"l) GHAUDHARY DEVI LAL UNIVERSITY, SIRSA (Established by the State Legislature Act 9 of 2003) No. R&S/20 t4tA-rItF-26, 3:t4f Dated: l-11-)t To The Controller of Examinations, Ch. Devi Lal UniversitY, Sirsa. Sub: List of students for the session 2014-15. Sir, In reference to the request of C.M.G. Govt. College for Women, Bodhia Khera, Fatehabad vide letterNo. GCWF/14I1336 dated ZB.1O.2O|4,I have been directed to enclose herewith the list of students for the session 2014-15 course-wise indicating provisional Registration-cum-Roll Number, Father,s Name Sr. No. & Mother's Name for further Name, necessary action at your end: Pases in the Name of Colleee/Course (26) C.M.G. Govt. College for Women, Bodhia Kherao Fatehabad list 01 M.A. English st of the students' the Academic Guidelines Council has approved to run the courses having lesser students as required by the University l0 studentslZl % the current session 2Ol4-15 only, by relaxing minimum requirement of strength of for made and no in regular courses (50 % in SFS courses). From the next session, strict compliance may be courses having lesser students as required in the guidelines, should be allowed to be started. The Registration-cum-Roll Number will be same throughout the course for all purposes including University Examination. Yours faithfullY D.A. As above. Superintendent@&S) l-1- i'jffigiti*" Dated Endst.No.R &st2or4t;-w-z6r__4L-!tk and necessary action' information for foiio*ing the to i, for*ard",J above of the Copy 1. principal of concerned College, for strict compliance of the orders as above. 2. In-charge website, CDLU,lirsa (with the iequest to upload the same on University website for .on rni.nt" ofstudents 3. pS to Vice-Chancellor (for kind information of the Vice-Chancellor), CDLU, Sirsa. --.t 4. P.A. to Registrar (for kind information of the Registrar), cDLU, Sirsa also. i t./ b%, nh Bd MA English Sr. No. Regn.-Gum- RollNo. College RollNo. Name of Students Mr /Me Father Name Mother sh. Smt. Name Glass t L422625000L 14111001 NEERU GULAB CHAND SHARDA DEVI 2 14226250002 14111002 NITESH RANI JAI KUMAR 3 1.42262sO003 14111003 SONU RANI RAJ KUMAR INDRA DEVI MA Eng. 4 14226250004 ROHTASH SINGH MAYA DEVI MA Eng. 5 14226250005 14111005 ANITA RANI LAL SINGH SOMOTI DEVI MA Eng. 6 14226250006 1411100e RENU RANI HARDEEP SINGH LAKHVINDER KAUR MA Eng. 7 L4226250007 14111009 KAILASH RANI GUDDI DEVI MA Eng SANTOSH MA Eng. MA Eng. RANI 14111004 ANJU BALA - DALE RAM / l') v I ath I r---l
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