CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED OFFICE OF THE MAGADH & AMRAPALI AREA, AKASHDEEP, DAKRA Ref. N o.: GM (M&A)/E&M/NIT/LV/14-15/46 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Dt- 26.03.2015 Sealed tenders are invited from the bonafide and experienced Contractors/owners of Explosive Van for hiring of one explosive Van for Amrapali Project for a period of 12 months. The Explosive van shall be of standard design with minimum carrying capacity 05.00 tones and approved by competent agency and Vehicles should be in good running condition. The explosive van will be utilized for carrying and handling of Explosives from NK/Piparwar Area Cluster Magazine to the Amrapali OCP mines. The Agency to be considered shall have valid license from the office of the Controller of Explosive to carry out transportation of Explosive by means of standard Explosive Van. The work content and period of operation etc. are appended. The tenderer should be the full owner of the vehicle offered for hiring Details are as under:- S.N. Type of Vehicle 01. 02. 03 04. 05. Requirement Estimated Value ` 12,62,075.00 E/Money Hiring of one Explosive Van to work 01 (One) nos for ` 12,620.75 at Amrapali Project for carrying/ 12 (Twelve) Hrs. handling of explosive Or accessories Operation. with carrying minimum pay load of 05.00 tones explosive in one trip, per day basis for a period of 1 Years. (Note: The period of contract may be increased or decreased as per requirement.) Cost of Tender Document ` 500/- Each set + 12.5% VAT (Non Refundable) i.e. ` 562.50. Tender Document can be had from the office of the G.M. M&A Area, Akashdeep, Dakra on Payment of ` 500/- + 12.5 % VAT (non refundable) of each set by way of cash on any working days from 10.04.2015 to 13.04.2015 from 10:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M. No Postal Order of cheque will be accepted. Tender shall be received in the office of the GM, M&A Area, Akashdeep, Dakra and also in the office of the GM (E&M), CCL Ranchi on 15.04.2015 from 10 AM to 1.30PM & shall be opened on 17.04.2015 at 11:00 AM in the premises of GM office M&A Area at Akashdeep, Dakra in presence of attending tenderers or their authorized representative who desires to be present. No. adjustment of E/M from any due will be allowed. Tender not accompanied with the earnest money will be rejected outright. No. adjustment of earnest Money will be entertained against any dues with tenderers working in the company. The earnest money should be deposited in the shape of Demand Draft in favour of Central Coalfields Limited M&A Area, payable at BOI/PNB Bachra only. . In addition to the above, tender document will also be available on CCL website (www.ccl.gov.in ) and a tenderer can download it from the website and in this event, the cost of tender document shall have to be deposited by way of Bank Draft drawn on nationalized bank SBI/PNB/BOI payable at Bachra only in favor of Central Coalfields Limited, Magadh & Amrapali Area, in a separate envelope mentioning clearly as “DD” for the cost of Tender Document and tagging it in front of the Part-I envelope, at the time of submission of tender document on the schedule date. The D.D. for the cost of tender document must be on or before the date of closing of Selling of the tender document without which the offer will be liable to be rejected. The tenderers should submit their tenders in two envelops i.e. Part-I envelope (Technical Bid) & Part-II envelope (Price bid) which should contain the following in addition to the envelope having DD for cost of document in case of down loading from web site: A) Part-I Envelope (Technical bid): The part I shall contain the following document (a) Proof of E/M i.e. E/Money cash receipt /DD (B) copy of PAN Card of the tenderers (C) Statuary papers and documents of vehicle offered for hiring duly counter signed with date by the tenderer (i.e. owner book, valid commercial Tax Token, Insurance latest, Fitness Certificate & load Permit) (D) Terms & conditions duly signed by the tenderer with seal as token of Acceptance in each page (E) A certificate (original) declaring that no employee of CCL is related to him and he himself is not employee in any Govt. organization (F) Affidavit (original) certifying that the owner has not been involved in any criminal case and has not been black listed in CCL or any subsidiary of CIL. (G) Proof of financial soundness (H) RTGS Certificate from Bank for payment. Cont. Page- 2 Page-2 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. In case of the owner’s option to provide new vehicle for deployment he should submit PI/ Quotation of the Authorized dealer for the vehicle along with undertaking to produce the total required documents relating To the vehicle before actual deployment of the vehicle, failing which the contract will be terminated and the E/Money of the concerned party will be forfeited. At this stage the management may hire the vehicle from others. st In case any information as required in the 1 part of tender offers is lacking the offer of the concerned Party will be disqualified. If necessary the owner book of the concerned vehicle will be verified from the concerned DTO and if any variation is found, the deployment of the vehicle will be terminated immediately and the earnest money will be forfeited. In case, the valid lowest bidder is not capable of supplying/providing the required vehicle as per NIT, management will have right to consider or to award the work to the next continued lowest bidder if rate and other eligibility aspects are found justified. All the document should be signed by the tenderers in all the papers with date. The document submitted by the tenderer must have current validity with date. The management reserves the right to accept or reject the tender wholly or partly without assigning any reason what so ever. All other terms and conditions in Annexure- A are forced too. S.O. (E&M) M&A Area Distribution 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. :T.S.to DIR (T/O), DIR (F), DT (P&P), ED (Vig.) CGM (P&P), GM (Vig.), GM (F) CCL, Ranchi GM (E&M), CCL Ranchi All CGM’S/GM’S of CCL GM (System) for Publishing on CCL Website. P.R.O. Department, CCL, Darbhanga House, Ranchi SO (P&A), (M&A) Area Sr Manager (Excv.) (M&A) Area AFM (M&A), P.O. Magadh/Amrapali Area Astt. Manager (F) M&A Area Security In-charge, M&A Area, Dakra Cashier M&A Area Notice Board. (P.O OFFICE Tandwa &GM Office Akashdeep, Dakra) ANNEXURE- A (To be submitted with 1st Part of Tender Document) Terms & conditions for hiring of vehicle for One year against Tender Notice No. Ref. N o.: GM (M&A)/E&M/NIT/LV/14-15/46 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Dt- 26.03.2015 The tenderer must indicate the vehicle offered along with ownership status with necessary documents in 1st part of tender documents. The tenderer should be the owner of the vehicle offered for hiring. The vehicle in the name (under age) candidate cannot be considered. The Tender should certify that the vehicle offered for hiring are not engaged in any other /Govt. undertaking organization at the time of submission of tender offer. P.O.L. will not be issued to the party by the department only the charges for diesel will be reimbursed. The offered vehicle in excellent running condition. However the preference will be given to the latest model vehicle at the time of selection of vehicle. In case of any accident/theft the responsibility lies with the owner of the vehicle and no liability of management. The earnest money deposited by successfully tenderer will be adjusted towards security deposit and the earnest money deposited by the unsuccessful tenderers shall be refunded after issue of award letter to the successful tenderer. Tenders submitted without E/M shall not be considered at all and shall be rejected out rightly. The earnest money should be deposited to the cashier in shape of Bank Draft/DD in favour of CCL, M&A Area and payable at Bachra on BOI/PNB only. The copy of the cash receipt should be submitted along with tender. Tender should be submitted strictly in accordance with the terms & conditions of the tender No other terms & condition should be incorporated/stipulated by the tenders shall be render the tender invalid. In case of party fails to deploy the vehicle within the date of stipulated in the letter of intent/work order, the letter of intent may be cancelled/contract terminated and earnest money forfeited. In case the valid lowest bidder is not capable of supplying /providing the required vehicle as per NIT negotiations may be carried out with other valid bidders. Rates are to be quoted in the prescribed tender bid from evaluation of tender will be made on the basis of total economy including hire charges + cost of fuel. Tenders will certify that the rate quoted by them is minimum and in any Govt./Govt. Undertaking they have not charged less rates than the rates quoted by them and if it is found less than they should ready to accept to accept the les rates. Payment will be made on monthly basis by the Area Account office M & A Area within 30 Days from the receipts of pre-receipted bill in triplicate duly accepted by the in charge of the vehicle accompanied with the logbook. Paying Authority: - Area Finance Manager, M&A Area. The Tenderer will provide the vehicle in good & comfort condition with well dressed drivers. The staff employed by the agency/bidder should be experienced and with proper valid license for the job. He should be NON ALCOHBLIC. However his performance if it becomes poor, he should immediately replaced by the other one. Valid license for driver are to be submitted by the agency/tenderer along with the vehicle. Security Deposit: - EMD deposited by successful tenderer will be treated as security money. Fall Charges: - It will be a condition of contract that all through the rate of the said contract, the rate which the services will be given shall not exceed the lowest rate charged by you in any other agency. In the event of the rate going down you shall promptly supply such information to enable the company to amend the contractual rate for subsequent service. Repair and maintenance, payment of road taxes, insurance premium and all other taxes including the compliance of motor vehicle act as may applicable shall be the responsibility of the agency. Cont. Page-2 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Page- 2 In case of any breakdown servicing of the vehicle /maintenance of the vehicle proper substitute of the vehicle as per management satisfaction will be provided by the agency immediately without any extra charges, failing which CCL Management will imposed penalty @ 2 x daily hiring rate per day. Details of officer establishment of the agency/tenderer for emergency contract such as address and telephone/mobile no should be submitted to S.O. (E&M)/ AMO, M&A Area. The management may for any reason ask you to withdraw the Vehicle wholly or partly and you shall comply with the same without having any claim whatsoever for such suspension. You will not take up any work beyond the scope of contract. If you undertake any such job payment for the same will not be made and penalty will be imposed as decided by the management. The CCL Management has full liberty to hire the vehicle from independent agency for its additional requirements. Any liabilities regarding employees of agency (driver, cleaners etc) like employment medical facilities etc are sole responsibility of the tenderer/agency and in no case this has to be shifted on CCL Management. If the fact that agency/bidder has relative employed in any capacity with Coal India Ltd. Or his subsidiaries and subsequently comes to light than contract of the agency/tenderer may be cancelled. The court of Ranchi of Jharkhand state only has jurisdiction to deal with decide any legal matter or dispute what so ever arising out of contract. The vehicle should be registered for commercial use and have valid commercial license for operating on hire. The management will not provide any garage or accommodation for staff employed by agency/ bidders. The agency will have log-book and other stationary at own cost. The maintaining of log-book will be responsibility of agency which should be countersigned by the in charge of vehicle. The Agency to be considered shall have valid license from the office of the Controller of Explosive to Carry out transportation of Explosive by means of standard Explosive Van. S.O. (E&M) M & A Area Accepted the above Terms & Conditions Signature of Agency / Tenderer Full Name & Address…………………… …………………………………………... …………………………………………... Telephone No/Mobile No………………. CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED OFFICE OF THE MAGADH & AMRAPALI AREA, AKASHDEEP, DAKRA Ref. N o.: GM (M&A)/E&M/NIT/LV/14-15/46 Dt- 26.03.2015 TENDER SPECIFICATION A) Tender Document Sold to …………………………………………………… B) Tender Notice No. Ref. N o.: GM (M&A)/E&M/NIT/LV/14-15/46 Dt- 26.03.2015 c) Name of the Area Magadh & Amrapali Areas d) Name of Work Hiring of one Explosive Van to work at Amrapali Project for carrying/ handling of explosive Or accessories with carrying minimum pay load of 05.00 tones explosive in one trip, per day basis for a period of 1 Years. e) f) g) h) i) J) Period of Contract Date & time of submission of tender Date & time of issuing of tender documents Earnest Money Requirement of Vehicle Terms & condition K) Status of Vehicle offered for hiring L) M) Name of Firm Tender Document cash receipt No. N) Present Address /Permanent Address For a Period of One Year. 15.04.2015,10:00 AM up to 1.30 PM From 10.04.2015 to 13.04.2015; 10 AM - 2 PM. Rs. 12,620.75/Hiring of one no. of explosive van. Terms & condition (Annex-A) Containing three pages must be signed in each page with seal of bidder/firm/Agency/company and it must be enclosed with 1st part of Tender Document (Envelop-1 ) The Details of vehicle offered for hiring must be given in the enclosed format in Annex-B, which must be incorporated with 1st part of Tender Document. ………………………………… ……..………………… Dt. …………….. ……. For Rs. 500+12.5% VAT for each set of Tender Documents for Vehicle offered for hiring. …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Mobile / Telephone No. ………………………… S.O. (E&M) M&A Area Signature of Tenderer (Submitted with 1st part of Tender Document) ANNEXURE – B STATUS OF VEHICLE OFFERED FOR HIRING 01. Name of Tenderer : …………………………………………………………… PAN No. : …………………………………………………. (Copy must be enclosed) 02. Present Address with Telephone No. : …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………… 03. Vehicle offered for hiring 04. Earnest money cash receipt /DD No. : 05. e) f) g) h) i) j) : ………………………………………………………… ……………………………… Dt ………………… For Rs. ………………………………………………….. (Receipt /DD (Original) must be enclosed with each set) Details of vehicle offered for hiring : a) Vehicle registration No., : …………………………………………………………… b) Type of vehicle with model : ………………………………………………………… c) Name of owner of the vehicle : …………………………………………………………… (Photocopy of owner book must) Be enclosed) d) Power of attorney if the vehicle : ………………………………………………………… registered in the name of other person (A copy of such document must be enclosed) Insurance validity : …………………………………………………………… (Copy must be enclosed) Valid commercial Tax Token : …………………………………………………………… (Copy must be enclosed) Validity of fitness certificate : ………………………………………………………… (Copy must be enclosed) Road permit validity : ………………………………………………………… (Copy must be enclosed) Year of purchase of vehicle : ………………………………………………………… Other document if any : ……………………………………………………….. Certified that the above vehicle offered for hiring are not engaged in any other Govt./Govt undertaking Organization at the time of submission of tender offer. Signature of tenderer with Seal& date CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED OFFICE OF THE MAGADH & AMRAPALI AREA, AKASHDEEP, DAKRA TENDER BID FORM Ref. N o.: GM (M&A)/E&M/NIT/LV/14-15/46 Sl Description of Work No. 01. Requirement of vehicle Hiring of one Explosive Van to work at Amrapali Project for carrying/ handling of explosive Or accessories with carrying minimum pay load of 05.00 tones explosive in one trip, per day basis for a period of 1 Years. One Dt- 26.03.2015 Rate to be quoted per day for each vehicle towards hiring charges (Excluding POL) Towards running of vehicle average KM per Ltr. Of Diesel. ` ……………………. KM Per Ltr of Diesel N.B. : Evaluation of tender will be made on the basis total economy including hiring charges + cost of fuel. Certified that I have the details and instructions mentioned in the terms and condition and tender is being submitted in accordance with the same, further it is certified that the rates quoted above are minimum and I have not charged less rates in any Govt./Semi Govt. Concern and if it is found less I am ready to accept the Less rate. SIGNATURE OF TENDERER FULL NAME & ADDRESS …………… ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. CONTACT NO. ………………………... Seal of bidder/Firm/Agency/Company. E-Payment (TO BE RETURNED TO THE COMPANY) To, Central Coalfields Limited Magadh & Amrapali Area, Akashdeep, Dakra Dear Sir, REF: AUTHORISATION OF ALL OUR PAYMENTS THOUGH ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFER SYSTEM/RTGS/INTRA BANK TRANSFER. We, hereby authorize Central Coalfields Limited to make all our payments our bill, Refund of Earnest Money Deposited and security deposit, through Electronic Fund Transfer System/RTGS/CBS/Intra Bank transfer. The details for facilitating the payments are given below. (TO BE FILLED IN CAPITAL LETTER) 1 NAME OF THE BENEFICIARY 2 ADDRESS (WITH PIN CODE) 3 4 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) TELEPHONE NO (WITH STD CODE) BANK PARTICULARS BANK NAME BANK TELEPHONE NO.(WITH STD CODE) BRANCH NAME BANK BRANCH CODE BRANCH ADDRESS (WITH PIN CODE0 BANK FAX NO.(WITH STD CODE) 9 DIGIT MICR CODE OF THE BANK BRANCH(ENCLOSE COPY OF A CANCELLED CHEQUE) (H) 11 DIGIT IFSC CODE OF BENEFICIARY BRANCH) (I) BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER (J) BANK ACCOUNT TYPE(TICK ONE) SAVING CURRENT LOAN CASH CREDIT OTHERS IF OHERS,SPECIFY 5 PERMANENT ACCOUNT NO(PAN) 6 E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR INTIMATION REGARDING RELEASE OF PAYMENTS 7 CCL VENDER CODE I/We hereby declare that the particulars given above are correct and complete. If the transaction is delayed or credit is not affected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/We would not hold the company responsible. We also agree to bear the bank charges, if any for enabling such transfer. Date (AOTHORISED SIGNATORY) Name Official Seal BANK CERTIFICATION It is certified that above mentioned beneficiary holds a bank account No…………………….With our branch and the bank particulars mentioned above are correct. (AUTHORISED SIGNATORY)Date: Authorization No. Name: Official Stamp ] Central Coalfields Limited Office of the General Manager Magadh & Amrapali Area Akashdeep, Dakra Fill the details to upload a new Tender (*Fields are mandatory) Area : Magadh & Amrapali Unit / Project : GM Unit Indenting Department / Executing Department : Electrical & Mechanical Tender ref. No. : GM (M&A)/E&M/NIT/LV/14-15/46 Dtd.- 26.03.2015 Tender Type : Hire Contract Type of Bidding Enter Location : Two Bid : Magadh & Amrapali Area Sale Open date Sale Close date Last date of submission Opening date Tender Title Product Category Sub Category Currency Tender Value EMD Documents Cost Work Description : 10.04.2015 : 13.04.2015 up to 2 PM : 15.04.2015 up to 1.30PM : 17.04.2015 up to 11 AM : Hiring of Explosive vehicle : Vehicle : : INR : Rs.12, 62,075.00 for one no Explosive Van. : 12, 620.75 for one Explosive Van. : Rs.500+12.5% VAT =562.50 Each : Hiring of one Explosive Van to work at Amrapali Project for carrying/ handling of explosive Or accessories with carrying minimum pay load of 05.00 tones explosive in one trip, per day basis for a period of 1 Years. Pre-qualification : Pre- Bid Meet Tender Document For further information contact Name Address City State Email Phone Fax : 17.04.2015 : Sri Govind Shankar, SO (E&M) M&A Area : GM Office, M&A Area, PO- Dakra : Ranchi : Jharkhand : [email protected] : 8987786293 : 06531-235025 S.O. (E&M) M & A, Area
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