3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Subscribe Share Past Issues Translate The Pistoia Alliance newsletter for March 2015. View this email in your browser Innovation in Action News Project updates March 2015 Diary dates Share Tweet Forward Share +1 Zurich Conference Agenda We are pleased to announce the full agenda for the public day of our Spring conference on April 14th in Zurich, Switzerland. Registration is open to anyone with an interest in life science R&D and is free of charge. The second day on April 15th is open to Core and Participating members only. Speakers include Jo Pisani (PwC), Peter van der Spek (Erasmus University Medical Centre), Jakob de Vlieg (Bayer), Joe Donahue (BioReference Laboratories), Ruud Schoemaker (Friesland Campina), Stuart Robertson (Exostar), as well as a number of our members. The full agenda can be found on our website. Register for the Pistoia Alliance Annual European Conference Celebration of Success On Wednesday 11th February, the Pistoia Alliance hosted its annual evening dinner and discussion in the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Library at Burlington House, London. The event http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 1/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 celebrated past successes and looked forward to future potential. Speaker slides, and (coming soon) recordings of the presentations are all available on our website. A Pistoia Alliance “Lunch & Discussion” on the topic of Interactive Genome Analysis was hosted earlier that same day. Please see the meeting summary below. We also recently announced many new members, demonstrating that the Pistoia Alliance continues to grow by building on its success. New members are coming from all types of life sciences organisations, ranging from big pharma to small biotechs and technology vendors to academic institutes. In the News The Challenges of Compliance for Controlled Substances in a Global Marketplace ChemAxon Biomolecule Toolkit includes HELM compatibility Pistoia Alliance Welcomes a Host of New Members Global Compliance Service for Controlled Substances to Expand to China Four business cases developed for new project ideas ChEMBL 20 takes the HELM Pistoia Alliance Begins 2015 with a Celebration of Success Evotec adopts CSCS solution Agenda announced for our Spring Conference in Zurich Boston Networking Reception If you can't join us in Zurich, why not come along to meet us at our networking reception to be held during the Bio-IT World Expo in Boston, MA on April 22nd? Join us for drinks and networking with members and friends of the Pistoia Alliance who are attending Bio-IT World Expo 2015, or who just happen to be in the neighbourhood! Register for the Pistoia Alliance networking reception in Boston Pistoia Alliance Debates http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 2/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Our "Pistoia Alliance Debates" webinar programme continues to attract large audiences. Recordings of every webinar are available on our blog. Our next webinar is entitled Text-mining for pharma R&D in a social world and will be held on Tuesday 17th March from 34pm UK time (11am-12pm Eastern DST, 8-9am Pacific DST, 45pm CET). Full details are available on our events page. Register for the Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar on textmining Catch up on the Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar on Big Data: Solution or Pollution? http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 3/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Catch up on the Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar on Ontologies as the glue for knowledge management. Techonomy Bio The Techonomy Bio conference is taking place at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA on 25th March. Chris Waller, a Pistoia Alliance board member and Director of Scientific Modelling Platforms at Merck, will be taking part in the opening session, You Say You Want a Revolution, along with Drew Endy of Stanford, David Glazer of Google, and Steve Jurvetson of DFJ. It should be a fabulous conversation and David Kirkpatrick, the conference co-founder and Chief Techonomist is really looking forward to moderating it. There is a unique registration link (promotional code PISTOIA) for Pistoia Alliance members and their friends to register at a discounted rate of US$195. Project updates Share Tweet Forward http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] Share +1 4/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Active Projects CSCS Expert Community The CSCS (Controlled Substance Compliance Service) Expert Community has largely completed its work on China that was announced earlier this year, and is now considering new jurisdictions to investigate and new technical challenges to address. Evotec became one of the first companies publicly to announce its adoption of a CSCS-based solution via a press release that clearly demonstrates the value that this project has to offer the life sciences community. An article describing the work of the CSCS Expert Community was published in Scrip Regulatory Affairs on January 9th. If after reading this you have been inspired to join the project team, please do not hesitate to contact Claire Bellamy, the project manager. Additional information is also available on the CSCS section of our website. HELM HELM (Hierarchical Editing Language for Macromolecules) has had a very successful couple of months. Two announcements were made regarding the adoption of HELM, one from the EBI's ChEMBL 20 project on its incorporation of the HELM standard, and the other from ChemAxon regarding the compatibility of its Biomolecule Toolkit with HELM notation. The team looks forward to the 1.3 version of the HELM Editor, incorporating new extensions from Roche for working with antibodies, and is now planning the next batch of features to be developed. These include specifying how ambiguous structures can be represented in HELM notation. As always the project team welcomes and encourages new members to join and any interested parties should contact the project manager, Claire Bellamy, for more details. Additional information is also available on the HELM section of our website. http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 5/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Starting Soon Map of Alliances The landscape of alliances, foundations, partnerships and consortia in the life sciences world is complex, with many organisations existing that may overlap in their aims or share a significant proportion of their membership. Understanding our place in this complex web of connections is essential for costeffective and productive life science research. We have commissioned a piece of research to illustrate this network and ultimately produce the results as a public resource. We have recruited Eangelica Aton to take on the project management role for this Map of Alliances, starting from late April, but we have already started gathering ideas and suggestions via IP3. Seeking Funding Ontology Equivalence Mapping Based on a positive business case, we are taking this new http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 6/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 project idea forward for funding from our membership. Ian Harrow will be contracted to project manage the work once sufficient funds are raised, and we are delighted to announce that Gordon Baxter (Instem) and Martin Romacker (Roche) have accepted the roles of projects lead and project champion respectively. The project aims to develop an expert community around the application and consumption of ontologies, define requirements for a tool that can map between equivalent terms in multiple ontologies, and devise a sustainable ontology mapping service. Full details, including a link to the business case document, can be found in IP3. Please contact our business development team if you are interested in contributing to this project. Chemical Safety Library The second positive business case to emerge from the batch of four that were delivered in January focuses on the need to get timely, relevant safety information to chemists (via their ELNs) based on previous organisational experiences, possibly also incorporating information shared by other organisations. With an excellent and experienced team in place and ready to go, including project champion Ramesh Durvasula (BMS) and project lead Dana Vanderwall (BMS), this project will be managed by Gabrielle Whittick once it has raised enough funds to get started. Full details can be found on IP3. John and Carmen on our business development team would be delighted to hear from you if you are able to help contribute funds to make this project a reality. http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 7/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 In Development Standardised Data Warehouses Ian Harrow has been commissioned to develop the business case for the Standardised Data Warehouse concept, details of which can be found in IP3. This business case is due to be delivered in late April. Ian would welcome your input during his work to research the demand, value, and outline requirements for a common data warehousing approach that could be flexible enough to be reused in multiple settings and assist with easing the reliable transfer of data between organisations. Interactive Genome Analysis Truly interactive genome analysis allows hypotheses to be tested and verified in days rather than weeks, greatly accelerating scientific research in the field of genomics. At a recent lunchtime meeting on this subject led by Etzard Stolte and John Wise, over 40 people attended from pharma, technology and startup companies, academic institutes and non-profits, and other alliances such as the Global Alliance for http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 8/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Genomics and Health. The meeting concluded that we should look into running an Interactive Genome Analysis Challenge so that we might, for a given set of NGS analysis benchmark data and quality parameters, understand the blueprint and costs of an optimal setup. A prize would be offered for the best overall solution. A community of interest is being established to define the benchmark and establish the goals of the contest. Project information can be found in IP3, or email John Wise for details. Diary dates Share Tweet Forward Share +1 17th March 2015 Pistoia Alliance Debates webinar: Text-mining for pharma R&D in a 3.00pm-4.00pm (UK) social world (register here) 18th-19th March 2015 ELIXIR Innovation & SME Forum Wageningen, The Netherlands 25th March 2015 Techonomy Bio Mountain View, CA (register here) 14th-15th April 2015 Paperless Lab Academy 2015 Barcelona, Spain 14th-15th April 2015 Pistoia Alliance Spring Conference 2015 Zurich, Switzerland (register here) 21st-23rd April 2015 Bio-IT World Expo 2015 Boston, MA 22nd April 2015 Pistoia Alliance Networking Reception Boston, MA (register here) 5.30pm-7.30pm (EST) 21st-22nd October BioData World Congress Cambridge, UK 2015 Check out all our project ideas and contribute your own suggestions using our project portfolio platform (IP3). Keep up to date with our latest news, opinions, updates, and webinar recordings by visiting our blog. http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 9/10 3/6/2015 Innovation in Action newsletter, March 2015 Share Tweet Forward Share +1 Copyright © 2015 Pistoia Alliance, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list update subscription preferences http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=1e68d52c80478b1ce53ec2639&id=6140a1af5f&e=[UNIQID] 10/10
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