QUARTERLY REPORT 1 JANUARY – 31 MARCH 2015 VISION INTO ACTION January - June 2015 VISION Canberra recognised globally as a “clever, connected and creative city” fuelled by excellence in research, innovation and entrepreneurship, delivering a diversified economy, social impact, a vibrant creative sector and wealth creation. MISSION To connect innovative businesses and entrepreneurs to what they need to succeed, to promote their success, and to accelerate innovation in the ACT using both tested and experimental approaches. OBJECTIVES CONNECT CRITICAL ACTIVITIES KPI’s • Support initial development of the Stakeholders Advisory Committee (SAC). • SAC membership agreed and effectively engaged with CBRIN development. • Deliver connectivity support through Canberra Business Point (CBP) services. • CBP services delivered satisfactorily and next model agreed. • Map the ecosystem, the entrepreneur’s journey, and the service matrix in the ACT to understand what is available. • Ecosystem, entrepreneur’s journey and service matrix maps developed and in use. • Develop a collaborative plan of events. • 1 Moore Street set up with Entry 29 and GRIFFIN Accelerator engaged. • Develop relationships across the network. PROMOTE • Events calendar developed and in use. • 1 Moore Street actively in use. • Collaborative activity undertaken with other organisations. • Develop an online presence. • Online platform developed. • Clearly understand and communicate our identity, position in the ACT innovation ecosystem, value proposition, & measures of success. • Clear messaging developed, understood and valued. • Develop and deliver a marketing and communications plan. • Reach out nationally and internationally to similar successful entities. • Develop a strategy for initial International promotion. • Marketing and communications plan developed and implemented. • At least two international entities visited and collaborations developed. • International strategy initiated. • Database of promotional material developed and in use. • Collect data, video footage and case studies to help promote innovation. ACCELERATE • Provide support for the GRIFFIN Accelerator. • GRIFFIN Accelerator running for 2015. • Understand how to accelerate SME growth, and seek a pilot project. • Program of possible support developed with SME input and pilot project identified. • Develop and facilitate new growth programs in partnership with providers in executive mentoring, market development and growth capital access. • New growth program identified. • Decide on incubation model and initiate development. • ACT Government seeking input from CBRIN on innovation policy and support. • Incubator started at 1 Moore Street. • Contracted services delivered satisfactorily. • Deliver contracted services. • Begin to act as the collective voice of innovation. VALUES Excellence; Openness; Collaboration; Experimentation; Learning & Sharing; Doing & measuring; Teamwork. ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROGRESS1 The following section gives a report on the achievements of CBRIN in collaboration with the innovation community to date. They are placed in the framework of the agreed Objectives, Critical Activities and associated KPIs, as well as specific contracted programs and additional activity required under the ACT Government Funding Agreement. CBRIN is on track in each of its objectives: Connect – CBRIN is involved in numerous activities collaborating with Foundation Members and others in the innovation community, including the development of a collaborative events calendar; the SAC (now ICF) is forming well; CBRIN employees and innovation community members are effectively connecting entrepreneurs to what they need; CBP workshops are strongly attended; and the set up of 1 Moore Street with GRIFFIN and Entry 29 sharing our space is leveraging capability and opportunity Promote – CBRIN social media activity is progressing well, with 423 Twitter followers, 628 subscribers for email communication and 306 linkedIn group members; we have a large database of images and videos and have begun to develop our own video case studies; our connectivity with Invest Canberra, visits from overseas and relationships with Embassies is helping us with international promotion; and progress is being made on the next version of the website; success by participating companies is helping to promote the ACT as a great place for entrepreneurs (e.g Enabled Employment winners of the national competition “Shark Tank”) Accelerate – the GRIFFIN accelerator now has a funding pool of $300K and 19 mentors; the pilot SME business support program has been delivered to 6 companies giving 29 recommendations, and is oversubscribed; the incubator project has been delivered and will be launched in July 2015, contracted services are being delivered and showing impact; and CBRIN has acted as a collective voice for innovation, providing advice to Government on topics such as Venture Capital in the ACT One essential outcome of CBRIN activity is the growth of the innovation pipeline in the ACT. After 5 months we believe that it is not a pipeline so much as a river – we are witnessing massive growth and untapped interest. This is evidenced by statistics such as Entry 29 growth since locating with CBRIN of 121%; the Youth program (Stir) Facebook site attracted 451 Likes within 12 days; the Small Business Support program is already oversubscribed by a factor of almost 2. Interest from large companies is also increasing, with many suggesting specific programs they would like to collaborate on. This presents CBRIN with both challenges and opportunities. Having seen the potential for CBRIN over the last 5 months, we will need to agree on focus of impact, leverage other programs and partnerships, seek corporate support, and develop scalable services to support the increasing volume of opportunity. 1 We would like to note that whilst the progress updates below capture much of our activity, there is undoubtedly more that is not captured but that is vital in terms of ensuring we reach our goals, as well as more that others in the innovation community are contributing. The picture therefore is not complete, but gives a good sense of progress. CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 5 CONNECT Critical Activities Support initial development of the Stakeholders Advisory Committee (SAC), including its structure and role, identifying proposed new programs of activity and communicating effectively KPI Update SAC membership agreed, Director 1. nominations approved, SAC providing significant input to 2. CBRIN development and effective communication achieved both to 3. and from the SAC SAC were in unanimous agreement to change their name to the “Innovation Community Forum (ICF)”, and ACT Government informed. Two new members added to the ICF: David Pembroke & Rob Miller Working Group Formation: a) Unanimously agreed to establish the ICF Operating Model Working Group – set up and running b) Unanimously agreed to establish the ICF Engagement Working Group to plan for the initial Innovation Community communiqué from ICF to inform of activity and planned election process – set up and running c) Agreed with the approach to consider establishing other relevant Working Groups such as the ICF Issues Action Working Group as a means to manage and deliver on specific items and issues. It was agreed that the Working Groups would be relatively autonomous in their operation with support from CBRIN staff where relevant. It was noted that the ICF is not a decision making body in its own right and that all outcomes of a decision nature will usually be in the form of a recommendation to CBRIN management and/or the Board Two ICF members have been appointed as Observers at CBRIN Board meetings Deliver connectivity support CBP services delivered through Canberra Business satisfactorily and next model Point (CBP) services up to 30 agreed June 2015, with consideration after that regarding how this is best delivered Canberra Business Point services delivered by Canberra Business Chamber as contracted. Detailed Q2 report covering period from October 1 to December 31, 2014 attached. Highlights include: 105 calls to 1300 hotline, 51 one-‐on-‐one business advice sessions, 46 web enquiries, 2 Business Fundamentals workshops – attended by 39 people, 114 New Canberra BusinessPoint clients, 37 referrals to industry specialists CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 6 Numbers are up according the contractor in the Q3 period and report will be submitted after the quarter ends. CBR IN and Canberra Business Chamber Directors of Programs engaged in discussions about a new model of delivering the services in 2015/2016. CBR staff are actively involved in making connections on a daily basis. It is estimated that we as a team make at least 20 – 30 connections a week. In addition to this the overall innovation community would collectively add even more connections to this. Map the ecosystem, the Ecosystem, entrepreneur’s entrepreneur’s journey, as journey and service matrix maps well as the service matrix in developed and in use the ACT to understand what is available Building on Ecosystem Map developed by ThinkPlace and on Service Matrix developed by CBRIN stakeholders we held a workshop on creating a map of the Ecosystem from perspectives of different target groups. This included representatives of key organisations in the ecosystem and resulted in a brief for the map and entrepreneur’s journey. Work on the documents are in progress (brief attached). Service Matrix: Live on website Develop a collaborative plan of events, including events that are planned by current providers, as well as new events that are needed to fill gaps Events calendar developed and in Events Calendar Live and populated by Sharyn Smith, E29, Canberra Business Chamber, use by CBRIN, E29, GRIFFIN and GRIFFIN and Lighthouse. others Collaboration & Events group set up and meets on a quarterly basis. Good representation of providers, including newcomers to the innovation community (such as Canberra Women in Business). The group identified some sectors that are not represented and undertook to proactively engage with them. Interest remains strong to use the space on a fee for service basis. We offer CBRIN event space free for events run by partners or highly aligned not for profit organisations, and charge commercial rates for other organisations that have a synergy with CBRIN or are potential partners. Fee for service bookings are now being taken. The first of these was held on 12 March 2015. 36 events have taken place with more than 1400 people in attendance. Another 40+ events are scheduled to take place prior to the end of financial year. CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 7 1 Moore Street set up with Entry 29 and GRIFFIN Accelerator engaged in CBRIN 1 Moore Street actively in use and occupancy improved E29 and GRIFFIN actively engaged in the space and collaborating with CBRIN. As well as daily contact, regular meetings are in place to discuss space requirements and collaborative opportunities (such as sponsorship etc). When VIP’s visit the three groups, plus other members of the innovation community, collaborate to maximise impact Lease arrangements for the remainder of Level 5 were finalised in early February. The CBRIN team and GRIFFIN Accelerator moved into the Eastern wing immediately. Sub-‐ lease arrangements with E29 for the extra space are being finalised. E29 now occupy 732.2m2 of the main floor and will also provide facilities management with CBRIN for the ‘Incubator Cell’ in the North West wing (162m2) and central conference room (74m2). CBRIN and E29 have agreed 85%/15% split for desk space revenue in these additional areas. Instaclustr remains in the North West ‘Incubator Cell’ and a short-‐term sub-‐lease arrangement (end May 2015) with OnTheGo Sports is currently in place. E29 membership has grown to 100 active members building 43 businesses utilising the space and facilities provided by CBRIN. Develop relationships across Collaborative activity undertaken the network, including strong with other organisations across links into Foundation Member the ACT (such as IACT etc) organisations, other like minded organisations (such as Academy of Interactive Entertainment), Commonwealth Government of Industry, and relevant service providers/networks • ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science program TechLauncher supported by and launched in CBRIN premises. CBRIN and GRIFFIN employees provided lectures into the course • ANU, UC and UNSW Canberra academics encouraged to bring students into CBRIN premises for lectures and workshops • Strong linkages with AIE developed, leading to potential for cross hosting events in each others space as well as AIE involvement in CBRIN programs • Started discussions regarding initial projects for the Collaborative Innovation Hub (Digital Canberra Challenge; UNSW sandpits; collaboration discussions with e-‐Gov cluster to deliver large scale collaborative project; online connectivity between university and industry re research connections). First step has been agreed – CBRIN will run a sandpit, with support from UNSW, to workshop commercial and research ideas for building a Space industry in the ACT • Involvement in delivery of Space industry strategy involving ANU and NSW Canberra CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 8 (RFT from Commonwealth, collaborating with Qinetiq) • Took part in launch of research collaboration between MIT and ANU, including showing high net worth angel investor visit to CBRIN • CBRIN a partner in a UC LIEF grant application to set up a pop up FabLab • Supervising ANU College of Business and Economics student research projects into innovation in the ACT • Connected with ANU Research Services Division, Technology Transfer Office, and Early Career Research network • Attendance at various university events such as UNSW (Canberra) Research Day, DTF 2.0 Launch at UC • Introduction for ANU medical research with potential research partner (Barton Private hospital) • Continued strong links with ACT Government through EDD • Visits by several ACT MPs including Kate Lundy and Andrew Leigh, and planned visit by Assistant Minister for Defence Stuart Robert. Interacted with and invited several Federal MPs such as Paul Fletcher -‐ following up • Glenys Beauchamp (Dept Industry) visit to CBRIN facilities, with Kathy Leigh (ACT Gov). Both keen to promote our activity and linked us to their communication groups. Regular meetings with Department of Industry initiated by them in order to facilitate collaboration • Chief Minister a regular visitor to CBRIN premises, and we have also hosted his Chief of Staff • CEO on the Digital Canberra Challenge Panel, Capital Angels Board, and a member of the Canberra Business Chamber’s Innovation TaskForce • Held a collaborative Christmas party with eGov Cluster, CollabIT Connect, Entry 29, GRIFFIN Accelerator and Capital Angels CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 9 PROMOTE Critical Activities Develop an online presence that can be used to both connect and promote innovation in the ACT, as well as grow capability and culture KPI Online platform developed collaboratively and in use Update Cbrin.com.au will be the primary online platform to connect, promote and accelerate innovation in the ACT. Currently planning the redevelopment of the site to be a best of breed site, that can act as the ‘go to’ place for those wanting to be involved. The brief is in development • Key features of the site will be: • Universal Events Directory for ACT • Business Directory • Business Profile Pages • Map the Ecosystem • The Entrepreneur’s Journey • Service Matrix in the ACT to understand what is available • Resource and Capability building Hub • Content Feeds from ACT Currently in discussions with groups: • The Shaker and the Mark Agency • Collabforge • Synapse Worldwide • Isobar • Chinese Whispers CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 10 Clearly understand and communicate our identity, our position in the ACT innovation ecosystem, our value proposition, and measures of success Clear messaging developed, understood and valued, with clear measures of success Marketing and Communications Strategy in development to determine our messaging, positioning, communications and brand Develop and deliver a marketing and communications plan, including appropriate segmentation for targeted communications, as well as targeted influencers to approach Marketing and communications Marketing and Communications Strategy in development to determine our plan developed and implemented messaging, positioning, communications and brand. Part of this activity involves communications systems and social media activity: Workshop on Ecosystem Map, Entrepreneur’s journey and Service Matrix held with a special attention on how to communicate clearly the value proposition of CBR innovation Network to different target groups and how to coordinate with other organisations active in the ecosystem to minimise confusion and offer pathways to individuals and organisations leading to improved returns on innovation activities in the ACT economy (brief attached). 1. Our CRM System Podio now includes: A. 680 Contacts B. 261 Organisations 2. Our Email Broadcast System MailChimp has: A. 621 Subscribers that receive our email communications 3. Our Social Media Channels have: A. Twitter: 423 Followers B. LinkedIn Group: 306 Members C. Facebook: 138 Likes Segmentation is in development including audiences: • Students / youth • Employees (special category public servants) • Inventors • Makers CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 11 • Entrepreneurs, founders of startups • SMEs, existing (lifestyle) businesses • Larger companies / corporates • Government • NGOs • Under-‐represented groups As part of our promotion activity we have supported the launch and demonstration of several startups such as Ecospectral and SecureMat. We are planning the launch of My Healthtest in early June Reach out nationally and internationally to similar successful entities in order to facilitate learning, reciprocal partnerships and other collaborative opportunities At least two international entities Visit from Dr Thomas Corr, Ontario Centres of Excellence, initiated by the Canadian visited and collaborations Embassy. Useful discussions re lessons learnt exchanged and open invitation to visit developed Initiated connection with Invest Canberra who are starting to include CBRIN in their travel plans and investment communication. Trips planned by Invest Canberra to Singapore and China in 2015, and CBRIN potentially to join. Invest Canberra targeting similar countries to CBRIN interest (Singapore, China, Indonesia, USA – CBRIN to also include UK, Holland and possibly Canada) Connected with International Enterprise Singapore who are happy to set up meetings for us in Singapore Microsoft invited CEO to attend high profile visit to Boston innovation ecosystem in July 2015 Giving presentation to all Embassies, hosted by Croatian Ambassador, in April 2015, with introduction by Kathy Leigh Visited CBA’s Innovation Hub in Sydney. Collaboration in discussion Develop a strategy for initial International promotion International strategy initiated Conversations have begun in particular wrt Singapore. CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 12 Collect data, video footage and case studies to help promote innovation in the ACT, as well as develop and measure measures of success Database of promotional material developed and in use 1. 10,000+ Images sourced from Brand Canberra 2. 29 Videos Sourced from Brand Canberra 3. Three Video Case Studies in development: A. Deeks B. Barton Private Hospital C. MyHealthTest.com CBRIN now has an ACT Government supported STEM intern who is providing significant support for this item, as well as support for SME program development CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 13 ACCELERATE Critical Activities Provide support for the GRIFFIN Accelerator KPI GRIFFIN Accelerator up and running for 2015 Update In the first quarter of 2015, GRIFFIN Accelerator has concentrated on raising awareness with entrepreneurs. On the back of pitching to mentors in late 2014, GRIFFIN has secured 19 very high quality mentors who have committed $300k to the GRIFFIN investment pool. A new operating company has been established and the governance and trust for the investment fund is being set up. The promotion/outreach part of the program is well underway with 6 events with combined attendance of 380. The core of the GRIFFIN approach, as with CBRIN, is to collaborate with other programs and as such GRIFFIN has supported activities including Entry 29, AIE, ANU Techlauncher, Capital Angels, Lighthouse, Canberra Businesspoint and more. A partnership with UC RISE has been established to encourage startups in sport and healthy activity. Looking forward, the program is on track to hit goals of 40 applications and 8-‐10 successful applicants with the final promotion in April and selection in early May leading to the commencement of the core thee month program on 1 June. Two of the 2014 GRIFFIN cohort are poised to announce seed investment rounds. One of the recent highlights of the GRIFFIN round 1.0 was the award to one of it’s graduate startups, Enabled Employment, as winner of the TV series Shark Tank. This will add to the message that the ACT is a great place to set up your startup and to invest in the startup scene here. GRIFFIN stats: • 280 new newsletter subscribers • 450 twitter followers • 19 mentors • $300k investment pool CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 14 • 6 events • 63 average participants per event • 15 applications to date (closing date 1 May) • 25 prospect meetings Meet with SMEs and others to Program of possible support understand how to accelerate developed with SME input and SME growth, and seek a pilot pilot project identified project to catalyse for high growth potential SMEs in areas such as access to advanced skills development CBRIN is delivering the Pilot SME Growth Assistance programme that has been well received and over subscribed (further details in later section under Supporting Business Fund program). Develop and facilitate new New growth program identified growth programs in partnership with providers in executive mentoring, market development & growth capital access in line with gaps identified On the basis of the Pilot SME Growth Programme CBRIN has worked with a representative of the aboriginal community and with the ACT government to propose a pilot bridge programme that would address aboriginal entrepreneurs and small business owners. Proposal for a pilot stage has been accepted by the ACT Government and work has begun. Decide on incubation model and initiate development Consultant engaged to deliver scoping study by March 30 2015 for launch of a new business incubator in Canberra, including an Action plan leading to launch of the incubator on about July 1, 2015. Extensive consultation process was completed with 28 interviews including local, national and international business incubation professionals and key stakeholders and draft study was delivered (attached) and discussed at first stakeholder workshop. At second stakeholder workshop the Incubator started at 1 Moore Street In Q4, CBRIN plans to visit a variety of Canberra SMEs and learn about their stories, challenges and possible needs for assistance. Based on this interview process and in combination with learnings from the Pilot SME Growth Assistance programme we will identify and propose a new/updated project for 2015/16. Potentially this can be an ongoing “business calling programme” with targeted assistance in combination with extended and well received “SME Growth Programme”. A growth program for social innovation has also been initiated. This has been after strong support and request for such a program from both the ICF, others in the ACT innovation community and Foundation Members. CBRIN is in discussion with potential partners, and Social Ventures Australia has agreed to collocate in CBRIN facilities as well as help drive this program. CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 15 stakeholders agreed on an Action plan for a launch and resourcing of the pilot stage of operations of the new business incubator. The proposed and agreed model is a hybrid model that combines income from rent, private public partnership support plus a form of a success sharing scheme with the ventures (to be tested during a 1-‐2 year pilot stage). The final report is under development, but it is anticipated that the launch will go ahead in July 2015. Deliver contracted services such as Developing Opportunities in Business; Youth Business Connect; and Supporting Business Contracted services delivered satisfactorily Begin to act as the collective ACT Government seeking input voice of innovation in the ACT from CBRIN on innovation policy and a trusted source of advice and support to Government Contracted services delivered as per contracts. Key activities include: Public Sector Landing Pad, GRIFFIN Accelerator, Canberra BusinessPoint, Pilot SME Growth programme and Youth Microgrants Incubator. Detail updates on progress are given in various parts of this report, with others included in the Programs section. Request received from Chief Minister re the future of Venture Capital in the ACT. Workshop held to discuss this and a draft letter has been shared with stakeholders for feedback – included in Board papers Advice regarding possible innovation in Procurement has also been delivered to the Chief Minister CEO provided advice to the ACT Government regarding the development of an ACT Renewables strategy, and is providing input to the development of metrics for the ACT innovation ecosystem CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 16 PROGRAMS Program Developing Opportunities in Business – Expanded Services Youth Business Connect Update Providing support for ex-‐public servants through: • E29 24 seats of 3 months each – first tranch of 8 have been filled • One panel event held • In negotiations to host an event on launch of book “Life Without Lanyards” targeting public servants who are inspired to set out on a business journey • Negotiating engagement with Cofluence who will be providing a program of activity up to the end of financial year. This program will begin with interviewing key stakeholders, co-‐designing a program of activity, and pilot testing the program • Ratnam Potocnjak Pty Ltd (Rish and Camillo who also deliver IACT) contracted to develop and deliver a Youth MicroGrants incubator. They are involved in extensive youth community consultation process and deliver services on time and as contracted. Launch of the Microgrants Incubator successfully conducted in CBRIN. Three reports from Ratnam are included – one on the co-‐design of the program, plus the first and second reports on delivery of the program. This is a really exciting program, with pop-‐up showcases being delivered by participants at events such as Art Not Apart, and others planned at Foundation Member events. These have the potential to greatly enhance the breadth of youth engagement as well as volume of young entrepreneurs. Youth are unbelievably engaged, demonstrated by the fact that the program Facebook site (the program being named Stir by Youth) received 534 Likes within 12 days of launching, with 41% of these being female • CEO has visited Dickson College to connect with students • E29 12 seats – this has been oversubscribed and an extra 2 places have been supported • Youth prize given at ACT GovHack • Supporting Youth Hack to be held in April 2015 (Entry 29 running this event and expecting 300 students) CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 17 Supporting Business Fund • 6 business reviews completed, 29 recommendations for improvement. 3 More reviews planned, and another five companies on the waiting list. • Recurring themes for support include HR, sustainability, New Product Development, and Marketing • Introductions to 7 possible grants beyond this program also included, as well as potential collaborative opportunities for product development • Improved national and international supply chain opportunities developing. • Mentoring relationships developed with 4 businesses to keep on track with change Report attached Inspiring Australia Contract signed with Commonwealth Government and position advertised. Connected three startups (MadeforMe, Quizzling and Mobflic) with Questacon as ideas for inspiring youth Other Indigenous Innovation program pilot funded by ACT Government and begun Social Innovation program under development, with support from Social Ventures Australia, and possibly School of Social Entrepreneurship and Westpac CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 18 OTHER Activities Entry 29 Support Update CBRIN has supported Entry 29. Highlights for Entry 29 since collaborating with CBRIN include: • 38% growth in number of total number of members • 121% growth in active number of members using co-‐working • Launch and full subscription of YESS and PSLP programs • Negotiated $185,000 in member benefits for each startup through relationships with Amazon AWS, IBM Softlayer Catalyst, Microsoft BizSpark+, and Xero for Startups • Entry 29 only the third co-‐working space in Australia admitted to the Xero for Startups program (along with Fishburners and River City Labs, so certainly the cohort we want to be associated with) • Hosted 18 events bringing 720 people through the space Private Sector support and Partnerships Spoken with a number of private sector organisations including IBM, CBA, Microsoft, Amazon, Ricoh, ANZ, Deloitte, Accenture, Salesforce, ActewAGL, LockHeed Martin, Shell, Westpac, Qinetic. All are interested in CBRIN, some have already contributed, and others are putting together partnership opportunities that they will discuss with us in the near term Discussions held with E29 and GRIFFIN re collaborative approach to sponsorship Exploring partnership with The Australian Centre for Social Innovation, Social Ventures Australia and the School of Social Entrepreneurship Discussions with various ACT based groups such as Canberra Women in Business Innovation showcase Discussing collaborative delivery with ICF and Collaboration & Events group Governance Discussions with ACVL re Principal Membership ongoing • Membership types Fees for 2015/16 agreed at Board level • Fees Annual workplan for January – July 2015 submitted and approved CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 19 • Annual workplan and budget • Quarterly reports • Auditing Additional activity from service provision expectations: • Mentoring • Providing connections to finance, equity and grants • National and International supply chains • Mentoring provided through Entry 29 and GRIFFIN Accelerator support • CBP triage support provides connections; Capital Angels MasterClass on how to raise capital attended by 100 people; CBRIN Board memberships of Capital Angels also leading to potential to influence connection and innovation in delivery; Connectivity with Commonwealth Dept of Industry supports grant access; Small business support program connected 7 companies to grant opportunities; GRIFFIN accelerator also provide these services • Setting up presentation to Embassies with support from the Croatian Ambassador; collaborating with Invest Canberra; planning Sandpit event As can be seen, a huge amount of progress has been made, and we would like to acknowledge the incredible commitment that the small, mostly part-‐time (currently a total of 2.6 FTE), CBRIN team have put into making CBRIN the success it is proving to be. We would also like to acknowledge the strong support and engagement by the innovation community in the ACT, our collaborators and partners, and other innovation based programs – there are many people working hard to transform the ACT economy, and none of CBRIN’s achievements or the diversification of the ACT economy could be made without their support. Finally we would like to acknowledge and thank the ACT Government, especially the Innovation, Trade & Investment Branch, and the Chief Minister, for their support. We trust that this report meets with your approval, and that you are as pleased with progress as the community and we are. CBRIN is beginning to show Australia that the ACT can take a lead role in transforming the economy through innovation and entrepreneurship, and we look forward to continuing to work with you and the community to deliver great outcomes for the ACT and the Nation. Tony Henshaw Chair CBR Innovation Network Dr Sarah Pearson CEO CBR Innovation Network CBR Innovation Network Ltd www.cbrin.com.au Quarterly Report: 1 January – 31 March 2015 Page 20
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