Introducing our Applicant Board Directors As you may be aware, we have 6 positions vacant for Board directors (to be identified from and by the RWCE members). With applications closing as of the 31st March, we were preparing to run an open voting system from the beginning of next week to the close of the AGM (15th April) however as nominations have not exceeded vacancies, we propose to approve all nominations en bloc at the meeting -‐ your support for their adoption at the AGM would be most welcome. Please find below a brief summary of our six Board Director applicants – the following statements have been lifted directly from applications. Tom Mutton: Scalby ‘I feel I can offer the ideal mix of skills and experience the Enterprise needs to grow and develop to its full potential, combined with a genuine understanding of and respect from the local community. During my career and personal life I have delivered a huge range of successful projects such as multi-‐ million pound heritage park restorations, award-‐winning skate parks, innovative play areas and new nature reserves. Together with this experience in environmental, community and business fields I have a close affection for Raincliffe Woods and a sincere belief in the ideas and aspirations of the Enterprise. I am prepared to commit my time and resources to this cause and am determined to make the venture a great success. I hope that my work on the business plan and other elements of the Enterprise has given you a flavour of what I can offer.’ Ron Baxter: Scarborough ‘I started my involvement with the Conservation Volunteers about 14 years ago. I suppose the reason for me joining was to make some friends in what was for me still a fairly new town. Two years ago after our esteemed Chair Heather got a job, I offered to stand as her replacement and here I am still in the job. Scarborough Conservation volunteers have had a long and proud history of working in Raincliffe -‐ having built the Round Houses, led large Secret Wood Events, put in the Board Walks round Throxenby Mere & Forge Valley, built the steps, cleared and made paths, created clearings and put in seating. At the end of 2011 we were offered the chance to take over the management of Raincliffe Meadow by the Woodland Trust, the volunteers jumped at the chance of such an exciting opportunity. Since then our volunteers, fundraising efforts, hard work and enjoyment has grown exponentially……….It is this commitment to Raincliffe Woods & Forge Valley that I ask for your support. Let’s make all of it the best for Wildlife, world class for Education& Training and let’s make it self-‐sustaining.’ Tricia Colling: East Ayton ‘I am Scarborough born and live in East Ayton. I am a member of the East Ayton Parish Council and have been since 2007 -‐ I am currently the Chairman. East Ayton Parish boundary includes Forge Valley and almost 2/3 of Raincliffe Woods and as a result I have a keen personal interest and commitment to its conservation, development and use for years to come. In the past 15 years, I have been co-‐ordinator for a Rural Watch scheme called ‘Countryside Watch’. I have been part of, and chaired the Rural Area forum and for most of my adult life have had close ties to the community and community-‐based projects. Having read through the Business Plan I believe I can bring significant commitment and experiences to RWCE and look forward to having a positive impact on its future’. Julie Stewart: Newby After a 16 year membership I am presently the Chair of the IPSE (formerly PCG ltd) -‐ a not-‐for-‐profit organisation with over 21,000 members, IPSE is the largest association of independent professionals in the EU, representing freelancers, contractors and consultants from every sector of the economy. It's a not-‐for-‐profit organisation owned and run by its members. I believe my learning and development from this organisation can support RWCE as it endeavours to grow as a membership-‐ led enterprise. On a personal note I am an experienced Non-‐Executive Director with strong strategic vision, governance, leadership and communication skills developed over the last 11 years in the not-‐for-‐ profit sector. As a family we have a keen interest in the conservation of wildlife -‐ most recently becoming an active objector to the Petts Wood developments, where we were passionately opposed to the development of housing at the expense of wildlife loss including bats, foxes and otters. As keen dog walkers -‐ we feel the same commitment to the preservation and conservation of Raincliffe Woods -‐ to this end I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to its successful future. Stephen Parker: Scarborough Within any community enterprise, managing the conflicting needs of people, environment and profit must have equal representation of skills on all ‘sides’. Without this balance ‘sustainability’ is easily ‘hi-‐jacked’ to mean whatever one group want it to mean -‐ RWCE needs expert representation across all these. Facilitating this balance is exactly what I have devoted my life to doing; nationally and internationally. I am currently a board member of two community organisations and Managing Director of a Social Enterprise in Scarborough -‐ through this experience and my personal / professional training I believe I have a strong skill-‐set across all areas to contribute to the development of RWCE. A City trained management accountant. I was a Scarborough Wildlife Officer, and am an ecologist, teacher and environmental business innovator. (In 2000 I was awarded for innovation in environmental education and training by the Millennium commission). Currently; in addition to my international sustainable business consultancy, I’m launching a community owned energy company to supply Yorkshire’s coastal communities with a superior Service to that which they receive. It is essential the local community has someone able to constructively pursue their interests through RWCE’s innovative generational structure. I have the skills expertise to ensure the truly sustainable future of our woodland -‐ for all your interests. Mathew Osburn: Filey Having a background in Environmental science and Outdoor Education, I am keen to see the woods utilised for a variety of projects and themes which mirror some of those already identified in the Business Plan: education, wildlife, conservation and management, forestry business, orienteering, camping and community youth activities. Engaging young people in the RWCE both as an enterprise and an outdoor area could lead to successful apprenticeships, engaging youth projects, and a greater sense of ‘ownership and respect’ for the area. I have a wide range of skills and qualifications which could allow me to oversee and lead many youth/adult activities including mountain biking, business management (woodland) , water sports (currently running water sport activities at Wykeham Lakes). I feel I could use my skills and experiences both within the outdoors and within education, to drive forward and fulfil some of the proposals outlined in the RWCE Business Plan. I also feel that I have enough knowledge in Health and Safety of outdoor activities’ code of practice to be able to strategically contribute to the safe and sustainable development of activities within this great space. For further information please do not hesitate to contact Claire Robinson ([email protected]). We look forward to your support moving forward and your attendance at the AGM on the 15th April if possible.
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