Minutes of the meeting held on 30 March 2015 at 7.30pm
in the Ellendune Community Centre
Cllr G Mills (Chair)
Cllr G Jones (Vice-Chair)
Cllr G Eyles
Cllr P Hurst
Cllr C Kennedy
Cllr B Kingstree
Cllr J Newman
Cllr N Powell
Cllr H Woodward
Cllr A Richards (not Committee Member)
Joyce Holman
Community Beat Officer – PC Rory Draper
Public The member of the public had no comments to make.
Cllr C Clark
Cllr D Hayward
Declarations of Interest & Applications for Dispensation
Priors Hill – 20mph Speed Limit (Min.526 – 02.02.15)
The Clerk submitted an email dated 3 March 2015 from the Traffic Technician at Swindon
Borough Council a copy of which appears as Appendix A in the Minute Book.
The email gave details of the speed survey that had been carried out in Priors Hill.
Cllr Richards stated that a meeting had taken place between officers at Swindon Borough
Council and Ward Councillors to discuss 20mph speed limits in Priors Hill and the
surrounding area. Parish Councillors were supposed to be invited to this meeting, but the
Clerk explained that the email giving details of the meeting had been sent to an old email
address and had not received by the office.
The speed survey had indicated that 20mph speed limits could be installed on part of Priors
Hill, Greens Lane, Bakers Road, The Pitchens, Manor Close and Willow Walk. The average
speed on the section of Priors Hill between Bakers Road and the High Street was over 24
mph and that meant that a 20mph speed limit could not be installed on that section. The
speed survey for Overtown Hill had not been completed due to technical problems, but if the
speed limit allowed, this would also be included.
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Cllr Richards explained that the next step would be a public consultation and it looked likely
that funding for the scheme would be found from the Localities Fund. It was hoped that the
20mph speed limit could be completed by the Autumn.
Members discussed the merits of part of Priors Hill being 30mph when all the surrounding
roads were 20mph. Cllr Hurst expressed concern about the number of speed signs that
would be needed in the area to denote the different speed limits.
Cllr Jones proposed that the 20mph speed limit be extended from Bakers Road to Roberts
Close. This motion was seconded but not carried.
Cllr Woodward suggested that the 20mph speed limit be extended to the Junction with High
Street adjacent to the Brown Jack public house, thus making the whole area one speed
RESOLVED that the 20mph speed limit for part of Priors Hill, Greens Lane, Bakers Road,
Manor Close, Willow Walk and Overtown Hill be supported and Swindon Borough Council
be asked to extend the 20mph speed limit on Priors Hill from Bakers Road to the junction
with the High Street.
(Cllr Newman arrived at the meeting during this item and Cllr Richards left the meeting
during this item)
Policing in Wroughton
PC Rory Draper explained that Sargeant Gareth Kitchener, who was going to attend the
meeting was now moving to a new post. As soon as a replacement had been appointed he
would ask them to attend a Parish Council meeting. PCSO Kerry Vicat would also leaving
the area and be replaced by PCSO Rob Dentry.
PC Rory Draper went through the crime figures for February and March 2015. There had
been 16 thefts in the 2 months, but these were all from supermarkets and 2 burglaries from
non-dwellings. There was still anti-social behaviour occurring at Red Barn Farm which the
Police were continuing to monitor. Young people were also gathering at Badgers Brook in
the evening, but there was no sign of any offences being committed. The Police had also
been called to Moore Close regarding the parking issues.
Cllr Eyles pointed out that vehicles, displaced from Moore Close, were now parking on the
private road to North Wroughton Play Area and this was making it difficult for residents to
drive into the road to access their garages. PC Draper explained that this was difficult to
resolve as it was a private road. Cllr Powell thanked PC Draper for his help in sorting out
parking issues in Victoria Cross Road.
The Chair referred to highway issues at Wharf Road and Wichelstowe which the Parish
Council were requesting Swindon Borough Council to review and asked if the Police would
consider supporting.
Cllr Kennedy asked about parking on pavements and grass verges and in particular in
Perrys Lane since the double yellow lines were installed. PC Draper stated that parking
around Wroughton Infant School was difficult and he would only take action if he thought it
was dangerous.
PC Draper referred to Police and Parish Council Meetings that used to take place and
asked if these could be reinstated, rather than taking time in a Committee Meeting.
Councillors agreed to look at establishing these meetings.
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Road Safety in Wroughton (Min.524 – 02.02.15)
The Clerk reported that Ward Cllr Ford, who had asked for a review of road safety at
Wroughton Infants School to take place following an accident, was away at the moment and
there was nothing to report. She would continue to chase Ward Cllr Ford for the latest
Cllr Newman added that road closure for resurfacing work on Priors Hill which was due to
take place on 7 April 2015 had been postponed again. The Clerk confirmed that she had
been informed by Swindon Borough Council and no new date had been given for the work.
Wroughton Community Flood Fair (Min.524 – 02.02.15)
Cllr Hurst reported that following the creation of the Flood Group, they had been invited to
attend the Flood Fair at STEAM which was organised by Grace Martin from the National
Flood Forum.
The event had not been well attend by the public, but it had been an opportunity to
communicate with Thames Water and the Environment Agency.
Parking Restriction – Kellsboro Avenue (Min.420 – 01.12.14)
The Clerk submitted an email dated 11 February 2015 from the Traffic & TRO Technician at
Swindon Borough Council a copy of which appears as Appendix B in the Minute Book.
The email provided information about proposed double yellow lines to fill in the gap in
Kellsboro Avenue and extending the double yellow lines on one side of Maskeleyne Way.
The Chair and Vice-Chair had responded due to time constraints and these comments
needed to be approved retrospectively.
RESOLVED that the double yellow lines in Kellsboro Avenue be supported and the double
yellow lines on Maskeleyne Way, if to be installed, be on both sides of the road and not only
on one side of the road.
HGV Transport Route for works at Wichelstowe
The Clerk submitted for information an email dated 25 February 2015 from Mr M Coplestone
of Earthline Ltd a copy of which appears as Appendix C in the Minute Book.
The email stated that the transport route given to Earthline to use when carrying out work in
Wichelstowe was through the village of Wroughton and that they were instructed not to use
Mill Lane.
The Clerk explained that following a number of emails the matter had been resolved and it
had not been possible to find anyone at Swindon Borough Council that agreed the transport
route. This incident indicated to Councillors that they should be vigilant in the future to
ensure heavy lorries are not using village roads.
Double Yellow Lines and Crossing – Inverary Road (Min.529 – 02.02.15)
Cllr Kennedy reported that he and the Clerk had attended a site meeting at Inverary Road
on 18 March 2015 with Julian Sadler and Robert Saunders from Swindon Borough Council.
The first issue looked at was the parking in Inverary Road and the suggestion by the Parish
Council to extend the single yellow line on one side of the road as far as Perrys Lane. The
officers from Swindon Borough Council expressed concern about displaced parking and the
effect this may have on surrounding roads.
The officers were unhappy about the parking of vehicles on the verges of the bridleway and
wanted to establish whether they or Ridgeway School owned the land. There was
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already a right of way for vehicles to travel along the bridleway to the overflow car park of
Ridgeway School, to Wroughton Junior School and to the SSE transformer station.
The officers agreed that if the overflow car park was in better condition and usable, this
could solve a number of the parking issues. They indicated that it was very unlikely that
Swindon Borough Council would contribute toward the cost of repairing the car park as it
was not owned by them and they had similar repairs to make to their own car parks, which
would take priority.
Members agreed that the next step should be that a response is obtained from Swindon
Borough Council to the issues raised at the site visit and then this should be discussed with
the Head of Ridgeway School and possibly the Head of Wroughton Junior School.
HGV using roads in Elcombe
The Clerk submitted an email dated 20 February 2015 from Mr G Sheppard a copy of which
appears as Appendix D in the Minute Book.
The email stated that a number of large farm vehicles and articulated lorries had started
using the roads in Elcombe and appeared to be directed by their Sat Navs. He asked if a
new ‘No Entry Sat Nav’ signs could be placed at each end of Elcombe Road and the weight
limit signs reinstated.
RESOLVED that the request for ‘No Entry Sat Nav’ signs and the reinstatement of weight
limit signs be supported and a request be made to Swindon Borough Council.
Bus Gate – East Wichel Way
The Clerk submitted an email dated 13 March 2015 from Traffic Management at Swindon
Borough Council a copy of which appears as Appendix E in the Minute Book.
The email provided details of the introduction of a bus gate at the junction of East Wichel
Way with Croft Road. Although this was not in the parish, it would have an effect on traffic
using Foxham Way.
RESOLVED that the introduction of a bus gate at the junction of East Wichel Way and Croft
Road be supported.
Pedestrian Crossing – Devizes Road
The Clerk submitted for information an email dated 12 February 2015 from Traffic
Management at Swindon Borough Council a copy of which appears as Appendix F in the
Minute Book.
The email gave details of a proposed new pedestrian crossing in Devizes Road to the west
of Barrett Way. This had been requested by this Committee at their meeting on 2 December
Members agreed that they were happy to see this crossing installed.
Ellendune Car Park (Min.530 – 02.02.15)
The Chair explained in more details the reasons behind his re-design of the lay-out of the
Ellendune Car Park.
Cllr Hurst stated that he was worried that the Parish Council had already asked Swindon
Borough Council to look at the lay-out of the car park and they had indicated that there was
no problem with the current car park. If the Parish Council insisted that work was carried
out, Swindon Borough Council might recover the cost by charging for the car park. He
favoured leaving the issue of the lay-out of the car park as the views of the Parish Council
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and local residents had been clearly stated.
Cllr Jones asked about the option to install a speed cushion between the 2 cars parks to
reduce speed and deter people using the car park as a ‘rat run’ to avoid the traffic lights on
Wharf Road. The Clerk pointed out that in the report to this Committee on 4 August 2014
Swindon Borough Council had stated that the speed of traffic could not justify the installation
of a speed cushion.
Members agreed to find out the cost of installing a speed cushion between the 2 car parks
before making a decision on the Ellendune Car Park.
(Cllr Newman left the meeting at the end of this item)
BT Payphones Consultation (Min.530 – 02.02.15)
The Clerk submitted information on the future use of phone kiosks copies of which appear
as Appendix G in the Minute Book.
The information included ideas from other parishes on the use of phone kiosks and details
of defibrillators and their costs. There was some discussion about possible future use and
Cllr Woodward suggested that the phone boxes could be fitted with a wi-fi point so that they
could still be used for communication.
It was agreed for the Clerk to find out whether wi-fi points could be installed in phone boxes
and what the cost would be and this would be considered at the next meeting of this
Moat Pond – Encouraging Wildlife
The Clerk submitted for information about encouraging wildlife to the Moat Pond area copies
of which appear as Appendix H in the Minute Book.
Cllr Hurst spoke about a discussion he had with Joe Watson from Cotswold Estates about
different ideas for wildlife. The Chair suggested that Wroughton Infant and Junior Schools
could be involved in setting up the wildlife habitats.
Councillors asked the Clerk to find out more information about what could be done and the
cost which would be considered at the next meeting of this Committee.
Emergency Planning Working Party
The Emergency Planning Working Party submitted a report a copy of which appears as
Appendix I in the Minute Book.
The report gave details of the work of the Emergency Planning Working Party in putting
together an Emergency Plan. The report was noted.
The meeting closed at 9.40 pm
Chairman of the Council
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