03/16/2015 - Clinton Community Schools

The Board of Education regular meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. in the high school LRC
located at 340 East Michigan Avenue, Clinton, Michigan, on Monday, March 16, 2015 by
President Jeff Clark. The pledge of allegiance was recited.
Jeff Clark; Shirley Harris; Wanda Heinz; Kelly Schmidt; Kevin
Ward; Dale Wingerd
Kevin Kelly
Jennifer Adams; Steven Adams; Pattie Allen; Kevin Beazley;
Ted Burton; Beverly Dettloff; Marla Erickson; Mary Fisher;
Dan Jurasek; Les Kopka; Laura Krzyzaniak; Ann Lacasse; Bill
McKeever; Therese McKeever; Karen Perez; Nito Ramos;
Carma Roesch; Rodd Roesch; Katie Rothman; Larry Rothman;
Lori Ruhl; Michael Ruhl; Sarah Schemanske; Tara Schnaidt;
Mark & Ty Smith; Shannon Spence; Matt Stanfield; Amanda
Strand; Terrance R. Strand, II; Deidra Thelen; Carol Wahl;
Mike Walters; Jan Wegner; Jessica Wilson
Consent Docket
Shirley Harris moved to accept the consent docket consisting
of the minutes from the February 16, 2015 regular meeting, the
February 21, February 23, and March 10, 2015 special
meetings; cash positions; monthly budget report; and monthly
bills in the amount of $835,594.01 including payroll.
Supported by Wanda Heinz. All aye; motion carried.
Student Recognition
Elementary Honors Choir – Ms. Cameron directed 3rd, 4th and
5th grade students Adin Becker, Allison Bowles, Mykell
Brodie, Sarah Conway, Samantha Coots, Jared Couture, Kailyn
Demetriou, Griffin Faulkner, Lucas Goodman, Kamren Jones,
Elise Kruse, Tennessee Lawler, Cassandra McNatt, Leanne
Mercier, Katherine Monell, Mallory Roesch, Brynn Ruhl,
Paige Shankland, Daygan Wortley, and Mia Yakubesan in
“Yonder Come Day” and “Share a Dream.” This was the first
year that students were selected by auditions. Ms. Cameron
informed members that the choir will also be performing on
Little League Opening Day.
Employees of the Month –
J. Fielder & T. George
Jeremy Fielder and Tyler George, high school teachers,
were selected as “Employees of the Month.” Jeremy and Tyler
were recognized by Jessica Wilson, Lucas Wilson Agency of
MEEMIC Insurance. They were nominated by Kevin Beazley,
High School Principal, who stated, “Tyler and Jeremy are
chairpersons for the School Improvement team at CHS. They
are in charge of making sure CHS is supporting state, federal
and local interests along with the strategic plan. Their primary
objective is to create a school that works toward continuous
improvement, ensure that all students meet individual goals for
progress, and improve school climate and culture.
Tyler and Jeremy both use data to drive instruction which, in
turn, they use to help staff track and analyze data. Both have
been an integral part of the team to help organize professional
development and implement technology into daily lessons,
which further students for success in the 21st century.
Their leadership has helped CHS focus on data-driven
teamwork, high-quality carefully-aligned lessons and
instructional units. This is the product of teamwork. Thank
you for your dedication and all you do for CHS!”
Safety Town
Rotarians Les Kopka and Steve Adams presented donations to
Mimi Scott, Preschool Director, for the Safety Town program.
Rotary has been very generous with providing a new chalk
marker and pedestrian street signs this year. Rotary had also
previously donated $3,000 for 2 years to cover bike helmets, tshirts and first aid kits. This year the program will be June 16
– June 27; 2 hours/day at a cost of $45. Information was
distributed in the kindergarten packet.
Committee Reports
Policy/Bylaws – Policies will be reviewed for the second of
three readings.
Buildings & Grounds – There was no meeting.
Finance – There was no meeting.
Personnel – There was no meeting.
Technology – Kudos were given to Adam Covell who has been
working tirelessly on IT systems. The group is continuing its
work on the Tech Grant.
Lenawee County School Board Association – The CBA classes
scheduled for March were cancelled, due to low numbers.
Public Comment
Val Wilson thanked the Board for allowing staff to participate
in the tech visit, and also thanked them for their support for the
Leader in Me program.
Marla Erickson asked if the Board had a plan related to the
district’s fund equity. President Clark indicated since the
threshold is currently below the directed Board policy, it is of
the highest priority and is being monitored closely.
Carma Roesch gave an update on Girls on the Run. She also
indicated there has been a statue donation to the library.
Vicki Coscarelli thanked Jeff Clark and Kevin Ward for
reading to the students in the elementary.
Softball Trip
The varsity softball team has requested two overnight trips –
one Friday, April 24 to Battle Creek and one Friday, May 22 to
Wanda Heinz moved that the overnight trips be approved as
presented. Supported by Shirley Harris. All aye; motion
Focus School Report
Val Wilson reviewed the second round of data related to the
Focus School Quarterly Report.
JV Volleyball Coach
Current high school special education teacher Olivia LaFortune
was recommended by the Athletic Director and Varsity coach.
Wanda Heinz moved that Olivia LaFortune be hired as the
Junior Varsity head volleyball coach for the 2015-2016 school
year, realizing that final employment is contingent on receipt of
acceptable certification documentation, satisfactory fingerprint
and background checks . Supported by Dale Wingerd. All
aye; motion carried.
MASB Awards
Kudos to Kevin Ward who has achieved Level 1 Certification
award status (for taking all nine 100-level CBA courses) and
Dale Wingerd who has achieved Level 5 Master Diamond
award status (for taking all nine 100-level CBA courses; a total
of fourteen advanced level courses, while obtaining 528
education credits)!
Board Policy – First Reading
The second reading (of three) took place on policies:
5113.01 – Schools of Choice Program (Intra-District)
5830 – Student Fund Raising
8500 – Food Services
8510 – Wellness
8540 – Vending Machines
9211 – Direct Support Organizations
Public Comment
Larry Rothman stated he was at the meeting to support his
friend and stated that the next superintendent should be treated
Mark Smith indicated his presence at the meeting was as a
taxpayer, also stating his dissatisfaction and that he had lost
faith in the board.
Superintendent Report
There was no report.
Superintendent Evaluation
Wanda Heinz moved to remove Item XIV “Superintendent
Evaluation” from the agenda. Supported by Kelly Schmidt.
All aye; motion carried.
Closed Session
Wanda Heinz moved to enter into closed session to discuss a
personnel matter. Supported by Kelly Schmidt. Roll Call
Vote: Jeff Clark, Aye; Wanda Heinz, Aye; Kelly Schmidt;
Aye; Shirley Harris, Aye; Aye; Kevin Ward, Aye; Dale
Wingerd, Aye. All aye; motion carried. The Board entered
into closed session at 7:53 p.m.
Dale Wingerd moved to exit closed session and return to open
session. Supported by Wanda Heinz. Roll Call Vote: Jeff
Clark, Aye; Wanda Heinz, Aye; Kelly Schmidt, Aye; Shirley
Harris, Aye; Kevin Ward, Aye; Dale Wingerd, Aye. All aye;
motion carried. The Board returned to open session at 8:20
Kelly Schmidt moved to ratify the Separation Agreement &
Release and to wish Mr. McNatt good luck as he pursues other
employment opportunities. Supported by Shirley Harris. Roll
Call Vote: Jeff Clark, Aye; Wanda Heinz, Aye; Kelly
Schmidt, Aye; Shirley Harris, Aye; Kevin Ward, Aye; Dale
Wingerd Aye. All aye; motion carried.
Kelly Schmidt moved to appoint Mrs. Carol Wahl as Interim
Superintendent pending a Superintendent search. Supported by
Shirley Harris. Roll Call Vote: Jeff Clark, Aye; Wanda Heinz,
Aye; Kelly Schmidt, Aye; Shirley Harris, Aye; Kevin Ward,
Aye; Dale Wingerd Aye. All aye; motion carried.
Wanda Heinz moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:22 p.m. with
support by Shirley Harris. All aye; motion carried.
Shirley Harris, Secretary