruin, he constantly watches and scrapes of the impurities as the metal gets hotter. Finally, he knows the silver is purified when it is perfectly reflective and he can see his face clearly on the surface. What a lovely image, that through an uncomfortable desert experience, we shall become something far more precious. …the desert is a wonderfully creative space. Lucy Sayer Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun Fr Kazimierz Stefek - Assistant Priest: Fr Pawel Przybyszewski tel. 023 9282 8305 – [email protected] Our Lady of Lourdes Bransbury Road, Eastney, PO4 9JY - St Swithun 105 Waverley Road, Southsea, PO5 2PL Pastoral Assistant: Sr Marie Elise Tel. 07747 728734 Parish Secretary: Mrs Clare Shore – Office Hours: Mon 0900-1100 and Tues to Friday 0900-1500 Safeguarding Representative: Val Croughan 023 9234 1682 St John’s Cathedral: Bishop’s House, Bishop Crispian Way, PO1 3HG – Tel. 02392 826170 Cathedral Dean: Canon Dominic Golding VG – [email protected] Assistant Priest: Fr James McAuley – [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Lily Peach – [email protected] – Office Hours: 0900-1600 Monday – Friday Parish Pastoral Assistant: Sister Maura Chin - Safeguarding Representative: Sue Smy 023 9273 0855 Corpus Christi & St Joseph Fr Steven Restori tel 023 9266 0927 – [email protected] Corpus Christi Gladys Avenue, North End PO2 9AZ – St Joseph Tangier Road, Copnor PO3 6JH Parish Sister: Sr Mary Gleavey FMDM 07586 801868 – St Joseph Hall Bookings: Mrs Mary Vale 07897 488254 Safeguarding Representative: Elaine Lindsay 07749 200592 St Colman with St Paul Fr Joe McNerney (Hospital Chaplain) – Assistant Priest: Fr John Humphreys [email protected] - 023 9228 6408 St Colman St Colman’s Avenue, Cosham, PO6 2JJ – St Paul Allaway Avenue, PO6 4DG– tel. 023 9237 6151 Parish Assistant: Mrs Tess Pritchard Office Hours: 0900-1500 Mon to Fri Safeguarding Representative: Irene Taylor 023 9264 0754 or 07914 722708 Pastoral Youth Worker: Dom DeBoo tel 023 9283 6524 mob 07769 185603 – [email protected] PARISHES: Corpus Christi & St Joseph • Our Lady of Lourdes with St Swithun • St Colman & St Paul • St John’s Cathedral SCHOOLS: Primary: Corpus Christi • St John’s Cathedral • St Paul’s • St Swithun’s • Secondary: St Edmund’s Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk 15 February 2015 – Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time CONTACT YOUTH CLUB (11 – 16) CONTACT AREA NEWSYouth Club, our youth club for young people aged 11–16, runs from 1900–2100 at St Colman’s K;k;k;l Catholic Church. £1 a week subs + tuck shop. Next Session: Wednesday 25 February. DISCOVERY (13 – 18) We are going to be taking a little break with DISCOVERY and then resuming in mid-March. DISCOVERY is for teenagers aged 13–18 to come and explore their faith, asking some of life’s deeper questions. Cracking desserts. Our next session will be looking at the theme ‘Why can’t we always have what we want?’ Next Session: Tuesday 10 March. Feel free to get in touch: facebook: ‘Dom DeBoo Portsmouth’ twitter @Dom_DeBoo_Youth www.catholicportsmouth.org.uk/youth [email protected] tel: 07769185603 YOUTH AND CHILDREN’S MASS Thank you to all of the wonderful parishioners and of course children and young people at St Colman’s Catholic Church who supported our Youth and Children’s Mass on Sunday 8 February, and especially to all those that helped make it a great morning. Our next Youth and Children’s Mass will be at Corpus Christi Catholic Church on Sunday 15 March so if you are from St Joseph’s or Corpus Christi please look out for that and then get involved. RECONCILIATION St John's Cathedral St Swithun Our Lady of Lourdes Corpus Christi St Joseph St Colman Saturday 1100 - 1145 1700 – 1745 Friday 1930 – 2000 Saturday 1030 – 1100 Saturday 1730 – 1755 Saturday 0930 Saturday (Before 1800 Mass) Saturday 1700 – 1730 PARISH DIARY Monday 23 February - Our Lady of Peace (Medjugorje) Prayer Group: 1100 - 1200 Jubilee Room, St John’s Cathedral - Bible Timeline Study Course: 1930 St John’s Cathedral Hall Tuesday 24 February 2015 - Parent, Toddlers and Baby Group: 0915 - 1115 St Swithun’s Hall Thursday 26 February - The Search (RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): 1930 - 2030 St John’s Cathedral Discovery Centre Friday 27 February - Mothers Prayer Group – 1115 Our Lady of Lourdes Church - Guides and Brownies meet 1700 – 2000 Our Lady of Lourdes Community Room - WCCM – Meditation Group – 2000 Meeting Room, St Swithun’s Hall SUNDAY NIGHT EXTRA (11 – 16) Sunday Night Extra is our monthly space for you to chill out on a Sunday night with other young Catholics, to eat good food and to explore your faith deeper. It is held in the Cathedral Hall from 1900–2045 and we ask for a donation of £2 per person towards the cost of food. In our next session, on Sunday 22 February we will be exploring the question ‘Why bother with Lent?’ ZONED In (Year 6 Youth Club) If you are in school year 6, then we run a youth club for you on Thursday nights from 1830–2000 at Corpus Christi Catholic School with lots of fun activities and equipment. £1 a week subs + tuck shop. In our next session on 26 February, we will be doing a rap and poetry workshop looking at have you got that lyrical touch. Please pray for those who are ill, especially: Micheline Thompson, Susan Forer, Michael Foster, Pat Needham, Tom Denny, John Malbon, Margaret Badger, Rosemary Ashton, Anne Sullivan, Catherine Morgan, Eileen Huddleston, Barbara Mulligan, Harry Murray, Arthur Tobin and Jo Wheeler. For those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Beatrice M Booth, Ida Frazier, Sadie Davey, Kathleen Thompson, Ivy Evelyn Looker, Edith Glenys Gregory, Florence Nelus, Elizabeth Merrett, Elizabeth Morgan, Nellie Bailey, Joseph Maile, James Prest, Lauren Suzanne Marriott, Peter Garrison, John Bernard Bullock, Frances Vassey, Edith Brotherton, Alfred Limbrick, Ellen Ryan, Albert Head, Jenny D Lambert, Alfred Randolf Knagg, Elizabeth Mary Merrett, Thomas Charles Harrison, Monica Collings, Edna Grace Hanvey, Peter George Graves, Eileen Gavan, Margaret Mary Harper, Mildred Wilkins, Josephine Margaret Davis, Bridget Irene Collings, David Chappell, Beatrice House, William Mullins, Maurice Phillipson, Joanna Kingston, James Healy, Winifred Frances Mason, Loreta Newnham, James Smith, Jane Fitzwilliams, Angela Barden, Lilian Morris, Valerie Willis, William Anderson, Bridget Harrison, Bridget Harrigan, Eileen Mary Florence Emma Spencer, Christine Sheila Haggar, Ian Alfred Charles Langford, Provost Bernard Lindsay, Ivy Walsh, Hilda Ralls, Wendy Gray, James "Jim" Russell, Dennis Kavanagh, Arthur Berry, May O'Shea, May Ellen Currie, Bob McCulla, Muriel Van Staveren and Ian Alfred Charles Langford. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the Mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen WE ACKNOWLEDGE LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS WITH THANKS: - Corpus Christi with St Joseph: £769.85 incl SO - Our Lady of Lourdes & St Swithun: £864.30 inc SO (67% GA) - St Colman with St Paul: £1,002.50 inc SO (71% GA) - St John’s Cathedral: £2,105.98 inc SO (40% GA) Catholic Education Service: £263.64 Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Pastoral Area News MASS OF HEALING AND ANOINTING With Fr Peter Glas at St Mary’s Church, AREA NEWS High Street Gosport on Friday 27 Feb at 1900 followed by prayer for healing of the family tree, deliverance prayer plus anointing and blessing. All welcome. CAFOD & UK AID MATCH FUNDING The UK government has promised to match every pound and penny you give to CAFOD’s Lenten appeal (18 Feb-17 May) up to the value of £3.5M. Your donations can be used to help more of our sisters and brothers deal with the devastating impact of extreme weather such as storms, droughts and floods. Thank you for your generous compassion for those living in poverty and for fasting in solidarity with them on Lent Fast Day (Friday 27 February 2015). 'CHRIST AND THE CHURCH NEEDS YOU' In this year for consecrated life we invite young men aged 18-40 to dream big and consider a life on the spiritual vanguard. 'Come and See' the Community of Our Lady of Walsingham, based in the diocese of Brentwood, a new religious community founded in 2004. As the male branch begins to take shape you are invited to consider if its spirituality speaks to you. 20-22 March. Abbotswick House of Prayer near Brentwood in Essex www.walsinghamcommunity.org or call Jim on 01277 373848. ALTON DAY OF RENEWAL A TIME OF WAITING To celebrate its 40th anniversary there will be a mini-retreat with adoration, rosary, Eucharist, praise, teaching and healing prayer on 28 Feb, 1100-1600 at St Lucy’s Convent, Medstead, Alton, GU34 5LL. Speaker: Derek Williams. EVANGELISATION STRATEGY TEAMS: A MESSAGE FROM BISHOP PHILIP Bishop Philip writes: “As you know, the Church in our time is calling us to the work of new evangelisation. We are Christ’s missionary disciples, and He has given us many charisms and talents for this work. Now we want to set up in every Pastoral Area an Evangelisation Strategy Team, comprised of clergy and laity, to direct the work of mission at the local, parish level. In your Pastoral Area there will soon be a Holy Hour to pray for this initiative. The Strategy Team is a new body to replace the Pastoral Council. It should represent all ages and types. It’s all about vision! Its purpose is to sponsor mission-projects across the area. Teams will meet once a term. To find out more, go to our diocesan website: www.portsmouthdiocese.org.uk/evan gelisation-teams. There you will find a video with more info, and further details. OAKLANDS PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION PRESENTS “KOJAK REVENGE” On Friday 20 March from 2000-2300. Tickets £10 includes entry into wine raffle. Licensed bar (guests are not permitted to bring their own drinks to this event). Tickets available from school White House reception or call/text 07817 606571. ANNUAL SENIOR CITIZENS’ PARTY At St Edmund’s School Year 8 on Thursday 26 Feb, 1400-1600. Senior citizens from all Portsmouth parishes are cordially invited. It is always an enjoyable occasion and there will again be food, drink and activities. If you would like to attend please ring Nina White on 02392 823766. VISIT OF THE RELICS OF BLESSED LOUIS AND BLESSED ZELIE MARTIN As announced by Bishop Philip in his Pastoral Letter, the relics of Blessed Louis and Blessed Zélie Martin, one of the first married couples to be beatified, have been invited to the Diocese this May. Blessed Louis and Blessed Zélie were the parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux. Wed 20 May, Liturgy of Reception at St Theresa’s Totton, Southampton. Thur 21 May, day of Veneration at St John’s Cathedral Portsmouth. Fri 22 May, Mass at Christ the King, Reading. www.louisand zeliemartin.org. Parish News NO FOOD BANK NEXT WEEKEND Please note that the Food Bank have AREA NEWS requested that we DO NOT make a collection of food until after Easter whilst they sort out their existing stock. If you wish to donate to the Food Bank in other ways there are details on how to set up a Direct Debit in their February 2015 newsletter, copies of which are at the back of Church. ASCENT GROUP The next Ascent Group will take place at 2.15pm in St Swithun’s Hall on Monday 23 February. The speaker this month will be Brian McCreesh who will be talking about St Swithun’s Church. STATIONS OF THE CROSS During Lent there will be Stations of the Cross in St Swithun’s Church at 9.30am and 6.30pm on Fridays and 9.30am on Saturdays and in Polish at 5.30pm on Sundays. CAFOD LENT FAST DAY Friday 27 February 2015. Good news! The UK government has promised to match every pound and penny you give to CAFOD’s Lenten appeal (from 18 Feb – 17 May) up to the value of £5M. Your donations can be used to help more of our sisters and brothers deal with the devastating impact of extreme weather such as storms, droughts and floods. Thank you for your generous compassion for those living in poverty and for fasting in solidarity with them on Lent Fast Day. CAFOD envelopes are available at the back of Church and gift aiders please use the envelope provided in your pack. LENTEN ALMS As in previous years we will be supporting Murambinda Parish in Zimbabwe with collections being taken this weekend, 7/8 March, 21/22 March and 28/29 March. Gift Aiders please use the envelopes provided in your packs. FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT Starts on Monday 23 February and runs until 9 March. Portsmouth is a Fairtrade city and many churches of different denominations are Fairtrade parishes. There are several events to help us celebrate 20 years of the Fairtrade movement in the UK: Mon 23 Feb, 1100. Launch of Fairtrade Fortnight in Guildhall Square Portsmouth. Portsmouth's Lord Major leads the sharing of free Fairtrade bananas. Thu 26 Feb (evening) Eating Well Together. Celebrate Fairtrade with a special vegetarian meal cooked with Fairtrade ingredients and served with Fairtrade wines. Music and a talk about Fairtrade producers from Ghana. Havant United Reformed Church, Elm Lane, Havant, Tickets £6 each or £12 per family. Tickets from: Havant URC, Elm Lane, Havant, Email: [email protected] 02392 250267. Further information www.portsmouthfairtrade.org.uk For more information on how Christians can support Fairtrade www.portsmouthcatholiccathedral.org.u k/fairtrade/ Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk Liturgical Calendar and Mass Times S SATURDAY 21 FEBRUARY First Mass of First Sunday of Lent SUNDAY 22 FEBRUARY FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Genesis 9:8-15 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15 MONDAY 23 FEBRUARY TUESDAY 24 FEBRUARY WEDNESDAY 25 FEBRUARY THURSDAY 26 FEBRUARY FRIDAY 27 FEBRUARY [Lenten Fast Day] SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY SATURDAY 28 FEBRUARY First Mass of Second Sunday of Lent SUNDAY 29 FEBRUARY SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT Genesis 22:1-2.9-13.15-18 Romans 8:31-34 Mark 9:2-10 1800 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1200 1600 1800 1800 0730 0915 1000 1130 1215 0915 1000 1215 1900 0730 1000 1200 1215 1300 1400 0730 0930 0915 1000 1200 1215 0730 1000 0930 1215 1830 1900 0900 1000 1215 1800 0800 0830 0900 0930 1000 1015 1100 1100 1200 1600 1800 1800 Our Lady of Lourdes People of the Parish St Colman Francis Gerald Daley RIP (FM) St John’s Cathedral Elson Carvalho RIP St Joseph People of the Parish St John’s Cathedral Tom Lee RIP St Swithun St Joseph Fr Francis Isherwood F St Colman James Hall RIP (FM) St John’s Cathedral Pamela Quick RIP St Swithun Jane McShane RIP P St Paul Pat Blake RIP (PM) Corpus Christi Trevor Trethowan F St Swithun Family Mass in Polish St John’s Cathedral Arthur Christmas RIP F QA Hospital John Joseph Cummings RIP (CC) St Swithun Mass in Polish St John’s Cathedral Daniel Nolan RIP St John’s Cathedral St Colman Phyllis Searle RIP (FM) St Swithun John Bernard Bullock RIP St Swithun Funeral Mass for Patrick Mallon RIP St John’s Cathedral Deceased Benefactors F St Colman Ray Smith RIP (FM) St Swithun Dorothy Mabel Blockley RIP F St John’s Cathedral Ruby Margetts RIP St Swithun St John’s Cathedral Joseph Salerno RIP St Swithun Rita Vella RIP F Corpus Christi Private Intention (PPH) St John’s Cathedral Pam Weller INT Our Lady of Lourdes Funeral Mass for Marion Madden RIP St Colman Requiem Mass - Harold Taylor RIP St John’s Cathedral St Joseph Holy Souls St Colman Michael Hale RIP (PM) St Swithun Maurice Marshall Phillipson RIP F Our Lady of Lourdes St John’s Cathedral Jane Carley Algar INT St John’s Cathedral Joseph Salerno RIP St Swithun Aubrey Family F Corpus Christi Intentions of Rita Haughian St John’s Cathedral Jane Carley Algar INT St Colman Cullinane Family, Michael, Marcella & Antony (FM) St Swithun Corpus Christi Kay Robinson RIP St Swithun Rita Vella RIP F St John’s Cathedral 10th Anniversary of Mgr Luigi Giussani Our Lady of Lourdes St Colman Thanksgiving (FD) St John’s Cathedral Orland Borja RIP St Joseph People of the Parish St John’s Cathedral Martin Law RIP St Swithun People of the Parish St Joseph Angela Guidon RIP St Colman Adelheid Webber RIP (MH) St John’s Cathedral People of the Parish St Swithun St Paul Sr Catherine Ennis RIP (PM) Corpus Christi Anthony & Adelaide DeBattista RIP St John’s Cathedral Major John Joseph Barry RIP QA Hospital Joyce Coppini RIP (PM) St Swithun Mass in Polish St John’s Cathedral F: Foundation – P: Perpetual Catholic Portsmouth - www.CatholicPortsmouth.org.uk
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