TEMPLE BETH EL OF BOCA RATON MAY/JUNE 2015 | IYAR-SIVAN-TAMMUZ 5775 Time is running out. Open those check books people. Page 16 24-hour personal response and care 888-616-0707 If not You, Who? BY RABBI DAN LEVIN [email protected] I remember recently working on a jigsaw puzzle with my family. It was one of those big jigsaw puzzles with a thousand pieces. We worked on it for several days, and finally finished it … well, almost finished it. It was missing one piece. For some reason, even though 999 pieces were in place, I couldn’t help but focus on that one missing piece. It was so dissatisfying. In my head, I kept telling myself, and my disappointed children: “Don’t worry about it. It’s fine. One piece doesn’t make a difference.” But you know what? I was wrong. One piece does make a difference. While the picture in the puzzle was nearly complete there was something almost painful about that hole in the middle. This month as we prepare to celebrate the festival of Shavuot, we think about a much larger puzzle. Nothing was so difficult as to get the thousands and thousands of individuals, with individual needs, opinions, wants, and desires. One of the hallmarks of Temple Beth El that gives us all so much pride is how hard everyone in our community works to meet the individual needs of our many member families. I remember recently a debate at our senior staff meeting when someone suggested: “You know, we can’t be everything to all people,” and then someone else responded, “true, but what I love about Temple Beth El is that we certainly try!” On the other hand, a community inspires that mixed multitude to come together as one – to unite around a shared sense of purpose and mission. A community is like that jigsaw puzzle. We are many different colors, shapes and sizes, but we all strive to find our place and to fit together as one complete whole to recreate the image of God in our world. A community is like that jigsaw puzzle. We are many different colors, shapes and sizes, but we all strive to find our place and to fit together as one complete whole to recreate the image of God in our world. Israelites to come together in the wilderness. Throughout the months of their journey, Moses constantly tries to keep them together, to help them to form out of their individual needs and struggles one community, one nation, one people. Being part of a community is a paradox. On the one hand, a community is a collection of In the Talmud in Pirke Avot, Hillel teaches us: “Do not separate yourself from your community.” Every individual is of ultimate importance. The contributions that each of us brings are of immeasurable and holy value. As members of a community, we each bear responsibility to each other and to the whole, to make sure that we don’t represent the missing piece. When the Israelites built the Mishkan, the Tabernacle, a place for God to dwell in their community, each individual was invited to bring gifts, unique gifts. Those gifts, all different in quality and quantity, came together to create the holy wonder of the sacred Tabernacle. At Temple Beth El, our Fulfilling the Promise Campaign is nearing its conclusion. So far, I am proud to say we have been very successful and hundreds of members have come together to raise millions of dollars. But the puzzle is not complete. It cannot be complete unless each and every member of our congregation contributes their gift. What will make our campaign a success is not simply raising the dollars to complete the vital renovations and improvements our synagogue needs, but ensuring that everyone makes their unique and special contribution. Just like that jigsaw puzzle, we ask everyone to claim their piece of this sacred project. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 3 A MESSAGE FROM PATTY BECK Looking Back, Looking Ahead Temple Beth El President Patty Beck On January 10, 2011 I stepped out of my position on the Board of Trustees as Executive Vice President and stepped into the President’s position. Having been on the board for 22 years serving in many different positions throughout this time, it was the time to make some of the changes that we had discussed for several years. What was desperately lacking within the Temple was transparency and collaboration with the clergy, staff, and lay leadership. The bylaws, last revised in 2001, did not even discuss the use of technology! Where were we going in the future? We needed to write a new strategic plan that we could implement instead of storing it on a shelf. We needed to stop just putting out fires and plan our future! Our budget process was faltering and we were unable to develop a balanced budget. We needed to energize our Building Tomorrow Today Campaign that lacked momentum and commitment. There were staffing problems, morale problems, and members wanted more transparency from the leadership. The first few months seemed overwhelming! BUT, the leadership, staff, and clergy were all willing to be a collaborative team to make a list of priorities and work together to accomplish them. Throughout the last 4 ½ years that I have been president we have listened to our congregants and developed enhanced transparency with our “You Asked, We Answered” booklet and our new Annual Report. The warmth and caring support that we have for each other, the new staff who have joined our team over the past four years and our exceptional clergy have changed the culture of Temple Beth El. We have the best oiled engine that will continue to take each challenge that we have and make it an THANK YOU PATTY BECK FOR MANY YEARS OF SERVICE! Patty and Louis Beck moved to Boca Raton in 1984, and by 1988 Patty was serving on the Board of Trustees at Temple Beth El. Since then, she has served the Temple continuously with only a two-year hiatus. On the opposite page is a summary of the many ways in which Patty has generously shared her time and expertise. Patty, we are so very grateful for your years of service and for the accomplishments the Temple was ab le to achieve under your leadersh ip. We thank yo u and look forward to many more years togeth er! opportunity to make Beth El the best that it can be! I especially want to thank my family for being so very supportive and patient with me during my presidency. We will now go back to sitting as a family during the High Holy Days and on Shabbat and I will be more available to run the “mercy missions” with my grandchildren. And, I want to thank each and every one of you for trusting in my leadership over the past four and one half years. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the clergy, staff, and congregants and learning so much from each and every one of you. Your continued support, dedication, and commitment to Temple Beth El will certainly make the transition to our new slate of leaders seamless. I wish you all a wonderful and relaxing summer filled with fun and family!! PATTY’S LEADERSHIP THROUGH THE YEARS • President of the Board of Trustees • Executive Vice President • Secretary of the Board of Trustees • VP Programming • Trustee • Served on the membership committee, aesthetics committee, facilities & technology committee, and finance committee • Chaired Sisterhood (Candlelight) Luncheon for 3 years • Chaired opening event for new school building on Schaefer Family campus • Co–chaired Rabbi Merle E. Singer’s retirement dinner • Served on every search committee except two for clergy, executive director, cantorial and catering. • Participated in three long-term strategic plans. • Participated in several re-branding committees • Chaired 3 nominating committees for the Board of Directors • Will now serve as Immediate Past President of the Board of Trustees ether g o t e m Let’s co elebrate and c ar at our ye t s a p e h t FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 Shabbat Dinner 5:30pm Annual Meeting 6:30pm Shabbat Service and Bima Blessing 7:30pm Let’s come together to celebrate this past year and acknowledge the accomplishments achieved by congregants, clergy and staff working towards making Temple Beth El a vibrant center of Jewish life. We will share our vision for the upcoming year, recognize our outstanding volunteers and professionals, and enjoy a delicious, Cuban inspired Shabbat meal! AGENDA RSVP • Confirm the slate for the 2015-2016 Board of Trustees • Present the 2015-2016 Operating Budget • Present the Joseph Q. Kline Lifetime Achievement in Volunteerism Award to Mike Blackman • Present the John Rogers Award for Exemplary Professional Service to Early Learning Center Director, Judy Levine DINNER PRICES Adults $22 • Children 5-13 $15 • under 5 Free After May 27: Adults $24 • Children $17 To RSVP for dinner and /or the Annual Meeting, please register online at www.tbeboca.org/special-events or call Debbie Eisenberg at 561-391-8900. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 5 shabbat Volunteer Recognition Shabbat Friday, June 5, 2015 Schaefer Family Campus 5:30pm Shabbat Dinner 6:30pm Annual Meeting 7:30pm Shabbat Service and Bima Blessing of our Volunteers We want to thank our amazing volunteers! “The world stands on three things: Torah, service and loving deeds of kindness.” At Temple Beth El, no one understands this teaching more than the hundreds of volunteers who give thousands of hours so that our community can grow and continue to thrive. To all of you, from Shabbat Greeters to those who serve on committees and everything in between, we say three things: We appreciate you, we thank you and we honor you. GET n INVOLVED! CHECK OFF THE VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN qFAMILY PROMISE: Assist homeless families getting back on their feet. qBIKKUR CHOLIM / VISITING THE SICK: Provide extra caring and support to Temple members who are ill or elderly. qKNIT AND KNOSH: Knit and crochet healing blankets that our clergy take to the hospital. qSHIVA MINYAN: Help to lead a Shiva Minyan, where mourners can say Kaddish in memory of their loved one. qCARING KITCHEN CHRISTMAS DINNER: Prepare and serve Christmas dinner at The Caring Kitchen for those who are hungry and have no place to go. qPEARL CITY EASTER Donate or participate in an annual Easter Dinner with the Wayne Barton Center. DINNER: qTEAM WALKS: Get involved in charity walks supported by our members (e.g. The American Heart Association, Light the Night Walk for Leukemia and Lymphoma.) qSHARED CARE: Help provide respite to caregivers of frail and elderly individuals. qREADING BUDDIES, STUDY BUDDIES AND HOMEWORK HELPERS: Help tutor or read with children. THE GIVING TREE qQUIET GIVING: Provide basic necessities including furniture, house wares, clothing, diapers, school uniforms, shoes, socks and underwear to families in need. qSWEET DREAMS: Provide new beds to youth who would otherwise be sleeping on the floor or in an unsafe, unsanitary environment. qHOLIDAY GIFT Provide specific necessities as holiday gifts to approximately 2,000 needy local children and seniors yearly. PROGRAM: qSISTERHOOD: Donate your time in the Judaica Gift Shop, help plan and run events, join a committee or make calls. qBROTHERHOOD: Plan qEARLY LEARNING Volunteer as a Tot Shabbat Greeter, assist in events like Family Fun Day and Grandparent’s Day, read to a class and more. CENTER: qMEMBERSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT COMMITTEE: Attend monthly meetings and assist with special events like New Member Meet and Greet or Chai Shabbat. qCHAVERIM TEAM: Join the team of volunteers to call the entire congregation twice a year just to say hello, how are you, and Happy Rosh Hashanah or Happy Passover. qSHABBAT GREETERS: Open doors to our synagogue before Friday night Shabbat Services to welcome all who attend. qUSHERING: Greet, answer questions, offer assistance and pass out materials at events and worship services. qADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE: Phone calls, mailings and other administrative work as needed. upcoming events/programs, attend monthly meetings, assist in running events, or usher at Shabbat Services. Contact Rachael Rand, Congregational Engagement Coordinator, at 561-391-8900. We would love to have your help! 6 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Celebrate Shabbat Celebrate Shabbat every Friday with your Temple Beth El family. (All services are at Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus, unless otherwise noted.) May 1 7:30pm Shabbat Evening Service 7:30pm Kabballat Shabbat – Atrium Guest speaker Mark Hetfield, President and CEO of HIAS, will speak about “A Jewish Response to Today’s Refugees.” May 8 7:30pm 4th Grade Family Service – Sanctuary May 15 6:00pm Shabbat Service honoring graduating High School Seniors, 2015 Confirmation Class and Gavin Hirsch, departing Assistant Director of Jewish Learning and Living May 22 6:00pm Tot Shabbat honoring Judy Levine, Director of the Beth El Early Learning Center, upon her retirement 7:30pm Shabbat Evening Service honoring Judy Levine, Director of the Beth El Early Learning Center, upon her retirement May 29 7:30pm Shabbat Evening Service June 5 7:30pm Shabbat Service honoring Temple Beth El volunteers, and installing 2015-2016 Officers of the Board of Trustees (following the Annual Meeting and Dinner.) June 12 7:30pm Shabbat Evening Service June 19 6:00pm Shabbat Evening Service June 26 7:30pm Shabbat Live with Guest Artist Noah Aronson Visit www.tbeboca.org/worship for a complete service schedule. SHABBAT LIVE MUSIC FROM THE LEFT SIDE OF THE PAGE Featuring Noah Aronson Friday, June 26, 2015 7:30 pm Schaefer Family Campus Join us for a musical Shabbat led by critically acclaimed composer/ performer, Noah Aronson. Noah will be joined by our Cantorial Soloists and professional musicians to present some of his well known melodies such as Am I Awake and his original compositions based on the beautiful interpretive readings we find on the left side of the page in our prayer book, Mishkan Tefillah. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 7 n adult education ADULT ENRICHMENT Jews and The Caribbean Cruise Sign up now. Space is limited. TRAVEL Saturday, October 24 to Saturday, October 31 , 2015. Join Temple Beth El’s Rabbi Dan Levin and Jews and The Caribbean expert Dana Sprott for a 7-day Caribbean cruise out of Miami on Norwegian Cruise Line’s newest ship, the Norwegian Getaway. We R O F are delighted to announce a unique K O O L T L and special opportunity to travel U D A NEW with Rabbi Levin and Dana Sprott T N E ENRICHM S as we explore the Caribbean M PROGRA and all that it has to offer. With G lectures by Rabbi Levin and Dana STARTIN 15 Sprott, this week at sea will be a FALL 20 treat for the mind, body and soul. The Norwegian Getaway stops in St. Thomas, Tortola and the Bahamas. To travel with the foremost expert on Jews and the Caribbean and enjoy the unique and special Shabbat experiences and classes with Rabbi Levin is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. • $959 plus $150 donation to Temple Beth El – Ocean View Cabin • $1,069 plus $150 donation to Temple Beth El – Balcony Cabin • $1,149 plus $150 donation to Temple Beth El -Suite Prices per person based on double occupancy. Insurance and bus transportation to Miami, additional. $300 deposit due 6/26/15. Final payment due 8/10/15. Checks made payable to Temple Beth El. To sign up or for questions, contact the clergy office at 561-391-8900. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Joni Aronson and her son, Spenser Dr. Karoline and Jonathan Asbell and their children, Danilo and Camila Bernice and Irving Baras Mildred and Beryl Barenholtz Barbara and Dr. Richard Brietstein Lois and Dennis Charney Melody and Warren Cobbe and their children, Ethan and Emma Kathleen and Robert Douglas, Jr. and their son, Grayson Crystal and Eric Duenas and their daughter, Brooke Paige and Daniel Eisner and their son, Carson Nicole and Rabbi Glenn Ettman and their daughter, Shoshana Drs. Annet and Adam Falchook and their son, Aviv 8 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Mariya Gavrylchuk and Daniel Fishman and their son, David Lisa and Dan Matthews and their daughter, Sophia Nicole and David Gembala and their daughter, Bella Joancarol and Martin Meyers Shaldine and Richard Gillman Robin and Craig Glasser and their children, Justin, Ryan and Lauren Sara and Dr. Howard Goldberg and their son, Brayden Steven Greenwald Anna and Dr. Samuel Hess and their children, Jessica, Sophie and Ella Herbert Kanter Silvana and Ercio Kives and their children, Dora, Karine and Caua Rachel and Michael Labate and their daughter, Lily Beth and Dr. Alan Mitchell Bonnie Morenstein Nicki and Jared Neff and their sons, Jacob and Logan Sara and Steven Neiger and their daughter, Sky Danielle and Jeffrey Perera and their daughter, Emily Martha Roth Maritza and Todd Sands and their children, Sophia and Russell Maribel and Dr. Ira Schlesinger and their son, Aaron Hanita and Rabbi Mordechai Schreiber Marci and Stephen Markward and their children, Addison and Jackson Ilyssa and Mark Silver and their son, Sid Debra and Joshua Marcus Selise Spector and A. Shawn Murray II LUNCH & LEARN Bring your own lunch. Drinks provided. MAY Pirkei Avot– Ethics of the Fathers Rabbi Lawrence Kotok Tuesdays, May 5, 12, 19 and 26 12:00– 1:00pm Schaefer Family Campus Join guest Rabbi Lawrence Kotok in a journey though the texts of Pirkei Avot. These texts that reflect on ethics, our personal relationships and who we are in the world are inspiring and deep and part of the foundational texts of our people. JUNE Headlines in the Israeli Press Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman and Rabbi Greg Weisman Tuesdays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 Schaefer Family Campus 12:00-1:00pm Each week we will reflect on the Israeli press and what issues they are concerned about in the Holy Land. Politics, culture and religion in the Israeli press play out in a different way than in the American press, and yet there are underlying similarities as well. Explore all this with us. n social action A Mitzvah a Month Each month, one or more Mitzvah Projects is highlighted by the Social Action Committee. Register for mitzvahs online at www.tbeboca.org/get-involved or contact Joanne Kabel in the clergy office at 561-391-8900. Diaper Drive MAY In cooperation with JAFCO, Jewish Adoption and Family Care Options, Temple Beth El will be collecting donations of diapers, baby wipes, and diaper rash cream throughout the month of May. Donations of diapers can be any size and can be clean diapers from opened packages. For wipes and cream, please donate unopened packages only. Parents, did your toddler recently change sizes leaving you with half a package of clean diapers? Bring them in! If you are not currently a parent of a child in diapers, we really encourage you to pick up a package of diapers, wipes or cream the next time you are shopping and bring them to either the Schaefer or Beck Family Campus. The diaper drive will last through the month of May. JUNE/JULY/AUGUST Continue to donate packaged non-perishable food at the Schaefer Family Campus ZUGOT Social gatherings for adults in their 20s and 30s Shavuot Dessert Night Out Saturday, May 23, 2015 8:30pm The Cheesecake Factory 5530 Glades Road Boca Raton Join Zugot, Temple Beth El’s Young Adults, as we celebrate the festival of Shavuot. The Torah is like milk and honey, and so as we celebrate the giving of the Torah, we indulge in sweet and delectable dairy desserts and share a few words of Torah at The Cheesecake Factory in Boca Raton. Registration is $5 per person. Take Me Out to the Ballgame! Saturday, June 13, 2015 4:10pm Miami Marlins v. Colorado Rockies Marlins Park It’s a beautiful day for a ballgame! Join Zugot, Temple Beth El’s Young Adults and Young Families to watch our hometown Miami Marlins take on the Colorado Rockies. Adults and kids are welcome! Registration is $30 per person, and includes all-you-can-eat beef hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, nachos, water, and soft drinks. RSVP by May 25. For more information, contact Rabbi Greg Weisman at 561-391-8900 or [email protected], or visit www.tbeboca.org/20s-30s. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 9 The Gift of the Festival Holidays REFLECTIONS ON THE THIRD YEAR OF STUDY TOWARD CANTORIAL CERTIFICATION BY C A N TO R I A L S O LO I S T LO R I S H A P I R O I’m so excited to have completed my third year of coursework at the Hebrew Union College. On May 4, 2016, God willing, I will celebrate the culmination of my studies and will have earned my Cantorial Certification. This year our program included the History of Jewish Music and the Cantorate, as well as courses in Life Cycle and Pastoral Care. The main focus of the year was on the Festivals – the history, liturgy, chanting, and music. I was inspired to gain a deeper appreciation for how we, as Reform Jews, can find meaning in the celebration of our major festivals. For example, as we approach the festival of Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of Torah at Sinai. At Sinai we experienced revelation. And this revelation continues – it just looks different today. I’m not on a mountaintop but I am blessed to find this sense of holiness revealed here at Temple Beth El. This community moves me to my own experience of revelation – to connect to the Divine on a higher level – whether through music on Friday night, teaching a prayer to our children at Kehillah on Sunday morning, or singing the MiSheberach at Shavuot For example, as we approach the festival of Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of Torah at Sinai. a hospital bedside. When we connect to each other in these powerful moments, we each experience modern day revelation. The festivals are a gift to remind us to find joy and deeper meaning in our lives. Embrace them with me, in this coming final year of studies at the Hebrew Union College. The Bridge from Sinai AN INTRODUCTION TO TALMUD WITH RABBI LEVIN Saturday, May 23, 2015 7:30 pm Schaefer Family Campus Enjoy an evening of learning and dairy nosh in honor of Shavuot, the Festival of Revelation. Sunday, May 24, 2015 10:30 am Shavuot Morning Service with Yizkor 10 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org n maimonides institu te for jewish learning Transitions BY R O B I N E I S E N B E R G Robin Eisenberg Director of Jewish Learning and Living [email protected] Transitions are often difficult but are a natural part of life. We wish all of those moving on or moving up continued happiness and success, and know that they will always be part of our synagogue community. May and June are times of transition. There are graduations, promotions from one grade to another, and one of my favorite experiences, Confirmation. Part of Temple Beth El’s mission and vision is to help our members celebrate these important moments for their family and within our community. MOVING UP On Friday, May 15 we will honor our high school graduates and on Sunday, May 17 our Confirmation Gavin Hirsch with the fourth grade class students, celebrating important Friday, May 15 Shabbat Service longevity of our synagogue community. Join us for transitions for our high school students. Many honoring Gavin Hirsch Early Learning Center Graduation on Thursday started at Temple Beth El in our Early Childhood and our night May 21 in the Merle E. Singer Sanctuary at program and continue to be involved in their own high school graduates Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus. study and growth or as teacher assistants in our Religious School. At the Confirmation service, Sunday, May 17 students lead our congregation in prayer and FOND FAREWELLS Confirmation rededicate themselves publicly to their relationship Judy Levine, who will be retiring in June, Thursday, May 21 with Judaism, God and God’s commandments… has been at the helm of our Early Childhood Early Learning Center whatever that relationship might be. Please join us in program from 2003-2009 and again from 2011 Graduation marking these important moments for our students. to today. Judy has nurtured our staff, children Friday, May 22 Watching an infant become a waddler who then and parents. She has guided our program to be Shabbat Service graduates from Pre-Kindergarten is rewarding. the success it is today. She has mentored Cindy honoring Judy Levine Watching a graduate’s mother grow from a three Korshin who as of July 1 will be the Director of year old to become an involved member of the our Early Learning Center. Please join us on May Early Childhood Committee gives meaning to the 22 when we honor Judy at both the 6 pm Tot Shabbat and at the 7:30 pm Shabbat Judy Levine with the Early Learning Center class of 2015. Evening Service. For the past four years Gavin Hirsch has served as our Assistant Director of Jewish Learning and Living. He and his wife Beth have decided to move back to New Jersey to be closer to family, and will be leaving at the end of this school year. Gavin has been our “go to” person at the Schaefer Family Campus on Sunday mornings. Gavin has developed and directed our Family Education Programs. He has re-envisioned our Derech Torah Program for grades seven and above and developed significant relationships with our teens. Please join us on May 15 to honor Gavin’s contributions and impact and to say good-bye. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 11 n maimonides institu te for jewish learning Thank you to our parents As the school year comes to an end, we want to extend a tremendous thank you to our parent volunteers and room mothers for all of their help and support throughout our school year. Our library, Family Fun Day, International Day, Teacher Appreciation Week, Graduation and many other activities would not have been possible without the love and dedication you have shown to the Beth El Early Learning Center. We strive to be the premier school of choice, offering the highest quality education. Without the determination, and support of our families we would not be where we are today. Cindy Korshin Beth El Early Learning Center Director [email protected] SUMMER FUN! Summer camp begins Tuesday, May 26. Our summer program is intended to reinforce school readiness skills including pre-writing, reading and math activities, in addition to fun filled activities such as arts and crafts, Zumba, Soccer, a Pirate Ship bounce house, a trackless train, Carnival and more. With all the love we have to give, we run our program with an experienced and dedicated adult staff. If you have not already signed up please contact us and let us know what your needs will be. YOUR OPINION MATTERS. Please don’t hesitate to stop by or call with any suggestions or recommendations you may have. Together we are creating the most enriching and engaging preschool in the area. We are very proud of the success of our graduates and with your continued suggestions and support we will continue to provide the best quality programming and innovative teaching methods in a warm and loving environment. Summer Adventure FOR 2, 3, 4 AND 5 YEAR-OLDS CAMP DATES: MAY 26 TO AUGUST 14 The Pre-Kindergarten Graduating Class of 2015 cordially invites you to their Graduation Ceremony Thursday, May 21, 2015 3 Sivan, 5775 6:00pm Summer Adventure Camp Register online at www.tbeboca.org/early-learning-center or call 561-391-9091 12 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus Rabbi Merle E. Singer Sanctuary 333 SW 4th Avenue Boca Raton, FL 33432 RSVP to Mimy at [email protected] no later than May 15, 2015 THE 2015 CONFIRMATION CLASS OF TEMPLE BETH EL INVITES YOU TO SHARE IN ITS CONFIRMATION SERVICE SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 • 1:30 PM Sarah Bass Olivia Hayward Joshua Romero Noah Brockman Drew Jacobson Jacob Rubin Jacob Couture Harrison Max Kahme Ethan Schwartz John Richard Flood Suzanne Klasfeld Madison Silver Matthew Adam Frazin Drew Krinsky Brooke Tara Simon Spencer Goldstein Meredith Shira Levin Hayley Paige Singer Liam Graf Rebecca Lowen Gabriella Kaplan Solomon Madeline Greenberg Reyna Jewel Luback Benjamin Squitieri Zachary Gropper Jason Morton Jamie Zipper Elliot Hacker Rebecca Hannah Pincus Sofia Zoberman Sophia Hattem Julia Pratt RECEPTION IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING SERVICES Temple Beth El Schaefer Family Campus • 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 RSVP To 391-9092 or [email protected] by May 3, 2015 SEND UNIONGRAMS to Members of the 2015 Confirmation Class Send a Uniongram to a Confirmand. These congratulatory messages are a wonderful, convenient way to acknowledge this Simcha. Sisterhood compiles and presents each student with his or her own book of best wishes. For just $2 per message or $36 for the entire class, you may express your joy. Proceeds from Uniongrams benefit the WRJ Y.E.S. (Youth, Education and Special Projects) Fund. Circle the name(s) of the Confirmand you wish to honor. Before May 6, purchase Uniongrams online at www.tbeboca.org/sisterhood or send a check payable to Temple Beth El to 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton FL 33432 Attn: Sisterhood Uniongrams # Confirmands (please circle name on invitation above) x $2 per message or $36 for the entire class= $ Your name as you wish it to appear Phone # Email Message May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 13 n maimonides institu te for jewish learning B’NAI MITZVAH Jared Weinstein Amber Swab Amanda Klayman Joshua Gefen Matthew San Filippo Eliana Pollay Sawyer Feller Stephen Kleinberg Elle Mitchell Ashley Korman Madaleine Rubin Morgan Blair Joshua Blair Daniela Supovitz Maxwell Supovitz Emily Marton Joseph Somerdin Jared Weinstein Son of Julie Berman Brooks and Gregg Weinstein March 7, 2015 9:00 AM Amber Swab Daughter of Nina Shapiro-Swab and Christopher Swab May 2, 2015 9:00 AM Amanda Klayman Daughter of Lainie and Lawrence Klayman May 9, 2015 11:30 AM Joshua Gefen Son of Nancy and Greg Gefen May 9, 2015 6:00PM Matthew San Filippo Son of Nancy and Steve San Filippo May 16, 2015 9:00 AM 14 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Eliana Pollay Daughter of Dawn and David Pollay May 16, 2015 11:30 AM Morgan Blair Daughter of Michele and Laurence Blair June 11, 2015 Israel Sawyer Feller Son of Holli and Scott Feller May 23, 2015 9:00 AM Joshua Blair Son of Michele and Laurence Blair June 11, 2015 Israel Stephen Kleinberg Son of Rebecca and Neil Kleinberg May 30, 2015 9:00 AM Daniela Supovitz Daughter of Katrina and Mitchel Supovitz June 13, 2015 Israel Elle Mitchell Daughter of Lauren and Glen Mitchell May 30, 2015 11:30 AM Maxwell Supovitz Son of Katrina and Mitchel Supovitz June 13, 2015 Israel Ashley Korman Daughter of Jonathan Korman June 6, 2015 9:00 AM Emily Marton Daughter of Lisa and Bob Marton June 15, 2015 Israel Madaleine Rubin Daughter of Alisa and Scott Rubin June 6, 2015 11:30 AM Joseph Somerdin Son of Lianessa Jaffe June 15, 2015 Israel maimonides institu te for jewish learning JOIN CLUB THE n FOSTERING JEWISH RELATIONSHIPS THROUGH SHARED EXPERIENCES Club Kitanim (2-3 Grade) May 3 – End of Year POOL PARTY! Home of Rabbi Dan and Aimee Levin 12:30-3:00PM Club Chaverim (4-5 Grade) May 16 – Rapids Waterpark 10AM-4PM $30.00 Jr. BOFTY (6-8 Grade) May 16 – Rapids Waterpark 10AM-4PM $30.00 Jules Wolfberg Director of Youth Engagement [email protected] BOFTY and Teens (9-12) May 2 – Teen Travel Shabbat Kayak Trip May 15– BOFTY Service honoring our class of 2015 May 28 – BOFTY Banquet and Board Installations To register for any of our youth groups or events, please visit www.tbeboca.org/ youth-engagement or contact Jules Wolfberg at jwolfberg@ tbeboca.org or 561-391-8900. MITZVAH PROJECT JACOB HARRIS My name is Jacob Harris and I love to run. Whether I am playing football, basketball or competing in a 5k you will see me running around at full speed. For my mitzvah project, I decided to combine my love of running with a cause that means a lot to me. My grandmother was an amazing person and an inspiration to everyone around her and these were only a few of the reasons my family and I were shocked when she, a non-smoker, received a stage 4 lung cancer diagnosis. My grandmother fought hard for seven months but when her courageous battle was over I had lost my #1 fan and a little bit of hope for other patients fighting similar battles. That is why I set up a race team to raise money for the Lungevity Breathe Deep Foundation in the fight against lung cancer. On Saturday, November 8, 2014, my team and I raced in the Lungevity Breathe Deep 5k in Pompano Beach. Through donations and sponsorships, I raised almost $1,800.00 as more than 30 of my friends and family members joined me in support of this great cause. I am hopeful that these efforts will lead to more advanced diagnosis and treatment methods that improve the lives of those affected by this disease. I would like to thank all of my friends and family that supported me in this worthy cause and remember to keep training so we can do it again next year. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 15 WHAT WE MEAN BY 100% PARTICIPATION Beth El exists because you and your Temple Beth El family believe in a vibrant, progressive synagogue. One that is open to everyone, that welcomes people of all races, all religious and cultural backgrounds, and all gender orientations. Not just tolerance, but love. Our community. Our shared humanity. That’s the powerful part. All of us together. You know Temple Beth El is an amazing synagogue. But what you might not realize is that the reason it’s so amazing is not because we are, but because YOU are. After all, our Temple is not here to dictate your views, but to reflect them. We all share in this community. Each of us is an essential part. Beth El is here because you welcome and accept everyone for their flaws as well as their gifts, because you believe everyone is worthy of God’s love, and that our strength as a community comes from appreciating those things that differentiate us as individuals. This is what our “Fulfilling the Promise Capital and Endowment Campaign” is really all about. It’s not about improving the building, or making it more attractive looking, or even more comfortable. It’s about supporting the community for which Beth El stands. Not just those who attend Shabbat services, our Religious School or the Early Learning Center, but everyone. All of us. For Temple Beth El is part of a greater community. One that extends from the city of Boca Raton to all of Palm Beach County, Florida, and the United States, uniting with our family in Israel, and throughout the rest of the world. Our beliefs unite us. Our hope for unity and peace within the promise of God’s love extends well beyond the walls of our Temple, and beyond all borders devised by humanity. This is why we need each and every one of you to do your part. Unify, galvanize, inspire. Let’s show what 100% participation can do. 3 SIMPLE STEPS TO PARTICIPATE: STEP 1 Believe in us. Not just in Temple Beth El, but in all of us. In “together.” Remember, this is about taking pride in your community. STEP 2 STEP 3 We can’t make a difference unless you can. And we know you can. No matter how you do it, your participation is the only way to get to 100%. And there’s so much you can do! Believe in yourself. Take action. WE NEED YOUR HELP. We’re asking every member of our congregation, young and old, to join in and participate in our campaign. To share and unite our community. At Temple Beth El and everywhere. All of us. 100%. Visit www.tbeboca.org/all-of-us Or contact Eliza Prince-Atias, Director of Development. 561-391-8900 or [email protected] FULFILLING the promise Gifts as of March 27, 2015 Anonymous Liliana Abramson Sandi and Robert Altner Alumni Original East Pre-School Sophie Amichai Irene Aronson and Marian Aronson Sheila and Dick Asher Debbie and Chas Averbook Bruce Bakerman Ricki and Milton Barbarosh Sindi and Michael Bass Patty and Louis Beck Gary Berg Marjorie and Dennis Berg Ruth Berg Toni and Arnold Berliner Mollye and Glen Berngard Jill and Adam Bershad Faith Birnberg Judy and Mike Blackman Betsy and David Blechman Marlene and Richard Bluestein Ellen and Howard Bolner Shirley Levin Bowen Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman Reginee and Mark Bromson Brotherhood of Temple Beth El George Brown Melinda Brown Dorothy and Maurice Bucksbaum Freyda and Ed Burns Danielle and Rob Butler Judith Chason Stephanie and Richard Chestnov Toby Chudnow Carolyn Cohen Melissa and Joel Cohen Nancy and Randy Colman Nicole and James Conway Alene and Richard Court Maureen and Brock Delorenzo Shirley and Warren Deutsch Kathleen Douglas Joan and David Dubov Marla and Scott Dudak Margery Ehrlich Helene and Jay Eichler Robin Eisenberg Rebecca Elman and Andrew Levy Susan and Stephen Feldman Karen and Stephen Feller Maddi and Wes Finch Hinda and Marvin Finston Aline Fisher Randi and Daniel Frazin Lorraine and Howard Freeman Guy Fronstin Lynda and Michael Frost Suzy and Stephen Garber Carol Garcy Rani Garfinkle James Garrett The Gaspari Family 18 THE CHRONICLE Lucille and Robert Geller Edie and Lawrence Gise Judith Goldberg Marlene Goldberg Joy and Jason Goldman Lisa and Jeffrey Goldstein & Family Marion and Sanford Goldstein Glenda and Ken Gordon Corinne and Jerry Gorelick David Hanowitz and Eric Gottlieb Lewis Gould Ronni and Tim Graf Gladys and Arnold Granet Kimberley and Steven Graham Laurie and Jon Greene Esta Gross Tracey and Gabe Grossman Judith and Stanley Gray Marian and Marvin Gruber Howard Guggenheim Jill and Steven Hacker David Hall Sally and Murray Halperin Silvana and Barry Halperin Rachel and Brian Halpern Barbara Harper Sheilah and Robert Harrow Melanie and David Hecker Lisa and Jeff Henschel Allison and Bill Heller Ida Herst Bonnie and Herb Hirsch Beth and Gavin Hirsch Meredith and Marc Hirsh Karyn and Glen Hoffman Cindy and Paul Homer Renee and Barry Honig Larry Hotz Shelley and Barry Hymowitz Simone and Justin Jacobs Rita and Sonny Judson Michele Kahme Bobbi and Jack Kalmanson Joanna and William Karp Deanna and Hank Katz Suzanne and Jeff Katz Ivy and Steve Kaufman Tiny Katz Gail and Harold Kirstein Natalie Klebanoff Karen Klebenoff Cindy Korshin Adrienne and Irwin Kotlove Margaret Kottler Joan and Mel Kramer Amy LaGala Marci and Jeffrey Langley Cheryl Lavaux Marianne Minkoff Lerner Jan and Allen Lev Aimee and Rabbi Dan Levin Cantor Irving B. Levine Judy Levine | tbeboca.org Melissa Friedman-Levine and Brad Levine Rick Levitt Carolyne and Ed Levy Barbara and Jerry Lewin Stephanie and Nate Lowen Phyllis and Steve Lyons Carol z’’l and Buddy Magod Geraldine Mailender Barbara Manning Elsie and Steve Manton Lisa and Bob Marton Marcia Matles Rhea and Joseph Mayerchak Arlene and Bob Merson Marvin Miller Marjorie and Adrian Minor Ilyne Mendelson and Steve Terk Annette and Ken Mogell Susan and Bruce Moldow Humberto Morales Diane More Jennifer and David Morse Cindy and Duncan Morton Pam Nadler and Mark Sickles Lottie and Erik Nilsen Ken Novikoff Fran and Dave Oney Arlene Oppenheim Jennifer and David Oppeheim Susan and Mark Pachman Helene and Richard Paul Abbi and Seymour Pecker Natalie Pelavin Diane Perkins and Paul Mandel Dr. Susan Resneck Pierce Andrea and Mark Platt Margie and Maurice Plough, Jr. The Podhurst, Dern, Koffsky, Weinberg Foundation Jerry Podolsky Susan and Barry Podolsky Dawn and David Pollay Dorothy Pomerance and Jack Jaffe Eliza Prince-Atias and Kobi Atias Siona Puterman Sandra and Sanford Putesky Rosalie Ratner Jason Reasor Deana and Hy Richman Roni and Seth Robert Idah Robins Charlotte and Morris Robinson Dr. Douglas Rolfe Lisajane and Kevin Romer Melissa and Carlos Romero Susan and Richard Rosser Debbi and Larry Rosenblum Estate of Janet Rosenblum Lisa and Kenny Rosenthal Sheila and Philip Rubin Cheryl and Adam Runsdorf Michael Salem Bonnie and Jamie Schaefer Marla Schaefer and Steven Weishoff Trish and Mark Schaum Elaine Schlessberg Marcy and Barry Schultz Hynda Schuman Shari and Craig Schwamm Dina and Andrew Schwartz Amy and Martin Segel Jennifer and Craig Shapiro Lori Shapiro Karen and Gary Sheres Elizabeth and Adam Shonson Gina and Greg Shugar Francine and Art Siegel Gloria and Lawrence Siegel Patti and Scott Silverman Sandra and Victor Silverstein Brian Sindel Anna and Mike Singer Myra and Rabbi Merle Singer Sisterhood of Temple Beth El Deb and Neal Slafsky Jill and Alan Slootsky The Smolka Family Lois and Geoff Solomon Linda and Richard Sommers Susan and Mark Sosin Simone and Sam Spiegel Aileen Spilka Madeline and Robert Spitalnic Susan and Andy Stallone Leslie and Rick Steinberg Rona and Sandy Steinberg Betty Stone Christy and Mark Sunshine Janet and Allen Sussberg Velia Sweet Cecile Talesnick Ronna and Marc Taub Cis Teltser Lauren and David Tolces Lois Victor Lenore and Herbert Wachtel Jill and Matthew Wahler Wendy and Steve Walin Michel Wasserman Joan and Tom Weidenfeld Marilyn and Jay Weinberg Phyllis and Alan Weiner Jill and Paul Weiner Iris Weingarten Serena and Richard Werber Tami and Rabbi Greg Weisman Linda and Dennis Weiss Norman Weiss Evelyn Weitzman Ilene and Peter Wohlgemuth Julie Yates-Schiller and Bruce Schiller Marilyn and Paul Yentis Beth and Jeffrey Zipper Lisa and Andrew Zwick AROUND TEMPLE BETH EL Chai Shabbat and Sisterhood Social Action Women’s Seder 1 4 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 Chai Shabbat 1. Sarina & Jerry Lind 2. Howard & Lorraine Freeman with granddaughters Danielle & Jessica Berger 3. Sherman & Ann Tufel 4. Myra & Rabbi Singer, Fern & Bill Berger 5. Dennis Berg 6. Harold & Joan Bader Sisterhood Women’s Seder 7. Barbara Harper, Marcia Namerow, Ronni Graf, Lauren Tolces 8. Alene Court, Suzy Garber 9. Wendy Walin, Rona Steinberg, Trish Schaum May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 19 n sisterhood u pdate Trish Schaum, Sisterhood President [email protected] When we were asked by the temple to participate in the Capital Campaign it was a “no brainer.”. Sisterhood has participated in every capital campaign since its inception. Each and every time it has been an honor to be asked and an honor to participate. In the last campaign (Building Tomorrow Today), Sisterhood donated money to the temple and dedicated the beautiful stained glass Miriam window which adorns the membership lounge. (See below.) For the current campaign, Sisterhood is participating because we believe in Temple Beth El’s vision and look forward to the renovation of the Schaefer Family Campus from which we have so many shared memories. Upcoming Events LEFT Sisterhood donations provided the beautiful stained glass Miriam window which adorns the membership lounge. With Linda Berger and Amy LaGala. NETWORKING EVENT RIGHT Sisterhood Shabbat Wednesday, May 20, 7:00pm Come mingle in a casual setting with drinks & hors d’oeuvres. Be sure to bring your business cards so we can all do business with our “Sisters”. MEET THE AUTHOR Tuesday, June 9, 2:30pm JCC Sandler Center Sisterhood, Brotherhood and the JCC are co-sponsoring this event which features Jonathan Papernick, author of Book of Stone doing a reading and discussing the inspiration for his moving novel (hardcover, available May 12.) For more information visit www.tbeboca.org/sisterhood. 20 Sisterhood hopes to always be a strong support for Temple Beth El because we value the positive impact this congregation and its clergy have had on so many lives and how important it is to continue this into the future. As my Sisterhood term comes to an end, I think back proudly of the charities we helped, the friends we fostered and the support we gave to Temple Beth El. It has been an honor to give back to this congregation that has given me so much. The staff, clergy and people of this amazing community have supported my family from baby namings to Bat Mitzvahs and beyond. It has also been an honor working with the amazing women of Sisterhood. I have been challenged and inspired by these talented and wise women and I have learned so much from them. I will always love Temple Beth El Sisterhood and look forward to being a part of this amazing organization for years to come. THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org n brotherhood u pdate Larry Hotz, Brotherhood President [email protected] The mission of Brotherhood is to connect members to our Jewish heritage. We accomplish our goal through events we produce and through financial support we provide for programming organized by the synagogue. Our mandate stresses inter-generational programming that encourages the passing of Jewish values between generations to ensure our survival. As part of this commitment, Brotherhood has pledged $10,000 to the Fulfilling the Promise endowment fund. A healthy endowment will increase access to and participation in our Temple Beth El community. Recently completed events include the Brotherhood/Sisterhood breakfast briefing with AIPAC, our adult/child camping overnight, the men’s Passover dinner and discussion and our pottery painting and breakfast networking morning with adults and their preschoolers. SAVE THE DATE Temple Beth El 2015 Golf Event honoring Robert Marton Monday, November 2 Boca Rio Golf Club 11:00 am registration Contact Larry Hotz for details 914-329-0847. On a personal note, this is my final update as your Brotherhood President as our leadership will pass into the hands of our new Board led by Andrew Zwick and Alan Klasfeld. I thank the Board, our clergy and the entire TBE staff and congregation for the privilege of these past wonderful and fulfilling three years. Upcoming Events MOTHER’S DAY BRUNCH Sunday, May 10, 12:30pm Schaefer Family Campus Join us for our annual Mother’s Day Jazz Family Brunch. MEET THE AUTHOR Tuesday June 9, 2:30pm JCC Sandler Center Sisterhood, Brotherhood and the JCC are co-sponsoring this event which features Jonathan Papernick, author of Book of Stone doing a reading and discussing the inspiration for his moving novel (hardcover, available May 12.) For more information visit www.tbeboca.org/brotherhood. LEFT AND BOTTOM Camping overnight with adults and children RIGHT Author Jonathan Papernick speaks about Book of Stone May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 21 12:00 PM-WRJ President Installation & 31 and Yizkor. Shavuot 10:30 AM- Shavuot Morning Festival Service 24 Memorial Day - School & Offices Closed 25 18 19 9:30 AM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 12:30 PM-Shir Ruach 1:30 PM-Confirmation Service and Reception 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 26 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 12th Grade) 17 Lunch (TBD) 12 10:00 AM-Knit & Knosh 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 4:30 PM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 6:30 PM-Derech Torah Dinner 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 7:00 PM-Confirmation 7:00 PM-Derech Torah 5 TUESDAY 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 4:30 PM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 6:00 PM-BOFTY Dinner 7:00 PM-Confirmation 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 7:00 PM-Journey through Judaism (11 & 4:30 PM-Religious School (BFC) 11 4:30 PM-Religious School (BFC) 4 MONDAY 27 Sisterhood Networking Event (OOT) 6:00 PM-Finance Committee 7:00 PM- 20 4:30 PM-Religious School (BFC) 13 Committee Meeting (BFC) 9:00 AM-Shared Care 4:30 PM-Religious School (BFC) 7:00 PM-Membership & Engagement 6 WEDNESDAY Installations 28 6:00 PM-BOFTY Banquet and Board 6:00 PM-Pre-K Graduation (SFC) 7:00 PM-Board of Trustees Meeting 5/21 - 5/25-Camp Jenny (OOT) 21 4:30 PM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 4:30 PM-BBM Class (SFC & BFC) 6:30 PM-Brotherhood Board Meeting (BFC) 14 (BFC) 4:30 PM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 4:30 PM-BBM Class (SFC & BFC) 7:30 PM-RAC Committee Meeting 7:30 PM-Social Action Committee Meeting Lag ba’Omer 7 THURSDAY FRIDAY 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 29 6:00 PM-Tot Pizza Dinner & Shabbat 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 22 6:00 PM-Shabbat at 6 7:30 PM-Confirmation 2015 Shabbat Dinner 15 honoring the 4th graders 7:30 PM-Kabbalat Shabbat Service 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Family Service, 8 grade senior service, and guest speaker Mark Hetfield 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service, 12th 1 2015 2014 MAY 9:30 AM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 12:30 PM-Mother’s Day Brunch 12:30 PM-Shir Ruach Mother’s Day 10 12:30 PM-Shir Ruach Book Club 9:30 AM-Religious School (SFC & BFC) 10:00 AM-Beth El’s Sunday Morning 3 SUNDAY SFC-Schaefer Family Campus BFC-Beck Family Campus 9:00 AM-Bar Mitzvah of Stephen Kleinberg 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 11:30 AM-Bar Mitzvah of Elle Mitchell 30 9:00 AM-Bar Mitzvah of Sawyer Feller 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 7:30 PM-Shavuot Evening Program 8:30 PM-Zugot (OOT) 23 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 11:30 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Eliana Pollay 1:30 PM-Confirmation Rehearsal Filippo 9:00 AM-Bar Mitzvah of Matthew San 16 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:30 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Amanda Klayman 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 6:00 PM-Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Gefen 9 9:00 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Amber Swab 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 2 SATURDAY 22 21 6/28 - 7/04-Family Promise Host Week 28 29 15 14 Father’s Day 8 MONDAY 6:45 PM-Lilith Salon (OOT) 1 7 SUNDAY SFC-Schaefer Family Campus BFC-Beck Family Campus 2 30 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 23 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 16 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 7:00 PM-Adult Choir 7:00 PM-Adult Choir (OOT) 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 2:30 PM- “Meet the Author” Literary Event 9 12:00 PM-Lunch & Learn 7:00 PM-Adult Choir TUESDAY 24 17 10 6:30 PM-Mausoleum Committee Meeting 3 WEDNESDAY 25 18 6:00 PM-Finance Committee (BFC) 11 6:30 PM-Brotherhood Board Meeting (BFC) 4 FRIDAY 26 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service 6:00 PM-Shabbat at 6 19 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Family Service 12 5:30 PM-Annual Meeting & Dinner 7:30 PM-Shabbat Evening Service: Volunteer Recognition Shabbat 5 2014 2015 THURSDAY JUNE 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 27 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 20 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 4:00 PM- Zugot (OOT) 13 9:00 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Ashley Korman 9:30 AM-Shabbat Morning Torah Study 10:45 AM-Shabbat Morning Minyan 11:30 AM-Bat Mitzvah of Madaleine Rubin 6/06 -6/19-Israel Trip 6 SATURDAY Yahrzeit Gifts from 01/21/2015 to 03/20/2015 Wendell Ellis by Jannette Abejean Rae Teret by Henriette & Jay Abrams Max Adler by Leonard Adler Susana Ainsztein by Beatriz Ainsztein Fay Adelman by Maxine Arno Joseph Aronson by Marian & Irene Aronson Janet Maxine Asher Hood by Sheila & Dick Asher Dr. Seymour Bachman by David Bachman Dr. Seymour Bachman by Nattie Bachman Morris Goodman by Nattie Bachman Lillian Blashek by Marjorie Baer Anne Rabinowitz Bakerman by Bruce Bakerman Marlene L. Rosenbaum by The Bargas Family Gerald Simon Baron by Sylvia Baron Sis Barrow by Steve Barrow Louis Feil by Marilyn Barry Herschel Seder by Lorraine Becker Laurie Berliner and Syd Berliner by Eileen & Steven Berliner Sadie Schwartz by Claire & Leo Bernstein Alfred Nyder by Stan Berkovitz & Family Cecelia Sadugor by Faith Birnberg Adam Viggiano and David Viggiano by Judy & Mike Blackman Vivian Allen by Ileen Bogart and Andy Fiorillo Evelyn Bolner by Ellen & Howard Bolner Goodwin Salkoff by Ellen Bolner Abraham Brauser by Bernice & Gerry Brauser Teodora Bautista by Reginee & Mark Bromson Beverly Bronfman by Victoria Bronfman Ida Sabath by Dana Brown & Family Mary Catherine Ficara by George Brown Walter Brunswick by Murray Brown Diane Buda by Cici & Phil Buda Morris Cohen by Harvey Cohen Frank Phillip Rothstein by Elaine & Terry Colker Nat Copulsky by Maxine & Joseph Copulsky Beverly Bronfman by The Court Family Joan W. Cummings by Stuart Cummings Joseph Kazanow by Ann Dershowitz Irving Dicker by Saralyn & Gerry Dicker Ellis Disick and N.G. Kaul by Tia & Grant Disick Meyer Raikis by Abigail Ditzian Sarah Raikis by Abigail Ditzian Edward Miznick by Judi & Craig Donoff Paul Donoff by Craig Donoff Elsie Dranoff anf Irving Dranoff by Morton Dranoff Joel Eisenberg by Jennifer Eisenberg Zelma Schonwald Wolff by Carol Ellis Shirley Bankofsky and Irving Bankofsky by Phyllis & Eddie Elman Max Sperling by Sherry & Ken Endelson Doris Zipkin Fish by Stephen Fish & Family George Fish by Stephen Fish & Family Alice Fiebiger‑Widrow and Paul Fiebiger by Sue Feldman Gertrude Greene by Phyllis Fink Corinne M. Fiorillo and Vivian Allen by Andy Fiorillo Gertrude Goldstein by Andy Fiorillo Ida Bursuker by Zina Fishman Frieda Slon by Sandy Flax Saul Fleishman by Debra & Roy Fleishman Estelle Esther Fourens by Michael Fourens Edward Frank by Bea Frank Rose Gottlieb by Adele Friedland William Gottlieb by Adele Friedland Arline Fisher by Carol Friedsam Walter Friedsam by Carol & Ron Friedsam Judith Herman by Robin & Leon Galison Sara Galler by Roberta & Marvin Galler Sandy Garfinkle by Rani Garfinkle Elsie Weg and Oro Perahia Hassid by Lucille & Bob Geller Alla Gertsen by The Gertsen Family Libby Gesoff and Robert Gesoff by Mark Gesoff Major Sidney Hantman by Bruce Gilbert Dr. David A. Fischer by Edie Gise Ruth Greenberg, dear sister by Cindy Gitlitz Joyce Fadem by Judy Goldberg Joseph Goldstein by Irving Goldstein Richard Wasserman by Marion Goldstein Scott Goldstein by Irving Goldstein Julius Miller by Glenda Gordon Marc David Gordon by Judy & Jim Gordon Scott Bruskin by Corinne & Jerry Gorelick Claude Gozlan by Elisabeth Gozlan Pearl Granet by Gladys & Arnold Granet Diane Tanenblatt by Frances Greenbaum Nettie Greenbaum by Frances Greenbaum Rose Tanenblatt by Frances Greenbaum Irving Greenberg and Louis Schwartz by Sylvia Greenberg Julius Goldberg by Sylvia Greenberg Herbert M. Grossman by Susen Grossman Wendy Cossaboon by Rhona Guberman Kara Mochizucki & Paul Lowinger by Janet & Allen Halper Sylvia Scherr Rubin & Daniel Gadalia Rubin by Bonnie Halperin Sophie Golub & Louis Golub by Liz & Ben Hampton Jeane Stessin by Karen & Bob Harmelin Blossom Cohen by Sheilah & Bob Harrow Joy Zobler by Sheilah & Bob Harrow Amy Kadin Hausman by Bruce Hausman Charlotte Weiner & Dr. Harry Weiner by Norma Heit Susan Falk and Beverly Rosman by Allison & Bill Heller Irvin Weil by Rhea Herman Bella Siegel by Ida Herst Bertha Barrett and Herman Herst by Ida Herst Max Siegel by Ida Herst Irene Hewett by Dorothy Hewett Joseph Hewett by Dorothy Hewett Jean Himelstein by Brigitte & Bruce Himelstein Michael Fisher by Taryn Hoffman Henry Homer by Sondra Homer‑Warner Lynne Jackman, Charles Sheinin & Morris Tucker by Debi & Herb Jackman David Fishman by The Jaiven Family Nathan Jay by David Jay Eleanor Sheikovitz by Felisa Kahn‑Harris Evelyn Bolner by Ivy & Steve Kaufman Goodwin Salkoff by Ivy & Steve Kaufman Henry Kaufman by Ivy & Steve Kaufman Leonard Kaufman by Ivy & Steve Kaufman Michael Kaufman by Norman Kaufman Sidney Kirshon by Michael Kirshon Nelson L. Klein by Leonie Klein Habraham Kopeika by Saul Kopeika Sylvia BernsteinTractenberg by Michael Leinwand Dr. Samuel Steinberg by Marianne Minkoff Lerner Shmuluck Shtaygrood by Manya Levina Marcia Levine by Paul Levine Daniel Levy by Edwin Levy David Klavons by Barbara & Jerry Lewin Henry Lewin by Barbara & Jerry Lewin Minicus Speelman & Grietje Speelman by Sarina & Jerry Lind Sol Lind by Sarina & Jerry Lind Irving Morris by Judith Lipsky Samuel Lubliner by Lyn Lubliner Laurence M. Lyons by Phyllis & Stephen Lyons Monroe Karkus by Peggy Madan Momma and Grandma by Renee Maltz Isadore Mandel by Diane Perkins & Paul Mandel Dina Kershner by Elizabeth Marcus Charlotte Mesches by Jack Mesches A. Matthew Miller by Michelle & David Miller Albert Kolikof by Marvin Miller Norma Michaels Fishman by Shelley Nathan continued on page 27 In Honor of Gifts from 01/21/2015 to 03/20/2015 ALAN & PHYLLIS WEINER ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of Arnold Granet’s 80th birthday by Phyllis & Alan Weiner ANNA BRUECKHEIMER MEMORIAL FOR JEWISH EDUCATION FUND in celebration of Mark Schermer’s 65th Birthday by Ilyne Mendelson & Steven Terk EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND in honor of Patty and Louis Beck by Myra & Rabbi Merle Singer GELFAND/ARPE YOUNG CHILDRENS INNOVATIVE EDUCATION FUND for the recovery of Bruce Harris by Michael Gelfand in celebration of Gayle Grimes and Bill Sklar’s anniversary by Michael Gelfand GENERAL FUND for the recovery of Al Solomon by Charles Deehan in appreciation of Irene and Merrill Esptein for the Night of 50 Shabbats by Ruth Berg in celebration of Ryan’s engagement to Jennifer by Susan & Barry Podolsky in honor of Ruth Berg’s 90th birthday by Freyda & Ed Burns by Debbie Eisenberg by Hudes Freeman by Cara, Josh, Hunter, Ashton & Paxton Gottlieb by Ida Herst by Lila Langer by Arline & Eli Neuren by Rosalie Ratner Ruth Berg’s 90th birthday and her service to our temple community by Tracey & Gabe Grossman Marion Goldstein by Marilyn Goldman Madison Gottsegen’s Bat Mitzvah by Joan Schlesinger Morris Robinson’s 80th birthday by Elisabeth & Bobby Dalfen by Gail & Allan Dinnerstein by Loretta & Jerry Elbert by Skipp Jackman & Betsy by Carolyn Marshall by Kay, Mike, Adam, Lauren & Andrew Marshall by Carol & Joseph Orze Arnold Granet’s 80th birthday by Ruth Berg by Judy Bodner & Mel Turetzky Jodi Krumholz’s 40th birthday by Ali, Dan & Justin Rubin Marty Shapiro’s birthday by Ida Herst Rabbi Levin and Rabbi Weisman for their involvement in our wedding/ conversion process and making the occasion especially memorable by Jennifer & Jonathan Greenwald MUSIC FUND in appreciation of Temple Beth El by Charlotte Leigh in honor of Arnold Granet’s 80th birthday by Beverly Reuter & Arthur Hurwitz Benjamin’s Bar Mitzvah and to thank Lori Shapiro by Julie YatesSchiller & Bruce Schiller PATTY AND LOUIS BECK FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND on the occasion of John Osher’s birthday by Patty & Louis Beck PAUL AND ELLEN HIRSCH ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of Ellen Hirsch’s 75th by Helaine & Mark Nelles PLOUGH FAMILY FUND SUPPORTING RELIGIOUS SCHOOL in celebration of the marriage of Josh Marcus to Debra Bogdanoff by Margie Plough & Maurice Plough, Jr. in honor of the birth of the granddaughter of Margie and Maurice Plough, Jr. by Amy Doran PRAYER BOOK FUND for the recovery of Robin Pomeroy by Jackie & Louis Robinson in honor of Ruth Berg’s 90th birthday by Jan & Allen Lev the Bar Mitzvah of Hayden Luke Siesel by Linda Anish on the occasion of Hannah Lebersfeld’s Bat Mitzvah by Marcy Lippman RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND in appreciation of the unveiling for Amy Kadin Hausman by Bruce Hausman in celebration of Arnold Granet’s Birthday by Cecily & Wallace Feldman in honor of the 80th birthday of Morris Robinson by Andree, Marty & Doug Robinson our 68th Wedding Anniversary by Beverly & Walter Warheit Rabbi Dan Levin and Temple Beth El by Jay & Joanne Miller the birth of Logan Jacob Spiro by Jay & Joanne Miller Andrew and Jeremy’s B’nai Mitzvah by Joan Galison Benjamin’s Bar Mitzvah and to thank Rabbi Dan Levin by Julie YatesSchiller & Bruce Schiller the birth of Margie and Maurice D. Plough Jr.’s grandson , Kayde Elijah Levy by Lori & Richard Newman Logan Jacob Spiro’s bris and naming by Rabbi Dan Levin by Robin & Gary Warren in support of Temple Beth El by Ginette & Alvin Kravet to thank Rabbis Levin and Weisman and in memory of Martin Tash by Arlene Tash Rabbi Levin for officiating at Debra and Josh’s wedding by Shelley & Larry Marcus RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND in honor of Robin Eisenberg’s award by Amy Doran the birth of Margie Plough’s and Maurice D. Plough, Jr.’s grandson, Kayde Eljah Levy by Tracey & Gabe Grossman RELIGIOUS SCHOOL SCHOLARSHIP FUND in honor of Robin Eisenberg’s NATE award by Tracey & Gabe Grossman continued on page 27 24 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org HIGH HOLY DAYS 2015/5776 High Holy Day information will be available mid July at www.tbeboca.org and in the July/August issue of The Chronicle. LOOK FOR EREV • Service Information NAH HASHA 2015 H S O R , 3 1 • Member and Non-Member R BE SEPTEM V E R E Ticket Requests IPPUR YOM K RE) • Reciprocity Arrangements ID N L O K ( ER 22, B M E T • Babysitting Arrangements SEP 2015 • Annual Giving • Tributes Tickets must be requested and will be mailed at the end of August. Please make sure your Temple account is current. Questions? Contact Debbie at 561-391-8900. REGISTER TODAY Religious School prices go up August 1, 2015. Register today at www.tbeboca.org/religious-schoolregistration or call 561-391-9092 SAVE THE DATE! First day of Religious School is September 20, 2015. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 25 26 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org Yahrzeit continued from page 24 Dr. Fred Neuren by Arline & Eli Neuren Harold Savage by Sheri Nusbaum Mickey Nusbaum by Sheri Nusbaum Ellen Adler by Anne Paskin Jan Pachl by Carole Pedvis Dorothy Katz by Natalie Pelavin Michael A. Pelavin by Natalie Pelavin Herman Weisberger by Fred Perlstein Herman Pollock by Ellen & Ed Pollock Louis Collins by Brenda & Maurice Pollock Estelle Labiner by Dorothy Pomerance Harry Poritz by Esther Poritz Joseph Rabkin by Jerry Rabkin Lena Perlman by Joyce Rabkin Charles Alter by Helen Regenstreif Robert Robin by Babs Robin Bella Dreyfus by Idah Robins Michael Nash by Idah Robins Mathew Romer by The Romer Family Ralph Rosengarden by Ardath Rosengarden Bessie Schein by Robert Ruben Michael King Rudikoff by Jan Rudikoff Mark Schwartz by Lois Saltzman Rose Meyer by Jean Satin Irving Levine by Linda & Bobby Schmier Irma Schnier by Elliot Schnier Betty Dolby by Leslie Schwam Owen Schwam by Leslie Schwam Harry Kolstein by Elaine & Rabbi N. William Schwartz Phil Kolstein by Elaine & Rabbi N. William Schwartz Frances Friedman and Edith Shafer by Roberta & Lorrie Shafer Norman Shapiro by Jon Shapiro Seymour Shinder by Meryl Shinder Sam Freedland by Francine Siegel Marshall Bernstein by Deborah Silver Marie Sherman by Laurie Silvers In Honor of Faye Livon by Muriel & Leon Simon Fanny Mesch Snitzer by Linda & Carl Snitzer Samuel Spiegelman by Jerry Spiegelman Selma Charney by Rona & Sandy Steinberg Sadye A. Katz by Audrey Stern Sidney Strauss by June Strauss Sidney Bucksbaum by Barbara & Len Tamchin Garrison Davis by Robin & Barry Tartarkin Abe H. Mirman by Betty Taub Morris J. Mendelson by Ilyne Mendelson & Steve Terk Wallace J. Clarfield by Elinor & Max Toberoff Abraham Tufel by Ann & Sherman Tufel Morton Tufel by Ann & Sherman Tufel Dr. Theodore Pick by Alice Turner Charles Twer by Barbara Zallea & Daniel Twer Morris Uchin by Dorothy Uchin Fae Oppenheim by Lynne & Samuel Vainberg Gisela Morgenstern by Doris Wachsler Eric Wagner by Tobie Wagner Charles Wallach by Jan Wallach Audrey Kaylin by Randy & Peter Warheit Nathan & Dorothy Wayser by Janet & Harold Wayser Beatrice Goldberg by Joan & Tom Weidenfeld Elsie Weidenfeld by Tom Weidenfeld Mollie Luks, Paul Luks, Samuel Luks & Molly Weinberg by Fran & George Weinberg David Weiss by Karen & Howard Weiss Joseph Solomon by Randi & Steven Weiss Simon Ash by Shayna & Andy Weitz Julius Goffan by Evelyn Weitzman Mary Lessans by Evelyn Weitzman George Tirck by Jacquelyn & Al Wheeler Capt. Samuel Whiteman by Laura Whiteman Betty Wulkan by Marilyn & Hubert Wulkan Edith Gordon by Marilyn & Hubert Wulkan continued from page 24 RICHARD ALLEN BRANSDORF MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND in honor of the birth of Logan Jacob Spiro by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf TREE OF LIFE FUND in honor of Ruth Berg’s 90th birthday by Susan & Barry Podolsky TREES TO ISRAEL in celebration of the birth of Abby and Paul Yerys’s granddaughter Lilly Kate by Sandra & Reuben Ungar in honor of Naomi Hermann’s special birthday by Gertrude Siegel by Lillian Shapiro the marriage of Debra and Josh Marcus by Emily Gould the marriage of Kate and Seth Turnoff by Emily Gould We Get You Moving Again™ Sisterhood Contributions IN HONOR OF: The birth of Kayde Elijah Levy, grandson of Margie and Maurice Plough, Jr., by Lisa and Dr. Andrew Zwick The marriage of Aaron, son of Debi and Dr. Herb Jackman, to Dee by Irene, Dr. Merrill, Jennifer and Melissa Epstein The engagement of Ryan Beck, son of Patty and Louis Beck, to Jennifer Plotnikoff Grassia by: Jan and Allen Lev Lisa and Dr. Andrew Zwick The engagement of Gail Cohen’s daughter, Jenny, by Dr. Merrill, Irene, Jennifer and Melissa Epstein IN MEMORY OF: Jack Cohen, uncle of Ken Mogell, by Lisa and Dr. Andrew Zwick Jackie Yahalom, mother and mother-in-law of Julie and Rick Stopek, by Jan and Allen Lev Martin Tash, father of Jill Wrubel ,by Lisa and Dr. Andrew Zwick Martha Maier, mother of Judy Blackman by: Lisa and Dr. Andrew Zwick Jan and Allen Lev MITZVAH FUND: IN MEMORY OF: Martha Maier by Irene and Dr. Merrill Epstein Tribute cards are a great way to honor a loved one. The cost is $18.00, and the money is used to fund various Women of Reform Judaism projects. For further information and to purchase a card email Glenda Gordon at glendashopper46@gmail. com or phone Glenda at 561-495-2980. May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 27 Exclusively for Temple Beth El The Hilton Boca Raton Suites offers discounted rates to all members, affiliates, family & friends. In Memory of Gifts from 01/21/2015 to 03/20/2015 ALAN & PHYLLIS WEINER ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Hilda Weiner by Phyllis & Alan Weiner BENJAMIN & PEARL BAKER MAUSOLEUM PERPETUAL CARE in memory of Betty and Herbert Ratner by Betsy Ratner Hershman Martha Maier by Pearl Baker EARLY CHILDHOOD FUND Your travelers will enjoy: Spacious Two Room Suite Complimentary full cooked to order breakfast each morning Complimentary two hour cocktail reception each evening Complimentary local transportation within the Boca Raton area Located just minutes from Temple Beth El, area attractions and local beaches For reservations call 561- 483-3600. Be sure to ask for the special discounted Temple Beth El Rate. 7920 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33434 www.bocaratonsuites.hilton.com PRESERVING YOUR Legacy With over 25 years of experience as a Board Certified attorney Mark A. Schaum, Esq., CPA provides the knowledge, reliability and integrity you need to protect your most important asset… your family. in memory of David Kuritz by Judy & Marvin Kuritz GELFAND/ARPE YOUNG CHILDRENS INNOVATIVE EDUCATION in memory of Anna Fettrow by Michael Gelfand GENERAL FUND in memory of Mike Baker by Christine & James Berick by Ruth & James Dawson by Suzanne & Jeff Deutch by Noreen Friedman by Les Goldberg by Bonnie & Shelly Guren by Elaine & Peter Kaplan by Pam & Tom Kaplan by Patricia Lebow by Molly Odell by Charlotte & Norman Plotsky by Sybil & Marshall Sigel Sylvia Belkin by Pam & Tom Kaplan by Debra & Joshua Marcus Stuart Bloch by Pam & Tom Kaplan Frank Fink by Betty Jane Hofstadter Mark Herman by Myra & Michael Halle Stanley Jaffe and Arthur Ross by Elaine & Scott Jaffe Stanley Klebanoff by Natalie Klebanoff Martha Maier by Deanna & Hank Katz Robert Morenstein by Pam & Tom Kaplan by Pearl & Jeffrey Greenfield Herbert Strauss by Helen Eisenberg Fred Rossler by Jennifer, Craig, Lauren & Julia Shapiro Fred Wank by Myra & Michael Halle Dr. Sheldon Weiner by David M. Levine Steven Weiss by Abbey Weiss B. Wicker and S. Levy by Sandra & Harold Wicker ISRAEL YOUTH TRAVEL in memory of Stanley Klebanoff by Natalie Klebanoff Ben Roth by Ellie Roth Gloria Sanford by Natalie Klebanoff Max Unger by Aline Fisher MICHAEL I. GOLDBERG YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARD in memory of Michael Goldberg by Louis Goldberg LAW OFFICE OF MARK A. SCHAUM, P.A. Wills & Trusts | Estate and Charitable Planning Estate and Trust Administration | Taxation and Business Formation markschaumlaw.com 561.750.7575 | [email protected] 1801 N. Military Trail, Suite #203 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Law Office of Mark A. Schaum, P.A. proudly serves clients throughout Palm Beach County and Broward County. *Board Certified in Wills, Trusts & Estates Law 28 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org MILTON KOTLER MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND Mike Baker by Elaine & Herb Gimelstob by Howard Guggenheim Frank Fink by Velia Sweet Herman W. Levitt by Robert Levitt Carol Magod by Hedy & Matty Shavel Martha Maier by Denise Calderon by Tracey & Gabe Grossman by Linda & Norman Rose by Joan & Tom Weidenfeld Paul Markoff by Tracey & Gabe Grossman Fred Rossler by Amy Doran Janice Platt by Henry & Faye Leshman David Schuman by Hynda Schuman Dottie Seaman by David Seaman by Ellen Sarnoff Nancy Simon by Audrey Stern David Sherman by Rita & Tully Schuster REVA & HERBERT STERNECK CAMP KUTZ ENDOWMENT in loving memory of Joan, mother of Jerry Goodman by Patty & Louis Beck Freddie and Joe Linder by Patty & Louis Beck Janice Platt by Patty & Louis Beck RICHARD ALLEN BRANSDORF MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Jane Bransdorf Cutler by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf Richard Bransdorf by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf Joseph David Rosen by Beverly & Marvin Bransdorf STEVE BROWN ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Steve Brown by Steven Harris TEMPLE BETH EL WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM in memory of Martha Maier by Susan and Barry Podolsky Jerry Blackman by Amy LaGala Miriam and Albert Zwick and Richard Stofberg by Patty & Louis Beck TORAH DEDICATION in memory of Gussie Harris by Lucille and Bob Geller Marvin Harris by Lucille and Bob Geller Stanley Wolfson by Jackie and Louis Robinson TREES TO ISRAEL in memory of Gaetano Bruno by Leonie Klein Robert Goldfarb by Norma Locker Helen Soiref by Norma Locker TZEDAKAH FUND in memory of Alan S. Parker by Amy LaGala Howard Edward Parker by Amy LaGala Jack Perlmuter by Shayna and Andy Weitz Gifts in memory of Isaac Kotler and Howard Page by Jean Erdheim Gifts from 01/21/2015 to 03/20/2015 MIRIAM & ALBERT ZWICK ENDOWMENT FUND Jon Rotenberg Barbara & Robert Yaspan in memory of Frank Fink by Lisa and Andrew Zwick MYER WEINGARTEN ENDOWMENT FUND in memory of Myer Weingarten by Iris Weingarten RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND in memory of the 72nd anniversary of the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto by Ada & Sol Urbach GENERAL FUND Giving Tree Gifts from 01/21/2015 to 03/20/2015 Helene and Jay Eichler Linda and Douglas Lamm Suzanne and Volker Schoenfeld Edith and Martin Stein Our Congregation Mourns Leon Weiner*, husband of Lorraine Weiner Louise Kanter, wife of Herbert Kanter S. Howard Schiller*, beloved member Harriet Oster*, beloved member Roslyn “Roz” Mae Suss*, mother of Sharon Paggi Robert Morenstein*, husband of Bonnie Morenstein Carol Magod*, wife of Ira “Buddy” Magod Carol Greenwald, wife of Steven Greenwald, sister-in-law of Stuart & Audrey Greenwald Myron “Mike” Baker*, husband of Arlette Baker Gloria Visnov*, mother of Robin Visnov Martha Maier, mother of Judy & Michael Blackman Fayanne Gaynor, mother of Robert & Dawn Gaynor, grandmother of Zachary, Mandi & Alex Gaynor Karen “Kiki” Kelrick, sister of Priscilla & Leonard Adler, aunt of Leslie Adler and Jamie & Michael Weiner Isaac Edward Block, father of Stephen & Debra Block, grandfather of Carly, Molly & Isabel Block Fredric Gottlieb*, husband of Ann Gottlieb, father of Jim & Hilary Gottlieb, grandfather of Hannah, Harrison & Emma Gottlieb Martin Tash*, father of Jill Wrubel, grandfather of Marissa & Michael Wrubel Shirley Kronzek, mother of David & Brenda Kronzek, grandmother of Erin, Joshua & Micaela Kronzek *Laid to rest in the Beth El Mausoleum Mazel Tov To Betsy & Elliott Schwartz on the birth of their son Zachary Ardyn Schwartz, big brother Ryan, grandparents Gail & Irwin Cohen Elissa & Robert Norton on the birth of their son Hunter Solomon Norton, big brother Robby, grandparents Susan & David Schwartzfarb Jill & Brian Smith on the birth of their daughter Bianca Skye Smith, big sister Dylan, grandparents Dr. David & Marcia Robbe Delia & Jonathan Goldberg on the birth of their son Henry David Goldberg, big sister Julia Carrie & Carlos Santana on the birth of their daughter Isabella Altagracia Santana, big sister Juliana Cara & Josh Gottlieb on the birth of their son Paxton Ben Gottlieb, big brothers Hunter & Ashton, grandparents Marcia & David Robbe Erica & Lee Krin on the birth of their daughter Olivia Harper Krin, grandparents Elaine & Barry Krin Briana Matthews & Sven Goth on the birth of their son Ryan Goth, big sister Emma Lindsay & Justin Pollack on the birth of their son Caleb Mason Pollack Julisse & Jacob Levy on the birth of their son Kayde Elijah Levy, big brother Noah, grandparents Margie & Maurice Plough, Jr. Rachel & Ronald Jaiven on the birth of their son Lucas Bernard Jaiven, big sister Chloe, grandparents Jack & Grace Jaiven Linda & Bobby Schmier on the engagement of their daughter Lauren to Tim Carey Gail & Irwin Cohen on the engagement of their daughter Jennifer Weiss to Andrew Baraniak Patty & Louis Beck on the engagement of their son Ryan to Jennifer Plotnikoff Grassia Sheryl & Robert Weiner on the marriage of their son Chandler to Rebecca Holman Shelley & Larry Marcus on the marriage of their son Joshua to Debra Bogdanoff Peggy Lebensfeld on the marriage of her son Michael to Angelica Martin You’ll never walk alone We are here to help guide you and to answer any questions you may have about our facilities as well as Jewish traditions regarding end of life. Call our Mausoleum Director for a private tour or consultation. 333 SW 4th Avenue, Boca Raton, FL 33432 561 391 8901 www.bethelmausoleum.org Serving the Jewish Community of South Florida May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 29 TEMPLE OFFICERS Patty Beck Barry Podolsky Shari Schwamm Neal Slafsky Mark Sunshine Kenneth Gordon Karyn Hoffman Lisa Zwick Marcy Schultz Wendy Walin Allen Lev Jeffrey Katz Danielle Butler Aline Fisher Charles Abell Marc Applebaum** Richard Asher Daniel Beckerman Donald Berger Mike Blackman Alvin Cohen** Michael Frost Herbert Gimelstob** Stanley Gray Ronni Namerow-Graf Cliff Hark President Executive Vice President Secretary Vice President of Finance Vice President of Leadership Development & Governance Vice President of Religious Activities Vice President of Education Vice President of Development Vice President of Membership & Engagement Vice President of Social Action Vice President of Mausoleum Vice President of Facilities & Technology TRUSTEES Tracey Grossman Stephen Manton Marjorie Minor LEADERSHIP COUNCIL Ida Herst** Larry Hotz Marc Jaro Barry Krinsky Jaime Kshonz Richard Levitt Stephanie Lowen Robert Marton Kenneth Mogell Lisa Oken David Pincus Mark Platt* Bruce Moldow David Morse Maurice D. Plough, Jr. Margie Plough Morris Robinson Trish Schaum Dina Schwartz Jennifer Shapiro Elizabeth Shonson Bernard Shulman** Rabbi Merle Singer Michael Singer Alan H. Weiner** *Immediate Past President ** Past President TEMPLE LEADERS OF BLESSED MEMORY MATH Robin Donner Mathematics 1:1 tutoring pre-algebra algebra I&II geometry CELEBRATE! [email protected] 561.894.8967 30 Let Temple Beth El cater your next event Weddings, Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Special Birthdays or Corporate Events, Temple Beth El and our preferred caterers can help plan the party of your dreams. Contact Event Coordinator Lauren Alcalay at [email protected] or 561 391 8900. THE CHRONICLE James B. Baer Frances Cohen Stanford Hermann Joseph Q. Kline LTC Ben Lake Cis Rader Irving Rifkin Stanley Rose Albert Schiff PROFESSIONAL STAFF Rabbi Daniel Levin Rabbi Jessica Spitalnic Brockman Rabbi Greg Weisman Lori Shapiro, CANTORIAL SOLOIST Michelle Auslander Cohen, CANTORIAL SOLOIST Rabbi Merle Singer, D.P.S., D.H.L., D.D., RABBI EMERITUS Cantor Martin Rosen, CANTOR EMERITUS Steve Kaufman, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mark Erickson, DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Susan Stallone, DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS AND PROGRAMMING Jason Reasor, DIRECTOR OF FACILITIES Eliza Prince-Atias, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT Rachael Rand, CONGREGATIONAL ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR David Oney, MAUSOLEUM DIRECTOR Esther Lupin, LICENSED CLINICAL SOCIAL WORKER MAIMONIDES INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH LEARNING Robin Eisenberg, RJE, DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LEARNING AND LIVING Gavin Hirsch, ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF JEWISH LEARNING AND LIVING Judy Levine, CO-DIRECTOR OF EARLY LEARNING CENTER Cindy Korshin, CO-DIRECTOR OF EARLY LEARNING CENTER Juliane Wolfberg, DIRECTOR OF YOUTH ENGAGEMENT Schaefer Family Campus 333 SW 4th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 |561 391 8900 Beck Family Campus www.tbeboca.org | tbeboca.org 9800 Yamato Road | Boca Raton, FL 33434 |561 391 9091 Frequent breakdowns. Sluggish email. Stalls and slow startups. It’s not a pretty sight. And the damage takes its toll in lost time, wasted money, and hard work that goes up in smoke. PJ Tech has been a proud partner of Temple Beth El for 16 years. We built and maintain the network that keeps things moving. TBE’s network works because we do. So if you’re ready to get up and running, and stay that way, give us a call for a free assessment. Time to sell your home? 1. duPont REGISTRY Partnership with Mizner Grande Realty with 20 Page Full Color Spread around the World to 54 Countries. 2. Weekly Full Color Advertising in the Sun-Sentinel. R E A L T Y 3. Homes & Land of the Palm Beaches Full Color Magazine. 4. High Impact Advertising in the Boca Raton Magazine. 5. High Impact Advertising in the Delray Beach Magazine. 6. Mizner’s Dream – The Official Magazine of the Boca Raton Resort & Club with our 19 page Full Color Spread sitting in 1,065 rooms at the Boca Hotel & Resort always! Elsie Kaprel 561.271.6674 Call or Text 7. Full Color Direct Mail to over 10,000 qualified buyers monthly. 8. Boca Club Life - Premier Club Member Magazine for the Boca Raton Resort & Club with a readership of over 10,000. 9. Millions of viewers everyday on Realtor.com, SunSentinel.com & MiznerGrandeRealty.com. 10. High Powered Optimization obtaining qualified buyers daily for your property . May/June 2015 • THE CHRONICLE 31 Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Boca Raton, FL Permit No. 37 333 SW 4th Avenue | Boca Raton, FL 33432 CURRENT RESIDENT OR DATED MATERIAL | PLEASE RUSH A Reform congregation affiliated with The Union for Reform Judaism Joshua M. Berlin, M.D. Board Certified in Dermatology Specializing in All Forms of Dermatology Care and Skin Surgery Trained at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio in Dermatology And The Berlin Center for Medical Aesthetics Offering Cosmetic & Laser Skin Treatments • Fraxel® • Chemical Peels • Micro Dermabrasion • Facials • Age Spots BeThesDA heAlTh CiTy / BoynTon BeACh 10301 Hagen Ranch Road • Entrance “D” – Suite 930 561-739-5252 IntellIgent SkIncare For a lIFetIme Member of Temple Beth el of Boca Raton 32 THE CHRONICLE | tbeboca.org
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