Olya Turcihin Coding for Change Cornell Tech Team Brings Hackathon to PS/IS 217 by Briana Warsing They came, they saw, they hacked. Well, they encouraged hacking – the good kind. One day last week, bearing Google-donated Chromebooks and Verizon-donated MiFi hotspots, 30 Cornell Tech students met with PS/ IS 217 middle schoolers. The purpose – to lead coding workshops in the Island’s first-ever hackathon. The project was the creation of Miwa Takaki, who’s pursuing a master’s of business administration. She chose the day’s environmental/ conservation theme because, as she put it, “It’s near Earth Day, so it makes sense, and most hack days have themes.” In addition to her MBA from Cornell Tech, 28-year-old Takaki is also working toward a master’s degree in sustainability management at Columbia University. (She will complete that in 2016.) Her graduation from the inaugural Cornell Tech class is this spring, and she has accepted a job at eBay starting in the fall. Of Takaki, Diane Levitt, Senior Director of K-12 Curriculum at Cornell Tech, said, “Miwa is the one who got all of the [Cornell Tech] students here. It was her project. Without her, this doesn’t happen.” Takaki is a recipient of the Fried Fellowship, awarded to five second-year students based on academic excellence. She explained that one of her fellowship obligations is to “put on a project that means something to you.” In the session, there were two Cornell students for every three PS/ IS 217 students, and they brought more than just the computing gear; there were snacks, and t-shirts featuring Cornell’s twisted-T logo. (Fashion note: Theirs were black. The PS/IS 217 students wore grey.) Attempts by Cornell Tech students to disarm their group were successful. They started with openers like, What’s your favorite class? and Do you like sports? By the end of the first hour, the PS/IS 217 students were asking the questions. During a bandwidth snafu, instead of grabbing a snack, Cornell Tech’s Li Guo was interrogated by his group about his computing habits. “What kind of computer do you use?” one PS/IS 217 student asked. “I have a Dell laptop and a computer I built myself,” was the response. He confessed he never uses a Mac, and they were surprised; that triggered deeper questions. The interactions were just what Levitt and Principal Mandana Beckman were hoping for. Levitt explained that, while the Cornell students don’t have education backgrounds, she had prepared them by explaining, You are not only ambassadors for Cornell Tech, you are ambassadors for achievement. You have no idea what someone will take away from this day. “I told them to bring their best selves, and that’s exactly what they brought,” she said. Of the Hackathon, seventhgrader Jadan Luna said, “It makes the students actually feel like they’re doing something. It’s more See Hackathon, page 2 Rat Problem Returns, But Did It Ever Leave? Imagine that you’re on your way home, passing Starbucks, and you feel something brush your feet. When you look down, you are simultaneously repulsed and stunned – it’s a football-size rat. That actually happened to Islander Christopher Warsing. Unfortunately, his is not the only rat story making the rounds. Riverwalk resident Aaron Hamburger, who chairs the Island Services Committee (ISC) of the Residents Association, attributes the increase in Island rats to the lack of compliance by Island merchants who use the commercial garbage yard in Southtown. Hamburger and ISC member Rossana Ceruzzi report that the dumpsters in the trash yard are often uncovered, that garbage is often left out over long holiday weekends, and that the gate to the yard is usually left open. They argue that garbage should be picked up more frequently, dumpsters should not be overflowing, lids should be closed tightly, and the area should de disinfected regularly. These are all fineable offenses but, according to Ceruzzi, “No one is giving [the merchants] fines.” Hamburger and Ceruzzi have complained to the merchants, have called 311, and have informed the New York City Department of Health. But, they say, nothing has changed. Hamburger said that after Ceruzzi complained to the Roosevelt Operating Corporation (RIOC), “They cleaned up See Rats, page 2 Briefly... • Four Islanders have been reappointed to Community Board 8: Jeff Escobar (who also serves as president of the Residents Association), Larry Parnes, Ellen Polivy, and Sharon Pope. 35:15 Saturday, April 25 2015 The Main Street WIRE The World Goes ’Round – The Songs of Kander & Ebb will be heard all weekend as the Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance presents its Adult Musical Theatre Studio: Saturday at 8:00, Sunday at 2:00 and 7:00, plus Monday at 7:00. (See ComingUp, page 3, and ad, page 5.) Island Kids Is Sandbagged By a State Ruling, Goes Online in Search of Funds Historical Society and Other Non-Profits Also Hit reflect the economic and social diversity of the Island’s By Laura Russo A sudden decision by the New York State Authorities population.” She added, “being affordable to residents Budget Office (ABO) is generating dire consequences is part of our mission.” In 2014, Island Kids had a financial aid budget of for Roosevelt Island non-profit organizations that pro$25,000. According to Leopold, so far this year Island vide vital services to residents – especially children. Kids has received over $15,000 in In January, the ABO announced scholarship requests. She said, a mandate, effective immediately, Related commentary – page 7 “Scholarship requests grow every that prohibited the Roosevelt Island And letter – page 2 year. There is always a waiting Operating Corporation (RIOC) from list.” She expects requests to douawarding grants from the Island’s Public Purpose Fund. (The WIRE, January 17, 2015, ble by the time camp starts in July. PPF made up $10,000 of the Island Kids camp scholavailable online at mswire.us/3508.) The State first established the Public Purpose Fund arship fund, with the rest coming from private donors (PPF) in 1989 after the construction of Manhattan Park. and corporate sponsors. Now, not only has Island Kids Rather than paying sales tax on construction materials, lost $10,000 in PPF, but a corporate sponsor reduced the State allowed the developers to pay into a fund its grant by $5,000 earlier this year. Suddenly, Island created specifically to support the community’s social Kids is left with only $10,000 in scholarship funding, less than half of the normal budget. It is unable to and service needs. By 2008, the fund was much reduced, but the RIOC meet current financial aid requests. Julie Adegite, Director of Program Development at Board voted to replace the funding with an annual budget line item of $100,000. (None of the grants Island Kids, has five years of experience working in come from State tax money. All money spent by non-profit organizations and community development. RIOC comes from residents – through developers She noted that one of the major strengths of the proas ground rent payments, or in Tram fares or other facilities charges levied How Important Are by RIOC.) Since 2008, RIOC has worked in Public Purpose Funds? tandem with the Roosevelt Island ResThese were the requests in February 2014 – idents Association (RIRA) to award well over twice the available allocation of $100,000 funding to Island non-profit organizations like Island Kids and the RooRoosevelt Island Visual Art Association $ 39,500 sevelt Island Historical Society. A Roosevelt Island Day Nursery 35,000 Parent Teacher Association PS/IS 217, Inc. 32,000 RIRA committee reviews applications, Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance 27,250 makes recommendations that are reRoosevelt Island Historical Society 25,000 viewed by the RIRA Common Council Life Frames, Inc. 19,900 and then passed on to the RIOC Board. Island Kids, Inc. 15,000 Every year, the funding needs listed Roosevelt Island Seniors Association 15,000 by applicants have far exceeded the R&R Concerts, Inc. 11,250 $100,000 available. Roosevelt Island Disabled Association Inc. 9,000 According to the Public Purpose Roosevelt Island Women’s Health Organization 7,500 Funds Procedures published by RIOC Island Cats, Inc. 3,000 on January 5, 2015, before the ABO Total Amount Requested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $239,400 mandate was announced, PPF allowed RIOC to support programs and projects “that enrich the Roosevelt Island gram is its diversity, saying, “Fewer scholarships for community.” For some Island non-profits, PPF was an integral kids who can’t afford the program could really change part of the organization’s funding. The sudden loss of its dynamics. It helps to be around kids who don’t look funding could have a catastrophic effect not just on the like you; it’s essential to development.” organizations, but also for residents. Leopold lamented that the scholarship deficit will Island Kids have a large impact on Island kindergartners in particuIsland Kids has been running a very successful sum- lar. Island Kids is the only summer camp on Roosevelt mer camp on Roosevelt Island since 2006. Typically, Island that caters to children in this age category. Historical Society over 30% of campers receive financial aid in the form The loss of Public Purpose Funding has shocked of full or partial scholarships. Nikki Leopold, founder and Executive Director of Island Kids, said, “An im- and dismayed the non-profit community here. Judy See ABO Ruling, page 6 portant part of our objective has been for the camp to 2 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 Letters Hackathon, from page 1 hands-on than a class where you just sit and listen.” The PS/IS 217 students were given some information about recycling, and water use around the house. The project, to be completed that day within their groups, was to make a game by coding in the computer language called Python. At the end of the program, some groups presented the final games they created. (At www.codesters.com, you can see and play all the games that the students produced.) Both Beckman and Levitt were very excited about the event and the possibilities that could emerge from it. Levitt said, “Imagine how great it will be when we’re right down the street. We could do this all the time.” She was buzzing with ideas about future tech partnerships between the two schools and mentioned, off the cuff, a parent night and a parent-and-child night. In a press release, Levitt was less specific but just as enthusiastic about the future. “This is just one step in our commitment to bring K-12 technology education to Roosevelt Island and across the city. We look forward to working with the community to build on this event and create more tech opportunities over the next few years.” Seniors Later in the day, the Cornell volunteers worked with adults at the Senior Center on general computer literacy and basic online skills. That program for seniors was well-attended. Seniors practiced finding recipes, travel suggestions, health tips, and other vital information, including how to use Google Maps. “It was great to see students and senior citizens interacting with technology and learning skills that they will be able to use for many years,” said Miwa Takaki. “Opportunities to volunteer with the Roosevelt Island community are part of what makes being a student at Cornell Tech so special, and one of the reasons that I look forward to staying in the city after graduation.” Rats, from page 1 the site to put everything in proper order. However, Starbucks was an exception. Their trash bin was overflowing and not closed.” Next, Hamburger says, “We talked to the Starbuck’s manager and told them they were in violation of New York City Health Department regulations. The manager told me that a very large covered bin would be delivered to the site that Tuesday. This new bin was to be used by all the businesses in Southtown, including Starbucks.” The new bin did get delivered, but, says Ceruzzi, “They made the wrong purchase.” She suggests they either “change the size of the bins [they buy], or add more bins,” because “The lid must be tightly closed,” and it cannot be closed because it is overflowing. The protocol is clear. The New York City Health Code requires proper receptacles and defines them as “leak-proof with tightly-fitting lids” that have the capacity to contain waste generated in a 72-hour period. Both garbage receptacles and dumpsters must always be covered with “securely fitting covers/ lids.” The Health Code requires that the containers must always be neat, clean, and closed, and the area around them must also be kept clean and neat. Users are also obligated to separate their recyclables from their garbage. The Health Code requires that the refuse pick-up schedule be posted at the site with the name of the private hauler and the dates and times of pick-ups. Garbage must never be left out on a holiday or weekend. Ceruzzi says our local rat is the Norway rat. They were unintentionally introduced onto United States soil by 18th-century European settlers. They live where we live and eat almost anything. Food items in household garbage offer them a balanced diet and also keep them hydrated. Because of the damage they can cause, Norway rats are not protected by law. Ceruzzi says, “Whatever rats carry, we don’t even want them breathing on the Island.” Any type of pesticide or trap registered by federal or state agencies for this purpose may be used on them. To Governor Andrew Cuomo and Housing Commissioner Darryl Towns: Your agencies are working against Roosevelt Island’s community-based organizations. This Cultural Center is a site with which I have been associated since 1993. It has been home of The Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance and the Roosevelt Island Historical Society since Day One. The synagogue moved in here in May of 1993. It has been a wonderful site, operated relatively rules-free. Individuals, groups, and organizations have used the space whenever needed. It was run by good people using common sense, not government-generated rule books. The expenses were covered by the users themselves, not by RIOC. We hired our own contractors and repair people, and paid our own expenses. Turning the center into a mini-RIOC is shameful. There is no reason for RIOC to have an office space here. Put out a request for proposals for space management. Let one organization run and maintain the space. We do not need overseers here to open, close, and watch over the space. This is a community space, not a government annex. Taking one large space for a manager’s office is a loss of a valuable community asset. This is a space that was designated for the community. Now, it is another RIOC office. The new rules being perpetrated make everything complicated. Throwing up obstacles to organizations returning to the center, and new ones wishing to use the space, is the major complication. The center seems to be turning into one giant Excel spreadsheet. RIOC should step back. Return control to the organizations who know how to operate the center. We, who ran the place, were not consulted in the reconstruction. Knowledgable persons were ignored, and left out of the conversation. The flaws will soon be evident. Having made all the Island religious organizations uncomfortable, and having converted us into “not-for-profits” in the process, has caused unnecessary expense and stress to all involved. Step back. Go back to your mandate and stay out of the community space. This community has been here exactly 40 years this April 25, and we have done well without interference from the State-appointed officers and agencies. Judith Berdy Letters deadline for May 9 issue: Tuesday, May 5, 5:00 p.m. The Norway rat is considered the most successful mammal on the planet, after humans. They have acute hearing, a highly developed sense of smell, and are known to be very good swimmers, both on the surface and under water. They are nocturnal and live in burrows, which they dig. Female rats can produce up to five litters per year with an average litter number of seven. Females reach sexual maturity in about five weeks, suggesting that the rat population could grow by a factor of 10 in 15 weeks, under the right conditions. Control Basic sanitation is a key strategy in controlling the rat population. Elimination of food sources is an important factor, and Ceruzzi sees that as a failure here – specifically at Riverwalk. Because lids are open, the garbage isn’t picked up regularly, and because the dumpsters are overflowing, the rat population is increasing fast. Ceruzzi says, “Once they don’t smell the garbage, they will leave.” Another strategy is to eliminate breeding and nesting places. Merchants must keep excess wood and cardboard at least 18 inches off the ground. This height would not provide a habitat for rats, which have a propensity for dark, moist places in which to burrow. No wood should be stored directly on the ground. Removal of debris and weed control can reduce the amount of shelter and cover available to rats. Following guidelines in housing trash and garbage receptacles is important. Research and experience shows that rats can routinely jump two feet vertically, dig four feet or more to get under a foundation, climb rough walls or smooth pipes up to three inches in diameter, and routinely travel on electric or telephone wires. Trapping and killing should also be a part of the strategy. Ceruzzi says, “Rats are one of the most intelligent animals,” and research bears this out. They don’t roam. They stay within 100-150 feet of their burrow, and stay away from novel food. When they do taste something new, they eat very little until they ascertain that it has no ill effect. That’s why poison is not always effective. One way to ensure that a rat will do more than taste poisoned food is to limit the amount of food available, so that food in traps is a mandatory meal. Feral cats are an effective measure and have been used in many large cities. They have been known to be effective because a cat’s mere To the Editor: I watch many cement mixers lined up waiting their turn to dump tons of cement down the breather of the subway tunnel. This happens each week. I assume they are building the lower roadway in the tunnel for the LIRR East Side Access Project. Assuming that they are also dumping cement in Queens and Manhattan, we probably get one third of the amount. This is still a mighty number. I wonder how it compares to the cement quantity to be used on the Cornell project. Can the MTA be held accountable for damage to the helix and the roadway? Sheldon Brooks Letters Policy The WIRE welcomes letters of interest to the Roosevelt Island community, and to/from officials. Recommended maximum length, 350 words; longer letters will be considered if their content, in the judgment of the editors, merits the required space. All letters are subject to acceptance and editing for length and clarity. Letters submitted anonymously will not be published; requests for a Name Withheld signature will be considered, but the writer’s name, address, and phone number must be provided for verification and for our records. Submit letters by email to MainStreetWIRE@ usa.net. Expect a confirming response and, if you receive none, resend and call 212-8269056 to alert us. Alternatives: Typed copy left at 531 Main Street, and clearly handwritten letters will be considered, if brief (allow extra time for typesetting). We are not able to take telephone dictation of letters. presence can be enough to deter rats, which are repelled by the scent of cats and their urine. Cats may be preferable to poisons, since a dog or a bird that eats a poisoned rat also gets poisoned. On the Island, bait stations are used. RIOC forbade the use of loose poison after it killed one dog and poisoned another. Ceruzzi says, “The loose poison was colorful, emerald green and pink. It looked like big Lego pieces.” Ceruzzi worries that even the bait stations could be dangerous to birds, dogs, and children who might unknowingly play with them. The Main Street WIRE Published by Unisource2000TM, Inc. ©2015 Unisource2000TM Inc. 531 Main St. #413, NYC10044 e‑mail [email protected] MainStreetWIRE.comTM TM News 212-826-9056 Urgent news 917-617-0449 Advertising 917-587-3278 Circulation 212-935-7534 Editor & Publisher – Dick Lutz Managing Editor – Briana Warsing Copy Editor – Ashton Barfield Chief Proofreader – Linda Heimer Proofreaders – Vicki Feinmel, Helke Taeger Reporters – Jim Baehler, Andrew Gordon, Francine Lange, Sara Maher, Alex Marshall, Laura Russo, David Stone Photographers – Maria Casotti, Mircea Nicolescu, Kurt Wittman Aerial Photography – Ken Decker; Jeff Prekopa Editorial Cartoonists – Autumn Ashley, Anna Eppel Advertising Sales – Ellen Levy Circulation Managers – Sherie Helstien, Matthew Katz Circulation Assistants – Jim Bates, Brandon Cruz Human Resources – David Bauer Legal Counsel – A. Ross Wollen Technical Advisor – John Dougherty Island History Consultant – Judy Berdy Website NYC10044 – Jeff Prekopa, Laurence Vaughan Peter Alpert, Bubu Arya, Marty Atkins, Steve Bessenoff, Barbara Brooks, Shelly Brooks, Carol Chen, Gloria Cherif-Jamal, Billy Cuozzi, Caroline Cuozzi, Joan Davis, Joan Digilio, John Dougherty, Arlise Ellis, Justin Evans, Jan Fund, Gloria Gonsalves, Matthew Gonsalves, Tiffany Gonsalves, Aaron Hamburger, Ellen Jacoby, Todd Jagerson, Michael Kolba, Gad Levanon, Mary Mangle, Vincent McClean, Hezi Mena, Bakul Mitro, Brett Morrow, Clinton Narine, Kiran Narine, Sandra Narine, Kumar Nathan, Halima Nooradeen, Essie Owens, Joan Pape, Christina Park, Sue Pirard, Lucas Plaut, Judy Quintana, Brian Reccardi, Ronnie Rigos, Ilonka Salisbury, Mondira Sarkar, Rick Seefried, Bob Specker, Betty Spensley, Camilla Stacchetti; and... Allison Pearlman and students of Legacy High School; Kim Massey and students from the PS/IS 217 Beacon Program, Juniors and Cadettes of Girl Scout Troop 3324 The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 3 – This Weekend – Subway Diversion – No direct F train service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island, Fri Apr 24 9:45pm to Mon Apr 27 5am. Same weekend diversion May 1-4 and May 8-11. Racquet Club Open House Tour, Sat-Sun Apr 25-26, Racquet Club, 281 Main St. Call Paul Fontana at 646-884-9644 or [email protected] for time. (Ad, page 14.) Cherry Blossom Festival, Sat Apr 25 11am-6pm, starts with a pre-event picnic, 11am, Southpoint Park. Bring a blanket and food to share or buy food-truck lunch on site; tea ceremony demonstrations start at 11am. From 1-5pm at Four Freedoms Park, performances by the Koto Orchestra, the Shamizen String Ensemble, Japanese blues and drummers, dance group Ichi Fuji-Kai Dance Association, and karate and Samurai sword demonstrations. At Gallery RIVAA, calligraphy, musical soloists, and an ink-painting workshop. Free. For schedule of events, see page 6 or tinyurl.com/2015CBFri. Cherry Blossom Walk, Sat Apr 25 11am. Meet at Visitor Center Kiosk. $10. Sponsored by the Historical Society. Islander Gerald Starlight performs New Works for Japanese Shakuhachi Flute, Sat Apr 25 4pm, Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main St. Free. Info at msWIRE.us/starlight. Opening reception for Arline Jacoby’s Color Outside the Line, Sat Apr 25 6-9pm, Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main St. Gallery hours Wed & Fri 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 11am-5pm. (Review, page 12.) Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance presents Adult Musical Theatre Studio: The World Goes Round, Sat Apr 25 8pm, Sun Apr 26 2pm & 7pm, Mon Apr 27 7pm, The Cultural Center, 548 Main St (downstairs). $15; seniors/students $10; advance tickets at MSTda.org. (Photo, page 1; ad, page 5.) – Regularly Scheduled Meetings and Events – See separate listing, page 10. – The Next Two Weeks – Cornell Construction & Task Force quarterly meeting, Mon Apr 27 6-8pm, Gallery RIVAA. Open to the public. Guided Tour of New-York Historical Society exhibit, Lincoln and the Jews, 77 Central Park West, Tue Apr 28 11am, sponsored by the Historical Society and the Jewish Congregation. $20. RSVP to jbird134@ aol.com or 212-688-4836. Movie Night at the Library, John Wick, Tue Apr 28 6pm. Adults. Women’s Health Group presents two nutrition experts with Eat Your Way to a Healthier Life, Wed Apr 29 6:30pm, 546 Main St., 12th flr. Roosevelt Island Women’s Movie Group screens Makers: Women Who Make America, Thu Apr 30 7pm, Party Room at 425 Main St. $8 donation + healthy snacks or drinks for six. RSVP to [email protected]. Subway Diversion – No direct F train service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island, Fri May 1 9:45pm to Mon May 4 5am. Same weekend diversion May 8-11. I Love My Park Day at Four Freedoms Park, Sat May 2 9am-12noon. Ages 13-up. Dress for work; bring water. Info: fdrfourfreedomspark.org/ upcoming/2015/5/2/i-love-my-park-day Jane’s Walk Tours of Roosevelt House and Four Freedoms Park, Sat May 2 10am or 12noon for Roosevelt House, 47-49 E. 65th St.; 12noon & 2pm for Four Freedoms Park. Registration required via [email protected]. Sci-Fi Book Discussion, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick, Tue May 5 6:30pm, Library. Adults. CPR Training, Wed May 6, 10:45am, Senior Center, 546 Main St. RIRA Common Council meets, Wed May 6 8pm, Good Shepherd Center, lower level. Meeting begins with public session, in which residents and others may address the Council. Mother’s Day Cards, Thu May 7 3-4pm, Library. Ages 4-up. Subway Diversion – No direct F train service from Manhattan to Roosevelt Island, Fri May 8 9:45pm to Mon May 11 5am. The Main Street WIRE – Sat May 9. Advertising deadlines: Display, Wed Apr 29 (ads accepted after deadline on a space-available basis); decision date for circulars/inserts, Tue May 5; 6,000 copies due Thu May 7. Future issues: May 23; Jun 6, 20; July issue date to be announced; Aug 1, 29; Sep 12, 26; Oct 10, 24; Nov 7, 21; Dec 12. News phone 212-826-9056; urgent matters, 917-617-0449. Email press releases and feature-story suggestions to [email protected]. Advertising (display & classified) 917-587-3278 or [email protected]. Family Folk Band performance featuring NikosKids, Sat May 9 11am, Four Freedoms Park. Uni Project Pop-Up Reading Room, Sat-Sun May 9-10 12noon-5pm, Four Freedoms Park. Mothers’ Day, Sun May 10. – Future Weeks – Movie Night at the Library, Dracula Untold, Tue May 12 6pm (93 minutes). CPR Training, Tue May 12, 8pm, 546 Main St., 12th floor conference room. Main Street Teen Theatre presents Urinetown, Fri May 15-Sun May 17. (Ad, page 5.) Poster Screen Printing, Sat May 16 1pm, with book talk about WPA, 2:30pm, Four Freedom Park. Registration encouraged. Child School/Legacy High School annual Founder’s Dinner, Thu May 21, 6pm, Terrace on the Park, 52-11 111th St., Flushing Meadows Corona Park 11368. $150. For tickets, tinyurl.com/DinnerMay21. Book Discussion, Black, White and Jewish: Autobiography of a Shifting Self by Rebecca Walker, Thu May 21 6:30pm, Library. CPR Training, Sun May 24, 5:45pm, Good Shepherd Center. Memorial Day, Mon May 25. Main Street Children’s Theatre presents Little Shop of Horrors, Fri See ComingUp, page 11 Flowers are blooming, the sun is rising earlier and setting later, kids abound outdoors, neighbors have shed many layers of clothing and are strolling around, and a general buzz of excitement and happiness is in the air. It’s finally springtime on Roosevelt Island, and our little ship (toot, toot) in the East River is coming alive again. Cherry Blossom Festival If you’re reading this before Saturday afternoon, chances are that you’re planning to spend this day enjoying the performances, food, and fun at the Fourth Cherry Blossom Festival. A nearly annual event, usually produced by RIRA’s Social, Cultural and Educational Services Committee (SC&E), the Festival was started in 2011 to commemorate and celebrate the communities of Japan that were devastated in that March’s tsunami. 2015’s Cherry Blossom Festival honors one of the event’s founders, Junko Hasegawa, with the release of nearly 1,100 origami cranes (hanging in strands from the promenade’s railing on the way to the parks). And Jeffrey Escobar, President the Festival shares Roosevelt Island Residents Association many Japanese [email protected] periences with the Roosevelt Island community. At Four Freedoms Park, from 1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m., there will be karate, samurai swordsmanship, classical dance, and a variety of musical performances. At Gallery RIVAA, from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., there will be a Japanese ink painting workshop and a Japanese flute concert. Today’s events begin at 11:00 a.m., with an SC&Esponsored community picnic in Southpoint Park, and with the Historical Society’s annual Cherry Blossom Walk beginning at their Tram kiosk. Many thanks, as always, to SC&E and to its chair, Lynne Shinozaki, for again putting on this special event. Without Lynne’s leadership and the work of the committee and its volunteers, such extensive planning and execution wouldn’t be possible. [There’s a full schedule on page 6.] Hands-Only CPR Many thanks are due to another RIRA member, Sharon Williams, for her tireless efforts to train our community in how to provide hands-only CPR. Through close collaboration with New York’s chapter of the American Heart Association (AHA), more than 435 Roosevelt Islanders have been trained in the lifesaving skill. The efforts of Ms. Williams and the New York AHA chapter have not gone unnoticed – the Board of Regents of the New York State Education Department has recommended that CPR training be a graduation requirement in New York State. Interested in joining the movement and getting hands-only CPR training? It will be available on Wednesday, May 6, at 10:45 a.m. in the Senior Center Lounge at 546 Main Street, on Tuesday, May 12, at 8:00 p.m. in the 12th Floor conference room at 546 Main Street, and on Sunday, May 24, at 5:45 p.m. in the Good Shepherd Center at 543 Main Street. Use 30 minutes of your time to learn the technique – you may just save a life later. Blood Drive Another way to help save a life is to participate in the 14th annual RIRA Blood Drive, which benefits the New York Blood Center. RIRA volunteers will once again be manning a sign-up table at the Farmer’s Market, for four consecutive Saturdays beginning in late May, to register potential donors. The Blood Drive will culminate with the pledged blood being donated during the annual Roosevelt Island Day festivities on June 13. If you’re able to donate, please sign up. (Scot Bobo’s Main Street Sweets is offering an incentive – if you pledge, you can get a second scoop of ice cream for free!) RIRA Table Also during June 13’s Roosevelt Island Day, the SC&E Committee and the rest of the Common Council will host RIRA’s annual breakfast table for volunteers. Come by, say hello to your neighbors, and have a bagel, juice, and coffee on us! More information about this year’s festivities in future columns. RIRA Committees & Seats As we throw off the doldrums of winter and recharge ourselves with the warmth of spring and then summer, each of us should also use this time to renew our ties to one another and to our Island. I again call on you, as a member of the community, to be more active in RIRA – to lend your passion, talents, and expertise, and to join one or more of RIRA’s many committees. Interested in joining a committee or otherwise becoming more involved? Contact me at jeffrey.escobar@gmail. com for more information on how to maximize your involvement in RIRA and its committees’ many works. Moreover, Common Council seats have opened for Manhattan Park, The Octagon, and Roosevelt Landings, and the spring months and the summer hiatus are perfect times to explore the possibility of representing these buildings for the remaining year-plus of the present two-year Common Council term. For more information, feel free to contact me at jeffrey.escobar@ gmail.com, or Aaron Hamburger, Chair of the Nominations Committee, at [email protected]. Happy Spring! The RIRA Column The WIRE publishes these columns, exclusively, as a service to the community and to the entities invited to provide them, and does not control or censor their content. All that is very well, answered Candide, but let us cultivate our garden. –Candide, Voltaire In the May Flowers article (The WIRE, April 11) Roosevelt Island Garden Club Director Ron Musto was quoted as saying, “The gardens are an active partner in Island changes: a vibrant participant in a new awareness of our shared space, our ecological concerns in everything from composting to stewardship of trees and green spaces, and in our outreach on Roosevelt Island and throughout the city.” The Roosevelt Island Garden Club (RIGC) has cultivated over 125 member plots as well as open common areas, like the rose garden and the landscaped beds, for visitors to enjoy. The founding members began creating beautiful gardens and green spaces on the Island in 1979. RIGC was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 1987. Today, it is a volunteer organization for gardening and garden-related community building. We have been gardening at our current location (north end of the Island, across from the fire department) for over 20 years. We are now reaching out more than ever to support community gardening and promote green spaces on the Island and beyond. Last spring, we invited one of the New York Botanical Garden landscape design teachers to offer a workshop/walk-around with our gardeners. More recently, we were honored with a workshop by five Consulting Rosarians from the Manhattan Rose The Community Column Society, one of 300 local societies of the American Rose Society. They taught us the best techniques for the fine art of pruning. The garden was filled with a concentrated quiet as they worked alongside members in the spring sunshine. We love these visits from specialists, and have many expert gardeners as members. Soon, June will arrive, and the roses will be in full bloom, followed by the irises, peonies, and daylilies in July. We are now busy preparing the gardens to open for visitors in May! This year, RIGC started a project to make our pathways more accessible to wheelchairs, strollers, and pushcarts. Since mid-March, we have had all Julia Ferguson, Secretary ages of gardeners Roosevelt Island Garden Club working alongside [email protected] young adult volunteers to rake, clear out old gravel, level, and prepare paths for the 3/8 minus special mix that will soon go down. Beverly Shutes is heading this project with panache. RIGC has always had three accessible blacktopped paths that lead to H-plots for gardeners who need raised beds or who may work from wheelchairs, but this is one way that we hope to improve accessibility to all corners of the garden. In 2014, we were proud See Garden Club, page 14 The Community Column features a broadly chosen rotating series of columnists and topics. 4 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 dinner service Wed-Fri 5-11, Sat-Sun 6-11 brunch service Sat-Sun 11-4 reservations 718-729- 4040 [email protected] opentable.com We are a family-owned and familyoperated, farm-to-table, Northeast Country-style restaurant – a blend of small-town charm and upscale New York dining. Spend an evening with us. Indulge in fantastic New American-inspired cuisine. We are a business centered on relationships with artists, farmers, and the community. Welcome! Call us. We’ll pick you up and drive you home. No extra charge. Open 7 Days a Week Free Island Delivery Mon-Thu 12 noon‑10 pm • Fri 11 am‑11 pm Sat 10 am‑11 pm • Sun 12 noon-7 pm 605 Main Street • 212.355.3111 [email protected] facebook.com/islandwinesRI Saturday FARMER’S MARKET Fresh fruits & vegetables for your healthy table Every Saturday, early morning to mid‑afternoon, at Motorgate CREDIT CARDS & EBT WELCOME The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 5 SAVE THE DATES May 15–17 Teen Theatre presents Urinetown MST&DA ADULT MUSICAL THEATRE STUDIO presents ewly n e In th bished r refu l Center ra Cultu eatre th May 29–June 1 Children’s Theatre presents Little Shop of Horrors ✯✯✯✯✯ Bill King Russ Cusick Deborah Drucker David Kolakoski Sterling Nyx Ronnye Halpern Aya Esther Hayashi Barbara Parker Brenna Stein Jonathan Stein Maggie Warner Kathleen Weeks ✯✯✯✯✯ Kaitlyn Abdul Madison Abdul Carol Baird Eric B. Cohen FEATURING FEATURING Directed by Jacqueline Lucid-Cusick Musical Director Paul L. Johnson Choreography Mary McCatty “a stunning revue” “with humor, romance, drama, and nonstop melody” “a thrilling celebration of life and the fighting spirit” Saturday April 25 8 pm (Opening) Sunday April 26 2 pm & 7pm Monday April 27 7 pm General Admission $15 Seniors & Students $10 Box Office is open 90 min. before each performance. THE WORLD GOES ‘ROUND is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). Buy tickets online at mstda.org. THE CULTURAL CENTER, 548 M AIN STREET (DOWNSTAIRS) MSTDA.ORG • EMAIL: [email protected] • 548 MAIN STREET June 7 Dance Concert ROOSEVELT ISLAND NEW YORK 10044 RY E ing LIV h E D r yt E E eve R F on at 405 Main Street and 4 River Road at 405 Main Street and 4 River Road at 405 Main Street and 4 River Road Fax : 212-207-1967 Early Childhood Education for children ages 3 months to 6 years Currently enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year Early Childhood Educationfor for children agesages 3 months to 6 yearsto 6 years Early Childhood Education children 3 months Teachers with graduate degrees in Education and NY State Certification Currently enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year in every class room Currently enrolling for the 2015-2016 school year Financial aid available Teachers with graduate degrees in Education and NY State Certification in 405 every class room RIDN at Street,degrees for children age 3 monthsand to 3 NY ½ years Teachers withMain graduate in Education State Certification Financial available RIDN at 4 Riveraid Road, for children age 2 ½ to 6 years old in every class room RIDN at 405 Main Street, for children age 3 months to 3 ½ years Financial aid available For more please to visitage our website at old www.ridn.org RIDN information at 4 River Road, for children 2½ to 6 years (212) 593-0750, [email protected] For more information to visit our website www.ridn.org RIDN at 405 Main Street,please for children age 3 at months to 3 ½ years (212) 593-0750, [email protected] RIDN at 4 River Road, for children age 2 ½ to 6 years old For more information please to visit our website at www.ridn.org (212) 593-0750, [email protected] SPRING SPECIAL large pizza $10 delivery only MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Discover 6 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 ABO Ruling, from page 1 Berdy, President of the Historical Society (RIHS), said of the mandate, “It seems like Roosevelt Island is being penalized by Albany for the abuses of other State agencies like the Thruway Authority, the MTA, and Battery Park City,” adding, “It’s ridiculous, considering the total expenditure of [Public Purpose Funds] for all Island organizations was only $100,000.” PPF comprised about 10% of the RIHS budget, but this year, along with the loss of a long-time private donor, the organization experienced a “double whammy,” said Berdy. In order to make up the deficit in funding, RIHS is soliciting more corporate donations and asking current members to be more generous. In addition, the Historical Society is hoping to receive discretionary funds from the City Council. “The City Council has been very receptive, but there are many constituents with many different needs,” said Berdy, noting that the Council already funds five to seven other organizations. “We just can’t rely on discretionary funding,” she said. Timing Problems Two other factors complicate the use of discretionary funding to make up for the deficit in PPF. First, because the City budget won’t be officially passed until July, organizations won’t know what, if any, funding will be received from the discretionary budget until more than half-way through the calendar year. In addition, because the funds come in the form of reimbursement of approved expenditures, another six months to a year can pass before the organization receives funds. “This puts many organizations in limbo; it is a huge quandary,” said Berdy. Leopold echoes Berdy’s concerns about the use of discretionary funds to replace PPF. She said discretionary funds are not the solution, precisely because of the timing. “[City Council Member] Ben Kallos and the City Council were generous last year, but we’re only getting [last year’s] money now.” Seeking Solutions Leopold said that it is paramount that Island Kids maintain its mission to serve the children of Roosevelt Island, regardless of their economic circumstances. In order to make up for the deficit in summer Edward Baker Hussey Rivercross resident Ed Hussey, born October 26, 1920, died April 16, 2015. He was Paula’s love, lover, and provider for 69 years, until she died in 2009. She was his reason for being and doing. He touched more people than one can imagine, has been loved deeply by many, and will be remembered in a myriad of ways. For some, his strong opinions and stronger will characterize him most. For others, his natural intellect and extraordinary memory will be what they remember. He was an extraordinarily capable man, whose years as an upholsterer gave him confidence to make anything that was put before him. Edward’s love of cooking, something he did uncommonly well, and ability to bring together people he cared about and found interesting, fueled his 28 years on Roosevelt Island. As he aged, his need to stay engaged and active may have diminished in scale but not scope. Naturalist by Edward O. Wilson was half-finished when he died, and the public library has lost a loyal supporter and user. For his daughters, to and for whom he was very different, he will be held in their hearts and minds for his love, complexity, and vulnerability. Edward was the seventh, and last, child born to Veronica Constance Ebbinghaus and Leslie Ward Hussey in Nashville, Tennessee, in 1920. He was greatly influenced by several strong, accomplished women, his mother among them, to whom he always held a debt of gratitude and love. At 19, with barely $10 in his pocket, he journeyed to New York City to become an actor. He landed at the Provincetown Playhouse, in Greenwich Village, where he became the superintendent in the building that housed the legacy of Tennessee Williams. There, in his early days, he met Paula, a woman five years his senior, Jewish, and from Philadelphia. Their love, bond, and union began then and never faltered, despite their radically different backgrounds. They married so that they could travel across the country together without displeasing Paula’s family, who didn’t know that they were already living together. Late in November 1941, they settled in Long Beach, California, just prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. Their dream of breaking into the movies was overshadowed by the war, and Edward worked in the shipyards as a welder, having been rejected for military duty. Two years later, Paula and Edward returned to New York, the city they loved. They were writing plays together when their first daughter, Laura, was born. The family lived in Greenwich Village until the birth of their second daughter, Valerie, in 1950, when they moved to the post-war suburb of East Meadow. Their move to Roosevelt Island in 1987 was the happiest of occasions, and a new era in their lives. Edward is survived by his daughters, his grandson, Andrew GrahamHussey, of Toronto, Canada, and many, many friends. He has gone to be with Paula again. We will hold him in our hearts forever. –Laura and Valerie Hussey camp scholarship funds, she has started a Go Fund Me account (www. gofundme.com/islandkids) with the goal of raising $15,000. She said that, depending on the success of that appeal, she should know within about four weeks what scholarships can be funded this summer. In addition, Leopold is asking families to write to the City Council, to the State, and to RIOC in order to illustrate the importance of PPF and the negative impact that discontinuation of PPF will have on Island residents and children. Leopold said that, as a community, “We have to be proactive. We have to take care of ourselves. We were very fortunate to have Public Purpose Funds, but now it’s time to act.” Islander Honored for Contributions to Tennis Islander Bob Ingersole was scheduled to be recognized yesterday (Friday, April 24) by the Junior Tennis Foundation. The ceremony was to take place after WIRE deadlines during the 28th Annual Eastern Tennis Hall of Fame celebration at the Beach Point Club in Mamaroneck. Ingersole is director of tennis at The West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills. A native of Sydney, Australia, he moved to New York in 1976, and met his future wife on his first day in the city. He worked at the Bonnie Briar Tennis Club in Larchmont, N.Y., then he and his wife ran their own club in Connecticut. He later served as tennis director at the Roosevelt Island Racquet Club for 13 years. He has held a variety of volunteer positions at the United States Tennis Association (USTA) Eastern, serving on its board of directors for 16 years as president, vice president, regional president, treasurer, and delegate. He was chair of the Junior Competition Committee and of the Coaches Commission. “I am paying back to the game that I love, and the game that has been so good to me,” Ingersole said. Currently, he is president of the Junior Tennis Foundation (JTF) and chair of the USTA Pro Circuit Committee. As director of tennis at The West Side Tennis Club for the past 12 years, he is still providing both kids and adults with the opportunity to play. He is responsible for 38 courts with four different surfaces, for scheduling, for tournaments, for summer and winter programs, for leagues – and he still finds time to teach tennis. “I always want to be part of the tennis community,” Ingersole said. “I think I still have a lot to contribute and I am ready and raring for more.” Schedule Today’s Cherry Blossom Festival 11:00am-1:00pm, Cherry Blossom Walk. Meet at the Visitor Center Kiosk in Tramway Plaza. Suggested donation $10 (Historical Society). 11:00am, Southpoint Park. Community picnic (bring food and blanket; pushcart food also available). 1:00-5:00pm, Four Freedoms Park. Free. 1:00 – Shamisen Japanese String Ensemble (Kicho Kai) 1:30 – Japanese Classical Dance (IchiFuji-kai Dance Association) 2:00 – Samurai Swordsmanship (Iaikai) 2:25 – Karate (JKA Karate Shiroma) 3:05 – Koto (Masayo Ishigure and Koto Shamisen Ensemble) 3:40 – Japanese Blues (Kayo Yoshioka of Neo Blues Maki) 4:15 – Japanese Taiko Drummers (Soh Daiko) 3:00-5:00pm, Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main St. 3:00 – Japanese Ink Painting Workshop (all ages) 4:25 – Gerald Starlight (Japanese flute) The Cherry Blossom Festival is produced by the Roosevelt Island Residents Association. CPR Team Marks 435 Islanders Trained Life-Saving Procedure Set to Be School Mandate Lynne Shinozaki reports that 435 Islanders have been trained in handsonly CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation). “Our goal is to train this Island!” she writes, along with Sharon Williams. The first week in June is National CPR Week, and the Island group will mount training sessions outside the subway station and in Tramway Plaza on Friday, June 5, inviting homebound commuters to invest just five minutes in learning how to save a life. Similar training sessions will be offered before the outdoor movie nights scheduled on the Island this summer (see ComingUp, page 3). While all this has been happening on Roosevelt Island, a State-wide effort mounted by the New York State chapter of the American Heart Association has been pushing for mandatory training in schools, and the State Education Department has made a commitment to develop regulations setting CPR training as a high-school graduation requirement to be considered by the Board of Regents. “CPR as a requirement of graduation will teach millions of students a year this life-saving skill,” Shinozaki says. “The rate of survival from a heart incident will go up exponentially in New York as these people use this knowledge.” Members of the Island’s CPR Training Team include (back row): Hairong Xu, Sharon Williams, (front row): Lydia Tang, Lynne Shinozaki, Francesca DeCesare, Diva Riquelme, and (taking the photo and not visible) Christina Park-Hyun. The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 7 Has New York State Become Toxic for Roosevelt Island? analysis and commentary by Dick Lutz Roosevelt Island has always had a “special situation” vis-avis New York State, which took over responsibility for turning much of these 147 acres of New York City property into workable housing. It was no small challenge, but State and residents working together did a stellar job for many years. But the “special situation” has now become toxic to the Roosevelt Island Idea. And it’s New York State that has turned against its creation here – a diverse neighborhood ideally situated, being an Island, to create a strong sense of community among its residents. What’s gone wrong? In a nutshell, we have a missing layer of representative democratic government, and thus, no way for the political system to rebalance itself through the ballot box. It has always been this way but, of late, New York State – and the Cuomo administration – have blindly blundered into destructive actions that are harmful to this community. New York State – specifically, the executive branch – calls the shots here. The paid appointees who run the Roosevelt Island community are visitors – non-resident patronage appointees who don’t live here but make the key decisions about how the Island is run, often rather oblivious to the resident point of view. They seem only rarely to ask (or intelligently answer) the question, How would I want this done if I lived here? We do help elect a City Council member, of course. And we get to vote for the Mayor and State legislators. But none of these has any real administrative say here. The result: We get to vote for those who have no power here, and don’t get to vote for those who hold all the power. Attempted Fix Nearly 20 years ago, this state of affairs led concerned Islanders to seek the power of the ballot box over the RIOC Board of Directors – those who, by law, are intended to guide the key decisions. And it leads us to want that elected board to have the real operational power to seek and choose a chief community administrator (the president of RIOC) instead of rubberstamping the governor’s patronage choice. Why? Because Roosevelt Island’s “community manager” should be beholden to the RIOC Board and Island voters for the job – not be the willing captive of a patronage-based career track. The same should be true for other RIOC administrative functionaries. Over the years, we have had many duds in the key positions. To consider only the RIOC Presidents: Dr. Jerry Blue was allegedly the point man for Senator Al D’Amato at the federal agency HUD before being appointed by Governor George Pataki, doing D’Amato’s bidding, to administer the Island. Blue quickly showed himself to be massively inept at running a community, but lasted three years, then was air-lifted out of here overnight when he proved too embarrassing to the Pataki administration. Blue’s replacement was Rob Ryan, who had run Pataki’s first campaign for governor. He had an evident alcohol problem, and melted down one night in a public meeting. His replacement was Herb Berman, a disillusioned Democrat who became Pataki’s liaison with the Jewish business community and was rewarded with the job here. Another was Leslie Torres, who was pulled out after some credit-card irregularities and her repeated requests to be given something else to do. An Upside-Down Power Structure Ideally, the RIOC Board (appointed by the governor) should be in overall control. (Don’t most Boards of Directors have hiring/firing power over the president who serves under them?) Instead, the Board here is functionally controlled by the RIOC president. That’s because the seven public members of the nine-member RIOC Board serve a specificlength term, then continue serving until replaced. At present, all terms have expired. That means that each member of the RIOC Board is subject to an immediate thanks-andgoodbye dismissal should s/he displease the governor or the governor’s appointee as RIOC president. The effect of this is that the RIOC president can say, “The Second Floor [the governor’s office] says so,” and RIOC Board members, shackled to their “fiduciary responsibility” as officers of the State, lack the wherewithal to act otherwise in consideration of the community’s best interests. Serving expired terms, they constantly must weigh this question: Should I displease the RIOC president (and/or the governor) in this decision, or should I “live to fight another day?” Appointments to RIOC Board seats are subject to the worst of political decision-making. If you doubt that, consider the sole appointment to the RIOC Board made by Governor Andrew Cuomo. The Ferrera Episode At the apparent behest of Republican Senator Marty Golden of Brooklyn, who has not a single constituent on Roosevelt Island, Cuomo appointed Salvatore Ferrera, who, at the time, was director of The Child School, a major tenant in properties that RIOC controls. That’s an obvious conflict – sitting on a board that controls Island turf – but it extended beyond that, because, by law, the State pays for every child enrolled at the school. So, Ferrera was serving a gubernatorial appointment while operating a school run with State money. Ferrera had put the school on an aggressive growth track, and he wanted square footage that would justify the expansion of the school. He even sought Island property near The Octagon for a riding stable, citing the value of a child-horse relationship in dealing with the problems of some children (so it may have been about more than just the square footage). But Ferrera’s expansion plans fell apart when the State Department of Education vetoed many reimbursements, citing irregularities. Ferrera terminated 40-some employees and many students as a result, then resigned from his Child School post and the RIOC Board. Cuomo has not appointed a replacement to Ferrera’s RIOC Board seat – and it’s worth mentioning that Cuomo had removed Jonathan Kalkin to seat Ferrera. Kalkin, considered highly effective by his fellow Board members, had been nominated by the community in Island-wide elections, and appointed by Governor David Paterson. But he was serving a just-expired term, and Cuomo could toss him out to please the State Senator from Brooklyn. It belabors the obvious to say that the presidency of RIOC and the seats on the RIOC Board are clearly subject to the whims of a political system more concerned with the flow of political dollars or favors than with any possible residentoriented operation of the corporation that makes the day-today decisions on how Roosevelt Island is run. It may not be as bad as the days when governors appointed real-estate developers, but that’s probably because just about every RIOC-controlled square inch of the Island has already been committed for development. Raw politics remain more important to the choices made for Roosevelt Island than the considerations that contribute to having a great community. It will remain that way as long as voters here have no ballot-box power over RIOC – and as long as the sitting governor can find the required five Islanders willing to serve on a board that must operate in the constrained environment that makes politics more important than people. Implied is Accept the person I send you to run RIOC, or I’ll replace you with somebody who will. That’s Roosevelt Island’s long-term problem #1: No real resident power over RIOC. Ham-Handed Legislating In recent years, there has been a problem #2 that is a perfect illustration of how the State’s heavy hand compounds problem #1 – an inability to act quickly or appropriately on important matters because of State over-control. There are many examples of this State mis-control over the years. In 2005, in the wake of Pataki’s attempts to sign away Erie Canal property to a developer chum, and attempts to lease out New York City’s West Side Hudson Yards at half their value, the Legislature passed the Public Authorities Accountability Act (PAAA). Accountability sounds like a good idea, and it was, but the PAAA, by requiring all State agencies to get top dollar for any property they’d sell or lease, tied RIOC’s hands in filling Main Street’s retail stores. Then-RIOC President Steve Shane felt he could not rent out storefronts in compliance with the best interests of the community, but instead had to comply with a perfectly good law that was perfectly awful for bringing mom-andpop businesses to Roosevelt Island. What eager small-shop operator is going to fill out a huge stack of forms, submit a bid, and wait several months for a likely “no,” when he can instead go to Queens, shake hands with a landlord, and open his store within a few weeks? Trying to fix a problem elsewhere, the Legislature passed a law that imposed an excessive control that is totally inappropriate for a small community like Roosevelt Island. For that matter, the public benefit corporation structure is just wrong for Roosevelt Island. It’s closely parallel to an “authority,” a terrific off-budget approach to building a bridge. But we’re a community, not a bridge. It’s the wrong set of rules for us. To make matters worse, the Legislature over-corrected in 2009 with another law applying to State authorities and public benefit corporations. That expanded the Authorities Budget Office (ABO). The RIOC Board decided to work around the handcuffs of the PAAA by turning Island storefronts over to a developer. Bids were taken, but there was, functionally, only one bid – from Hudson/Related (H/R), which already controlled the retail storefronts in Southtown. This put H/R in the driver’s seat, and RIOC ended up signing over the Gallery RIVAA space and the second-floor space above the new library (504 Main Street) – sacrificing what could have been valuable community space that must now, instead, produce income for a developer and for RIOC. Higher needs were set aside in favor of the community’s need for a workable retail environment, the working theory being that, within months, H/R could fill the retail spaces. H/R got 30-year control, effectively removing RIOC and Island voters from any future say in the matter. Some would argue, successfully perhaps, that H/R’s ambitions for the retail space have run off the track that once was thought the right way to go for Roosevelt Island. We have no hardware store, and we have a chain eatery, Subway, and a Trellis diner closed some eight months for an imposed redesign that turns out to have been ineptly managed by H/R, Residents and the State On three occasions, the Roosevelt Island Residents Association puts advisory referendum questions before Island voters. • 1999 – 92% vote yes when asked if residents should have greater control of Island affairs. • 2000 – 80% vote yes to a demand for resident self-governance. • 2006 – 95.5% vote yes to a call for election of the public members of the RIOC Board of Directors. 2007 – Governor Eliot Spitzer gives unspoken assent to a nominating election for the Board’s seven public members. 2008 – A record turnout nominates resident candidates. Four are appointed by Governor David Paterson. 2009 – A second election is held. Paterson appoints two more resident nominees. 2010 – Paterson vetoes a bill that includes a mandate for interviews with three candidates for RIOC president. 2011 – Governor Andrew Cuomo appoints non-resident Salvatore Ferrera to the Board. 2012 – Two more nominating elections are held. 2015 – Cuomo continues to ignore 2012 resident nominations, though all Board appointments have expired. the owner of Island House, RIOC, the City, and (perhaps) the unfortunate owner. Admittedly, there have been some gains – notably Wholesome Factory, Island Wine, and the Sweet Shop – each a no-brainer that would have been in place had not State over-control kept potential entrepreneurs from coming long before H/R took over. Have all these decisions been made for the benefit of the community? The party line is that market forces make good decisions, and whether that’s truth or fiction here, the impetus for all that’s happened was a well-intentioned State law that imposed controls severely inappropriate for a small community. The ABO But the most recent example of State over-control has been a ruling from the ABO that has tied up the distribution of the Island’s Public Purpose Funds – under which $100,000 a year has been allocated, effectively by the Residents Association, to Island non-profits in need of support. Running scared and running stupid (to borrow a phrase from a longtime Islander), and with its Board driven by “fiduciary responsibility” over community responsibility, RIOC tied its own hands, suddenly depriving needed funds to non-profit entities of funds and looking to charge rent for the space they’d used for years, challenging their ability to provide scholarships and services. The result has been a chaotic impact on Island non-profits – a game-changing new set of rules that represent a departure from the Island’s past practices of nurturing non-profits rather than milking them for meager nickels and dimes to pay for rental of Island facilities. When your budget is close to zero, coming up with those coins can be far more painful than any compensating comfort they might give to RIOC. State over-control was also evident in the 2½-year response to Hurricane Sandy. Almost anywhere else, the Cultural Center facilities in the basement of Roosevelt Landings would have been fixed within weeks. But New York State imposes procedures that, with RIOC blundering, did a miserably bad job and took 30 months to do it. The result is a badly chopped-up set of rooms, a new rental structure that will require administration by some RIOC functionary, with costs and procedures only peripherally appropriate to a small community. Because of its inability to defy this over-control by the State, RIOC has been forced into a position that is likely to inhibit, rather than enhance, community activities that need access to community space. Doubt that? We’ll see. The ABO ruling, and RIOC’s fumbling compliance, becomes the current first-choice example of State over-control totally inappropriate for a small community. There is some indication that the ABO may allow an exception for the Island’s Public Purpose Funds, but late, after damage done and time wasted by many people as they sought workarounds and worried over how they’d replace the missing funds. The Question This raises the question: Has New York State’s involvement in Roosevelt Island become toxic? To be fair, we must give history its due. Roosevelt Island as a residential community might not have come to exist without the actions of a more benign State government in the different times of a half-century ago. Kickstarting a community here would not have happened without creative thinking in State government, but those were times when government valued creative thinking over conflict and all-out political war. Repairing this community’s relationship with New York State is likely to depend on that kind of creative thinking, and a dedication to the concept of democratic government at all levels – to depend on our politicians to find some way to address this peculiar problem – and sooner rather than later, before the essence of the Roosevelt Island Idea is permanently lost. 8 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 Scenes from the Island Scrapbook iDig2Learn’s Earth Day 2015 Photos: Olya Turcihin and Akylbai Eleusizov The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 9 10 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 Adventures O curated by Sara Maher It was 60 degrees for two days. In. A. Row. Get up! Get out! Get moving! Moving Images While digging through its archives, MoMA discovered still frames and excerpts from 35mm camera negatives. This footage, abandoned in post-production, showed a remarkable slice of cinema history – an unreleased film featuring an all-black cast and shot by an all-white crew. Starring Caribbean-American recording artist Bert Williams and other Harlem-based entertainers, the footage offers a unique look at moviemakers working to “achieve increased visibility in a time of segregation.” F downtown to 57th St and walk southeast to MoMA at 11 W 53rd. 100 Years in Post-Production: Resurrecting a Lost Landmark of Black Film History runs through May 3. This exhibit is located on the first floor, and is free and open to the public during museum hours. moma.org/visit/calendar/exhibitions/1528 Moving Around NYC Radio City Music Hall presents its New York Spring Spectacular, “a whirlwind adventure across New York City” that tells “an inspiring and hopeful narrative about New Yorkers.” The brand-new production stars Laura Benanti, Derek -Island Hough, and, of course, the Rockettes. It also includes cameos from Whoopi Goldberg, Tina Fey, and Amy Poehler as the voices of New York landmarks and, apparently, an appearance by Donald Trump. F downtown to 47-50th Streets and walk north to 1260 Sixth Av. Through May 7; times vary by date. Tickets $45-199. newyorkspringspectacular.com Moving on the Streets On the first Sunday in May, 32,000 cyclists come from all over the world for a chance to ride through all five NYC boroughs. Organized by Bike New York, the TD Five Boro Bike Tour is the world’s largest charitable bike ride. Registration to ride in the event is closed, but you can watch thousands of bikes charge down streets that are normally open to motor traffic. Note: There’s live entertainment all along the route, but tour-related events and activities are closed to the public. F downtown to W 4th, 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, 4750th, 57th, or 63rd Streets in Manhattan and uptown to 21st Street in Queens, or just ride the Tram and watch riders cross the Ed Koch Queensboro Bridge. Sun May 3. First wave leaves Franklin and Church Streets at 7:30 a.m. Route runs north on Fifth Av., then crosses the East River via the Queensboro Bridge before heading south to Brooklyn and finishing in Staten Island. bike.nyc/events/td-five-boro-bike-tour Moving Through Time The Morgan Library holds some of the world’s greatest (and oldest) collections of medieval and literary manuscripts, private letters, and original music, not to mention the architectural and decorative splendor of the building itself. Exhibitions closing in the next month include drawings by the great Italian draftsman Giovanni Battista, on loan from Sir John Soane’s Museum in London, and on display in the United States for the first time; illuminated illustrations of passages from Hebrew Psalm 104 by contemporary artist Barbara Wolff; and a special exhibition celebrating the museum’s 10th anniversary of deciding to collect and exhibit modern drawings, featuring more than one hundred drawings by contemporaries like Matisse, Pollock, Warhol, Twombly, and Dumas. F downtown to 34th St and walk northeast to the Morgan Library and Museum, 225 Madison Av. Hebrew Illumination for Our Time: The Art of Barbara Wolff runs through May 3; Piranesi and the Temples of Paestum: Drawings from Sir John Soane’s Museum through May 17; Embracing Modernism: Ten Years of Drawings Acquisitions through May 24. Tue-Thu 10:30-9; Fri 10-9; Sat 10-6; Sun 11-6. $18 for adults and $12 for children, seniors, and students; admission free on Friday nights 7-9pm. themorgan.org Continuing Events & Activities A listing of repeating or regularly held meetings & events (a listing of other events scheduled for this weekend and in coming weeks appears on page 3). Art Exhibits Color Outside the Line, exhibit of the works of Arline Jacoby, Gallery RIVAA, Wed & Fri 6-9pm, Sat-Sun 11am-5pm. Through May 17. Vernissage XIV continues, Octagon Gallery, daily 9am-8pm. Through June 14. Parks Southpoint Park open daily 6am-10pm. Lighthouse Park open daily 7am-9pm. Four Freedoms Park daily 9am-7pm. Closed Tue. Free guided tours Sat 11am, 3pm; Sun 11am. Board Games (5-12 yrs), Tue 4pm, Library. Free. Teen Game Night, Wed 6pm, Main Street Sweets, 559 Main St. Anime Club (teens), Thu 4-5pm, Library. Kids & Family Yoga (ages 4-7 & caregivers), Thu 4:14 (May 6-Aug 29), Four Freedoms Park. Members free; others, donation suggested. Reading Aloud (children), Fri 3:30pm, Library. Girl Scouts (6-13 yrs), Fri 6-8pm, PS/IS 217. Info: 212-527-2505. Seniors Classes Lunch, Mon-Fri noon, Senior Center, 546 Main St. $1.50. Menus outside social worker’s office. Also see additional listings, this page. Music Toastmasters (public speaking), 2nd & 4th Mon 7:30pm. Info: 212-751-9577. Sci-Fi Discussion Group, 1st Tue 6:30pm, Library. 114th Precinct Community Meeting, 4th Tue 7pm, Riccardo’s, 2101 24th Av., Astoria. RIRA Common Council meeting 1st Wed (except Jul-Aug) 8pm, Good Shepherd Center. Women’s Health Organization, last Wed 6:30pm, 546 Main St, 12th floor conference room. Book Discussion, 3rd Thu 6:30-8pm, Library. Art, taught by members of the RI Visual Art Association, Sat 11am-2pm, Sportspark. Free. Hands-Only CPR Training, 1st Wed 10:45am, Senior Center, 546 Main St.; 2nd Tue 8pm, 546 Main St 12th-floor conference room; 3rd Thu 5pm, Child School, 587 Main St.; 4th Sun 5:45pm, Good Shepherd Center, 543 Main. We Are New York English conversation groups, Fri 10:30am-12:30pm, through June 26, Library. (No class Fri May 1.) First Sunday Jazz Salon, 1st Sun (resumes May 4) 5-7pm, Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main St. $10 donation. Exercise & Sports (alphabetical) Basketball (all ages), Sat 2-5pm, Sportspark. Free. Basketball (adults), Mon-Thu 7:30-9:30pm, PS/IS 217. Free. Bike New York classes continue; schedule at BikeNewYork.org. Pilates with Karen, Wed 8:30am. Info 212-750-6223. (Ad, page 12.) Ping Pong (all ages), Tue Wed Fri 6-9pm, Sportspark. Free. RI Moms on the Move walk and exercise program, Fri 11am, Visitor Kiosk in Tramway Plaza. Free. To confirm time: [email protected]. Sportspark extended hours (ages 16-25), Fri-Sat 9pm-midnight. Weight-lifting and basketball. Free. Note: ID and proof of Island residency required. Swimming* (all ages; no instructor) – Sat-Sun 12-3pm, Mon-Fri 6-10am, Mon Wed Thu Fri 7:30-10:30pm, Sportspark. Swimming* (18 yrs+) – Sat-Sun 4-7pm, Tue 7:30-10:30pm, Sportspark. Swimming* – Water Aerobics, Sun 12-1pm, Wed & Fri 9-10am, Sportspark. Swimming* – Master class, Mon Wed Fri 7:30-8:30pm, Sportspark. (*$5; free for disabled, seniors 60+, and ages 0-3.) Tai Chi (all ages & levels), Mon 10:15am. Members, free; others, donation suggested, Four Freedoms Park, Apr 6-May 11 & Aug 31-Sep 28. Yoga (open-level), Mon & Thu 6:15-7:15pm, Sat 11:15am-12:15pm, Sportspark. $5. Mats available. Yoga (Vinyassa-flow) with Keren Messer, Mon 7:45pm, Fri 10am, Good Shepherd Center. Info: [email protected]. Yoga (Hatha) with Keren Messer, Tue 6:30pm, Good Shepherd Center. Yoga with Jax Schott, Wed 7:30-8:40pm, Island Kids, 536 Main St. $15. Yoga (open-level) with Lauren Blankstein, Thu 7:30-8:30pm, PS/IS 217 Beacon. Free. Yoga at Four Freedoms Park, 1-hour classes, May 6-Aug 29. Info: FDRFourFreedomsPark.org. Adult Vinyassa, Wed 10:15am; Adult Hatha, Fri 6pm; Adult All Levels, Sat 10am. Members free; others, donation suggested. Zumba, Mon 6:30-7:30pm, Thu 6:30-7:30pm, Sat 10-11am, Sportspark. $5. Birth through Toddler (Sat-Fri) Baby Story Time (0-18 mo), Mon 10:30am, Library. Advance registration required. Baby Playtime (0-18 mo), Mon 11am, Library. Mommy & Me Swim Classes for children 6 mo. to 3 yrs. Spots available for drop-ins Wed 10:30 and Sun 1:30 or 2:00. Info at rioc.ny.gov. Toddler Story Time (18-36 mo), Wed 11am, Library. Registration required. Free. Toddler Play Time (18-36 mo), Wed 11:30am, Library. Island Kids Baby Group (0-14 mo.), Thu 10:30-11:30am, 536 Main St. Info: [email protected]. Older Kids (listed Sat-Fri) Tennis – New York Junior Tennis League (ages 5-18), Sat-Sun 6-8am, Racquet Club. Free. Swimming classes (age 3-up), Sat 3-4pm, Sportspark. $15 or $100/10 weeks. Questions/ registration, [email protected] or 917-261-2771. Little Dragon Tang Soo Do (Korean martial art), ages 12 & under & caregiver, Mon 4:15pm (Jun 8-Jul 13, Aug 10-31), Four Freedoms Park. Members free; others, donation suggested. Tennis – Junior Tennis, Sat & Mon-Fri after school, Racquet Club. Info 212-935-0250. Teen Time (ages 13-18), Mon-Fri 3pm, Library. Beacon After-School Program for grades 1-8, Mon-Fri 3-6pm, PS/IS 217. Free. Info: 212527-2505. Open Gym for high school students, Mon & Wed 6-8pm, PS/IS 217. Regular Meetings (listed Sat-Fri) Office Hours RIOC’s Community Office Hours, Mon 3-5pm, 591 Main St. Info: 212-832-4540. Conversations with Cornell Tech Staff at Gallery RIVAA, Wed & Fri 10am-12noon & 1-4pm, 527 Main St. Constituent Service Hours: Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright, 1st Wed 4-7pm, Library. City Councilmember Ben Kallos, 4th Wed 2-5pm, Senior Center, 546 Main St. State Senator Jose Serrano, Wed 4-7pm, Senior Center or 3-6pm, Library. Info: 212828-5829. Other Clinic on Housing Law, 1st & 3rd Mon 3-6pm, district office of City Councilmember Ben Kallos, 244 E. 93rd St. Reservations and questions: 212-860-1950 or [email protected]. Free Legal Clinic, 1st Mon, sponsored by Assemblymember Rebecca Seawright. For appointment call 212-288-4607. Policy Night, 2nd Tue 6:30pm, Kallos office (see above), 244 E. 93rd St.; help formulate policy. Knitting & Crocheting Circle (adults), Thu 11:30am, Library. Info: nypl.org. First Fridays with Kallos, 8-10am, district office (see above); questions and issues. Food Box Orders from Helping Families Help Themselves, ordering 1st-11th of month. Menu online at jolinfoodbox.com. Info 347-985-7540; pickup at 546 Main St. 15th of month. Senior Center Monday 10:00 Zumba 11:00 Computers 5:00 Brain & Body Stretch Tuesday 10:20 Shoppers’ Bus 10:30 Building Strength 11:00 Blood Pressure 1:00 Paint & Sculpt Wednesday 9:30 Yoga Stretch 10:20 Shoppers’ Bus 10:30 Salsa with Luis 10:45 Spanish 11:00 Social Media for Seniors: Facebook, Instagram, Photos, more 1:00 Bridge 1:30 Scrabble Special Events Thursday 9:25 Chair Pilates 10:30 Zumba 10:45 Ping Pong 12:30 Movie 1:00-2:30 Theatre tickets at discount prices; see Rema or Annie 3:00 Computer Basics (Library) Friday 9:00 Building Strength 10:30 Computers 10:30 Tai Chi 12:00 Korean Exercise 2:00 Art with John 2:00 Pokeno To join RISA, stop by at 546 Main Street. RISA’s Annual Membership Drive, through Apr 30. $15/year. Join at the Center. General Meeting, Tue May 5, 7pm, 546 Main St. Outdoor Flea Market, Sat Jun 6. Details to come. The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 11 GIRLS Soccer Team Gets a Taste of the Law Members of the GIRLS soccer team visited the offices of the Legal Aid Society (LAS) in Queens two weeks ago. (GIRLS stands for “Great Inspirational Role Model’s Leadership through Soccer.) GIRLS soccer coach Quincy Auger is a lawyer who works for LAS. “Our mission is to foster the team’s playing skills, but also to expand their minds to become effective leaders in our community and around the world,” says Charlie DeFino, head of the Youth Program. Adib Mansour, who is active in the program, said he is thrilled “to see how this team is improving not only their soccer skills, but, more importantly, their self-confidence and their rejuvenated outlook for a purposeful future.” After being treated to lunch, the team visited the Queens Criminal Courthouse, met a judge, viewed an armed robbery trial, and visited a stenographer who explained her stenotype machine. The GIRLS team players are aged 10 to 13. They’ll play their first game against another Beacon program on May 6. They are (in alphabetical order) Lina Bangaroo, Kristophina Iyaloo Jashoongo, Lynette M. Jeem, Gillian Katoanga, Anyah Lamb, Saryah Lamb, Kristen Leopold, Jaden Luna, Madison Luna, Haajar Mohammad, Kyla Pilgrim, and Tia Young. Sturdy white canvas... Holds 5 two-liter bottles! (19L x 6W x 15H). white canvas, red Tram, black trim. A few left... The W IR E’s TOTE ComingUp, from page 3 May 29-Mon June 1. (Ad, page 5.) Bike New York Spring Kickoff Party, Sat May 30, time & Island location to be announced. Kidz Theater presents an afternoon showcase of musical theater, Sun May 31 1pm, The Child School. Fundraiser for a performance trip to Disney/Florida to present the showcase there. Adults $15, children $10. Info: 212-371-2434. Sunset Garden Party, Wed Jun 3 5-8pm, Four Freedoms Park. Info: fdrFourFreedomsPark.org. RIRA Common Council meets, Wed Jun 3 8pm, Good Shepherd Center, lower level. Meeting begins with public session, in which residents and others may address the Council R&R Concerts presents Music on the Cutting Edge, piano performance by Islander Roy Eaton, featuring Hajime Sakita, Japanese musical saw virtuoso, Sat Jun 6 7pm, Good Shepherd Center. MST&DA Dance Concert, Sun Jun 7 (Ad, page 5.) Roosevelt Island Day, Sat Jun 13. RIRA Blood Drive, Sat Jun 13. Imagination Playground, play with oversize architectural blocks, Sat-Sun Jun 13-14, Four Freedoms Park, on the lawn. Flag Day, Sun Jun 14. Book Discussion, Half a Life by V.S. Naipaul, Thu Jun 18 6:30pm, Library. Outdoor Movie, Sat Jun 27. Independence Day, Sat Jul 4. Outdoor Movie, Sun Jul 11. Outdoor Movie, Sun July 25. Cornell Construction & Community Task Force quarterly meeting, Mon Jul 27 6-8pm, Gallery RIVAA. Open to the public. Outdoor Movie, Fri Aug 7. Outdoor Movie, Sat Aug 8. Outdoor Movie, Sat Aug 22. Outdoor Movie, Sat Aug 29. Fall for Arts Festival, Sat Oct 3. Columbus Day, Mon Oct 12. Halloween Parade, Sat Oct 24. Cornell Construction & Community Task Force quarterly meeting, Mon Oct 26 6-8pm, 546 Main St. 12th floor. Open to the public. Name I’ll take one! (Or more.) I’ll take one (or ____)! I enclose $20.00 for each one. If my order is to be mailed off-Island, I am adding $3 shipping charge for the first tote going to a single address, and $2 for each additional tote going to that same address. Check payable to The WIRE. Good supply on hand. The WIRE will deliver to Island addresses with doorkeepers. If your building has no doorkeeper, we’ll notify you when ready for pickup (provide phone number and email address for notification). Proceeds support The Main Street WIRE. Address Email Telephone Send order to The WIRE, 531 Main Street #413, NYC10044 or drop it off at the front desk at 531 Main (Rivercross). (Front-desk personnel do not have stock available to sell. They will accept an order in an envelope, but cannot accept cash.) 12 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 Opening Reception Saturday 6-9pm At Gallery RIVAA: Arline Jacoby – Color Outside the Line review by David Stone Anyone who spent this past six months in New York can appreciate the serendipity of the moment when Arline Jacoby, one of Roosevelt Island’s pioneering artists, got a call from a friend inviting her to Laguna Woods in Southern California for the winter. Even better, studio space was available nearby where she could work every day. The results, reflecting one high point in a career artist’s life, can be seen at Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main Street, beginning with an opening reception today, Saturday, April 25, 6:00-9:00 p.m. It’s coordinated with the day’s Cherry Blossom Festival, and preceded by a concert of traditional Japanese music from 4:25 to 5:00 p.m. in the gallery. After spending Thanksgiving with her daughters, Annice, also an artist, and Isa, a master chef, in San Francisco, Jacoby traveled south to Orange County, not returning to the East Coast until she had no choice. On March 29, she celebrated her sister’s 100th birthday in their hometown of Philadelphia. From Thanksgiving until spring, Jacoby devoted herself to creating “multimedia pieces that explore chromatic harmony and clashes. “For me,” she continues in a formal statement for the show, “the spinning of the color wheel reveals unlimited possibilities.” In the relaxed atmosphere of her Rivercross apartment, Jacoby turned more passionate. “I got very excited about color – what color can do. I wasn’t as interested in pictures. I want visitors to see the color first. “Red is my favorite color,” she adds unnecessarily. Red fires several of the paintings still in her apartment, waiting to join others already taken downstairs to the gallery. What pieces will make it into the show and where each will hang is still uncertain. “I may have too much,” Jacoby reflects on the output of a fertile creative season away from the cold in New York. The economic struggles of the Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association make this exhibition more poignant. Over 15 years ago, Jacoby led the founding of this artists’ community on Roosevelt Island. Her vision was an “Island of Art,” connecting galleries and museums between Manhattan and Queens. Now, she feels that, because of RIVAA’s financial challenges, this show of mainly new works may be her last at the gallery that she and her pioneering partners raised from the wreckage of an abandoned pharmacy. She cites, as her theme, “Colors do not sing in isolation. They resonate in a chorus and court illusions, shifting in relation with neighboring hues.” But as an educator and administrator as well as an artist, Jacoby has broader aims – to inspire: “I hate to be so pedantic, but I want people to realize that they all have art in them. The idea that you can’t draw a straight line has nothing to do with it. Just do it for yourself.” The interplay is not just between colors, but as much between artist and viewer. Here is some of what you will see at Color Outside the Line: • The Pink Nun evolved after the studio offered a model in familiar black-and-white garb. Jacoby recalled nuns dressed in pink from her childhood, memorable because of their code of silence. The memory merged with others of Dominican sisters who practiced healing, and the pink of breast cancer awareness. The result is a sympathetic, mystical image that draws you toward the canvas. • A Confederate Soldier stares straight ahead in reflective sorrow. “The impression I got was, Why are we fighting? I don’t want to fight this war.” • Serenity, another painting inspired by a studio model, presents an ethereal, lighter-than-air figure with a reassuring smile in a field of early-morning blue. • Drip paintings Visitor Red and Living with Red extend Jacoby’s versatility into nonfigurative art dependent on color and spontaneous composition. Visitor Red takes its intuitive cue from Austrian mystic and “spiritual scientist” Rudolph Steiner. • Blue Water Beach Rock Meeting the Light of Day is a study in light and color as their interactions change over time. • In an op art meditation, Contemplation on Circles, Jacoby’s colors modulate from her favored red as different lights penetrate a field saturated with black. • Sticking with optical statements about contrast, Secondary Color with Structure is a lesson plan in balance among minor players on the color wheel. For this show, Jacoby’s family insisted that she include one from the archive, a traditional portrait in oil, Enjoying My Family, from 1959, also about balance. Having been born into a family with “an artistic strain in us,” she made history balance by passing that strain into succeeding generations. Gallery hours are Wednesday and Friday from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 13 GARDEN SCHOOL Jackson Heights, Queens A Fully-accredited, Nursery to Grade 12 Independent School Option Near You! Home Style Indian Cooking Healthy • Free Local Delivery (min $18) • Vegetarian / Vegan Friendly • Now Open 7 Days 11AM-10PM 718-606-9150 INVITES YOU TO... 35-27 31st Street, Long Island City www.samossabites.com Come and meet our friendly staff! Discover the Inspiration in Garden School's Community Approach to Learning 310 East 65th Street (Between 1st and 2nd Avenue) Suite 1C NY, 10065 212‐396‐3020 Small classes, caring faculty Strong, thoughtful academics Art, music, PE, languages AP, honors, elective classes at Door to door transportation Financial assistance available Intensive college counseling Active parent participation The Riverwalk Bar and Grill 425 Main Street, Roosevelt Island FOR NEW CLIENTS: BRING IN THIS AD FOR A FREE FIRST EXAM (a $72 value) Thursday, May 14th, 5:00 to 7:00 PM Free - Refreshments Served www.uppereastsideah.com www.gardenschool.org (718) 335-6363 Vw 1000-Piece Puzzles! Jigsa Challenging and Fun! Supports The WIRE Pre-Order Now Choose from 5 or buy all 5 $20 each Quan. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ □ Tramway □ Lighthouse □ Blackwell Fall □ Blackwell Winter □ Good Shepherd $20 each. At left, please check the puzzle(s) you’d like, and indicate the quantity of each. On-Island, we will deliver to buildings with doorstations. If no doorstation, provide phone number or email address and we’ll call you when your order is ready for pickup. If your order is to be mailed to an off-Island address, add $3 for each puzzle to be mailed and be sure to provide address(es). Check payable to The WIRE. Your purchase supports publication of The Main Street WIRE. Allow 3-5 weeks for delivery of orders placed before May 20. Send order to The WIRE, 531 Main Street #413, NYC 10044. Please print clearly. Questions? Call 212-826-9055. If leaving a message; please give your phone number twice, slowly and clearly, at beginning and end of message. Name _____________________________ Address ___________________________ Phone ____________________________ Email _____________________________ Amount enclosed $__________________ 14 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 Advantage All-City Camps Last Open Houses of the season Come see what makes Advantage camps the best around! Junior Tennis for kids 6-17 • 3 to 6 hours of tennis a day • New York’s oldest junior tennis program • Optional swimming, field sports and arts ALL-CITY SPORTS NEW Sports & Arts for kids 5-14 • 1 hour of tennis a day • Basketball, soccer & swimming & arts • Daily art program with artist Bonnie Lane Open House April 25 & 26, May 2! Roosevelt Island Racquet Club - 281 Main St. 718-706-WINE (9463) BlueStreakWine.com Set up your Open House tour with Paul Fontana – 646.884.9644 or [email protected]. advantagecamps.net Garden Club, from page 3 to host the annual picnic of the International Association of Gay and Lesbian Judges in the garden. Another member brought in a Cyanotype/Sun Print Workshop for all ages and all artistic levels. We look forward to what 2015 will bring. Watch for our booth on Roosevelt Island Day (June 13), and join us as we support the RIRA team in Relay for Life. We also plan to gather a group to volunteer with Trees Count 2015! In 2012, Karen Lee began leading the club back to composting, which had been standard in earlier years. We started offering regular classes on composting to all gardeners. In 2014, the club banned all black plastic bags and reduced our landfill waste by 90%. Karen believes that we all have an obligation to take care of the earth for future generations. This year, we will expand the classes to include other interested Islanders. Anthony Longo, our Compost Committee Chair, is helping the Octagon Garden group with their composting program. He has taught us his simple motto: “What comes from the earth, returns to the earth.” We have initiated a new dialogue and working relationship with the experts at NYC Compost/Build It Green in Astoria. Are you a composting aficionado? We’d love to have you join us. The garden is also available to host children’s groups and class visits. Last year, we had PS/IS 217 students visit with iDig2Learn’s Christina Delfico, as well as Island Kids and Day Nursery campers for summer workshops. The children spent time touching and smelling herb cuttings, learning about worms and snails, and planting seeds. They enjoyed an exploration walk through varied sections of the garden, saw vegetables growing in the dirt, sorted organic materials, and observed the cycle that turns apple cores into compost. When the children brought their parents back into the garden during open Be the first to finish all five. Roosevelt Island puzzles! See ad, page 13. weekend hours, we heard them explaining to the adults, “Look, Mom. That’s a tomato! Use your eyes. Don’t pick or touch.” Last summer, we hosted a teen volunteer from the Lab School for 20 hours of high school community-service learning. We want to offer this program again for two high school students this summer. Currently, we have teens helping us on a pathways project. They will receive community service credit hours at their schools, Cardinal Spellman High School and the United Nations International School. Several of the teens have left the work days saying things like, “I can come back tomorrow if you want.” It sounds simple, but it takes time and work. It is so important for our city kids to touch a plant, feel some dirt, learn to rake, and understand how our food is grown. “Our garden” can represent the changes that happen whenever we work together as a community with the earth. Roosevelt Island is a green space in this great city, and our community of green spaces is growing. RIGC welcomes this with open arms. We are ready to advise or help out as volunteers. We live or work daily here on this “Island Garden,” where daffodils are planted by Girl Scouts, cherry trees are about to bloom, and a native plant meadow lies waiting to grow at Southpoint. How can we work together to provide a spot of green here, a welcoming smile there, or add some bright colors to that small corner in the shade? “Let us cultivate our garden.” The RIGC gardens are open to the public to visit every weekend from May through September. Please stay on the main paths and enjoy viewing the beautiful collection of garden spaces that we work hard to prepare and sustain. All member gardeners and associates are volunteers who work carefully to tend the gardens, each in their own special way. For more information or to fill out a membership application, visit RIGarden.org. If you would like to arrange a group visit or know a high school student interested in outdoor volunteer work, email RIGardenClub@ gmail.com. unClassified 50¢ a word • 212‑751‑8214 Deadline for May 9 issue: Tuesday, May 5 Deadline for May 23 issue: Tuesday, May 19 Please see ComingUp, page 3, for other advertising deadlines ARROJO trained stylist for at‑home cuts, blowouts, event/prom styling, and color services. www.carolinekessler. com/style [email protected] 917-880-7669 CHESS INSTRUCTOR – Island resident, 10 years experience. Children & adults, beginners & intermediate. Free consultation. Moderate rates: 2‑hour session $30. 212-750-9087. CLASSICAL PIANO with Irene. Read music. It’s logical fun! 917-655-0028. ManhattanHypnosis.com – Successful test-taking – $425 includes MP3. Mention ad for $50 off. Call 917-923-6772. FREECYCLE.ORG/RooseveltIsland – Give your unneeded stuff a better home through Freecycle. It’s free to give/ receive; just post needs & wants. Get everything for free. DL LICENSED ACUPUNCTURIST – Experienced in pain management, chronic conditions, depression. Please call Anne Kanninen L.Ac. 917-282-7328. NOTARY – 212-317-0736 Tami. LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST / Certified Reflexologist – Island resident Diana Brill. Gift certificates available. 212-759-9042. EXPERIENCED CAT SITTER – 212-751-8214. RI resident. Will also check mail, etc. NOTARY PUBLIC – 212-935-7534. TENNIS LESSONS and play. Private, semi-private, and small groups for adults. Get back in the swing with morning and lunchtime sessions. Highly qualified instructor, Joyce Short – 917-517-8572. SCAN PHOTOS – Will teach a student how to scan & retouch properly. $10 per hour. Flexible hours. Contact John at 212-593-7610 or [email protected]. CATCH YOUR CAT – Efficient help with your feline escape artist. Vet‑ recommended, Island references. 917-355-1867 / catchyourcat@gmail. com. MAIN STREET THEATRE & DANCE ALLIANCE – Ongoing registration for dance and theatre classes. 212-371-4449. Unique or period clothing & furniture gladly accepted. ERRANDS: Organizing, special projects, personal assistance. You run your life, I’ll run your errands. Call Vicki Feinmel, 212-223-1108. GRAND PIANO with MIDI & silent practice switch. Like new. $6,250. Call Dick at 212-826-9056. It’s all online at MainStreetWIRE.com The WIRE, April 25, 2015 • 15 Dental Love LLC 501 Main Street, Suite A 212-752-8722 MyDentalLove.com Office Hours: Monday‑Thursday, 9:00am‑6:00pm Friday‑Saturday, 9:00am‑3:00pm Come experience the Convenience, Comfort, and Confidence our dental office has to offer. Your entire Family is welcome! Eco-Friendly Drycleaning • Exceptional Quality Dry Cleaning • Expert European Tailoring Long-Term Care in Your Future? Learn the Medicaid Option. • Convenient Monthly Billing Cleaners & Tailors Established 1969 Proudly Serving Roosevelt Island For Over 20 Years Free Daily Pickup & Delivery 29-09 Broadway / Astoria, New York 11106 Tel / Fax: 718.726.2336 455 Main Street 7 days, 11am-11pm 212-583-1688 Free delivery for orders $15 and over. All major credit cards accepted ($15 minimum). Call 212-752-8722 NOW or Book appointments online at MyDentalLove.com Insurance Accepted – CareCredit Financing All that is good begins with a SMILE. Shirts Laundered MINERVA Services offered: General Dentistry Cosmetic Dentistry Specialists on staff: Periodontist (Gum Disease) Endodontist (Root Canal) Orthodontist (Braces/Invisalign) • 609 Main Street 11am-11pm Sun-Thur 11am-midnight Fri-Sat 212-588-0663 Free delivery $6 & over CHINA 1 KITCHEN Form and Function We build websites that are easy to use and easy to look at Contact Douglas J. Chu, Esq. 212-643-1112 [email protected] www.ElderLawNY.net 475 Park Avenue South, 26th floor Your Will • Your Health Care Proxy • Your Power of Attorney Trusts • Estates • Probate • Questions of Medicaid and Long Term Care Jack Resnick, MD Specialist in Adult Medicine 501 Main Street – 212-832-2310 office practice and housecalls for the homebound Visit our Website therooseveltdoctor.com · · · · · · check lab results make appointments take a survey internet health resources get help finding insurance read opinions DASH Disabled Association Support for the Homebound DO YOU NEED...? • Help with shopping • Medications to be picked up • Someone to talk to Call DASH and one of our volun‑ teers will come to your apartment. 917-558-0534 www.bigcitysoftworks.com ROOSEVELT ISLAND PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES DR. P. ZHU RICCARDI, M.D. Board-Certified Psychiatrist Call to schedule an appointment 929-235-5030 Or email [email protected] Complete confidentiality is assured. gristEdEs 16 • The WIRE, April 25, 2015 - of roosEVELt isLaNd CHECK OUT OUR GRISTEDES CAFE EAT IN OR TAKE OUT... PREPARED FRESH DAILY!!! PIZZA DEPARTMENT 1 Plain 1 Topping Pizza Slice Pizza Slice 99 1 ¢ $ 49 Ea. Pizza Combo Ea. 15 4 99 $ Ea. 99 START YOUR DAY Ea. Bacon, Egg & Bagel, Roll Cheese OnoraCroissant & Coffee 3 $ Ea. Dietz & Watson Combo Special 1/2 lb. Carving Turkey & 1/2 lb. American Cheese Dietz & Watson Combo Special 99 19 • (2) 16” Pizza Pies With 1 Topping • 12 Piece Chicken Wings $ 1/2 lb. Maple Ham & 1/2 lb. Provolone Cheese 5 Ea. 6 2 Pieces Each of Wings, Thighs, Legs, Breast $ Pizza Combo Store Baked 4 Pack Muffins Sandwich NEW itEm! Includes Bag of Chips and Bottle of Water • (2) 12” Pizza Pies With 1 Topping • 6 Piece Chicken Wings BAKERY Boxed Lunches! Ham & Cheese or $ 99 Turkey & Cheese 00 8 Piece Fried Chicken $ 99 Ea. Your Choice of 1 lb. of Potato, Macaroni or Cole Slaw Salad COME VISIT OUR BAKERY — Custom Cakes For Any Occasion — Choose Your Cake, Filling & Topping Store Made 7 or 8” Cakes 19 $ 99 Ea. Choose From: Strawberry Shortcake, Oreo, Carrot, Chocolate Mousse, Red Velvet or NY Style Cheesecake Ea. 8 $ 99 9 $ 99 Ea. Ea. Dietz & Watson Combo Special 1/2 lb. Bologna & 1/2 lb. American Cheese Dietz & Watson Combo Special 1/2 lb. Buffalo Chicken & 1/2 lb. Swiss Cheese 6 $ 99 10 $ 99 Ea. Ea. storE hours: moNday–saturday 7am–12 midNight; suNday 7am–11pm pick up our iN-storE circuLar for morE saViNgs • pricEs EffEctiVE to 5/7/15
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