DRAFT MINUTES ENSTONE PARISH COUNCIL A Meeting of the Council was held in St. Kenelm’s Church, Church Enstone at 7.15 pm On Thursday 30th October 2014 PRESENT Parish Councillors D. Parris, Mrs. N. Knott, Mrs. C. Glendinning, P. Shaw, R. Parker, R. McGrigor, N. Percival, B. Palmer, A. Lee and one member of the public APOLOGIES Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. M. Ivings and County Councillor Hilary Hibbert-Biles IN ATTENDANCE Mrs. B. Sinclair 109. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest declared. 110. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 25th September 2014, having been previously circulated were taken as read, agreed and signed. 111. MATTERS ARISING:• Damage to the Planks –Ongoing • The Green Lane – The planning application was still awaited • Overgrown vegetation opposite the allotments – It was reported that the works had been completed. • Overgrown verges Radford to Kiddington – Cllr. Hibbert-Biles was arranging to meet the Area Steward regarding this. • Repair to pavement Coxs Lane – It was reported that Highways had recently inspected the area - ongoing • The “Slow” signs at Gagingwell – The “slow” signs had been repainted but it was reported that there was insufficient funding to repaint the red markings. Three car accidents had occurred within the last month, one of which had taken place after the “Slow” signs had been repainted. Cllr. Hibbert-Biles agreed to investigate whether funding was available to repaint the worn out red markings. Ongoing Maintenance of the Paddocks’ boundary – The Highways Department had contacted Persimmon Homes requesting that it repairs the damaged boundary walls in addition to the two broken down walls on each side of the Paddocks’ turning. The occupiers of the houses opposite the Hall were concerned about the boundary walls and an old shed close to the houses and would like to know who owns this land. Mr Hughes, Head of Planning at West Oxfordshire District Council had agreed to contact Persimmon Homes directly affirming this. Ongoing • WW1 Commemoration – The History Society had been passed the details regarding this • School Parking – An update was awaited from PCSO Chris Jones • Cling Clang Lane – it was agreed that the clerk would contact Highways with regards to the overgrown vegetation along Cling Clang Lane • Facebook Page – This would be ready in time for the opening of the new hall 1574 • • • Quarry – ongoing The Old Coal Yard, Gagingwell. A response from the Enforcement Officer at WODC was still awaited New Buildings at Vision Sport – The clerk had contacted WODC Planning Department regarding this and a response was awaited 112. PUBLIC DISCUSSION o The request for a dog bin at the entrance of Chapel Lane towards the Village Shop was discussed. It was agreed that the clerk would obtain a quote for this. Mr. Lawson who was present at the meeting also raised the query as to whether he could pay for a dog bin to be erected near to Cling Clang Farm as well. Clerk to obtain quotes o It was noted that the stone wall by the sports club was in need of repair by the club o In Radford there was an ongoing problem with water flowing onto the road for which Thames Water claimed was not its responsibility having investigated the issue on a number of occasions. It was agreed that the clerk would contact Highways to see if they could instigate work to divert the water appropriately and that this work should to be carried out before the icy weather begins – for both road safety and the condition of the road. o WODC had queried whether a further grass cut was required in the parish – it was agreed that this was not required and the clerk to inform WODC of this. Planning Application – Cling Clang Lane Mr Lawson was welcomed to the meeting to explain his current planning application to the Council for consideration. There was no objection to this application and Mr Lawson was thanked for taking the time to attend. 113. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT o No report had been received 114. DISTRICT COUNCILLOR’S REPORT o No report had been received 115. PARISH HALL MATTERS:v It was reported that the Parish Hall was now almost finished. v Princebuild, the second contractors, had been excellent and had done a fantastic job. v Persimmon Homes were still to return to complete various jobs where errors had occurred. In view of this it was agreed not to sign the transfer of the land documents until Persimmon Homes had completed the works. v Cllr. McGrigor had written to the Chief Executive of Persimmon plc and was awaiting a response with regard to the slow response to completing the snagging works and seeming lack of responsibility for the completion of the project. v It was stated that the Hall needed to be insured for buildings and contents by midnight on 3rd November. The clerk would contact the PHMC regarding this. v A meeting had been held on 29th October with the Chair of the PHMC regarding the budget. It was crucial that, as overall budget holder, no monies were spent without the authorisation of Cllr. McGrigor. 1575 v The fundraising evening held on 23rd October had been excellent and Cllr. Shaw was praised for all his hard work organising this event. v Discussion took place with regard to the invitation to all residents to attend the formal Opening Ceremony on Friday 28th November at 11.30 am (for a 12 noon start) in the Ensign magazine – Cllr. Shaw agreed to organise this. v Separate invitations would also be sent to all those who had donated monies to the hall and those who had helped with the hall i.e. County and District Councillors, the WODC, County Council and those who had given grants towards the hall. The Chair thanked Cllrs. McGrigor, Shaw and Knott for their hard work. 116. CORRESPONDENCE:West Oxfordshire District Council:§ Councils seek residents’ views on recycling banks. All details on the WODC website. Noted § Local Plan Update – there had been circa 300 responses to the draft consultation with regard to the Local Plan and therefore further work was required by WODC to look into these queries. This would mean a further delay to the Plan being sanctioned. § Cooking oil fatbergs – the WODC had been involved with this and further information was obtainable on the website. Noted § Young people urged to register to vote - Noted Oxfordshire County Council:Ø Mobile Library Service – a consultation period had begun with regard to the mobile library service around the County. Noted. Ø The Limes – an updated report had been received with regard to the work along The Drive. Noted. Other:• Sports Club Rent Evaluation – Further information was still awaited. Noted • Revised Standing Orders – new legislation had come into force regarding the public being allowed to record proceedings of all Parish Council meetings – this was in order to encourage the younger population to become involved becoming Councillors. The Standing Orders had therefore been revised and posters were displayed on the Parish noticeboards, the website and into the Ensign Magazine. • OALC Update – all members had been circulated the latest update and it was agreed that Cllr. A. Lee would attend the training on “Roles & Responsibilities” on 4th March 2015. The invoice would be signed at November’s meeting. 117. PLANNING APPLICATIONS:v Cling Clang Farm. Erection of a timber framed multipurpose agricultural building – Mr Lawson had attended the meeting to explain the purpose of the planning application and there was no objection to the application. v Land west of Enstone Airfield, Enstone. Formation of new access and closure of existing access to the B4022 with improvements to existing access track. No objection 1576 Decisions Received :o Stone Farm, Lidstone. Installation of solar panel array (retrospective). Granted o The Old Bell, Oxford Road, Enstone. Erection of single storey rear extension. Granted o Rectory Farm, Church Enstone. Erection of replacement dwelling together with associated works, landscaping and restoration of Tithe Barn. Granted o Land at Enstone Airfield. Change of use of aircraft storage and repair workshop and two smaller buildings to storage, repair and maintenance of motorsport cars and associated offices. To be used in association with motorsports on the north eastern end of Enstone Airfield. Granted 118. FINANCE:I. § § § § § The following expenses were approved for payment:Mrs Beth Sinclair BDO External Audit Grounds maintenance – WODC x 2 Nisbets (kitchen equipment) S J Treloar & Associates £489.97 £156.00 £2017.20 £5503.56 £2040.79 II. § § The following monies were received:2 Precept instalment, WODC Parochial Church Council nd £9017.49 £1000.00 III. BDO External Audit Report – A few minor administrative issues were raised and noted including one loan repayment which had been paid in March 2014 although it was not due until April 2014 – noted. The Fidelity Guarantee cover was insufficient in light of the bank balances held as at 31 March 2014 – these monies were to pay for the new parish hall. As per last year it was agreed that the cost of this insurance was disproportionate to the risk involved. IV. Draft Budget for 2015/2016 – the clerk explained the calculations for the draft budget and all Councillors were asked to contact the clerk with any amendments before November’s meeting. Noted. V. Quarterly Statement of Affairs - period ending 30th September 2014 – Cllrs. McGrigor and Percival checked and signed of the quarterly budget figures which had been circulated to all members of the Council prior to the meeting. 119. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.05 pm. Thanks went to Cllr. Percival for opening the church before the meeting. 120. Date of next meeting:o Parish Council Meeting – Thursday 27th November at 7.15 pm St. Kenelm’s Church. ________________ Chairman 1577
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