Term 2 – Week 6 Edition No 7 KEY DATES BOOK FAIR : Continues until Friday May 22 Wednesday May 20 Thursday May 21 8:30am - 9:15am 8:30am - 9:15am 3:20pm – 4:15pm 3:20pm – 4:15pm 6:30pm – 8:00pm OPEN NIGHT ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL’S REPORT Friday May 22 8:30am – 9:15am Pack up (1hr) Wednesday May 20 School Tour (New Enrolments) – 10.00am OPEN MORNING 9AM – 10AM SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT TONIGHT 7- 8pm ASSEMBLY FOR Thursday May 21 TERM 2: Yr 4 Gould League Excursion Mondays 2.50pm Friday May 22 Walk Safely to School Day Saturday May 23 Prep Information and School Tour – 9.30-10.30 am (New Enrolments) MONDAY MAY 25 PUPIL FREE DAY – NO STUDENTS UNIFORM SHOP HOURS: Every Tuesday 8.30am – 9.30am Tuesday May 26 UNIFORM ORDER LIST CAN BE FOUND IN Yr 2 Incursion: Smart Money CURRENT NOTICES SECTION Junior Assembly – 2C : Hall 3.00pm ON THE SCHOOL WEBSITE SECONDHAND UNIFORM Wednesday May 27 SHOP HOURS: School Council: 6.15pm Every Monday 8.45am – 9.30am Thursday May 28 Yr 5 Planetarium Excursion P.A Event: Girls’ Night Out: 8pm – On Top Bar, Ormond Monday June 1 – Friday June 13 Yrs 3-6 Swimming LUNCH ORDER DAYS Wednesday June 3 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri LUNCH ORDER LIST CAN BE FOUND IN ICAS Science Test CURRENT NOTICES SECTION ON Division Cross Country THE SCHOOL WEBSITE Monday June 8 QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY - PUBLIC HOLIDAY Thursday June 11 Term Dates 2015 Soiree - 6.30pm (Details in this edition) Term 2: 13 April to Thursday June 18 26 June Raffle Tickets Due Term 3: 13 July to Monday June 22 & Tuesday June 23 18 September Three Way Conferences (more details to follow) Term 4: 5 October Friday June 26 to 18 December LAST DAY TERM 2 TERM 3 Thursday July 30 Parent Cyber Safety Information Evening 7pm in the Hall Wednesday August 19 School Concert Sunday October 25 (Term 4) FETE 20th May 2015 EDUCATION WEEK Education Week is a very popular event as it is a great opportunity for parents and family to support their child's education and the value that is placed on this, while learning more about classroom programs at our school. This morning, many parents and grandparents dropped in to visit classrooms and learn more about what their children were learning and how they learn. Our students are greatly looking forward to again sharing their learning with the many people who will visit their classrooms this evening from 7pm until 8pm. The students are always very excited to be at school during the evening. We look forward to seeing families between 7 and 8pm tonight. SATURDAY INFORMATION SESSION FOR PREP ENROLMENTS 2016 STUDENTS This Saturday, May 23rd from 9.30 to 10.30am, we are holding our Information Morning for prospective 2016 Prep parents, in the school hall. We look forward to meeting some of our future CSPS parents and having the opportunity to share information about our school. If anyone knows of families in our neighbourhood who are unable to attend during the week and have children beginning school in 2016, please encourage them to attend this session when they will also be taken on a tour of the school. BOOK FAIR A huge thank you to Rachelli Sack and a dedicated team of parents who organise and run the ever successful Book Fair during Education Week. Any parents who have not yet had the opportunity to view the selection of books with their children, please visit any day this week between 8.30am and 9.15am or 3.20pm and 4.15pm. The Book Fair will also be open between 6.30 and 8pm this evening. A percentage of the proceeds from sales will provide additional books to build on our library collection. UPDATE- THE FRIENDSHIP TREE Last year a very innovate, creative young lady in Year 2 named Baille, drew up a plan and submitted it to Ms Yardley as way of a suggestion as to how the area in the Junior Playground could best be used. Yesterday, Richard, a landscape gardener, visited our school to talk further with Ms Yardley about the ensuing plans for the space. Along with the Green Machine and Baille’s diagram for creative input, he will be planting a series of surrounding trees with log benches nestled inside positioned in a circle. Keep watching the junior playground space! IT’S COMING!!! Thursday July 30th 7pm Do you know what these terms mean? Your child might be reading them right now… LMIRL ASL AFAIK ROTFL PM PAW • • • • • • • • • REMINDER: Parent Payments 2015 All parents are encouraged to finalise any remaining payments due as soon as possible. Part A: Essential Educational Items are the compulsory payment that must be paid for each student as part of their ‘instruction’ in the standard curriculum program. Part B: Voluntary Financial Contributions are much needed to support our school but these are paid entirely on a voluntary basis. Grounds Maintenance Contributions - A single voluntary contribution per family. In lieu of making this payment, parents may opt to be rostered to perform specific duties to improve the school environment for the benefit of all children - $40 New equipment (Resource Contributions) e.g. take-home readers, maths and science equipment, library books - $65 When paying on Qkr, please note Grounds Maintenance is one payment per family. Be back later-BBL ITALIAN WORD OF THE WEEK This week’s Italian Word of the Week is: See you later- CUL8R Private message- PM Away from keyboard-AFK Rolling on the floor laughing- ROTFL As far as I know - AFAIK LA SCUOLA – IT MEANS ‘SCHOOL’ Grazie Sophie Bilionis (Italian teacher) Let’s Meet in Real Life- LMIRL Age Sex Location-ASL Parents are watching -PAW For more information regarding our Cyber Safety Parent Evening read next week’s newsletter for booking information. VIRUS ATTACK Technology can be a wonderful tool, especially in a school. However, sometimes it can go terribly wrong! CSPS was the target of a virus attack last Monday week, which caused the complete shut-down of all our computers and printers. At such times, we realise how much we now rely on technology. Unfortunately, the impact of this was felt greatly across the school, but I would like to congratulate our staff on their flexibility in ensuring the student learning did not suffer. One disappointing aspect of the day was that Student of the Week certificate information was not accessible and the presentation of these had to be postponed until this Monday. I apologise if this disappointed any parents or visitors who attended that assembly. Congratulations to our students who demonstrated such resilience on that day! LONG SERVICE LEAVE I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone well as I commence my Long Service Leave from next week until the end of term. It is an exciting prospect being able to travel to Europe and spend time with family and friends. During my absence Justin Cole will be Acting Assistant Principal working from his classroom. Gill Bartholomeusz Assistant Principal THE VICTORIAN PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE IS ON AGAIN! The Premier’s Reading Challenge for 2015 is now underway. The Challenge is open to all Victorian children and places emphasis on individual challenge, participation and achievement. To take part, children need to read or ‘experience’ up to 40 books (depending on their age) with their family, guardian or teacher before the end of the Challenge. Children and families may choose from thousands of books including: fiction, non-fiction, plays, poetry, short stories, picture story books and graphic novels. Details about how you can participate in the Challenge and what students need to do to record the books they have read will be sent home shortly. Happy reading, John Rice & Terrie Palmer-Tanner Premier’s Reading Challenge Coordinators WALKATHON FUNDRAISING RESULT At the end of April, the fundraising total for the walkathon that was held towards the end of Term One, was $5,258. Thank you once again to Hayley Mazor (mum of Koby 2C and Ash Prep A) and Naomi Layton (mum of Gabby 6A and Reuben 2A) and their team of helpers who did such a wonderful job of organising this event for our community. The money raised adds greatly to our capacity to fund local projects decided upon by the School Council (parents and some teachers), after listening to the opinions of our PA and school community. This year we are hoping to raise enough money to complete the renovation of the front garden, revamp the habitat garden and install air conditioning in the hall. Thank you to everyone for their fundraising efforts and contribution to CSPS! DON’T FORGET TO VISIT THE….. WE’RE TAKING IT IN OUR STRIDE ON FRIDAY, 22nd MAY 2015 CAULFIELD SOUTH PRIMARY SCHOOL BOOK FAIR Education Week : Monday 18th – Friday 22rd May (Times listed in the Key Dates Section) (Includes our CSPS Open Night on th Wednesday 20 May) COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD (Details located beside the double glass doors – near Prep A) BECOME A VOLUNTEER HOST FAMILY information on noticeboard STUDENT EXCHANGE is looking for host families across Australia to welcome overseas students into their home. Visit: www.studentexchange.org.au/host-a-student or call 1300 135 331 for more information BERRY STREET - We never give up Thinking of becoming a Foster Carer? Information on noticeboard GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL : NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK AT MALLANBOOL RESERVE Sunday May 31st, 12pm (More information on noticeboard) ARCADIA EXHIBITION – School Holiday Activity – Telling Tales Interactive guided art workshops for children aged 4 – 12 yrs Free Event (various dates). See noticeboard for details or visit www.gleneira.vic.gov.au Well it’s that time of year again when CSPS seriously starts talking about walking! Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine. You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by: Walking with them the whole way to school If they get the bus or train, walk past your usual stop and get on at the next stop If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way. Regular exercise, like walking with your child, not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes, it also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 22nd May 2015! For more information, visit www.walk.com.au Parents’ Association Events & Main Organisers BOOK FAIR Rachelli Sack MOTHER’S EVENING Donna Sceney Maria Giannopoulos LUNCHTIME SAUSAGE SIZZLE Steve Feder SCHOOL DISCO Melanie Gordon FATHER’S DAY STALL Louise Bloom FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST Jackie Phillips WORLD TEACHERS’ DAY Kerry Perlstein SCHOOL FETE Cindy McClure Tracey Swiatlo MANGO FUNDRAISER Chrissy Cananzi Kerry Perlstein Date 18 May – 22 May Thurs 28 May Wed 5 Aug Sat 8 Aug Thurs 3 Sep Fri 4 Sep Mon 5 Oct Sun 25 Oct End of Term 4 Caulfield South Primary School Soirée – REGISTRATION Thursday June 11th 6:30pm Caulfield South PS and Friends of Music invite you to participate in a Music Soirée. We will be inviting instrumentalists to play at this special evening concert. All students who learn a musical instrument, either at school or privately, are invited to share their music with others. There is no minimum standard required. We only ask that students, in consultation with their teacher, choose a piece of music that they are confident in performing and that they can give extra special attention to prior to the soirée. Parents, friends and relatives are all welcome and encouraged to attend. Students who would like to participate in the Soirée are asked to complete the form below and return it to the School Office by Monday June 1st. Lisa Friedland - Friends of Music, may contact parents with any additional information via email. Parents are asked to bring a plate (sweet or savoury) on the night. We look forward to an enjoyable evening. Best wishes, Julie Hoffman Music Co-ordinator Caulfield South PS Music Soiré Soirée – Thursday June 11th 6:30pm. *RETURN TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE Name: ___________________________________________________________ Class: _______________ Instrument: _________________ Class: Name of piece: __________________________________________________________________ Composer: ____________________________________ Length: _____mins Parent Name:__________________________________________ Name:__________________________________________ Contact email address: __________________________________________________________ EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AT CSPS Information / Registration forms are available either outside the school office or on the CSPS website www.caulfieldsthps.vic.edu.au under the Current Notices link. CAULFIELD SOUTH CHESS CLUB - CHESS IDEAS TERM 2 REGISTRATION FORM AVAILABLE VIA THE LINK BELOW, FROM THE SCHOOL WEBSITE OR OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL OFFICE More information / Payments can be made online www.chessideas.com.au
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