*::=F===== = === = = === ============= =========================.==3= DARC === = = = =====:= ==== ==== ==6===ts:======== ==================;=E=== No.DARC/Gen/Election I tS-L6 Dil04,05.2015. To All officers/Sections, sub-officesundercDA chennai,in chennai. Subject- Electionto the DARCExeuffve Commitbe. **{.,*t( It has been decidedby the competentauthority .-' to conductelecflonsfor the following posts: a) General Secretary b) Treasurer c) SporbSecretary d) LibrarySecretary e) CulturalSecretary f) Committee members - 1 1 2 1 1 3 02. Accordingly, nominations are invitedfromeligiblemembers.The eligibility criteria asaccepted in the GeneralBodymeetingis: oneshouldhavecompfeted minimurn,of-s8 monthsin 03, Schedule for the elections is asunder: Lastdate& timefor receiptoJnominations iffi Lastdate& timefor withdrawal of nominations Date& timeof Scrutiny of Nominations Date& time of election Date& time of Countingof votes Date& timeResultdeclaration 16.06.15/17.00 Hrs 17.06.15/16.00 Hrs L7.46.$1t7,00 Hrs 18.06,15/ Between10.00 Hrs and 13,00Hrc 18.06.15/15.00 Hrs 18.06.15/17.00 Hrs 04. Nomination formsmay be collected from the undersigned.Elections will be held wherever thereis morethanonevalidnomination. Counting of voteswillbedonein the presence of candidates/their representatives. All members desirous of witnessing the countingprocessmaykindlybe presentin thecounting hall/DARC at the timeof counting dulytakingpermission fromtheir4OTSAOi. ,_4' l4 4 m (V.t\allasivan) SAO/Election Officer.
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