Ambulatory Organizer for Providers and Nurses 2.13.14

Ambulatory Organizer for Providers and Nurses
The purpose of the Ambulatory Organizer MPage view is to provide a simple, comprehensive view for ambulatory
physicians to efficiently access and manage their patient schedule, documentation and charges. It provides a snapshot of
the current day's appointments, as well as a long-term calendar of appointments, and outstanding tasks for charges and
The Day View
The image below is an example of what you see when first logging on to the Ambulatory Organizer MPage view on the
Day View
1. Click Add
2. Type and
Search for the
provider or
3. Highlight the
4. Click OK
5. Open the dropdown menu
again; and select
your name (or
repeat steps 1-4
to add additional
resources or
another provider.
6. Click Apply
A drop-down arrow is displayed next to the Patients for field: and provides the opportunity to add as many physicians
resources or locations into the drop down menu as desired, but allows selecting only up to five physicians on the Day View;
one physician on the Calendar view; or one physician on the Open Items view.
Below is an example of a provider’s Day View.
NOTE: If only 1 provider is selected on the Day View (no locations either), no provider name is displayed in the
Appointment time column.
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Viewing Multiple Providers / Locations in the Day View
(Patient Names have been blurred for confidentiality)
In the examples below, we are using Dr. Ruplinger as the Provider who is logged into PowerChart with the UP GM Family
Medicine Blue team displaying patients as well. The BOLD colors on the left side indicate these are her patients.
(Ex. 7:45am, 8:00am, 8:30am and 9:30am)
When the status is
manually updated with
a <Seen By> selection;
the color staus bar
Bold colors
indicate these
patients belong to
In this example,
“you” is Dr.
Lighter colors
indicate these
patients are not
“your” patients.
In this example,
this is not Dr.
patient; but is
Dr. Moore’s
When the status is
manually updated with a
Seen By Nurse; the
entire row is colored light
Color Status Bar Indicators
If the color is:
Dark Gray
Light Gray
Light Orange
Dark Orange
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Light Green
It is your patient and the patient has checked out
The patient has been cancelled -- doesn’t distinguish between your
patient or another provider’s patient
This patient has been seen by a provider – but is not your patient
This patient has been seen by a provider & is your patient
This patient has NOT been seen by anyone – but is not your patient
This patient has NOT been seen by anyone & is your patient
A nurse has seen the patient – and the entire row is green
Example in above screen shot
7:45am 17 yr old patient of Dr. Ruplinger
8:00am 76 yr old patient of Dr. Wen
8:15am 66 yr old patient of Dr. Ruplinger
8:00am 62 yr old patient of Dr. Moore
8:00am 50 yr old patient of Dr. Ruplinger
9:20am 50 yr old patient of Dr. Moore
9:30am 65 yr old patient of Dr. Ruplinger
11:00am 16 yr old patient of Dr. Garrett
Only the providers themselves who have patients on the schedule will see the light / dark differences.
NOTE: If only 1 provider is selected on the Day View (no locations either), no physician or provider name is displayed in the
Appointment time column.
Hovering over the
Patient’s name will give
you additional Patient
Information in a pop-up
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Viewing the Task Indicators
This white “light”
indicator means there are
outstanding actions (or
tasks for nursing) for this
The Red time indicates
there are multiple
patients scheduled for
this same time with the
same provider
Hover over the Color Status bar to view current day tasks
Notice this is also a link; when
clicked it opens to Document
Viewing inside this patient’s
If the note has been started
and saved; click Note Saved
to open the note itself
Adding free text comments in the Notes column
A note specific to an appointment, for use while in the Ambulatory Organizer today, can be entered and viewed in the
Patient Notes column. An inactive icon (gray or dithered) indicates there is not a note or comment. An active icon (light
yellow) indicates there is at least one note. These notes are removed each night through a ops job. They are only viewable
on the Day View.
Click the Notes icon to
open the Comments
window to add
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Viewing the Timeline
A timeline will be displayed on the right side of Day View (either automatically if the screen resolution is permitting, or
through a collapse and expand button). The timeline keeps the present time in focus
with an orange line as a marker so the physician can quickly
see where they are in relation to the current time. (The
timeline does not interfere with the details available on the
details area of this view.)
The timeline will not be displayed or expanded when more than
one resource is selected to display.
Patient Status and Status Colors
The Patient Status column displays the status of the appointment or patient, which corresponds to the status color for the
Some status colors change automatically:
• Light Blue – when the visit is scheduled
• Bright Blue – when the visit is arrived in IDX or Checked In from the Home/Schedule View
• Orange – when an Attending, Resident, APRN, PA, Fellow signs an order or saves/signs a note
• White (with line color gray) – when the visit is canceled or no showed
• Dark Gray – when the visit is checked out from the Home/Schedule view
Others change manually using the Status drop-down menu:
• Orange – when any of the following statuses are selected
o Seen by Med Student
o Seen by Mid-Level
o Seen by Physician
o Seen by Resident
• Green (with line color green) – when “Seen By Nurse” is selected
• Green ( with line color white) – when “PROVIDER NEEDED” is selected
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Setting the Patient’s Location
Click the location drop-down menu under the status display to set the patient’s location:
Calendar View
Both a single day and a week are available on the Calendar view. The calendar is displayed in 30 minute increments, and
the same orange line marker that is displayed in the Day View Timeline is displayed on the Calendar view to show the
current time. (Patient Names have been blurred for confidentiality)
Click directly on the date
range to display the
The color status here
on the Calendar
view is the same as
on the My Day view
Use the arrows to
change the date
This Orange Box outline
indicates the current day
in the weekly view
The Orange Line
indicates the current time
of day
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Open Items View
Open Items view displays a count of patients that have unfinished items remaining. All reminder tasks need to be
completed for the appointment in order for the appointment to drop off the Open Items view. All qualifying reminders are
displayed for yesterday and 6 prior days until the appointment has no remaining unfinished tasks. The color status bar will
display gray with a light indicator for all appointments on the Open Items view.
The patient name is a link to the patient’s chart. Note Saved will link to the note itself and Note Not Started is link to
Document Viewing in this view as well as the Day View. Using the Patient link or Note link will ensure you are opening to
the correct visit.
If the note has been started and
saved; click Note Saved to open
the note itself
Click Patient’s Name
to open the chart
Click Note Not Started to
open to Document Viewing
inside this patient’s chart.
This notification indicates
the note is ready for the
Attending’s Addendum.
Once the addendum is
added, this Action will
drop off this list
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